LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 117: Tribal Constraint / R18

Lyerin's eyes bore into Sophia's, a smoldering intsity simmering beath his calm exterior.

He could feel her every breath, sse the turmoil brewing within her. Her body was tse, every muscle wound tight as if ready to spring away at the slightest provocation. But she didn't move.

She remained in his arms, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath.

Although it might have seemed like Lyerin was being driv purely by some primal urge, he was acutely aware of everything that was happing.

His mind was clear, every thought deliberate.

He knew exactly what Sophia was feeling—her confusion, her fear, and the strange pull she felt toward him despite her better judgmt.

Lyerin was no stranger to such situations; in fact, he was more than prepared for them.

After all, he had lived for a hundred thousand years, accumulating knowledge and experice that no ordinary human could ev fathom.

The system's mission rang in his mind, reminding him of the task at hand.

It had giv him a clear directive: show leadership, ev in seduction.

Rape, manipulation, and control were forbidd.

The mission wasn't just about achieving a goal; it was about maintaining a delicate balance of power and respect.

It was about mastering the art of leadership, which extded ev to momts like this.

To someone as seasoned as Lyerin, it wasn't a challge; it was an opportunity to demonstrate the kind of man he was.

He knew that m in a woman's life could be categorized into three types:

Followers, Invaders, and Leaders.

Followers were the ones who waited passively, always seeking permission and fearing conflict.

They were depdable, but their subservice oft led to them being looked down upon by wom.

In modern terms, they were oft labeled as "beta males."

Invaders, on the other hand, took what they wanted by force, disregarding a woman's feelings or autonomy. They were the ones who killed the m and sons of other tribes, claiming their wom as trophies of conquest.

These m might be attractive to wom at first because of their aggressive confidce, but their lack of respect and empathy oft led to fear and restmt.

But th there were Leaders, the type the system demanded Lyerin to embody.

Leaders were respectful but firm.

They knew what was best for themselves and those who depded on them, and they acted decisively.

They didn't need to dominate through fear or control; their strgth lay in their confidce and their ability to protect and guide others.

Wom were drawn to leaders because they offered security without stripping away dignity, love without subjugation.

Lyerin understood this dynamic intimately.

That's why, ev though he could have easily tak what he wanted from Sophia at this momt, he held back.

It wasn't about force or submission; it was about connection, about drawing her to him of her own free will. He needed her to see the leader in him, to feel it, and to want it.

This was a delicate dance, one that required patice and finesse, and Lyerin was more than equipped to perform it.

His thoughts raced, the urgcy of the situation pushing him to act swiftly, but with control. "Fast, fast, fast," he muttered under his breath, though his expression remained calm and serious.

He needed to leave soon, to take care of the many threats and responsibilities waiting for him. But first, there was Sophia, and the mission demanded that he handle this with the utmost care.

Sophia's voice trembled as she finally found the courage to speak. "But you have Corora… and I have a boyfrid," she stammered, the words spilling out as if she needed to remind herself of the facts, to g herself in reality.

"I know," Lyerin responded, his voice steady and firm, showing of the internal conflict he was managing.

He leaned in closer, his lips just inches from hers. His breath mingled with hers, and he could see the uncertainty in her eyes, the war raging within her betwe her loyalty to her boyfrid and the inexplicable attraction she felt toward Lyerin.

Lyerin's next words were soft, barely above a whisper, but they carried the weight of his intt. "Push me away if you don't feel like it."

He was giving her a choice, a chance to stop this if she truly didn't want it.

This was the essce of leadership—offering a path, but allowing her the freedom to decide.

But Sophia didn't push him away.

Instead, she hesitated, her body betraying her as she leaned slightly into him, her lips parting in anticipation.

The tsion betwe them was palpable, a living thing that thrummed with every heartbeat, every shallow breath.

She wanted to resist, to stay true to her boyfrid, but the pull was too strong.

The way Lyerin looked at her, the way he made her feel—like she was the only woman in the world—was too powerful to ignore.

She craved it! She wanted it!

The momt stretched on, and Lyerin waited patitly, his gaze never wavering from hers.

He could see the decision forming in her eyes, the internal battle giving way to the undiable attraction she felt. And th, with a sudd resolve, Sophia closed the gap betwe them, pressing her lips against his in a kiss that was both desperate and yielding.

Lyerin responded immediately, his arms tighting a her as he deeped the kiss.

It was a kiss that spoke of more than just desire; it was a claiming, a merging of their wills. He had succeeded in drawing her to him, not through force, but through the quiet strgth and leadership that he exuded. And Sophia, in that momt, surrdered to it completely.

As the kiss intsified, Sophia's hands moved of their own accord, reaching up to touch Lyerin's face, his chest, exploring the hard lines of his body.

She felt like she was losing herself in him, in the way he made her feel both safe and wildly alive at the same time.

The world outside of this momt faded into nothingness, leaving only the two of them, locked in an embrace that felt inevitable.

And th, with a suddness that surprised ev her, Sophia began to undo her own clothing.

The act was both a submission and a declaration, a sign that she was willingly giving herself to him, not because she was forced, but because she wanted to.

The cool air of the night brushed against her skin as she shed her clothes, but all she could feel was the heat radiating from Lyerin, drawing her closer, pulling her deeper into the vortex of their shared desire.

Lyerin watched her, his expression a mixture of triumph and admiration.

This was what it meant to be a leader—to inspire loyalty and desire through respect and strgth, not through fear or domination.

Sophia was his now, in both body and spirit, and she had come to him willingly, drawn by the magnetic force of his presce.

The sce a them seemed to dissolve as they became lost in each other, the rest of the world slipping away as they gave in to the momt.

Lyerin's hands roamed over Sophia's body, his touch firm but gtle, guiding her, leading her deeper into the experice. And Sophia, her resistance completely melted away, followed him, her body responding to his every move with a fervor that surprised ev her.

This was more than just a physical connection; it was a joining of two souls, bound by the unspok understanding that had grown betwe them.

Lyerin had prov himself a leader, not just in battle, but in this most intimate of momts. And Sophia, in giving herself to him, had acknowledged that leadership had chos to follow him not out of fear, but out of respect and desire.

Suddly, Lyerin's would glint, 'This girl is easy,' he thought.

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