LV999 Villager

Volume 3 - Ch 11.04

The next chapter of Lv999 MAY be postponed one week (I have my reasons to postpone it). Im not sure if it will be postponed or not, it all depends on how busy I am.

NT: Sorry for the delay, Ive been a little lazy lately.

NT2: Hows everything around here? Meh, just like always. Some calm, then some chaos, and then again the calm and the cycle repeat.

The same goes for my University, although at this point, that is already a lost case (I possibly ended up a little busy with some surprise work from my professors soon).

Earthis a different place from what isEarth Clear this is not a place where humans can live

Bu-But Im sure I saw people living normally outside when I looked through the window

Alice said, bowing her head in confusion, as she remembered seeing people living a more advanced life than lived inEarth Clearoutside.

That is only possible in this place. Do you know that we are underground? If we went to the surface we would be instantly killed

Everyone was out of breath at the moment when Cruz said those words with a look that implied he wasnt joking.

To begin with, we are currently in the center of Tokyo, a city placed in a country called Japan. You,Earth Clearresidents, could consider this as being in the Capital City of the Kingdom of Hexaldoria

Eh? Japan and Tokyo arent those the names Hexaldoria had in the past?

That was the name that Hexaldoria once had, which was only remembered because of the fantasy stories that everyone knew. Palna, without realizing it, began to sweat the moment she heard that this place, where they appeared after heading to the Next Stage, had that fantasy name.

Wa-Wait a moment, are we in the past? Are we in the world before Hexaldoria was founded?

No,EarthandEarth Clearare completely different worlds. However, it is not as if there were no things they shared For the sake of facilitating the understanding of this place, we sneak some things and names that served to connectEarthandEarth Clear The myths that have spread throughout the world have also been prepared so that those who come to this place have more facility to understand the situation

The moment she heard that, Alice felt invaded by the same sensation she had felt when she looked through the window. Yes, he was right, in this world were also some things she remembered seeing before somewhere inEarth Clear. No, Alice felt as if the things that existed in this world had been mixed unnoticed with the things that existed inEarth Clear. After thinking a little about that, she finally began to realize what was causing her discomfort.

It was theGame Centers. Alice could clearly remember the moment she saw one when she visited a Human City for the first time.

When you says some things sneaked in, do you mean to theGame Center?

TheGame Centerhuh Yes, we could say that it is one of the things we sneak in, but, if you pay attention, there is also another thing that would make it easier to realize the relationship betweenEarthandEarth Clear, for example, the terrain of each one of the continents ofEarthandEarth Clearare almost completely the same. Even the conditions and atmosphere outside are the same for both worlds. And as inEarth Clear, this is the only place that managed to survive in addition to the United States* and Russia

NT: Cruz refers to the United States as America but I dont like to call the United States America.

Ah? What do you mean by that? United States? Russia? I had never heard of them before

Krull asked after hearing the names United States and Russia, on the other hand, Palna, who seemed to have noticed something, began to reflect.

InEarth Clearthere should be a Kingdom called Gridonia instead of the country called the United States, and similarly, there should also be a Kingdom called Forthia instead of the country called Russia

Krull and Palna were surprised after hearing those words. They remembered reading about those two kingdoms in the books that were in the Royal Capital.

It was said that inEarth Clearthere were 196 countries, however, after the arrival of theMonstersand the Demons, these were reduced to 3. One of them was the Kingdom of Hexaldoria, and the other two were the Kingdom of Gridonia and the Kingdom of Forthia.

It cant be you mean this world too?

Krulls gaze hardened after hearing those words, which exposed the great relationship that existed betweenEarthandEarth Clear.

As expected of a Sage. It is as you imagine in this world there are only 3 countries. Japan, the United States and Russia. The other countries perished, and those who managed to survive escaped to these shelters

What happened in this world?

Cruz was silent for a few moments after hearing those questions, then, soon after, he began to remember the day it all started.

You what do you think about theMonsters?]

Everyone got confused at the moment when Cruz asked them that question.

Then they began to look at each other, trying to think about how they should respond, until Tina decided to raise her hand fearfully, and replied, They are the Enemy. Dangerous creatures who are not willing to give us a break.

What would you do if you ran into aMonster?

Fight against it if I can beat it. If I cant do it alone, then I will seek help to defeat it

What would you do if you couldnt defeat it?

After hearing that last question, Tina, overwhelmed by the tension, involuntarily hid behind Rex, then, reluctantly, and with a lot of cold sweat falling from her forehead, replied, I would run away from it.

That is the current situation here inEarth. Think that all human beings who are not fromEarth Clear are in Level 1. In addition, each of them has the Role of Villager

Takako finally understood the situation. Why were they calledHeroesEiy? Why did the residents of this world make theMonsterslook like a much greater threat than they were inEarth Clear?

TheMonsters are not a big deal in my opinion. But if everyone is only Level 1, then theMonsterswould surely pose a great threat

Thats right they appeared a few hundred years ago. We were unable to defeat them with the powerful weapons that had been created by the scientists of that time. Every time we created something new, hoping to fight those creatures, they simply surpassed us again. Our opponents were so powerful that they could completely overwhelm our weapons we couldnt win. We got to the extreme of creating humanoid weapons and Super Robots capable of fighting those powerful enemies, but still the scientists of that time did not know what to do

Everyone looked away with an unfortunate expression on their faces after imagining the screams and despair of the people of that time. Then, Cruz said, It was not yet time for me to mention the weapons], while letting out a sigh and a sad laugh.

NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments

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