Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru

Chapter 13 - Practicing Magic

Lord Corinth went out to hunt today as well.

Ive become able engage in some simple conversations with Lord Corinth lately. I quite enjoyed talking with him.

Lord Corinth is really amazing. He is quick to memorize every word and phrase and only needs to hear them once. Its fun to teach him because hes such a quick learner. His proficiency in my language increases at an impressive and almost unbelievable rate.

Its been about nine days since weve come to this makeshift base. Ive become able to walk on my own by dragging my injured foot on the ground.

Lord Corinth took my greaves out from his bag and gave them back to me. Somehow, I felt really happy. Lord Corinth is always so considerate towards me.

However, I was also troubled about how exactly I would be able to repay his kindness.

He asked me what I wanted to do after my foot healed yesterday. He made me decide if I wanted to resume our journey once my foot completely recovers or wait until my hand gets healed as well. It seemed that if we resumed travelling, we would not be able to have meals like what weve been eating until now, so my hands recovery would take more time.

I didnt even need to think twice. I chose to stay and wait until my hand heals and my body completely recovers. I dont want to always be beholden to Lord Corinths protection like when we were attacked by monsters some days ago. I want to be able to fight together with him, side by side.

It was hard for me to have to always depend on Lord Corinths care, but Ive already made a vow to Goddess Ruminas. I swore to definitely repay this favor someday.

Thus, I have to become even stronger. I practiced the sword forms Lord Corinth taught me after I collected firewood from the rivers edge. Once my foot completely recovers, Id be able to train more effectively.

It seems Lord Corinth has come back. He brought a Big Boar with him.

Welcome back, *Lord Corinth.

Im back, Cleria.

Just the act of exchanging greetings like this has made me feel greatly embarrassed. Ive never welcomed anyone else back apart from my family. Also, I only noticed it when we started to have proper conversations, but Lord Corinth always uses my first name whenever he addresses me. Even in noble society, the only one allowed to call someone of the opposite sex by their first name apart from family was a persons fianc.

I dont think Lord Corinth meant anything more to his actions, but an embarrassing thing was an embarrassing thing. And while I was preoccupied with such thoughts

Cleria, its Alan. Not [*Lord Corinth]. Okay?

He told me straight to call him by his first name as well. I heard of this once from Fal. It seemed that it was currently a trend for the men of lower nobility to ask a lady they fancy to call them by their first name as a subtle way of proposing their feelings. I understand that Lord Corinth didnt really mean something of the sort. It was probably just how things were in Lord Corinths country.

Alan I meekly called out to him.

Lord Corinth seemed glad and nodded back at me.

Lord Corinth proceeded to butcher the Big Boar with an air of a professional chef.

It never crossed my mind when I was in the capital, but I actually think I want to learn how to do something like this as well. Let me try to learn then. Im looking forward to having some Big Boar meat again!

When we went back to the base, we saw that the bonfire had already gone out. Not good! Lighting a fire was one of the few things I could help out with after all. I weaved my mana and used magic to reignite the bonfire. Lord Corinth seemed somewhat surprised with what I did.

Cleria, what was that just now?

I wonder what he means. I just used the Fire spell to reignite the bonfire, thats all. Oh, maybe he was surprised about how short it took for me to cast my magic.

Yes, I may not really look like it, but Im actually quite an accomplished mage. Ive even been told Im already qualified to become a court magician. But the only system I was good at was fire magic though.

I explained as such to Lord Corinth, and he seemed satisfied with my answer.

Now its time for Lord Corinths cooking. Im going to eat my fill today as well!

Lord Corinth became quite proficient in my language before long. We began to converse with each other more and more, so I took an opportunity to ask what was on my mind for the past few days.

How exactly did my arm and leg get healed?

According to Lord Corinth, he summoned tiny spiritual beings invisible to the naked eye which were residing inside of him and made them enter my body as well. He then asked them to heal me.

In all honesty, if I had heard such an absurd thing from someone other than Lord Corinth, I would most likely hold some doubts against them.

Of course, I properly believed in the existence of Goddess Ruminas spirit familiars. But something like housing spirits in ones body truly went against common sense.

Despite this, I still believed in Lord Corinth. A great and noble person like him could not possibly lack the favour of Goddess Ruminas.

My recovering limbs were proof enough that he really could converse with and implore the spirits to hear his wishes.

In the first place, only divine power could possibly do something like the restoration of severed limbs.

Lord Corinth seemed to notice some apprehension on my expression. He suddenly took out his knife and cut his arm. His action was so quick that I didnt even have the chance to stop him.

However, only one or two drops of blood flowed out from the wound, and it healed at an astonishing rate, visible to the naked eye. After a few moments, there wasnt even a scratch to be seen. This was totally impossible even with the use of high order healing magic.

Yes, this couldnt possibly be anything like healing magic!

Amazing! He really was favoured by the Goddess and her spirits!

Did I also receive divine favour through Lord Corinth? I didnt doubt him in the slightest at this point, but I somehow wanted to try it for myself.

I took the knife and cut myself in the same way. Lord Corinth didnt move to stop me. I felt some pain for an instant, but it went away just as fast as it came. My wound also immediately closed up. How truly amazing!

Ooh! I have also received the grace of the spirits! I trembled in excitement.

Lord Corinth then asked me what I wanted to do with the spirits once my limbs healed. He could either request them to leave me or make them continue to reside in me.

I chose to have them stay inside me.

This power was necessary for me in the future. There would probably be quite a lot of people who would even sell away their souls to gain such a power.

Lord Corinth just nodded in agreement, as if it was just a simple matter. I once again owe another great favor to Lord Corinth.

Finally, after a few more days, my foot became completely restored. It was great to be able to walk on two whole feet again.

According to Lord Corinth, I need to go on frequent walks in order to get used to my newly re-grown foot. It certainly did feel quite stiff. It would pose a problem when we resume travelling.

I took a walk along the riverside with Lord Corinth. After we spent a while walking along, Lord Corinth asked me something.

Hey Cleria, can you do other stuff apart from the thing you used to light up the bonfire last time?

The way he said it was a little strange, but I understood what he meant. He seems to be asking me if I could use spells other than Fire.

I guess he wanted to confirm what magic spells I could use. Of course Id gladly oblige. I didnt want Lord Corinth to think I couldnt cast other spells apart from Fire after all.

Let me cast a Fireball then. I successfully cast it after fifteen seconds or so. It was a relatively fast casting time. Lord Corinth seemed surprised.

I want to show him even more magic spells, so I cast Flame Arrow next. I took thirty seconds to cast it, which was my best time thus far. I hope I managed to impress Lord Corinth with it.

I casted Firewall as well, but I couldnt maintain it for long. Lord Corinth also seemed surprised by the Firewall spell. I told him these were all the fire system spells I knew. He then asked if I could cast any other types of magic.

I showed him water magic. Lord Corinth seemed the most surprised and impressed when I cast a Water spell. How embarrassing. A lot of people could cast a basic Water spell after all, and I think me casting it didnt warrant such a reaction.

After that, Lord Corinth asked if the water I produced was drinkable. How strange. Even little children knew of the fact that water produced by spells was drinkable. I answered yes to him of course.

Maybe Lord Corinth wasnt really all that familiar with magic?

Um, can you also use magic Alan?

Im still not used to calling him by his first name. It really made me feel utterly embarrassed.

He answered with actions instead of words. He held his hand up towards the river.

So fast! He didnt even take ten seconds to cast a Fireball. And he didnt even utter a spell word.

Ive once heard that extremely talented individuals can actually cast magic spells without using words and with their eyes open.

He paused in thought for a while, and when he brought his hand up again, he cast three simultaneous fireballs!

What did he just do!? Considering the process of magic activation, something like simultaneous casting was supposed to be impossible!

While I was stunned to silence, Lord Corinth held his hand up again. He soon released another Fireball. How fast!

The fireball exploded when it hit the river water! After a loud bang, the water gushed up and splashed down towards Lord Corinth and me, utterly soaking us.

Lord Corinth displayed a guilty expression and wryly grinned.

Was that perhaps the legendary Explosion spell!? Ive only ever heard of it being mentioned and have not witnessed the real thing until now.

This was the ability of one favoured by God! Such power!

I became frozen stiff from shock for a few moments.

Looks like Lord Corinths magic display was over, and he turned to go back to the base. I ran after Lord Corinth in a fluster, wanting to ask him about that last fire spell. However, Lord Corinth simply dodged my inquiries with half-hearted replies.


After we got back near the vicinity of the base, I asked Cleria to explain the concept of magic in more detail. There were a total of five magic systems fire magic, water magic, wind magic, earth magic and light magic. But apparently, Cleria couldnt use any wind, earth or light magic spells.

I wonder why? Does it depend on talent or something? Earlier, I just formed an image and managed to successfully execute some spells. Should I be considered as someone who has some talent for this stuff then? Looks like I had plenty to look into in the future.

We promptly plopped down outside the base. Theres still some more time before dinner. Cleria seemed to want to practice magic, but I asked her to continue with her foot rehab exercises near me so I can observe her progress instead. She seemed to hesitate for a bit, but eventually relented and started walking back and forth about five meters in front of me. Oh well. Guess that works too.

(Have you managed to discover any new info?)

[A lot, actually. First, about the mystery energy signature. It holds some similarities with the energy readings recorded on planet Salza 2 of the Elider System, but it isnt exactly the same.]

Well, discovering exactly similar energy forms on two different planets countless light-years away from each other seemed more farfetched actually.

[We used the sensor settings that were employed during the Salza 2 survey mission earlier. As a result, we were able to obtain a detailed comparison. According to the data, the energy density in our current environment is 1000 times higher than the readings recorded on Salza 2.]

Whats with that scale!? 1000 times was quite an impressive number.

[We shall project a simulated image for your convenience.]

After a few moments, my surroundings suddenly changed in appearance. I saw a vast, dark space with countless tiny motes of light floating around.

Whoah! How beautiful. My body outline also had a large number of sparkling lights within it. They somehow resembled a field of stars out in space. The area around my chest was shining brightly, akin to a nebula, and was very dazzling.

So these motes of light represent that mysterious energy form huh? How amazing.

(Just how could humans make use of this type of energy?)

[These energy nodes seem to attract each other and have a tendency to move towards a point of higher density. They seem to gather easily on the central part of a humans chest area in particular.]

Well, now that I got a better look at them, the light particles near me seem to be gradually gathering towards me at a gradual rate. They were heading towards the dense mass of energy in the center of my chest. So the energy outside gradually accumulates inside ones body automatically huh. So this energy is the source of magic?

(By the way, it feels quite lame to keep calling it energy. Lets rename it to something cooler-sounding.)

[What do you think of Magicles then? Short for magic particles.]

I see. Seems simple enough. Lets go with that then. So it seems even if I consume a certain amount of magicles, my reserves would be automatically replenished.

(What happens when we manage to fully use up the magicle reserves inside the body?)

I didnt plan to use up a lot in one go, but the replenishment rate seemed really slow so running out may be a possibility.


Looks like I have to ask an expert in the field. I turned towards Cleria and saw her chest also shining like a bright nebula.

(Terminate simulated image.)

Cleria seemed happy that I called out to her and cheerfully approached me.

Cleria, how many times can you cast Fireball continuously? I immediately inquired.

Her answer was about more than twenty but less than thirty. The number was unexpectedly little.

What happens when you try to cast more than thirty?

Shed faint, apparently. In other words, shell lose consciousness. Its great that theres no danger of death though.

How long would it take for you to recover?

Shed recover and would regain her ability to cast spells after about a days worth of rest, apparently.

Cleria then went back to shuffling back and forth. But this time, she stayed two meters behind me. It was a bit distracting, to be honest. But I might have some questions for her again, so this works out fine.

(Whats the exact relationship between the magicles and the human body?)

Why would one lose consciousness from magicle depletion?


Yep, guess you also have no idea huh.

To summarize what Ive managed to learn so far; the human body has the capability to attract magicles in the atmosphere for some reason, and utilizing these magicles allows people to cast magic spells. Once depleted, a days rest would allow one to replenish the lost magicles in order to keep casting spells.

I didnt know the exact reason why, but it seems Ive become capable of utilizing these magicles to cast magic as well.

(What exactly are these magicles? How can they transform from pure energy to elements like fire and water?)

This change didnt make any sense, scientifically speaking. Basing on the laws of physics, something like energy turning into water was nothing short of impossible.

[Reason unknown. Insufficient data.]

Guess thats an expected answer. Im looking forward to researching this stuff even more now

Next Ill have to get used to using magic as one of my means of combat. One cant fully make use of an unfamiliar weapon after all.

(Please load up some magicle charges.)

[READY x3] popped up on the corner of a virtual window.

I released a fireball towards the shore on the other side of the river.

The fireball flew parallel to the water surface for about thirty meters, but then suddenly stalled and dropped straight down. All in all, it reached to about forty meters. The flame plopped into the water and fizzled out soon after.

So this spells effective range is about thirty meters.

Next, lets test its overall power. I looked around and found a piece of driftwood nearby. I approached it until I was about twenty meters away and launched a fireball at it.

The fireball flew out and hit the driftwood. The magic induced flame clung onto the driftwood like regular fire. Itll eventually go out after some time if you left it alone, but you would most likely suffer some burns if you ate one of these things head-on.

Right then. Lets try practicing some water magic for a change. I imagined water being released from the palm of my hand.


Water strongly gushed out from my palm. The fire clinging onto the driftwood was extinguished after less than ten seconds. This magics really convenient. It looked a bit different from what Cleria showed me earlier, but it should be fine.

Oh yeah, I forgot to confirm an important point.

(Just how many fireballs am I able to cast?)

[Approximately 38 shots more.]

Cleria said she could fire off more than twenty but less than thirty. I had nearly double that amount. Was something different between Cleria and me?

I then decided to see what happens if I nearly deplete my magicle reserves. Oh, and one other thing

(Is it possible to re-convert a stored magicle charge into its base form?)

The [READY] indicator displayed on the virtual window disappeared.

[Its possible. However, weve recorded a 5% energy loss after re-converting.]

Hm. Another point to research on. But I guess 5% is within the acceptable range.

(Load thirty five charges for now.)

The number next to the [READY] icon increased to thirty-five.

Hm. That feels a bit weird. I cant describe it well, but its sort of like having a slight fever, but restricted to the chest area.

Lets try launching five in succession first. I pointed my open palm towards the river. I imagined the fireballs rapid firing out one after the other.

Five continuous fireball shots! They flew into the river consecutively.

They seemed much faster compared to the three shots I made earlier today. Well, I cant really imagine a situation where Id be required to fire off fireballs at this speed consecutively, so this experiment seemed a bit pointless.

Hm. Now that I think about it, was it really necessary to hold out ones hand during the casting process. I ended up doing so because its the way Cleria did it, but I dont really think such an action was really necessary, depending on the type of image in your mind.

I have these things called the aiming and multi-lock system which are deployed on a virtual Nanom-projected window, and I think using these would be more efficient.

Lets try it then. There were some huge stones near the river shallows in the distance. I had aimed at one using the virtual HUD display.

I imagined a fireball appearing twenty meters away from my body while I kept my hands down.

Fireball, launch!

Oh! Looks like it went well! I was more familiar with this method after all. Ive drilled on this type of maneuver thousands of times in the past. Ill go with this style from now on.

I locked on to all four of the large stones on the river shallows. Fireball, four shots! Each fireball hit its intended target. Great!

When I was casting stuff while holding out my arm, I always used the direction I was pointing towards as the basis for aiming. But if I use the aiming system instead, the fireballs would hit the intended targets without me trying to direct their aim myself. It was pretty convenient.

Oh yeah. Lets try it with the Flame Arrow spell Cleria showed me earlier.

In order to determine their maximum range I moved to about fifty meters away from the huge rocks and cast the spell from there. Three arrows of flame materialized and shot out with speeds comparable to those of real arrows.

Flame Arrows, launch!

Three flaming arrows appeared about one meter away from my body and shot towards the targets. They seemed to dip downward a little before hitting the targets.

Okay, so their range is a bit shorter than fifty meters then. But they were better compared to fireballs. They were faster and had longer range.

I looked at the virtual HUD and saw [READY x20] on the corner. So one arrow costs five fireballs huh? Well, considering their improved effectiveness, I guess thats reasonable.

When I thought about how I should use the remaining twenty charges, I suddenly caught a black shadow approaching from downstream. It was flying.

I zoomed in on the figure. Thats a Blackbird! It was something I sought out for the past few days to no avail. Because Cleria didnt know its name, I just decided to call it Blackbird. Its quite delicious, but also quite rare. Ive only ever hunted two of these buggers. How the heck does it even fly with that sort of rolly-poly figure?

It was still about 400 meters away and was flying towards this direction. But if it notices me, I bet itd run away at once. Can I shoot it down with magic?

My maximum range was a bit short of fifty meters. Ill bring it down with four consecutive Flame Arrow spells; with a total of twelve arrows.

I looked towards Cleria and saw her spacing out again. This girl does that from time to time. Is she okay?

She then squatted down and pointed her hand towards the Blackbird in the distance.

I told Cleria Id attack it with Flame Arrow spells. She closed her eyes and started visualizing after she heard my intention.

Hm? So she intends to help out? I intended to bring it down myself, but the helps welcome nonetheless.

Its already close to 200 meters from us. When would it notice our presence? Hundred and fifty One hundred Seventy-five Fifty It finally noticed us!

The Blackbird reversed its course back to the forest in a fluster. I immediately launched a barrage of two Flame Arrow spells.

I fired off a volley to cut off its path of retreat. The Blackbird frantically flapped its wings to evade and changed its course once again.

The timing was perfect, but Cleria was still visualizing her spell. I fired off another barrage to block it.

Finally, Cleria opened her eyes and fired off her own Flame Arrow spell.

The aim was spot-on. The Blackbirds escape routes were sealed by my continuous Flame Arrow barrage and Clerias spell sealed the deal. One arrow struck the pudgy fowl dead-on.

The Blackbird got severely injured and fell down.

Cleria was delighted. She kept jumping up and down in elation and spoke excitedly. I only managed to understand half of what she was saying, but it seems it was the first time she brought something like that down with magic.

When I attempted to stand up, I suddenly felt a bout of dizziness overcome me. I see. So this is the effect of magicle exhaustion. I didnt want to faint, so Im not going to use any more magic today.

I walked towards the spot where the Blackbird fell, and found it writhing weakly. I quickly cut its neck and drained its blood.

Cleria kept dithering excitedly as she watched me work. It seems she just cant contain her happiness. Just as well. I only managed to hunt one rabbit today anyway. Considering Clerias huge appetite, it was quite lacking.

Its already near evening, so lets go ahead and have some dinner.

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