LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 116: Primal Tension / R18

Suddly, the atmosphere betwe Lyerin and Sophia shifted like the quiet before a storm, heavy with unspok tsion and charged with an ergy neither of them fully understood.

Lyerin's gaze locked onto Sophia, with an unreadable expression, and for a momt, the world seemed to pause.

Sophia, caught in the intsity of his stare, felt a flutter of unease mingling with something else—something that made her heart beat faster.

"What's going on?" Sophia wondered, trying to make sse of the sudd change in Lyerin's demeanor. But before she could untangle her thoughts, Lyerin moved toward her with a speed that made her breath catch.

Her heart leaped into her throat, a mixture of alarm and anticipation gripping her as he closed the distance betwe them in an instant.

"Lyerin?" she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.

The look in his eyes was differt—there was a hunger there, a deep, magnetic pull that made her feel like she was teetering on the edge of something she couldn't comprehd.

The usually composed and mysterious Lyerin seemed almost... vulnerable in that momt, but there was also an intsity in him that made her pulse race.

He stepped ev closer, so close that Sophia could feel the heat radiating off his body. Her thoughts scrambled, her mind a whirl of confusion and a strange excitemt she couldn't fully grasp.

This was the same Lyerin who had saved them, who had always be distant and untouchable, yet now...

Now, he was looking at her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered.

"Sophia," Lyerin said, his voice low and rough, "you looked good as a human. But now that you've transformed into an Eldritch being, you're ev more stunning." His words were a revelation, spok with such seriousness that Sophia felt them deep in her core.

Her breath hitched, and for a fleeting momt, she wondered if she was imagining things. But the way he looked at her, the sincerity in his gaze—it was so real.

She closed her eyes for a second, trying to steady herself, but curiosity got the better of her.

She peeked through her lashes, and there he was, still staring at her with that same intsity, his expression one of pure admiration.

It felt like a dream, like something out of a fantasy she never knew she had.

Her heart pounded in her chest, the sound of it echoing in her ears as her mind raced to catch up with what was happing.

Is this really happing? she thought, her emotions swirling in a chaotic storm.

Every fiber of her being was hyper-aware of Lyerin, of the way his eyes lingered on her, of the way he made her feel both exhilarated and terrified at the same time.

Her heartbeat quicked, each thump reverberating through her like a drumbeat.

And th, before she could fully process her thoughts, Lyerin moved closer still, so close that his breath brushed against her skin.

Sophia's eyes wided, immediately panic set in as she realized just how close they were.

She didn't know what to do, didn't know how to react.

This was Lyerin—calm, collected, igmatic Lyerin. And yet, here he was, standing inches away from her, with an intse gaze that was locked onto hers as if she were the most captivating thing he had ever se.

"Sophia," he murmured, his voice a rumble that st a shiver down her spine. "Do you really have a boyfrid?"

The question hit her like a jolt of electricity.

What kind of question was that?

Her thoughts scattered, trying to make sse of his questions.

Why would Lyerin ask something like that? But wh she looked into his eyes, any attempt at logical thinking evaporated.

The intsity in his gaze was so overwhelming that it made her feel like she was drowning in it.

Sophia swallowed hard, but she felt her throat were dry. Her mind screamed at her to answer, to say something, anything, but all she could do was stare at him, as if her voice was stol by the tsion betwe them.

The world seemed to narrow to just the two of them, everything else fading into the backg as she stood there, froz under the weight of his question.

Lyerin's eyes bore into hers, as if searching for something deep within her soul. "Do you love your boyfrid?" he asked, his tone deadly serious, the kind of seriousness that made her insides twist with an unexplainable feeling.

The question lingered in the air, heavy and charged, and Sophia felt like the g had just shifted beath her feet.

She wanted to say yes, to declare her love for her boyfrid with all the certainty in the world. But the words wouldn't come.

They were trapped in her throat, lodged there by the way Lyerin was looking at her, as if he could see right through her, as if he knew every secret she had ever kept.

Her boyfrid never looked at her like that, never.

So, the certainty she had once felt began to waver, she could feel her emotions tangling into a confusing knot of loyalty and something much more primal.

Of course she loved her boyfrid—she had loved him for as long as she could remember.

Ev in the face of the apocalypse, their love had be a constant, something that ged her in the chaos.

They were supposed to get married one day, to start a life together despite everything. But standing here, under Lyerin's intse gaze, all of that seemed to blur into the backg, overtak by the heat that was spreading through her body, making her feel things she didn't understand.

Lyerin's expression didn't change, his eyes still locked on hers with that same soul-piercing intsity. "Sophia," he whispered, his voice a low, dangerous murmur, "if you don't like this, if this makes you feel uncomfortable, just take my hand away... because I'm afraid that I just couldn't help it."

His hand brushed against her cheek, his touch sding a bolt of electricity through skin at the cter, all the way down to her stomach.

Her tire body heated up at the contact, a flush spreading across her skin as she felt the warmth of his fingers against her face.

It was a gtle touch, yet it carried a weight that made her knees weak, a touch that made her feel as if the g had fall away beath her.

Sophia's mind screamed at her to pull away, to do something, but her body refused to move.

It was as if she were under a spell, completely tranced by the way Lyerin was looking at her, by the way his hand felt against her skin. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess, a chaotic swirl of emotions she couldn't make sse of.

Why was this happing?

Why was her body reacting like this?

And th, before she could ev begin to find answers to the questions racing through her mind, Lyerin did something that made her heart stop altogether.

He leaned in closer, with his breath ghosting over her lips, and with a smooth, deliberate motion, he slid his arm a her waist.

Sophia barely had time to process what was happing before he lifted her off the g, carrying her effortlessly in his arms.

Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide with shock as she stared up at him.

Lyerin didn't look away, his gaze never leaving hers as he held her close, his expression a mixture of admiration and something far darker.

The world a them faded into nothingness, leaving only the two of them, locked in this momt that felt both surreal and inevitable.

Sophia's heart pounded in her chest, her mind reeling as she tried to make sse of the situation.

However, all she could feel was the heat of Lyerin's body against hers, the strgth in his arms as he held her, and the overwhelming intsity of his gaze that made her feel like she was about to drown in it.

And as Lyerin carried her away, his eyes still fixed on her with that same, unreadable intsity, Sophia knew that whatever was happing betwe them was far from over, but something she wanted to dy was going to happ.

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