Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru

Chapter 90.3 - Recruitment Part 3

Translator: SFBaka

Editor: Thors Stone

Are you really Shining Stars leader, man? Uh, I mean, sir?

Yes, I am. Can you show me the books inside the store please?

Oh, yeah, sure thing. Uh, I mean, of course, sir.

The man guided me inside the shop and showed me the books. It looks like the used books stocked within the shop were all in good condition. I was also able to check out the books on the second floor and confirmed that there were no problems with them as well.

Un, I think these are all fine. If youd like, shall I purchase them for 10 million Guineas like I offered earlier?

Yeah, Im good with ten mil. Err, I mean, please go ahead and take them for ten million, sir. But I have a condition. Please tell me about the time when you subjugated a dragon.

Uh May I ask why?

Were a B-rank party calledBlack Swordysee. And, well, um, we were thinking wed like to try our hand in subjugating a dragon as well someday sir.

Hmm. Well, I suppose it cant be helped if thats your condition. Lets go somewhere for a drink then. And you really dont have to talk politely in front of me if youre not used to it. Youre kinda bad at it you know.

Thats Okay. Im our partys leader, Hans.

The pub Hans and his companions led us to was about a three-minute walk from the store, and when we entered, I found that there were mostly men and women who seemed to be adventurers patronizing the place. It looks like this particular pub was quite well-liked by adventurers.

Hey, Hans. Are you gonna have a drink even though its still daytime? Your father just died, right?

Todays special. Who do you think I brought here with me today? Its Shining Stars Clan leader, Alan.


That got the attention of all the people inside the pub. Hans was behaving a little too overly familiar all of a sudden, but I guess this was better than him being all stiff earlier.

Cmon, Alan. Its my treat today. Go ahead and order anything you like.

I see. Ill take you up on your offer then.

I ordered some relatively expensive snacks from the menu. But Hans apparently didnt care. Well, I suppose he wouldnt since hes about to be 10 million Guineas richer.

When the liquor arrived, we toasted each other, and I began talking about how I supposedly dealt with the dragon.

And the dragon I befriended brought the other dragons corpse to Gantz city just like that.

Thats amazin. To think that really happened for real. But are dragons really that smart? I cant believe it.

Dragons really are very smart creatures you know. I only ever managed to kill one through sheer luck because I happened to come across dragons fighting to kill each other. Im laying it to you straight, Hans. You should stop thinking about subduing a dragon. Its too dangerous.

But yknow every adventurer worth his or her salt dreams of someday defeating a dragon. Hey, Alan, how much did you actually make from selling off those dragon materials? The rumors say its around a billion, but whats the actual number?

No, it didnt reach a billion. It was only about 700 million or so.

Seven hundred million!?

There were about thirty or so people crowding around our table. Everyone was listening enthusiastically with mugs of ale in hand.

I think you guys should aim for an ogre rather than a dragon.


Yeah. Its said that theres a large group of Ogres living deep within the Sea of Trees you see.

W-When you say Ogre, are you referring to those legendary monsters!?

Apparently, theyre not just a product of legends. Theres a guy who really managed to defeat and kill an Ogre in the depths of the Sea of Trees. And that guy retrieved a large magic stone from the Ogre corpse. It was about four or five meters tall and about five centimeters in diameter.

Five centimeters!?

If you manage to bait one skillfully enough, I think even B-rankers like you would be able to deal with it.

How much does a magic stone with a diameter of five centimeters sell for anyway?

No idea. But I bet its gonna be worth quite a lot.

It was true that monsters called Ogres were wandering in the depths of the Sea of Trees. They werent all that smart and tended to wander around all alone. In my opinion, they were great targets for high-ranked adventurer parties.

Are you really planning on developing the Great Demon Forest, Alan? Are you looking to hire adventurers for that?

Yeah, of course, Im recruiting.

After my affirmative reply, the adventurers surrounding our table came even closer to better hear our discussion.

If you guys are interested, you can get in contact with Dalshim from my party. Hes in charge of recruitment. But bear in mind that were going to the depths of the Sea of Trees. We will only accept those with real abilities. If you think you have what it takes, then, by all means, go ahead and apply.

If this goes well, I think Id be able to attract a number of high-quality adventurers.

Afterward, we continued drinking after giving them Dalshims contact info, advanced payment for the books, and finalizing the delivery details. Phew. Procuring books in this world sure is troublesome.

When we got back to the inn, it was already dinner time. I found Cleria chatting happily with Sharon and the rest of the girls about the clothes they managed to buy.

Ria, look at this. I managed to get my hands on a book that should interest you.

I showed Cleria the book listing the nobles of the Alois kingdom that I got earlier today.

This is!?

Cleria and Elna raised surprised gasps. After noticing their reaction, everyone in the dining hall crowded around our table to see what was going on. Within moments, our table was swarming with people.

Is whats written in here really true!? I cant believe it. To think my house would actually give in to those rebels

It seems the noble house Elna was from was actually included on the list. Shes probably feeling quite troubled about it.

The fact that they were on the list would mean her parents and relatives were alive and safe. But it also meant they have now fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Im sorry! What about the Auler House? Is it also included in the list?

Can you also look up the Ilkner House?

Immediately, the dining hall was filled with voices of the Clan members asking about the well-being of their houses and families. It seems those who were from rather influential noble houses already knew the current situation of their respective houses, but the majority of the members didnt have any information about their families at all.

Before long, we were able to clarify the situation of the noble houses in the former Starveek kingdom, which was now known as Alois kingdom. It looks like about half of the Clan members noble houses were listed.

Ria-sama, it seems my house has chosen to collude with the traitorous rebels. If this fact warrants that I am no longer fit to be by your side

Elna! Do not even think of uttering such things. Your house is your house, and you are your own person, Elna. And furthermore, I know Lord Norian and Max quite well. They might have been forced to choose to capitulate for the sake of your territorys citizens.

Listen to me, everyone. Truly, it is very important for noble houses to follow the will of their respective patriarchs.

However, do you truly believe that our people back home are willingly following those rebels!? I do not think so. Perhaps they only endured shame and were forced to make tough choices. I believe your wills and that of your familys respective patriarchs are still aligned.

Therefore, there is no reason for me to doubt your vows of fealty regardless of the situations of your houses. Isnt that right, Alan!?

It looks like Cleria has completely entered her princess mode this time around. I havent seen her like this for quite some time.

Yes, thats right. Once our territory is fully prepared, I have some means to get in contact with the rest of our people. In fact, I plan on taking in not only your families but the citizens under you as well. We have our ways. I will also have my men investigate the situation of each of your houses, so please dont worry, everyone.

Thats excellent! Let us endeavor to prepare our territory as soon as possible to save your families and your people. Let us work with this goal in mind! Are you fine with this, everyone!?


Well, this is how things turned out in the end.

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