Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: The Abyssal Calamity

[The synchronization you experienced is due to the Guardian Contract. When a guardian bonds with a master, their instincts and thoughts can align in battle. This makes them react faster, understand each other's movements, and fight as a unified force.]

Seojun nodded, thinking it over. "So, That's why It felt like you two already knew what I was going to do next."

He looked at Huno, who barked in agreement, and the Hydra, which let out a small hiss, almost like a nod. They seemed to understand him better than he had expected.

Seojun thought for a moment, then asked, "So they can level up too? Just like me?"

[Yes, as they became your guardians, their levels were adjusted to match yours when the contract was formed. Now, they will gain experience and level up alongside you. As you grow stronger, so will they.]

Seojun smiled at the idea. "That's nice," he said, feeling a warmth in his chest. "I'm not alone anymore." He had been alone for so long, fighting and struggling, but now, he had companions who would grow with him. "I'm starting to enjoy this."

Looking down at the Hydra on his wrist, he realized he hadn't given it a proper name yet. It felt wrong to keep calling it just 'the Hydra.' He thought back to the legends he'd read and his knowledge of mythical creatures.

"Silla," he said thoughtfully, testing the name. "How about that? Silla. You've got a strong bite and a fierce spirit. It suits you."

The Hydra—now Silla—lifted its head and hissed softly, as if accepting the name with pride. Seojun chuckled, feeling a strange bond forming between them.

"Alright," he said, his tone lighter, almost cheerful. "Let's keep moving. We've got a lot more to do and a lot more to get stronger for."

A sudden, clear ding resonated in the air. Seojun's system chimed in with an urgent message:

[WARNING! WARNING!] Danger Alert!

[The Abyss Calamity is approaching. Seek a Safe Zone immediately.]

Seojun looked around frantically. The world around him was shaking, and dark energies began to swirl in the distance. The air was heavy, almost suffocating.

"We need to move, now," Seojun said urgently. Huno, his three-headed dog, growled and darted towards a massive rock formation nearby. At its base, there was a dark hole that looked like an entrance.

As they neared the entrance, Seojun couldn't help but think, 'What exactly is an Abyss Calamity?' He was curious but had no time to dwell on it.

Just then, Huno bit at the torn fabric of Seojun's clothes, pulling him with a sense of urgency. It was clear Huno wanted to reach the safe zone quickly.

They squeezed into the rock's entrance, the space just big enough for them. Inside, they huddled together, the cool, damp air a stark contrast to the chaos outside. The countdown continued in front of Seojun's eyes:

[Abyss Calamity Arrival: 00:29... 00:28...]




[00:03... 00:02... 00:01...]

Suddenly, a massive shadow appeared above them. It looked like a giant jellyfish, but instead of swimming, it used its long, flowing tentacles like feet. As it loomed overhead, everything around them turned to ash. The dead trees and withered land of Witherfall became even more desolate, turning into a gray, lifeless wasteland.

Seojun's eyes widened in shock. "What the hell is that?!" he shouted, staring at the monstrous entity. Just then, a system notification appeared:

[System Notification: Abyss Calamity – The Devourer]


- Type: Colossal Abyssal Entity

- Appearance: Jellyfish-like with massive, flowing tentacles

- Effects: Devours all life and corrupts the land, turning flora and fauna into ash

- Threat Level:Extreme

The entity passed over them, its presence a harbinger of devastation. Seojun knew they had to stay hidden until the threat was gone.

An hour had passed since the terrifying Abyss Calamity had passed overhead. Inside the cramped safe zone, Seojun and Huno remained huddled, their nerves still on edge.

Finally, the system chimed in with a welcome update:

[Ding! The Abyss Calamity has passed. It is now safe to leave the Safe Zone.]

Seojun let out a deep breath, He stretched, feeling the stiffness from sitting in such a confined space for so long.

Huno's middle head gave a relieved bark, while the other two heads nodded in agreement. Seojun couldn't help but smile, even in the dire circumstances.

"Well," he said "I didn't know jellyfish could be that scary."

Huno's middle head tilted to the side, its expression one of clear confusion. The other two heads looked at Seojun, then at each other, trying to understand the concept of a jellyfish.

Seojun chuckled softly and scratched his neck. "You're probably wondering what a jellyfish is, huh?" he said, noticing Huno's bemused reaction. "Well, they're these sea creatures, kind of like floating blobs with long, wiggly tentacles. They're usually harmless, but they can sting if you get too close."

Huno's heads continued to look bewildered. Seojun smiled and added, "I'll show you what a jellyfish looks like once we're back on Earth. For now, let's just be glad we're safe."

With a gentle pat on Huno's head, he took a deep breathe and asked system.

"What's next?"

[In order to proceed, you must defeat the Abyss Calamity.]

Seojun's eyes widened in disbelief. "What?! That huge monster?!"

[Why? Are you scared, Host? Don't you want to go home?]

Seojun's expression relaxed into a wry smile as he responded, "You know, sometimes I think you have a grudge against me. Sending me after that giant monster, really?"


Seojun could almost sense an invisible shrug. "Well, it's not like I have much of a choice. Well, I need to prepare."

He sat down on the ground, feeling the rough texture of the terrain beneath him. His clothes were in shreds, a sign of the harsh fights he had been through. As he settled, he opened his inventory to check what he had recently collected.

The latest items from the centipede battle appeared:

1. Centipede's Mandibles- Sharp and deadly, these are the powerful jaws of the giant centipede. They could be used as weapons or for crafting.

2. Enchanted Chitin Fragments - Pieces of the centipede's tough outer shell, imbued with magical properties. These fragments can be used to enhance armor or create magical items.

3. Vial of Venomous Blood - A vial filled with the centipede's poisonous blood. It can be used to create potent toxins or enhance weapons with venom.

Seojun shook his head as he looked at the items. "None of these I can wear," he said to himself.

He continued to browse through his inventory and soon found the loot he had obtained from the Volcanic Kraken. Mo

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