Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 235

Chapter 235 – The Last


As the explosion went off, the hall turned into pandemonium. People rushed towards the exits to evacuate while mages entered in the opposite direction. The massive flow of intertwining crowds shook the surroundings dizzyingly.


“Hurry up and clear the way! Damn it!”

“It’s alright. Please stay calm and exit slowly.”

“It’s dangerous. One at a time, please!”

“Aaagh! It hurts! It hurts!”

“Careful, please be care- urgh!”

People were falling helplessly all over, causing screams to erupt here and there. The chaos was extraordinary – too raw and unfiltered for what should be the reaction of high-ranking individuals.

Romandro let out a deep sigh and shouted:

“The Ministry of Magic will subdue this. Maintain your composure and dignity!”

“They say it’s a demon, a demon!”

“Everyone move aside! Exit in order of rank!”

It was understandable. This was the Great Empire of Bariel. Compared to other countries, it had suffered almost no damage from demons, and these were people who had enjoyed the highest quality of life even in peacetime.

It meant they had only consumed information about demons as mere gossip. Some may have subconsciously not even believed demons really existed.


Boom! Bang!

Ian’s attack aimed precisely at Arsen’s heart.

But the child deflected it with a small gesture. The two colliding forces repelled each other and dissipated. Like golden sand scattering in the air. Arsen smiled meaningfully as he watched.

‘What’s this?’

Did he control his power? Because of the light of the oracle nearby? Or the priests? The priests were still breathing. If it’s Ian, he might have hidden other intentions. Or maybe he’s really struggling. Whatever it was, it wasn’t advantageous to him.

Ian smiled along as he observed the demon’s face.

“How foolish. You’re thinking about how to survive.”

At Ian’s signal, the mages began drawing magic circles. Incantation circles were being drawn in front of all exits leading outside, including windows and main gates. It was like setting up invisible walls.

“I’ve told you myself several times. If you’re a demon, I’ll kill you. This place will be the last where you step foot in a human body.”

Zzzzing! Zing!

The mages activated the magic circles, and the priests joined in to add divine power. This demon had been recorded since the founding of the nation. Simply piercing its heart wouldn’t be enough.

Above all, what if it left another curse when it died? It could allow demons to infiltrate the imperial family again someday. For now, the best course of action was to completely cut out and burn the rotten wood.


With each flash of light imbuing the incantation circles, Arsen felt his breath becoming more and more restricted. As the demon tried to flee in surprise, Ian quickly created dozens of concentric circles.


As the activation formula flashed, the floor split apart. Magic power surged through the shattered cracks, then targeted Arsen’s position from the ceiling to trap him.

Bang! Boom!

When Arsen tried to extinguish the light, Ian unleashed attacks relentlessly. Just like stealing one’s gaze, moderately and slowly.

Arsen quickly looked around and spotted Dilaina, who had fainted and was being supported by guards. They were just about to leave the hall.


Twang – a ringing in the back of his head. Dilaina’s head jerked back sharply. Jin turned around in surprise to see Arsen looking at them with tears in his eyes. The guards tried to pull away in confusion but were stuck as if bound by something.

“Mother. Are you going to abandon me? Just like you did with Jin, are you going to do the same to me, your only remaining child?”


“Arsen! Please, stop!”

As Dilaina writhed in agony, Jin shouted angrily. It was an anger that had become sticky from being suppressed for a lifetime. Ah, so that’s it! Arsen cried out, filled with joy as if he had found his prey.

“Jin! Shall I tell you something interesting?”



Arsen’s gaze was fixed on Jin. Just as Ian was about to condense his magic power to block the demon’s whispers.

From somewhere, the Three Commanders’ Beols swiftly flew in and swung his sword at Arsen’s face. Arsen dodged by twisting his head, but his right ear was torn off.


“You vile creature, how dare you! Disturbing the imperial palace and His Majesty the Emperor-!”

“Commander Beols! Get away! No!”

Beols tried to stab his sword into Arsen as he tumbled backward. But the attack stopped mid-air. Arsen clutched his right ear, panting and shedding tears.

‘Black tears?’

“How dare you! How dare you! This, this-! Uwaaaaah!”


The demon’s scream erupted instantaneously. Beols’ entire body convulsed. It was the vibration created by his body moving on its own and his will trying to resist it.


Brainwashing is the erosion of one’s self. Hence, it was one of the things Ian was most wary of.

The only fortunate thing was that, since it was a child’s body and not a fully grown one, the level of struggle was limited. It wouldn’t be able to brainwash many people simultaneously before losing its life.

That’s why he tried to restrain it without deliberately provoking it, but…


The sword that had been pointed at Arsen suddenly turned towards Beols’ nape. The child showed the whites of his eyes as he spewed out a curse filled with malice.

“I’ll tear you to pieces!”


Beols stabbed his own neck.

Covered in spurting blood, Arsen laughed as if he was about to die. Despite the horrific and terrible scene, somehow his voice sounded too cheerful, creating a sense of dissonance.

“L-Lord Ian. What should we do?”

“…Everyone, don’t stop. Keep drawing the incantation circles. Guards, escort His Highness Jin.”

“Your Highness, we must go. Please let go of Lady Dilaina.”

“L-Listen, listen to mother. You can do that, can’t you.”

“We’re bound by an unknown force. Come this way!”

At Ian’s command, the guards lifted Jin. The hem of the dress he had been clutching tightly finally slipped from Jin’s hands. It was when Jin was shedding tears, taking in his mother’s appearance until the very last moment.


Even the guards’ footsteps stopped. They stumbled forward, feeling dizzy, and Jin also tumbled and fell to the floor.

“Jin! Listen carefully to what I’m about to say! I’ve never used my ability on your mother!”

Jin, who was getting up, flinched. A flicker of fear appeared on his face. What is this demon with my face saying now?

“Your mother abandoning you was entirely her own choice. Even if it wasn’t me, you would have been abandoned, so don’t blame me needlessly. My poor little brother.”


“It’s not a lie. Have you heard about Ian’s mother, Philea? I used the same ability on her, but Philea resisted until the end, and I failed. If Dilaina had even a little love for you, she wouldn’t have treated you like that.”


As if telling him to shut up, Ian shot a beam of light into his crown. But Arsen, now emboldened, knocked it away with all his might and shouted again. As a bonus, he wore a pure expression of innocence, as if there wasn’t a shred of lie in his words.

“One more thing!”

“Your Highness. It’s all lies. Cover your ears and leave.”

“Ian, that one’s a member of the imperial family! Hahaha!”


Isn’t that too sudden and baseless? It was a well-known fact to everyone that Ian’s father was Dergha and his mother was Philea. Even the mages who had been endlessly drawing incantation circles stopped in surprise.

Ian was condensing his magic power to the maximum with an impassive gaze. As if thinking it would be best to blow off that thing’s head.

“Jin. You didn’t know? Why would Ian help someone like you? It’s because he has his own agenda! Once he kills me and only you remain, he’ll surely reveal it! He’s more dangerous than me, so be careful! Ahahahaha!”


Ian’s attack pierced Arsen’s nape. The child bent over, spewing black blood, but didn’t stop laughing. Surprisingly, his voice remained clear and unchanged.

“If you don’t believe me, shall I show you?”

“Huk! Urgh!”


“L-Lord Ian. This is, ugh.”

“Wait, step back! Kheuk!”

Arsen melted. It was because he had used up all the power that had been maintaining his human form. Only his head and a palpitating heart remained on top of the viscous liquid.

“Only those of imperial blood are blessed to be immune to mind control! Look! Jin, my little brother! Who’s standing here unaffected!”

All the mages fell forward, crying out in pain. The priests, surrounded by divine power, had reacted even faster and had long since fainted.

Jin looked around, stepping backward. Only Jin and Ian. Only the two of them were breathing in the face of that demon’s breath.

“Lord Ian?”

“…Your Highness.”

Instead of answering, Ian grabbed Jin’s shoulder and pushed him back. Jin, who had been retreating slowly, step by step, suddenly realized he was outside the door.

“Lord Ian!”

“I’ll see you later. Is there no one there!”

“Your Highness, this way!”

“Lord Ian! Wait!”



Jin tried to shake off the guards and approach Ian, but he couldn’t. Because of the door that closed coldly. Or perhaps because of Ian’s inscrutable gaze.


Every time Arsen, now reduced to just a head, laughed, his heart throbbed violently.

Ian walked through the fallen people. With each step, ripples spread, creating new incantation circles. Unlike the mages who had drawn them one by one, he was creating new ones just by perceiving them.


“As expected of a demon, you’re despicable to the end. I can’t send you off gently. Feel all the pain you can feel before you go.”

“Ha, hahaha!”

Arsen started panting. As Ian picked up a sword lying on the floor, even Arsen’s face began to melt away. It was his own way of preparing for a desperate last stand.

“I thought I was fortunate to meet you now. Because as time passed, your evil would have grown stronger and become more troublesome. But no. You should have died ten years ago, right after you were born. No. Before that, you shouldn’t have been born at all.”

“…Ian. I have something to tell you too.”

A poisonous aura rose from the melting liquid. As the energy grew denser, Ian frowned. It was unbearably nauseating.

“You will never get what you want. Because I know. The next Bariel is calling for Jin.”

That is why I came down as Jin’s sibling. It’s a warning that if you’re coveting the imperial throne, it won’t go as you wish.

Ian gripped the sword again and walked as if it was only natural.

“That’s good. I too think Jin should be in Bariel’s future.”


At this, Arsen cried out urgently and surrounded himself with even more poisonous energy. It was too toxic to be repelled by magic power. This must be Arsen’s origin. The bottom of the curse that had continued since the founding of the nation.

“G-Go ahead and stab me! If you kill me, you’ll die too. And if you die, Jin won’t last long either!”

Ian looked down at the palpitating heart in silence. If he died, he could imagine what Jin’s position in the imperial palace would be like afterward. Hayman and others, those hyena-like people would try to devour the young prince.

But what if he couldn’t deal with Arsen here?

‘Time is on Arsen’s side.’

He would regenerate and ensnare Jin again. Furthermore, he would cause Bariel to decline. Beyond Arsen, other demons would seep into the imperial palace.

“…Demon. That’s not even a choice worth considering.”

Zzzing. Zing!

Ian drew out all the power in his body. Then, the magic circles drawn all over the hall ignited simultaneously and rushed towards Ian’s sword. Like the flow of the universe, countless lights moved distantly, enveloping Ian.


At the moment Arsen’s poisonous energy leaped up as if refusing its final moment.



The hall’s door opened. Ian turned around, holding his sword raised in the air.

“Quite a heated party for broad daylight.”

It was Gale. Despite Arsen’s demonic energy permeating the hall, he walked in without issue. He flicked his cigarette and greeted.

“Mind if I join in?”

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