Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Celebration- Their Gifts

He lunged at Silla But before he could reach him, a second head of Silla, previously hidden, shot out and grabbed Hound mid-air. With a swift motion, Silla's head threw him forcefully against the wall.

The clan lords, stunned, murmured among themselves. "A two-headed serpent?" Balor said.

Silla, now fully transformed into a colossal nine-headed dragon-serpent, hissed. "Make it nine."

The room fell silent as Silla's nine heads roared in unison. Balor, eyes wide, stammered, "A Legendary Nine-headed hydra!"

Silla turn around and Smirk 'I can also show off brother hehee'

As the silence lingered in the room, Malara knocked gently on the door. Silla's gaze shifted to the entrance,"Come in," he commanded.

The door creaked open, and Malara entered with a respectful bow. "My lord, everything is prepared, The celebration will begin shortly."

Silla nodded and return back in his snake form, then turned back to the clan lords with a final warning glare before stepping away. The clan lords, still in shock from the display, kept their eyes on the ground, respecting the authority that had been so forcefully demonstrated.

Leaving the room, Silla and Malara led the way out. In the spacious hall, Seojun was seated comfortably in a chair on a raised wooden platform. Huno was lounging beside him, his tail wagging contentedly. Silla approached and took his place on the opposite side of Seojun's chair, his earlier menace replaced with a calm demeanor.

Seojun glanced at Silla with a raised eyebrow, then turned his attention to Malara. "Everything's ready?"

Malara nodded. "Yes, My lord. The celebration will begin soon. We've ensured everything is to your liking."

Seojun looked around at the preparations and then back at Silla and Huno. "They don't have to do this."

Silla curled up beside Seojun's chair, As the sounds of the celebration began to fill the air.

Meanwhile, Hound, who had been thrown against the wall earlier, lay unconscious on the ground.

The celebration took place in the center of the village. The area was bustling with activity, decorated with vibrant colors and filled with long tables laden with food and drink. At the heart of the festivities was a large stage where Seojun was seated comfortably.

Seojun was on the stage, with Huno lounging beside him and Silla curled up on the other side. They were positioned on the edge of the wide open space where the villagers gathered.

A person stepped up to the stage in the center of the village and began speaking. His voice was loud and clear, reaching everyone in the area. "Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, and esteemed allies, welcome to the grand celebration!"

Seojun, puzzled by the noise and activity, turned to Malara, who stood next to Huno. "Who is that?"

Malara looked towards the speaker and then back at Seojun. "That's my brother, my lord. He's the one who speaks for us during these events."

Seojun's frown deepened. 'What are they doing to me? I don't have time for this.'

[You should enjoy this, host. This might be the last time you'll have a long break without battles]

Huno barked in agreement, and Silla's nine heads nodded along. Silla's tails wagged excitedly.

Seojun sighed, realizing he couldn't ignore Huno and Silla's efforts to cheer him up. "Alright, alright," he said, giving in.

With that, Silla and Huno settled in to enjoy the celebration. As the celebration continued, Malara's brother raised his voice to introduce the clan lords, each of whom would soon make their grand entrance.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "it is my great honor to introduce the esteemed clan lords who have gathered here today."

He started with the Lord of the Gloomfang Clan. "First, we have Lord Balor, known as the One-Eyed Demon!"

A round of applause erupted from the crowd. Lord Balor, seated in the front row on the right side, stood and gave a respectful bow towards Seojun. Seojun acknowledged him with a nod.

Next, Malara's brother continued, "Please welcome the Lord of the Bloodmane Clan, Lord Kazrak, also known as the Leoner Demon!"

Lord Kazrak, sitting next to Balor, stood and bowed deeply to Seojun. Seojun responded with a nod, maintaining his calm demeanor.

Following this, Malara's brother announced, "Now, presenting the Lord of the Ironhoof Clan, Lord Vrok, the Bull Demon!"

Lord Vrok, who was seated beside Kazrak, rose and bowed to Seojun. Seojun gave him a nod in acknowledgment.

The next introduction was for the Lord of the Hollowshades Clan. "And now, we have Lord Sorgar, the Skeletal Wraith!"

Lord Sorgar, who had been seated on the opposite side of the open space, stood and gave a respectful bow. Seojun nodded in response.

Finally, Malara's brother introduced the last clan lord. "Let us welcome Lady Zholga, the Half-Woman Serpent of the Serpentain Clan!"

Lady Zholga rose from her seat and approached with a deliberate grace. As she bowed, she made sure to present herself in a provocative manner, showing her cleavage and giving a soft hiss. Seojun, maintaining his composure, simply nodded in acknowledgment.

With all the clan lords introduced, Malara's brother continued, "As a token of their respect and gratitude, each clan lord will now present their gifts to Lord Seojun."

The clan lords, having finished their bows and respectful gestures, began to step forward to present their offerings.

As the clan lords prepared to present their gifts, the anticipation in the air was palpable. Each lord took their turn to approach the stage where Seojun sat, ready to receive their offerings.

First up was Lord Balor of the Gloomfang Clan. He stepped forward with a solemn expression and presented Seojun with a beautifully crafted dark crystal. "My lord," he said, "this is a Gloomstone, a rare artifact that enhances strength and resilience. May it serve you well."

Seojun took the crystal, acknowledging the gesture with a nod. The crowd clapped, and Lord Balor returned to his seat.

Next, Lord Kazrak of the Bloodmane Clan approached the stage. As he walked, he muttered to himself, 'They told us to present gifts just when the ceremony started. Tsk. Good thing I managed to prepare something in time.' With a nod of satisfaction.

he presented a majestic crimson cloak. "This is the Bloodmane Cloak, known for its protective properties and its ability to increase agility."

Seojun accepted the cloak, nodding in appreciation. Kazrak returned to his seat, and the crowd applauded.

Lord Vrok of the Ironhoof Clan was the next to approach. He presented a sturdy, intricately designed shield. "My lord ,this is the Ironhoof Shield, a symbol of unwavering defense. May it safeguard you in all your endeavors."

Seojun took the shield, recognizing the craftsmanship. He nodded to Lord Vrok, who then went back to his place among the other lords.

Lady Zholga of the Serpentain Clan was the last to step forward. She approached with a graceful, albeit deliberate, motion. She thought to herself, 'If I had known earlier that I would be presenting gifts, I would have brought a family heirloom.'

She presented a beautifully ornate serpent-themed necklace. "This is the Serpent's Embrace, a treasure of our clan that brings both elegance and subtle power."

Seojun accepted the necklace, acknowledging Lady Zholga with a nod. She returned to her seat, and the crowd cheered

Lord Sorgar, the Skeletal Wraith of the Hollowshades Clan, stepped up to the stage with an eerie calmness. His skeletal form moved with a deliberate grace as he presented a black, ethereal crown.

"My lord, this is the Crown of Shadows. It grants dominion over dark forces and enhances your ability to command."

Seojun took the crown, noting its intricate design and dark allure. He nodded in acknowledgment as Sorgar returned to his seat, the crowd clapping softly.

With all the gifts presented, the room fell into a quiet anticipation. The clan lords and attendees awaited Seojun's response, their eyes fixed on him. Meanwhile, Seojun was busy placing the gifts into his inventory, his attention focused on the task.

As Seojun sorted through the items, Huno nudged him gently. Seojun looked up and noticed them waiting among the gifts. 'What?' he thought, his brow furrowing. He scratched his nape, realizing he had to speak.

Standing up awkwardly, Seojun cleared his throat. "Thank you all for these generous gifts," he said, his voice carrying a hint of awkwardness. "I'm truly grateful for your respect and offerings. They will be valuable to me."

The crowd responded with polite applause, and Seojun, feeling slightly out of place, sat back down beside Huno.

After the exchange of gifts, the mood in the village center lightened as attention turned to the food. The long tables that lined the edges of the open space were now the focal point of the celebration.

Malara's brother stepped up once more, his voice carrying over the crowd. "And now, we invite you all to partake in the feast prepared in honor of Lord Seojun. Our tables are filled with the finest delicacies from each clan."

At his signal, servers began to bring out platters of food.

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