Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 – Consider it an Honor

“Your Highness Gale, have you finished?”

Philea murmured dejectedly. Despite the imperial chef putting his heart and soul into preparing the meal since dawn, its intended recipient refused it without so much as lifting a finger.

By the looks of it, he hadn’t even touched the knife and fork. It was clear that the doctor would be furious, unable to administer any medication.


Seemingly oblivious to the concern of those around him, Gale lay in bed, just smoking his cigarettes. With each exhale of “hoo,” long wisps of white smoke dissipated.

Since Philea entered the room, his gaze hadn’t left her once. Philea was well aware of this and tried her best to pretend not to notice, but…

“…Ah, I can’t.”

Due to his persistent and tenacious nature, she finally raised the white flag. When Philea suddenly blurted this out, Gale shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

“What? I didn’t say anything.”

“You want me to go with you to the magic confirmation ceremony, don’t you? I can’t. I don’t have the authority. I can’t help until Ian gives permission. I’m sorry.”

“Philea. Do you consider your son to be above the prince? Impressive. Being the mother of such a person, you must be so precious that I can’t even look at you.”

“Th-That’s not what I meant…”

As Philea stumbled over her words awkwardly, Gale let out a low chuckle. Could this woman, who couldn’t even handle a mischievous joke, really have given birth to Ian? If it weren’t for their strikingly similar appearances, he would never have believed it.

Just then, there was a sound of movement, and Nersarn appeared.


“Lord Nersarn.”

It was a call to wrap things up and leave. Philea turned to look at Gale as she set down the dishes. As if it was time to go. In the meantime, he had lit a new cigarette.

“Hey. Desert warrior.”

“…Yes, Your Highness Gale.”

It was rare for Gale to address Nersarn directly. Not only was there the difference in status between the empire’s prince and a minority ethnic group from the frontier, but Philea also acted as an intermediary between them.

“Ian said my half-brother is a demon, didn’t he?”

“That’s correct.”

“And he declared that one of them would die today.”

Philea felt her heart drop with a thud. It was truly a terrifying and frightening statement. She still couldn’t believe that Ian had risked his life to kill someone.

At times she wondered if the imperial palace had always been like this, but on the other hand, she felt sorry that he had something so precious that he was willing to risk his life for. Just as she regarded Ian in that way, Ian must also regard something in the same manner.

“That is also correct.”

“Arsen is my half-brother. If Ian doesn’t die, Arsen will die. Don’t I have the right to see the last moments of my family?”

Nersarn pondered how to respond. The political situation in the imperial palace changed almost daily. There must be a reason why Gale was acting like this, but he couldn’t figure it out. They had been cooped up in a separate palace under the pretext of protecting Gale and to avoid causing trouble if the empire’s citizens saw him. Unless Ian informed them, their information was bound to be limited.

“I apologize.”

So the conclusion was simple. Refusal.

As Nersarn and Philea were about to leave the bedroom, they heard the sound of a drawer opening. Gale straightened his upper body and rummaged around as if looking for something.


“I understand you’re doing this for your son’s safety.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“And I understand that you’ve drawn the line at ‘no’ for now, since the imperial palace isn’t as easily comprehensible as the frontier.”


“I have business not only with Arsen but with Ian as well.”

“Then please tell me. I will convey every word without omission.”

“Hmm. That won’t do. Do you know what these are?”

Small pieces of paper wedged between the prince’s index and middle fingers. Aside from being crumpled, they were covered in food stains.

Nersarn looked back at Philea, but she shook her head, indicating she didn’t know either.

“These are traces of the traitors Ian weeded out using my name.”

As soon as rumors spread that he would seek asylum in Ruswena, the reactions were immediate. Notes were slipped between food items at every meal, and carrier pigeons tapped on the windows at all hours.

“Some revealed their names, while others didn’t. But a handwriting analysis or an investigation by the Ministry of Magic could easily identify their owners.”

Gale demonstratively burned one of the notes with his cigarette. The paper instantly blazed up before crumbling into ashes. His smile was like that of a child playing with fire.

“If you don’t take me with you, I’ll burn all of these.”

“Your Highness, this is truly troublesome!”

“Philea, don’t worry. Ian will be in the most trouble, having to trust his back to comrades who might be carrying hidden knives.”

It was a threat involving his son. Even if Ian returned alive from the magic confirmation ceremony, what use would it be if traitors were lurking around him? He would soon face another crisis.


Gale flicked a jewel towards Philea. Unable to react, Nersarn caught it in mid-air on her behalf.

“If you want, I’ll give you jewels too. Even confined like this, I’m still the empire’s prince. Providing as much wealth as you two desire is no problem. Desert warrior, aren’t you something of a tribal leader? I imagine you know well how much warmth a plentiful treasury can bring to spring.”

“We don’t need such things. I just want what my son-“

“Hahaha! Your face is all red.”

“I want what my son wants.”

“Yes. This is what your son wants.”

The scraps of paper fluttered at Gale’s fingertips.

Cogitation was, as far as God allowed, humanity’s own flawless sanctuary. Identifying traitors meant invading and thoroughly searching that place.

It was a task of having to read and doubt the hearts of allies, not enemies. Wasn’t it truly difficult, arduous, and delicate work?

“Why do you think Ian did this? The Ministry of Magic knows how to neutralize truth potions. I benefited from that a bit. So without these papers, it seems they might have a hard time.”

Nersarn inwardly heaved a sigh. It wasn’t just about the notes; it didn’t seem like the prince would give up even if they turned back now. What if he caused trouble once out of their sight?

“Please tell me one thing truthfully.”


“How do you intend to go?”


It was almost as good as acceptance. Gale tidied himself up and put on his outer garment. The bundle of notes went into an inner pocket. Finally, he checked his cigarette case with a faint smile.

“In my view, now is the most opportune time. Don’t you think God would agree?”


Due to Gale’s participation, the schedule was slightly delayed. They changed to a larger carriage, brought along warriors just in case, and dressed them in imperial attire.

Gale realized it had been a very long time since he’d been out. Although traces of his fierce battle with Mariv remained here and there, the imperial palace still looked as it had been ingrained in his memory throughout his life.


The carriage shook, but Gale’s gaze remained steady. He simply gazed in awe at the peach-colored castle walls, golden patterns, and well-laid red bricks.

Ah. The imperial palace was this beautiful. Gale bit his lip hard, deliberately erasing the memories that surfaced. Memories sometimes create regrets, after all.

“We’re almost there, Lord Nersarn.”

“Huh? But everyone there…”

“Just a moment. We should stop around here, shouldn’t we? There are so many people that the carriage won’t be able to enter.”

A crowd swarmed in front of the Ministry of Magic. Carriages, guards, and disheveled nobles and officials were tangled up, creating a commotion.

It was a chaotic situation, but strangely, everyone was looking in one direction. Philea naturally turned her head to follow their gaze.

“What, what could that be?”

An eerie black energy descending the stairs of the Ministry of Magic. As if warning people not to approach, it drew a distinct boundary.

Philea got out of the carriage with an ominous expression and looked around.

“Lord Ian! Lord Ian! Let go of this! I said let go!”

“Sir Romandro!”

“Let goooo! Mother and Ian are inside!”

“You can’t, Your Highness. Please!”

Not far away, Jin was struggling to shake off the guards. He kicked and shouted to be let go, to be left alone, but no one could do so. Jin was now the only remaining heir.

Philea grabbed Romandro’s arm and shouted.

“What’s going on? Sir Romandro!”

“Lady Philea! Huk, you see…”

“Philea! Lord Ian is inside. Arsen will kill Lord Ian. Why is everyone just watching?”

“Oh my, Your Highness, please calm down.”

Several soldiers who had tried to approach the building were already sprawled on the ground. They couldn’t get close without their heads feeling like they were about to split open and becoming dizzy, so there was no solution.

The Ministry of Magic was trying to come up with countermeasures, but all the high-ranking officials were inside. It was truly a troublesome situation.


At that moment, Gale took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. At the quiet call, Jin turned around hesitantly.

Why was Brother Gale here?

“It’s noisy.”


“Is Arsen really a demon?”


“I see. So he was.”

Gale stared into space for a moment. Not just himself, but the fate of a child born alongside a demon was truly tragic. He took a breath, then without hesitation, stepped into the poisonous energy.

“Your Highness Gale!”

“Why is His Highness here?”

“He went into the poisonous energy!”

“My goodness, what on earth…”

It was a bit suffocating, but not particularly dizzying or difficult. Gale climbed the stairs and glanced back briefly. Then he threw the bundle of notes he had kept in his breast pocket to Philea and said goodbye.

“Philea. Thank you for dining with me all this time.”

“Your Highness?”

“When Ian comes out, give these to him.”

“Your Highness!”

With that, Gale ran up the stairs. People who hadn’t managed to evacuate were collapsed here and there. A quiet space. Gale bit down hard on his cigarette and walked slowly.

-O cursed one, you cannot defy fate. Die for Bariel of your own accord. Then glory will descend upon the world.

He had been waiting for this moment since the day he saw the oracle. He was a prince of Bariel, after all. Rather than returning to the wind like Mariv, it was better to face death under the glory of the world.

Even if it wouldn’t be recorded in history, the glory would remain.

“G-Go ahead and stab me! If you kill me, you’ll die too. And if you die, Jin won’t last long either!”

…Is that Arsen’s voice? What a truly disgusting voice. He followed the sound and soon pushed open the door leading into the hall.



“Quite a heated party for broad daylight. Mind if I join in?”

Mysterious light filled the hall. For a moment, Gale thought he might be in heaven.

Ian, who had been holding his sword aloft, turned around, and the palpitating heart in front of him burst with poisonous energy.

“What is this?”

“Do you remember the new oracle that came down?”


The cigarette flicked. It would be the last smoke he exhaled.

“It might not be Your Highness’s oracle.”

“It doesn’t matter. If I say it is, then it is.”

Gale picked up a sword that had fallen to the floor and slowly approached Ian.

“If I die here, I leave behind glory.”

And if he doesn’t die?

“If I don’t die, I will have dealt with the demon nestled in the imperial palace with my own hands, and that too is glory.”

The blood vessels of the panting heart in the fluid became particularly prominent. Gale calmly aimed the sword at its end. Ian gently grabbed his arm.

“…No one will know.”

Could they record in history that a demon had nestled in the imperial palace? Absolutely not. They would erase every trace completely. The impious past decade would disappear into the light without leaving even a shadow.

So even if Gale sacrificed himself through death, who would know?

“No. God knows.”

Gale smiled as he placed the sword against Arsen’s heart. He signaled Ian to activate his magic power and murmured.

“And you know.”

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