Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 97: Chapter 97: It was based in the Game

Alexa avoided the woman's gaze, trying to keep her composure. The woman's pale fingers reached out and brushed a strand of Alexa's hair away from her face. "Looks like you're having fun," she said with a cold edge. "Despite the fact that you've destroyed someone's life."

"It isn't our fault," Alexa replied defsively.

The woman's eyes, a striking red with a glint of malice, narrowed. "Dial," she said softly. "At least you got karma. What's life like with a curse, Ms. Ford?" she added.

Alexa's frustration boiled over. She shoved the woman away and began to walk faster.

From behind, she heard the woman's whispered insult, "Bitch."

Alexa's face tighted with anger, but she didn't look back. Instead, she quicked her pace, determined to put distance betwe herself and the unsettling counter.

As Alexa exited the building, she nearly stumbled, but her brother Alex caught her just in time.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked, concern in his voice. "I saw her ter the building."

"Yeah, we crossed paths," Alexa replied, still shak.

"Is she still angry?" Alex inquired, noticing her distress.

Alexa nodded, her frustration evidt. "Yes."

"It's not like it's our fault," Alex said, helping her into their car. He th slid into the driver's seat.

As Alex started the gine, Alexa leaned her head against the window, lost in thought. Her mind drifted back to the evts of five years ago, the memories coming back in vivid flashes as they drove away.

Five years ago, a gbreaking VR game called Ethereal Online means escape the reality became a global ssation. It was the first VR game ever made, and it quickly became a huge hit a the world.

The game used advanced capsules to transport players' minds directly into a virtual world where they could freely choose their characters. Whether they wanted to be a swordsman, assassin, archer, or any other class, players had dless options. They could explore fantastic landscapes, battle monsters, level up, raid dungeons, and complete quests.

The game's realism and depth made it incredibly immersive.

Before Ethereal Online, the Ford Company was struggling with bankruptcy and losing hope. The Ford twins, Alexa and her brother Alex, had almost giv up until they dreamed of an unknown man who inspired them with the idea of VR. This vision led to the creation of Ethereal Online, turning the company's fortunes a and making it a huge success.

As the game's anniversary approached, it was set to receive a massive update. However, the update came as a surprise ev to the Ford Company, appearing suddly without prior notice.

Just before Ethereal Online shut down, the game made one last announcemt on its own, leaving players and the world in stunned anticipation.

[Announcemt Notification]

Ethereal Online – Update


Update Successful!

[Atttion, Beings of Planet Earth! The gods and goddesses have heard your wishes and the joy you found in playing. Your desires are now granted as they transform your world based on the realms of Ethereal Online. Prepare for a new reality where the game becomes your world. Embrace the unprecedted changes and experices ahead.]


After the announcemt, All scres and devices shut down, an earthquake struck, causing everyone to panic. However, after the quake, nothing else happed, and the devices and scres returned to normal, but the game had completely vanished and people thought about the announcemt is just a prank made by the company.

Ev the company, Ford, was in shock and trying to figure out what had occurred. Th, in a room in their building, a large crystal appeared. They didn't know what it was and couldn't approach it, as an invisible barrier sured it. No matter what they tried, the crystal remained untouched.

As they tried to figure out what had happed to Ethereal Online and what the crystal was, days passed, and people began disappearing—starting with Seojun.

Evtually, as they planned to bomb the crystal, it suddly glowed, and that's wh everything changed. A huge scre appeared in the sky, and the game tutorial began, marking the first existce of the global system

A massive crack appeared in the sky. It was clear now that the Ethereal Online game tutorial had turned into a reality.

In the chaos, people began blaming the Ford family, and among them was Lilith Vladimir. Her family had died in the disaster, leaving her alone and filled with rage. She wanted revge and dreamed of seeing the Ford family's blood.

In the brink of death, She was chos by Vladimir, an S-rank vampire god. She survived the disaster by transforming her into a powerful vampire through Vladimir's blood. Taking on the name Lilith Vladimir, she vowed to destroy the Ford family for what they had caused.

Alexa sighed as she thought about Lilith Vladimir. "Her name doesn't suit her," she muttered. "Lilith sounds too innoct for someone like her. Tsk."

Her gaze drifted to a floating island in the sky, one of the zones she had designed and added to the game. A wave of regret washed over her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I never imagined it would come to this. I wish we could have done something to prevt it." She looked away, feeling the weight of her guilt.

Alex glanced in the rearview mirror, watching his twin sister as she sat in the backseat, staring out the window. The city streets blurred past, and the low hum of the car gine filled the silce betwe them. Finally, Alex broke the quiet.

"So," he began, keeping his eyes on the road ahead, "what was the meeting all about?"

Alexa's annoyed face reflected in the rearview mirror as she huffed in frustration. "Ugh, it's just Seo-ha. Her attitude pisses me off! And don't ev get me started on Tae-hyun. He seriously thinks I'm easy to get? If he wants me to be his wife, he should put in some effort!"

Alex chuckled, amused by her irritation. "So, he's not giving up, huh?"

"Obviously not!" Alexa rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "He's reltless."

Alex laughed, the sound light and teasing. "By the way, How's Seojun doing? He's be good, right?"

Alexa fell silt for a momt, her gaze shifting to her hands as they fidgeted in her lap. "Uhmm… Brother, I didn't get a chance to see him yet. The meeting was so sudd."

Alex shook his head, a mix of exasperation and amusemt on his face. "The meeting was at a.m. Just what time did you wake up?"

Alexa started combing her hair with her fingers, a pout forming on her lips. "I stayed up late last night, so I woke up at 9 a.m. Th Seo-ha just dragged me into the meeting without any warning. Hmph."

Alex sighed, the sound half fond and half resigned. "That's fine. I already bought his groceries and a few other things he might need."

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