Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Mission Reclaim


Warning: The summoning process has begun and cannot be halted. You will be forcibly transported to the Abyss Realm in 10 seconds. The quest "The Abyssal Summoning" has been activated and cannot be declined or postponed. Brace yourself for the challenges ahead.

Seojun reached out toward his mother, his voice filled with desperation. "Mom, wait for me! I'll come back, I promise!"

His mom cries echoed as he faded further away, leaving her in his desperate sobs behind.

Seojun's heart raced as his license exam prep was suddenly interrupted. One moment, he was on the edge of a big achievement, and the next, he was in a blue, endless sea. Panic rose as he looked around; the sea was calm. The gentle waves touched his feet, and the calm surroundings made his inner chaos feel even stronger.

Kneeling on the cold, damp surface, Seojun thought about his mother. Her distressed, tear-streaked face flashed in his mind, filled with pain and fear as she watched him disappear. Tears blurred his vision as he clasped his hands and whispered, "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry…" His words trembled with guilt and sorrow.

Desperation gripped him. Seojun pounded the sea's surface with his fists, trying to break through the blue sea and fix what had happened. His hits only created ripples that vanished quickly. The sea remained unyielding, a silent witness to his anguish.

Suddenly, a glowing, blue holographic notification appeared before him.


Welcome to the Omniarch Realm.

Seojun's frustration boiled over. "Why am I here? Bring me back! I can't leave my mom like this!" His voice cracked with desperation as he tried to grab the holographic message. His hands went through it, unable to interact with it.


Ding! Error. System malfunction. Unable to process request.

Seojun's anger flared. "No! This can't be happening! System! What's going on?" His pleas were met with more flickering notifications.


Ding! Error. System malfunction. Unable to process request.

The notifications continued to glitch and flicker, offering no explanation and adding to his growing despair.

Suddenly, He had just heard a mysterious voice but couldn't find where it came from.

"Inheritor of the Infinite System, Han Seojun, welcome to the Omniarch Realm," the voice had said.

Seojun looked around frantically but saw nothing except the vast sea and sky. Trying to stay calm, he shouted, "Who are you?!"

"I am Goddess Zyraena, the Sovereign of Omniarch."

Seojun's mind flashed back to when he first activated the Infinite System. He discovered that his family had a system that passed down through generations to the oldest female child. Yet, Seojun, an only son, had inherited it under extraordinary circumstances.

he had absorbed his twin sister while still in the womb called Fetal Resorption and activated the system as he faced death few months ago and his mother that thought that the system dissapeared ad no idea that he inherited it.

"This system came from you?" Seojun asked, trying to grasp the truth.

The voice replied, "Yes. I bestowed this system upon your family, and you inherited it despite being a man.You are the chosen one, regardless of the tradition."

In Seojun's mind, he saw an image of Goddess Zyraena. She was a stunning figure with silver hair that flowed like water and deep violet eyes full of ancient knowledge. Her clothes shone with blue and gold, and she radiated a powerful, calm energy.

Seojun felt a mix of wonder and confusion. He knew he faced a new reality filled with challenges. The calm sea seemed to contrast with his inner turmoil, but he understood that the journey ahead would be significant and demanding.

"I am here to guide you, Han Seojun. Accept your role, for the Omniarch Realm awaits you," Han Seojun stood frozen, his heart racing as the voice of Goddess Zyraena began to fade away. Panic surged through him. He hadn't gotten the answers he desperately needed.

"Wait! Why am I here?! What should I do?!" Seojun shouted, his voice trembling. But the silence that followed only deepened his fear.

"Goddess Zyraena!" he called out, his voice growing more frantic with each cry. "Please, don't leave me! I need to know what to do!"

But the calm, powerful voice of the goddess was gone, leaving Seojun alone with only the sound of the waves lapping at his feet. His mind whirled in confusion and fear.

Suddenly, a sharp sound interrupted his thought.


Mission: Defeat the Abyssal Realm Lord. Grimzark, The Dread of Tyrant

Description: The Abyss Realm was once under the rule of Goddess Zyraena, but it fell into darkness when the Abyssal Realm Lord, Grimzark, defeated its guardian and took control.

Objective: Reclaim Goddess Zyraena's realm.

Reward: Hidden Class, Gold Coins, Experience, Legendary Weapon, Return to Earth ,REUNITE WITH YOUR MOTHER Etc.

Time Limit: None.

Penalty for Failure: Death.

You will be transported to the Abyss Realm in 5 seconds.

Seojun stared at the notification, his panic only deepening. He had no idea how to defeat a realm lord, let alone one who had overthrown a powerful being. The thought of failure sent chills down his spine—death was the penalty, and the weight of it pressed heavily on him.

Then, his eyes widened as he read the most important reward, Reunite with your mother. The possibility of seeing her again filled him with both desperation and determination.

His thoughts raced. How could he possibly succeed? He didn't even know where to start. The fear that had been simmering inside him now threatened to consume him. This mission felt different from all the others. Just hearing the word "Abyss" sent a chill down Seojun's spine, causing a shiver to run through him like goosebumps

But deep down, he knew he had no choice. He had to complete the mission, not just to survive, but to reunite with his mother and reclaim the realm for Goddess Zyraena.

Five seconds, he thought, his heart pounding in his chest. There was no time to prepare, no time to plan. He would be thrown into the unknown, but he couldn't afford to give in to fear. His life, his mother's life, and perhaps the fate of more realms than he could imagine depended on his success.

With a deep breath, Seojun braced himself as everything around him started to blur. The world dissolved into darkness, and in the blink of an eye, he felt himself being pulled into the Abyss Realm.


This novel begins near the end of the main character's journey in the Abyss. Some readers might find this annoying and drop because the next chapters focus on the main character's past of how he got to that point. I recommend that everyone give it a try.

Start with chapters 1 and 2, then you can either skip to chapter 30, which is the last domain, or go to chapter 64 which is the continuation of chapter 1.

Readers who don't like how this start, Please give it a chance.

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