Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: New Clan Member (Grimporcs)

Vrok, the bull demon, stepped forward with a heavy thud. His massive frame, covered in dark, rugged fur, was imposing.

"I am Vrok," he rumbled, his voice like the grinding of stones. "Lord of the Ironhoof Clan. We have come to witness the might that reshaped the Abyss. I respect strength and the will to dominate, and I see you possess both."

Zholga, the black serpent woman, followed closely behind Vrok.

"I am Zholga,mLady of the Serpentain Clan. My Lord"

Seojun observed them carefully. 'I thought the Clan Lords were here to challenge me,' Seojun thought. 'But they're quite the opposite of Malara's story.'

Zholga took a step toward Seojun, her movements graceful and deliberate. She extended a hand, but Malara swiftly interposed herself, blocking Zholga's advance. Her expression was firm but polite.

"Why don't we have a celebration?" Zholga suggested, her eyes bright with anticipation. "For the new Clan Lord of the Nerathiel Domain."

Seojun opened his mouth to respond, but Malara quickly cut him off. "We will handle it for now. Please, rest in the guest hall. You will be guided by..." Malara look around to find who'll be guding them

Silla, who had been observing the interactions with interest, crawled closer and spoke telepathically to Malara, 'Make me guide them.'

Malara nodded and repeated aloud, "You will be guided by Lord Silla."

The Clan Lords, though somewhat taken aback by the sudden shift, followed Silla as he led them to the guest hall. Seojun remained puzzled by their seemingly amicable behavior.

As the Clan Lords departed, Seojun found himself surrounded by Bino demons, who buzzed around him with a mixture of excitement and relief. It was as if they were celebrating his victory and his new status.

Malara approached Seojun, her demeanor respectful. "How was your bath spring, my lord? Did you like it?"

Seojun smiled slightly. "Yes, it was quite relaxing. By the way, the celebration—"

He was cut off by Malara, who spoke over him. "We will handle it, my lord. We will present the most delicious delicacies in our domain."

Before Seojun could respond, Huno, still in his smaller form, grabbed him gently but firmly and began pulling him away. Seojun's thoughts wandered as he was led through the bustling village.

'Delicacies,' he thought. 'The last thing I ate was that strange sweet burger bug. I wonder if the food here will be anything like on Earth.'

"Let's get you a bath, hmm?" Seojun suggested, glancing down at Huno.

Huno barked excitedly in response, his tail wagging energetically. They made their way to a nearby area with a small, private bathing spot, similar to the hot spring Seojun had enjoyed earlier. The spot was more secluded, designed for Huno's comfort.

As Seojun began to wash Huno, the three-headed dog seemed to revel in the attention. The warm water and gentle scrubbing were a welcome change for Huno, who relaxed into the bath, his tails occasionally splashing in delight.

Meanwhile, under Malara's supervision, the Bino demons were busily preparing for the celebration. They were working on various tasks.

Tables were set up with a variety of dishes. Skilled Bino cooks were crafting intricate and flavorful meals, including roasted meats, exotic fruits, and special delicacies.

The area was being adorned with vibrant banners, glowing lanterns, and decorative stones that shimmered in the dim light. The festive atmosphere was taking shape.

A group of Bino demons were setting up a stage for performances. There would be music, dance, and possibly even theatrical displays to entertain the guests.

Comfortable seating areas were arranged, ensuring that guests would have ample space to relax and enjoy the festivities.

As the preparations continued, Seojun finished washing Huno, the system displayed a notification:

[System Notification: Congratulations! You have defeated Gornak, the Lord of the Swine Clan. All members of the Swine Clan will now be transported to your territory.]

The notification was quickly muted, replaced by another that detailed a significant harvest.

[System Notification: Soul Harvest Completed! You have collected 1,500 Oni souls, 2,300 Drakonids (lizard-like demons), and 5,400 Stormclaws (Birds-like demons). They are now listed as Host Demon Army Phantoms.]

Seojun and Huno left the hot spring, with Seojun pondering the notifications. "I think there was a first notification?" he asked, glancing at the system.

[It's only this host.]

Seojun frowned and muttered, "I thought I saw another notification. Nah, nevermind."

He turned to Huno and said, "What am I going to do with so many phantoms? You just act without my orders."

[I'm sorry, host. I believe that someday they will have benefits to you,]

"Tsk, stop doing that. How can I remember all the skills I have? I already told you I don't want to be overpowered."

The system offered another apology, [I'm sorry, host.]

Huno spoke to himself 'You're already overpowered, Master hehee.'

As they exited the bathing area, Seojun was surprised by the rapid progress of the preparations. The area was fully decorated, and the festive atmosphere was in full swing. 'How did they do that?!' he thought.

"What is that?" Seojun muttered, noticing a new group of demons mingling with the Bino.

Some pig-like demons, with stout bodies and rough, bristly fur, were helping the Bino demons with the decorations and food preparations. They were larger and more robust than the typical demons, with a gruff, no-nonsense demeanor.

Seojun turned to the system, "System, what are these pig-like demons? and where did they came from?"

[They are called Grimporcs Demons and they were gifts from the other clan lord] The system lied.

Seojun rubbed his temples. "Clan members as gifts? Just how many Grimporcs are there?"

[About 3,256, host.]

"What?! That many?! What am I supposed to do with them? And how many Bino demons are there?"

[About 657, host. Also, there are some Oni children who survived and were added to your territory.]

Seojun stared at the system, overwhelmed.

Meanwhile, in the guest hall, the six clan lords were engaged in conversation about Seojun.

Vrok, the bull demon, spoke first, his deep voice resonating in the room. "I must say, I've never seen a human became a clan lord."

Zholga, the half-woman black serpent, replied with a curious tone, "Yes, and he seems so... ordinary. How did a human come to lead the Bino clan?"

Sorgar, the Skeletal demon, grunted in agreement. "It's true. I expected someone more formidable."

Zholga's eyes kept drifting towards Silla, who was curled up in a chair, hissing softly. As the clan lords continued their discussion, Lord Hound, seeing an opportunity attempted to sneak out of the guest hall.

However, just as he neared the exit, Silla, in his snake form, slithered silently into his path, blocking his way. The serpent's eyes glowed with a menacing light as he raised his head to face the intruder.

Hound froze, his eyes widening in surprise. "What—" he started, but Silla cut him off with a sharp hiss.

"You're trying to leave without permission, Hound?" Silla's voice was a low, dangerous whisper.

Hound sneered, attempting to maintain his composure. "And who do you think you are, blocking my way like this?"

Silla's eyes narrowed, and he slithered closer. "I'm someone who takes orders from my master. And you, Hound, are a guest here under his domain. You will not disrupt things any further."

As Hound stubbornly pushed open the door despite Silla's warning, the unseen force struck. Hound was suddenly hurled across the room, slamming into the wall with a heavy thud. The other clan lords, taken aback, quickly moved aside to avoid the flying demon.

The room fell silent, and Hound lay on the ground, dazed. It was then that the true nature of the force became clear. Silla, previously thought to be lounging casually in a chair, revealed himself as three distinct forms: the original Silla, now curled comfortably in the chair, and two clones standing by the door.

Zholga clapped her hands in admiration at the display. "Impressive!"

The real Silla, still lounging in the chair, let out a yawn and then spoke nonchalantly. "Looks like you underestimated me, demon."

The clones vanished, and Silla stretched, the satisfaction evident in his posture. The clan lords exchanged glances Balor, the one-eyed demon, squinted in confusion. "How come your species, Zholga, have this?"

Zholga crossed her arms, her hiss sharp with irritation. "He's not my species. Can't you sense it? He's not a serpent."

Kazrak, the bull demon, looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Silla, still relaxed in his chair, spoke up with a hint of approval. "I'm impressed that you can sense that."

Zholga's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she heard Silla's praise. She crawled closer, her admiration evident in her every movement. "Marry me, Lord Silla. I will give you everything."

Silla raised an eyebrow. "Despite knowing that I'm not an ordinary serpent?"

Zholga nodded eagerly. "Yes."

before Silla could respond, Hound, seething with anger, shouted, "You think you can just humiliate me and get away with it? I'll show you!" He lunged towards Silla with a feral growl.

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