Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru

Chapter 14 - Addendum – The Starveek Kingdom

I kept wondering about why I was called for as I walked along the corridor leading to the kings private chambers.

The king usually spends his time in his office at this hour, so he being in his private chambers is quite the rare occurrence. I also often met my esteemed father during dinnertime anyway. Was the matter he summoned me for today unsuitable to be discussed at such a time?

I finally arrived in front of the kings private chambers. I nodded towards the two royal guard knights, Darshim and Karrot. The both of them have served our family ever since I was a child, so I was quite familiar with them.

Darshim knocked on the door, opened it a little and declared Her Highness, the princess has arrived.

Come in.

I entered the room and was surprised to see my brother inside as well.

I have heard your summons and have come, Lord Father, I greeted.

Oh, Cleria. Im sorry for calling you over all of a sudden.

Its been a while Cleria.

It certainly has been quite a while since I last met my brother three months, I believe.

It really has been a while dear brother.

My brother seemed so dependable as always. He also doted on me a lot. Im glad I got to see him again after so long.

Well then Cleria, this is a bit abrupt, but Im thinking of sending you out for an inspection tour around our kingdom.

I wonder what Lord Father means by this? It seems my dear brother has just come back from an inspection tour himself. It wont be considered odd if I was sent out as well, but wouldnt it be better for the timing for the tours to be spaced a bit apart?

I do not have any qualms about it Lord Father, but is there a reason for sending me out so soon?

It would be better if we told her of the matter, Lord Father. Cleria isnt a child anymore after all.

Yes, yes youre right. Go ahead and tell her our concerns Alf.

Youre aware that I have just come from an inspection visit to our southern and western domains arent you Cleria?

Yes, of course brother.

The southern and western domains were where most nobles from the former Alois Kingdom resided and governed.

The Alois Kingdom was a country which was annexed by Starveek Kingdom 162 years prior. As a condition for annexation, the noble houses of Alois Kingdom were granted rights to manage most of the southern and western territories. However, the south and west were also regions where a lot of problems occurred due to friction between the former Aloisian nobles and the nobility of Starveekian descent because of their differing outlooks and bearings.

According to my brother, he visited several major towns and cities in the southern and western domains and found some of the actions made by the local nobility somewhat worrying. There was no concrete evidence that they were up to no good. However, some subtle hints, like the local nobilitys suspiciously lukewarm attitudes towards his delegation or the number of conscripted soldiers being far greater than what was reported to the crown, proved to be enough causes for concern.

The southern and western domains cant possibly be contemplating rebellion?

No Cleria. Both father and I dont think the situation has come to that point quite yet. But their actions are still worrying enough.

But Lord Father has done his utmost to forge an amicable relationship with the southern and western nobility.

In fact, as part of the peace process and a gesture of trust, a mass recruitment of personnel from the noble houses of the south and west was implemented five years ago. Both the military minister in charge of the army and the finance minister in charge of the kingdoms economic affairs had men hailing from those regions appointed to various positions of import.

Both men were excellent individuals who each proposed groundbreaking reforms which proved quite astonishing to their peers. However, its also true that their act of recruiting most of their vassals from those who hail from the southern and western domains raised more than a few eyebrows and posed some concern.

Furthermore, even though they havent managed to birth any children for them yet, both men received southern noblewomen as their concubines.

Im well aware of your concerns. But as Alf said earlier, we dont think it would lead to a full-blown conflict just yet. Given these circumstances, I want you to visit the eastern and northern territories instead.

As for me, I cant leave the capital for the time being because I need to help father deal with these matters.

I see. If the situation in the south and west was really suspicious as they said, its only natural for me to be sent to the eastern and northern domains instead. The east and north are governed by full blooded Starveekian noble houses. In case the southern and western domains really do stage a revolt, I could rally the eastern and northern lords to oppose them. This seemed to be an important undertaking. I have to do my utmost.

Lord Father, this Cleria fully accepts your appointment to visit the eastern and western domains.

Afterwards, my older brother briefed me about the things I needed to take note of and the actions I needed to take.

Alf gazed at Clerias receding back as she left the kings private room.

He didnt want to burden Cleria with any needless preconceptions, so he opted not to mention the matter, but not all of the southern and western domains were governed by former Aloisian nobility.

Actually, forty percent of the noble houses in the south and west were full-blooded Starveekians. He didnt tell her that even these noble houses seemed suspicious as well.

It would be best if nothing of the sort happened to Cleria during her inspections.

Alf then busied himself together with his father to think of ways to improve the current volatile state of affairs.

Fal, who was waiting outside, rushed up to me as soon as I went out of the kings private room.

What did the king need you for, Cleria-sama?

He told me to head to the eastern and western territories for an inspection visit. Would you like to accompany me?

Of course Cleria-sama!

Afterwards, I went ahead with the preparations for travelling. I had just come of age the previous year so this was my first time heading out for a royal inspection. There were a lot of things I was not familiar with.

And thus, as commanded by the king, we were finally set for departure after three days. I bid farewell to my father, brother and mother. Mother must have heard something from father regarding my trip, so she told me to always remain vigilant during the journey.

My brother accompanied me partway in order to see me off. Im so happy he did so!

Do be careful during your travels Cleria. Perform your royal duties to the best of your ability.

Of course dear brother. I shall be going then.

Accompanying me on my travels were several imperial guard knights and their squires. Even Sir Antes, captain of the royal guards, was present! Furthermore, most of the knights were those who have served me since I was young.

It was a well-known fact that father doted on me far too much in the royal palace, but I do think it was time for me to become a little bit more independent from now on.

We finally left the royal capital, home to half a million Starveekian citizens, and started our journey.

The royal inspection proceeded relatively smoothly. However, I felt a sense of unease when I went around several cities.

Our delegation was warmly welcomed by the high-ranking nobles, but the barons and the rest of the lower-ranking nobles seemed to be behaving strangely towards us. They did receive us properly, but it felt like they were acting unusually reserved for some reason.

Were their attitudes simply due to the difference in status between us? I asked Fal about my observations, but she told me she hasnt noticed anything of the sort.

The royal inspection continued as planned until we finally reached the last leg of our travels. Three months have passed since weve departed from the royal capital. We arrived at the earldom of the Ludvic house, which my mother was formerly a part of. The current earl is my mothers older brother. We were of course eagerly received by them.

The evening after our arrival, the door of my room suddenly received a knock. Fal, who was staying in an adjacent anteroom, swiftly got up and went to my side.

Whos there!?

Its Darshim, Your Highness. A servant of this house came, saying that the earl requests to meet you with due haste my princess. I did try to refuse him, but he insisted.

If thats the case, then it cant be helped. We were staying at the earls castle to begin with. Complying with this request would just be appropriate. I looked towards Fal and nodded in agreement. Please wait for a moment, Fal called out. I then proceeded to make myself more presentable.

I was led into a room where I found the earl along with a nobleman who seemed to be his aide.

I am truly sorry to have requested you presence at this ungodly hour Royal Princess, the earl started.

Its alright. More importantly, what seems to be the matter?

Weve just received word from the capital. A rebellion has broken out.

I jerked in surprise after hearing the sudden grave news and endured the urge to cry out.

How large is the scale?

I cannot say for certain, but I estimate the rebel elements to include sixty to seventy percent of the southern and western noble houses, twenty to thirty percent of the eastern and northern nobles and sixty percent of the military.

I swiftly calculated the numbers mentioned. So its more than half of the nobility and the army

Which side are you on, your Lordship?

After hearing my question, Fal moved her hand to her swords hilt, ready to draw it at a moments notice.

Your Highness no, my dear niece Cleria; do not ask me such a thing. Our Ludvic house has sworn its unwavering loyalty to the Starvine royal house instead of the Starveek kingdom since its inception three hundred years ago. Your misgivings are misplaced.

Im sorry uncle. I was just too upset. Please forgive me.

Yes, it would not be good if I was unable to properly determine friend from foe and mistrust my closest allies. If he were against us, my uncle would not have informed me of the rebellion in the first place.

I then asked my uncle for the details of the rebellion.

It all began twenty days ago, when my father summoned the military minister Lord Alois under the pretense of wanting to discuss something with him, which he promptly ignored.

They then attempted to reach out to the military officials staying near the royal palace to inquire about the matter, but found that they were no longer able to contact them as well. Two days after the summons, Lord Alois rallied his soldiers and raised the flag of rebellion. A good portion of the nobility matched their timing and participated as well.

The royal capital ended up being sealed off and the royal palace was besieged by the army and fell three days after.

What about my father!? My mother and brother!?

My uncle grimly shook his head.

They were all executed on the square in front of the royal castle. They were charged with high treason for allegedly selling out the kingdom to the neighboring Holy State of Aram.

What!? How utterly ridiculous!

The Holy State of Aram was a neighboring country which raided our borders from time to time.

I know. Im sure no one, friend or foe alike, actually believe in such a flimsy accusation.

Kuh! We need to recapture the royal capital immediately!

Your Highness, it would be best if you first gather the forces of the east and north under your name in order to properly oppose the rebels.

It certainly is as my uncle says. Our enemies are composed of nobles and a considerable part of the army. They wont be felled by half-hearted forces.

Im very sorry uncle. I was too hasty and blood just rushed to the top of my head.

Do not worry, Princess. I understand your feelings. My esteemed king and my cute little sister were both humiliated and butchered under their hands. Ill absolutely make them pay the price!

My uncles aura suddenly turned murderous.

I then proceeded to write letters all morning which were to be delivered to the nearby noble houses. Their content was a call to arms following the events in the royal capital. Over two hundred knights were sent out to deliver my letters to the noble houses of the eastern and northern domains.

But I noticed something strange after the third day since sending out the messengers.

There was no response up until now. At the very least, the lords from the territories near the earldom should have given us a reply already. None of the knights entrusted with delivering the letters came back as well. An unpleasant premonition comes over me.

Finally, on the morning of the fourth day, a noble leading his private forces arrived in the earldom. Judging from the flag they were flying, it was the forces of Baron Arseny, who uncle regards as his right hand man.

I welcomed the baron together with my uncle.

Your Royal Highness! You were safe? Thank the Goddess Ruminas!

It has been a long time Baron. However, what do you mean?

I looked at the baron quizzically. My uncle and his aides faces suddenly paled.

Yes, well I did not know that Your Highness actually came here.

That cant be! Did you not receive my letter?

No, I have never received any sort of letter from Your Highness. I just learned about the rebellion in the capital two days ago and asked the Ludvic house for instructions, but I never received a response. Thats why I came here directly.

Damnation! So those messengers really were intercepted!

My uncle was horrified.

I was finally able to grasp what was happening. All of the messengers never reached their intended destinations.

Your Highness, perhaps they have been planning this rebellion for years. They are far too prepared.

What happened to the messengers?

They may have all been killed already. The rebels may have stationed groups of soldiers on the main roads. They must have intercepted the messengers and got rid of them since the enemies outnumber them.

Conversely, if we assemble a large enough number of troops, they would not be able to lay siege to them as easily. We should dispatch a sufficient number of scouts immediately.

My Goddess! How frighteningly thorough

The scout troops were soon assembled along with troops tasked to eliminate the enemy soldiers stationed on the main roads.

The troops set out. This deployment lasted for a couple of days.

We finally grasped a rough handle of the situation due to the soldiers efforts.

The enemy should be comprised of 40,000 soldiers, a majority of which came from the military.

The private troops of the southern and western nobles were mixed in as well.

They were currently moving against the noble houses who are still putting up a resistance, sieging their castles.

They hold their entire territories hostage while proposing for the ruling nobles to surrender and come to the royal capital with their families, on the condition that they will relinquish their rights to their lands and hand that responsibility to the rebels.

The enemy forces have already invaded deeply into the eastern and northern domains, and even if the remaining nobles loyal to the Royal Family tried to muster their forces and gather up, theres a good chance they would be intercepted along the way and eliminated one by one.

We continued to receive these kinds of grievous news. I took in all these reports while feeling dumbfounded.

At this rate, even if we do somehow manage to gather some forces, it wont number more than 5,000 men.

While I was ruminating our dismal situation, uncle addressed me.

We just received word that the castle of Count David has fallen. The enemys main force shall be coming here in half a days time.

I have long prepared myself for such an outcome.

I understand. We shall meet the enemy head-on and show them the strength of our resolve!

Spoken like a true Starvine. Your courage is most admirable.

However, I would want Your Highness to escape from here if possible.

Do not say such absurd things! Do you want me to live on in shame uncle!?

You would not be living in disgrace, Your Highness. I want you to go to the Berta Kingdom.

Berta Kingdom? It was a neighbouring country; however, one needs to cross the wildlands in order to reach it.

I do not know much about Berta Kingdom. But Irena-sama, the little sister of your grandmother Erika-sama, had married over to that kingdom as queen. In other words, the Berta Kingdoms current king, Amado-sama, is Cleria-samas second cousin.

Do you want me to seek aid from the Berta Kingdom?

Precisely. But I believe they would not be able to make it in time to quell this rebellion if they do decide to lend aid. And even if you appeal to them personally Princess, the possibility of the Berta Kingdom sending us aid is still quite low.

Thats true. Surely if the situation was reversed and it was the Berta Kingdom who is asking for aid, Starveek Kingdom will also hesitate in sending subjects who could possibly die in foreign soil.

Even so, we want to preserve an ember of hope. Even if this kingdom is shattered, we still hope that it can be rebuilt once more and rise from the ashes.

If so, then please help me uncle. Let us revive this kingdom together.

No, I am a proud vassal of the Starvine royal house. Please allow me to make a stand here.

If you surrender

My uncle immediately cut me off.

Your Highness, considering the relationship between us and the Starvine royal house, my life will definitely not be spared. And even if I do manage to survive after surrendering, all that awaits next is the abolishment of the Ludvic house. I would rather choose to make a final stand and keep my pride instead of bowing in defeat without struggling.

Even if I and my entourage of royal guards stayed and fought here, our meagre numbers would not be able to change the inevitable outcome. Then would it truly be better to preserve an ember of hope as my uncle wishes?

My uncle then knelt down and implored me.

Your Royal Highness, if I may be so bold as to request one final thing of you.


Your Highness also has the blood of the Ludvic house flowing through your veins. Considering our three hundred years of unwavering service and loyalty to the Starvine royal house, I beseech you to revive the Ludvic house one day.

I have no reason to refuse such a request.

I understand. I will definitely revive the Ludvic house without fail. I swear this upon the name of the Goddess Ruminas.

I activated my mana and swore upon the name of the Goddess. My body emitted a soft glow as proof of the vow.

Wahaha! I am most grateful Your Highness!

Thus, my escape was decided. We immediately began preparations for departure.

We have prepared eight carriage groups for this occasion, equal to the number of roads leading out of our lands.

Your Royal Highness will be among these eight groups along with your royal guard. Each individual carriage has soldiers assigned to them to serve as escorts as well. All carriages will depart at the same time; each heading out to a different road leading out of the territory. Of course, none of the soldiers are told exactly which carriage princess shall be riding in.

They shall be heading to the Cecilio and Berta kingdoms respectively. However, the exact way towards the Berta kingdom is known only by the local hunters.

We surmise that the enemy would most likely judge that you will be heading for the Cecilio kingdom. It is only a short distance away after all.

Each carriage shall also be accompanied by scouts and rear troops. Despite the on-going rebellion, we dont think that enemy troops would be stationed on the border roads leading out of the kingdom.

The rebel forces have most likely already entered our lands, but they wont be able to come in pursuit of you effectively if each carriage group heads out to eight different directions at the same time. The scouts and rear units are an added insurance.

I see. The arrangements seem perfect so far.

The time for departure finally arrived. Only uncle and his aide saw us off.

Here, Your Highness. These were entrusted by the king to be given to you before the royal palace fell. I apologize for handing them over only now, my uncle said as he handed something to me.

When I took a look, I saw three pieces of paper with words written on them. The first one said Cleria, Im so sorry, in my fathers handwriting. The second one was my mothers which said I wish for your happiness my dear Cleria. The last one was my brothers. It said I entrust the Starvine royal house to you. All of them seemed to have been hastily written out.

I forcefully held back my tears.

Goodbye uncle.

Go child. Goddess Ruminas, I beseech thee! Please bless Cleria on this journey and keep her safe.

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