LV999 Villager

Chapter 10.10

Pack (02/02)

NT: Now i dont realy know about what should i talk this time had i talked about the Negligence Syndrome or the Hemispatial neglect I dont really know what you call it so yeah i think i hadnt talked about this to you alright, i guess the next week i will be telling you about it.

(Its like, now I stop caring about being very original with these notes at the beginning of each chapter, i mean, i just copy and paste the note in all the chapters that I upload today huh)

Youve been putting on a long face all the time, Menou-san. You didnt have to come if it bothered you so much

What are you saying? Who will protect Alice-sama besides me?

Tina silently pointed to Takako in response to Menous words. On the other hand, Menou simply kept walking, without saying a word, while looking at the person to whom Tina pointed.

Menou, slightly regretful of having proposed a way for everyone to move on to the Next Stage a week ago, continued walking along the small forest that stretched south of the Royal Capital. The Monsters that appeared were quite weak, and the trees had not overflowed the place, in fact, that place, the Sacred Forest, had no particularly striking features besides the refreshing atmosphere that surrounded it.

So? Why are you so upset? Is there a particular reason?

Well yes, there is. Several in fact

The origin of Menous Anxiety was the Dark Dragon. At least, three years ago, the Dark Dragon had shown himself as someone who attached great importance to the rules. He had not even been willing to allow Kagami to move on to the Next Stage despite having demonstrated that he possessed the qualities he sought only because he had not fulfilled the necessary conditions.

NT: I just realized that Dark Dragon is written as Dkudoragn, I mean, Dark Dragon in Katakana in the Raw I guess its already a little late to change it (i was translating it into spanish, in the spanish version of course, these whole time, when i should had put it into english) huh

In addition, Menou also clearly remembered that the Dark Dragon had said that the Demons could not move to the Next Stage. In other words, even if they managed to convince the Dark Dragon to let them go to the next stage, there was still the possibility that he and Alice, a Demons, were not allowed to do it.

If that happened, Alice and Menou would have no choice but to separate from the others and return to the village of the Demons. Menou didnt dislike that idea too much, but Alice would feel lonely. For that reason, Menou was not at all comfortable with the proposal he had made.

But if the world gets Reset, it will be the end for us. Thats why I want Kagami-dono to return safely. And to achieve that, it is best that everyone go looking for him, but in order to do that, we first need to persuade the Dark Dragon

Fufufu, leave that to me. If its about persuading someone, then Im very good at it. I will definitely send you all to the Next Stage

Despite Menous anxiety, David had no problem saying those enthusiastic words with a hopeful look.

Eh? David-san wont come with us?

Tina asked as she bowed her head after noticing something strange in Davids way of speaking.

Unlike you, my level is only 77. Even if I accompanied you, i would only be a hindrance Besides, Kagami-sama entrusted me the casino. I must make sure to keep it running until his return

After hearing those words, Takako opened her eyes wide in surprise, on the other hand, Menou showed a look of relief.

Are you okay with that?

Thats right, so Ill leave Alice-sama in charge of you. I would also like to ask you to take care of Krull-sama too

Palna let out a laugh, acting as if what David said was the most natural, while entering into the Sacred Forest. Krull, Tina and Alice showed a lonely look for a moment, but quickly recomposed as they said, Okay, just make sure you go back home safely, in an attempt to change the mood as they began to follow Palna with enthusiasm.

We have arrived

Shortly after entering the Sacred Forest, Menou stopped at a certain place and said that while looking around.

Theres nothing here, are you sure that the entrance to the dungeon where the Dark Dragon is located is here? I was not with you at that time, but here doesnt seem to be anything like an entry

Its here, underground. The Dungeon is an Underground Dungeon

I see so thats why Menou told me that I should bring a shovel. It would be hard to get to the dungeon without it

Then, Rex took the shovel that was inside his backpack and said, Ill take care of it, as he began to dig. Then, approximately two hours later, Rexs hands stopped.

The ground is it regenerating?

It is necessary to overcome that to get to the Dungeon where the Dark Dragon is located. Last time, Kagami-dono just overcome it using his skill, Limit Release. Im not sure if we can really get over that, but even so

After hearing that, Rex muttered, Tell me that before I started digging, while dropping a drop of sweat from his forehead.

NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments

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