Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru

Chapter 91.1 - Orphans Part 1

Translator: SFBaka

Editor: Thors Stone

After having dinner, someone knocked while I was relaxing inside my room, and when I opened the door, I saw Selena and Sharon standing outside. It looks like there was something they wanted to discuss with me.

Alan, shouldnt we secure human resources for the imperial military while were in the royal capital as well?

Dalshim reported the current status of the recruitment of civilian candidates and adventurers as part of our group just earlier. According to his report, the recruitment is going better than expected, and they have already managed to secure more than thirty civilian candidates and nearly eighty adventurers.

Of course, they have not been permanently hired yet, and the civilian candidates were still going to undergo a trial period. As for the adventurers, Dalshim opted to hire them as escorts in our journey to the depths of the Sea of Trees through the Adventurers Guild for the time being.

Perhaps Selena and Sharon were moved by the report and thought that we, the imperial military, should make a move to secure human resources as well.

I havent thought of doing so at this point. Wouldnt things be too busy for the moment? So we wouldnt have enough time to properly educate them. Do you girls already have some you have your eyes on?

No, not as of the moment. But I was talking with Sharon about the possibility of recruiting orphans. We dont have enough time to properly educate them right now just as you say, Alan. But we hope we can secure even a small number of people to start with if possible

I see Orphans huh.

Certainly, orphans might be a good option considering our future plans.

Because they will essentially serve as Selena and Sharons subordinates, it would be better if they were close in age, and if they were orphans without a family, it would be harder for confidential information to get leaked through them.

Even if the development of the territory goes smoothly, it would not guarantee we would be able to secure the needed human resources afterward. Should we secure some now after all?

If we only recruited a small number of people, they wouldnt be much of a burden, and they would also serve as good test cases for further recruitment.

Mm. Sounds good. Thats only if there are any orphans who are willing to go with us to the depths of the Sea of Trees though.

Id like to go to a local orphanage with Sharon to scope things out.

I see. Alright. Ill leave it to you two then.

Theres no problem even if they dont manage to recruit anyone, so I decided to leave it to them.

We then discussed the conditions we would propose to the orphanage so they would allow us to take some orphans away and disbanded afterward. The two of them decided to go to the local orphanage come tomorrow.

Selenas POV

The next morning, Sharon and I headed to the nearest orphanage from the inn. According to the Lieutenant, the number of orphans in that particular orphanage was about 60. It was also one of the five largest orphanages operating in the royal capital.

The orphanage was located in a fairly desolate area on the outskirts of the royal capital and was about a thirty-minute walk from the inn.

After I knocked on the door of the orphanage, a middle-aged woman who seemed to be a Sister appeared from within. According to the Lieutenants information, the orphanages in the capital seem to be operated by the church.

Good morning, Sister. We are members of the Adventurer Clan Shining Star. We wish to consult the director of this orphanage about something. Are they available?

We wore the beautiful dresses we bought together with everyone the other day so we wouldnt look suspicious. We were wearing swords on our hips as well so we could be recognized as adventurers.

My, what cute adventurers you are. The director is available, of course. Please do come in.

We were brought to a room that looked like the reception area after we entered the building. Immediately afterward, an elderly woman who seemed to be the orphanage director arrived. We then proceeded to introduce ourselves to her.

Good morning, madam. My name is Selena, an adventurer from the Clan Shining Star.

And Im Sharon.

Oh my! Shining Star was the Clan that managed to defeat a dragon, wasnt it? All the kids were making a big fuss about you for days.

Thats correct madam. First, let me give you this. Its a small donation from our lord, Baron Alan Corinth.

While saying so, I proceeded to hand over a pouch containing about 10,000 Guineas worth of gold coins.

My, theres so much!? Thank you. Please extend our sincerest gratitude to Baron Alan Corinth as well. So, what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?

We are currently looking for potential talents to add to our ranks. We wish for some of the orphans to come to our new territory with us if possible.

Do you mean you wish for the children to participate as pioneers?

No, that is not the case. We are recruiting people who will serve under Baron Corinth in some form or another.

My! That means you are actually recruiting Baron Corinths future vassals?

Vassals Its possible that they might not be appointed as one. But they might become personal attendants, cooks, military officers, or civil officers instead. We are looking for people like those.

Oh my! What a wonderful proposal indeed! How old would you want the children to be?

If possible, we would like them to be between 14 and 20 years old.

Ah As I thought. We do not have children at that age staying in this orphanage. The oldest should be twelve years old.

Eh? But dont the orphanages take care of them until they reach adulthood?

Of course, we would very much like to do so, but the orphanage cannot afford it. Once the children reach 13 years old, they would have to leave the facility and work to support themselves.

So the orphanage was having that tough a time huh

12 years old Considering our current situation, that age is indeed too young. It would be tough if they cant manage to at least take care of themselves to some degree.

Are the other orphanages in the same situation?

Yes. The situation is the same for all orphanages operating in the royal capital and the neighboring towns. There are too few orphanages to accommodate the number of orphans. So I take it that 12 is too young for you?

Yes, we currently cant afford to take them in either.

I suppose so. Its unfortunate, but it cant be helped.

The director looked regretful, but we currently had no extra manpower to take care of such young children. We told her we would contact her again once things have stabilized and we have the ability to take care of the children. We then left the orphanage afterward.

It looks like things wont go as well as we first expected. I thought it was a pretty good idea.

Yeah. Once the situation of our territory improves, well probably be able to afford to raise some orphans though.

As I chatted with Sharon while walking back to the inn, an alert notification was displayed on a virtual window.


(I know.)

I thought it was a pretty deserted area, but I didnt expect it was so unsafe that there would be robbers prowling the place. As we expected, there were two people who confronted us from the front and another two from behind.

I thought they were robbers, but when they showed themselves to us, I saw that they were only little girls. No, there was someone who was about the same age as us.

All of them were holding sticks as weapons, but calling them weapons was quite a stretch.

What do you want from us?

Please lend us some money. Also, hand over all your other belongings as well.

The one who replied to me was a girl who looked to be about 15 or 16 years old. She actually didnt look like a bad person at all. Judging from her appearance, she seemed relatively poor.

We refuse, of course. Are you girls thinking straight? You wont get off lightly doing something as stupid as this you know.

Im sorry. But we have no choice but to do this.

The girl then swung her wooden stick and attacked me without hesitation.

I effortlessly avoided the sticks downward blow, and when shed gotten close enough, I slammed her with a body blow to the solar plexus. I also brought down the girl that followed after her with a roundhouse kick to the stomach.

The two collapsed without much suspense. It looks like they couldnt breathe properly as a result of my blows, so they were frequently gasping for air while groaning in pain. I did hold back quite a bit, so there shouldnt be any significant danger to their lives.

Even so, it was pretty reckless of them to try attacking people with their level of skill.

Sharon seems to have defeated the two girls behind us without any problem as well.

The oldest girl groaned in pain on the ground for about two minutes, and when the pain finally subsided, she sat up in a daze.

I drew my sword and placed it beside her neck.

I-Im sorry. Forgive us. Please, please let us go. Please, Miss.

Haa Now, this just wont do. Sharon, Ill look after them, so please call the city garrison here.

Please! Anything but that! Well pay you for the trouble. Well pay, so please let us go. Um But we dont have any money right now though.

Hm. Should I really just let this pass?

Well, there was no damage done anyway. I suppose I can overlook this as long as you have a good reason for your earlier actions.

After I said so, the girls started talking about their situation.

The four of them were biological sisters, and the name of the eldest one is Yumi. Her sisters names were Kaya, Yutta, and Marie.

They were currently deep in debt and would be sold to a brothel if they didnt repay the amount owed in three days.

It seems they tried to attack us after seeing our appearance and thinking that we must be quite rich. The idea was too absurd and childish that I didnt even know what to say. Do all girls of her age on this planet think so childishly?

How much is your debt, exactly?

35,000 Guineas.

And what did you spend that money on anyway?

Payment for our moms medicine. I only borrowed 5,000 Guineas, but before I knew it, the amount increased so much because of the interest The guy I borrowed money from called Villi said we can just pay up once we have the money, but this is what happened instead.

What about your mother?

She, she died in the end. After that, we were kicked out of our house, and that Villi person took us in. Then he suddenly told us to return the money yesterday.

When did you borrow the money?

About a month ago.

They borrowed 5,000 Guineas and it became 35,000 in just a mere month. Is such a sky-high interest rate really allowed? They seem to have borrowed money from a pretty nasty guy who preys on kids.

Have you signed a contract for the loan?

I-I think so. I was shown something, but I dont know how to read.

Did you not think of escaping?

They captured my little brother and held him hostage. And theres no other place we can go even if we ran away.

It looks like they really were helpless. And they probably have no father already as well.

When I thought of the fact that such young girls got deceived to owe such a ridiculous debt and were about to be sold to a brother, I completely lost my cool.

(Sharon, what should we do?)

(Well help them, of course.)

Ill meet with the person you borrowed money from. Lead the way.

I understand.

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