Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Abyss Realm

Abyss Realm by its definition, was a land that was without feeling of light, revealing blackened mountains jagged and rough towering over cracked ground littered with rubble. The land had been a mad tumble of stone splinters—shattered skeletal remains, rusting weapons, mouldering flesh.

The Abyss stretched minutes into hours, a living hell where maybe faith was a thing of the past. This was a constant fight for survival.

The land was crawling with monsters, each scarier than the last, but none quite like the Abyssal Behemoth. Its great bulk decked out in black scales etched with luminescent runes, it was an utter horror of the darkness. It was the second most powerful being in the Abyss, and was revered and feared by all.

An enormous shadow covered the landscape, cast by the Abyssal Behemoth as it loomed over him. Hundreds of its glowing red eyes glared at him With each step, the ground rumbled.

Then The Behemoth let out a powerful roar, the earth shook and the sky darkened. Tendrils of dark energy snaked and reached out for him, attempting to crush his being within it. With a smirk, he vanished in a flash of light, reappearing high above the Behemoth's head.

The air around him shimmered, and a huge blade of pure energy appeared, glowing in blue flame.

One of the Abyssal Behemoth's giant arms swung to bat him out of the air. But with a single motion, he brought the blade down, slicing through the Behemoth's arm as if it were nothing. Dark blood sprayed from the wound, but the Behemoth didn't slow down. Instead, its arm began to regenerate instantly, with even more dark energy tendrils forming.

The Behemoth opened its enormous mouth, gathering a giant sphere of dark energy that sucked in all the light around it. With another roar, it fired the orb straight at him, powerful enough to destroy mountains.

He remained calm, extending both hands to summon a glowing barrier of light that intercepted the orb. The impact sent shockwaves through the air but he didnt move. The barrier held strong, with a flick of his wrist, he absorb the orbs energy and sent it back to the abyssal behemothas a beam of pure destruction.

The beam punched through the Behemoth's chest, leaving a massive, smoking hole. The creature staggered, but its eyes flared with rage. It roared again, and its body started to change, growing larger and more monstrous, its power rising even higher.

He raised his hand to the sky, and the air began to vibrate with energy. The floating rocks above swirled, revealing a vortex of infinite power, energy so great it made the Behemoth's strength look small.

He pointed a finger at the Behemoth. "Disappear."

From the vortex, a beam of blinding white light shot down, engulfing the Abyssal Behemoth completely. The creature's roars were drowned out by the overwhelming force of the attack. The ground beneath it began to crumble, the very air around it warping under the pressure of his power.

The light grew brighter until it was impossible to see anything, and then, suddenly, it was gone.

Where the Behemoth once stood, there was only a massive crater, the land around it destroyed. The air was still, the dark energy from the creature completely wiped out.


[Congratulations Host! You have defeated the Abyssal Behemoth, Right Hand of Abyssal Lord Grimzark!]


Abyssal Core: A powerful essence infused with dark energy. Can be used to enhance weapons or armor, granting them unparalleled strength.

Cape of the Abyssal Veil: A majestic cape woven from the shadows of the abyss. It increases all stats by 70% and grants immunity to dark magic, and increases evasion by 60%.

Grimzark's Fang : A sword forged from the fang of Grimzark himself. It deals 200 base damage with an additional 70% damage against dark-aligned enemies.

100,000 Gold Coins: A hefty reward for your triumph. Use it wisely to fortify your gear and expand your domain.

Abyssal Horns: The twisted horns of the Abyssal Behemoth. Can be crafted into a helmet or used as a rare crafting material to create other powerful items.

Health Regeneration

Congratulation Host! You've claimed victory over a formidable foe! You have reached level 60500!

Now, He sat on the massive chest of the fallen Behemoth, its gigantic body lifeless on the cracked ground. His long white hair, which had naturally been brown before transitioning to this striking white, was tied back in a ponytail.

His blue eyes scanned the area with a detached calmness and his body is Refined, Masculine with the right frame a powerful physique that spoke of countless struggles and victories and Around him, lesser monsters scurried in the shadows, too frightened to approach. They knew that anyone capable of defeating the Behemoth was far beyond their reach.

In his hand, he held the Behemoth's core—a dark, swirling orb of raw energy. Without hesitation, he took a bite, but as he chewed, there was no reaction. The core had no effect on him, as if he were eating an ordinary piece of fruit.

Just then, a system notification flashed before his eyes:


[You have consumed the Abyssal Behemoth's Core.]

[Mana absorption failed. Mana capacity already maximized.]

Unfazed, he swallowed the rest of the core. It was no surprise; his mana was already at its peak, beyond the limits of ordinary beings. The Behemoth's core, which would have been a priceless treasure to others, was useless to him.

However, he wasn't done yet. He extended his hand over where the Behemoth's died, and with a focused thought, he activated his Soul reaping skill. A faint glow surrounded the area as he drew out its soul, capturing it in a shimmering orb of light. Another notification appeared:


[You have successfully extracted the soul of the Abyssal Behemoth.]

[Soulbinding Archive Updated]

Abyssal Behemoth (Level: 60000)

Type: Titan

Skills: Earthquake Stomp, Abyssal Roar, Void Slash

Status: Phantom

The soul of the Abyssal Behemoth now rested within his Archive, ready to be summoned whenever he needed its immense power. Satisfied.

He walked toward his home—a small, simple house in a lonely place. As he got closer, his guardian Cerberus, a huge three-headed dog with glowing red eyes, greeted him. The beast barked and wagged its tail, happy to see him.

He tossed a monster core to Cerberus, and the dog eagerly grabbed it, barking excitedly as it played with the prize.

He entered his small house and went to a wall where he marked another line in his time tally. The wall was full of lines, each showing how long he had lived. "500 years," he muttered, thinking about the time that had passed.

In the dim light of his room, he took a piece of meat from his inventory. With a simple thought, he heated the meat in his hand, cooking it quickly. The meat sizzled, enjoying his meal, a familiar blue holographic screen appeared in front of him.

[Is the Abyssal Behemoth Meat satisfactory?]

"I Still can't get used to you talking to me like this also the meat is fine."

The hologram flickered, as if acknowledging his comment and said,

[Memory Box Activated.]

The holographic screen changed, showing a lively city scene from the modern world one of his memories. The screen displayed a busy city with tall buildings and busy streets. But what caught his eye was a warm image of a woman in a sunny day hanging clothes.

It was his mother. Seeing her face brought him comfort. These memories helped him stay sane over the 500 years he had lived. They were a connection to a happier time.

The System was always with him, guiding him through the years. He also had a Guardian Cerberus, a powerful and protective creature, to keep him company. Together, they helped him keep his mind clear and focused.

As he watched the screen, he snapped his fingers, and the status screen appeared displaying his current status.

Host Name: : Han Seojun

Age: 18 (518 years old)

Level: 60500

Class: Error

Title: Supreme Abyss Slayer, Dragon tamer, Fallen Godslayer etc...

Health: 100%

Mana: Infinite

Strength: 309220

Stamina: 300500

Agility: 272000

Skills: Mastered

Weapons: Legendary Sword, Shield of Eternity etc...

Allies: Huno (Cerberus) Silla (Hydra) etc...

Han Seojun looked at the screen, showing his impressive level and stats. He was preparing for a major battle against the Abyssal Realm Lord. He needed every bit of his strength and skills for this fight so he closed his eyes leaning in the wall and slowly loss conscioisness

500 years ago before he was summoned...

In Seoul, Korea, Year 2062, the city is lively and peaceful. The streets are busy, but calm. Students walk around, talking and enjoying themselves, while others run or jog. People walk their dogs along clean paths. The city feels friendly and modern, with a nice, relaxed vibe.

Inside a old traditional house Han Seojun stood in front of the mirror, smiling at his reflection. He adjusted his tie carefully, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Today was a big day—he was about to take his veterinary doctor license exam.

The door opened, and his mother, Han Seoyang, walked in. Her eyes were red from crying, and she watched Seojun with pride. When he saw her tears, his smile faltered.

"Mom, why are you crying?" Seojun asked gently.

Seoyang took a deep breath and wiped her tears. "I'm just so proud of you, Seojun. You've worked so hard for this."

She came over and helped him with his tie. "You're taking the exam without going to college, and that's amazing. You've shown that hard work can overcome anything."

Seojun put his hand on her shoulder. "It's been tough, but it's worth it. I've been preparing for this for a long time. I still can't believe this is happening Mom"

Seoyang voice shook as she spoke. "I'm sorry I couldn't afford to send you to college. I know it wasn't easy, but I believe in you."

Seojun gently held her hands. "Mom, you did everything you could. Your support means the world to me. I wouldn't be here without you."

"I just wish things could have been different, But seeing you now, ready to achieve your dreams, makes me so happy."

Seojun hugged her tightly, feeling her love and support. "Thank you for believing in me. I'm going to make sure all our hard work was worth it and when I pass the exam I will take you to the mall Mom, Treat you foods and buy you new clothes"

They separated, and Seoyang managed a shaky but genuine smile. "Thanks Seojun Just seeing my son smiling is enough for me beside you should save you money now Go and show them what you can do. I know you'll make us proud."

Seojun nodded, feeling more determined. "I will. I promise."

Han Seojun walked out of his house, feeling the warmth of the sun and enjoying the clear blue sky. He was thrilled—today was the day he would take his veterinary doctor license exam.

"I can't believe I'm really taking the veterinary licensing exam," he said with a big smile. "Right, System?"

There was no answer. Seojun laughed softly at his excitement and started heading to the exam center taking about 5 steps Suddenly, his system notification beeped loudly.

Ding! System Notification!

Quest: Abyss Realm Entry

Objective: Enter the Abyss Realm immediately. This quest cannot be declined.

Time Limit: 10 seconds to be summoned


Seojun's heart dropped. His exam, the moment he had been waiting for, was about to slip away.

"No, not now!" Seojun shouted as he understand what's going to happen, looking at the notification in panic. "I need to take my exam!"

As he started to fade away into the air, he saw his mother, Han Seoyang, rushing out of the house. She was holding his packed lunch and looked shocked. When she saw her son disappearing, she gasped and dropped the lunch, covering her mouth in disbelief.

"What's happening?!" Seoyang cried desperately. "Seojun!"

"System Stop! I need to explain what's happening to my mom!"

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