Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Preparation

Seojun continued to sift through his inventory, his mind racing with the need to make the right choices for the upcoming battle. He focused on the Kraken's Scale Armor, his fingers hovering over it. He clicked on the item, and the description appeared:

Kraken's Scale Armor: Provides exceptional defense against physical and magical attacks.

He clicked the "Equip" option, and the armor materialized on the ground before him. It was a formidable piece of gear, gleaming with a dark, iridescent sheen. Seojun left it there for the moment, planning to put it on after he finished evaluating his other items.

He then turned his attention back to his inventory, struggling to decide which items to use. He browsed through the list of newly acquired loot:

Blazing Essence - This item can be used to imbue your weapons with fire attributes, increasing their effectiveness in combat or to craft powerful fire-based potions. Seojun had acquired 5 vials of Blazing Essence, a valuable resource for enhancing his weapons or creating fire-based enhancements.

High-Grade Healing Potions- These potions offer rapid and effective healing. Seojun had collected 12 of these from various battles on the 100th floor. They were essential for staying in top shape during prolonged fights.

Monster Cores - Various cores from defeated monsters, including:

- Fire Core - A core imbued with elemental fire energy.

- Ice Core - A core filled with chilling frost energy.

- Lightning Core - A core that crackles with electric energy.

Flame Dagger - A dagger imbued with fire attributes, enhancing its lethality in close combat.

Cursed Sword - A powerful sword with dark enchantments that can drain life from enemies but comes with potential risks for the user.

Seojun felt overwhelmed by the number of options. Each item had its advantages, but he needed to choose carefully to maximize his effectiveness against the Abyss Calamity.

Seojun continued to sift through his inventory, trying to make sense of the vast array of items he had collected. Among them were several new loots he had obtained from his battles:

Fire Salamander's Scales- Tough, heat-resistant scales that can be used to craft fire-resistant armor or potions. He had collected 8 of these.

Salamander's Flame Tongue - A small, enchanted flame that can be used to create fire-based weapons or potions.

Glimmering Ashes - Magical ashes from defeated fire monsters, useful in creating potent fire-based enchantments. He had gathered 6 vials.

Frost Spider's Silk - An incredibly strong and cold-resistant silk that can be used to craft lightweight but durable clothing or traps. He had 7 pieces.

Lightning Beetle's Carapace - A shell that conducts electricity, useful for crafting or enhancing items with electric properties. He had 5 carapaces.

Abyssal Shards- Shards from abyssal creatures, used in creating or enhancing dark magic items. He had 4 shards.

and more.

Seojun's mind raced as he wondered how he could survive the Abyss Calamity. The enormous jellyfish-like creature was a formidable opponent, and he needed more than just equipment to face it.

The system interrupted his thoughts, [Would you like me to show the full status of the Abyss Calamity?]

"Yes," Seojun replied.

The system displayed the details of the Abyss Calamity:

[Abyss Calamity: Whitherfall Devourer]


- Immense Size: Its large body and tentacles can cause massive area damage.

- Toxic Tentacles: The tentacles deliver a potent toxin that can weaken or paralyze foes.

- Dark Aura: It emits a dark aura that can sap the strength and morale of nearby enemies.

- Illusion: Can use illusion against its enemy


- Light Sensitivity: The creature is sensitive to bright lights and might be weakened by intense light-based attacks.

- Cold Damage: Its body is less resistant to cold and ice attacks.

The weaknesses offered potential strategies: he could use light and cold-based attacks to his advantage. He began formulating a plan, selecting the appropriate items from his inventory to exploit these weaknesses.

As Seojun prepared his gear, the system's interface flickered to life.

[Would you like me to Forge and Enchance your items, Host?]

Seojun's curiosity was piqued. "Can you do that, System?" he asked, hoping for a positive response.

[Anything for you, Host,]

In an instant, all the items Seojun had scattered on the ground vanished. The system continued with a follow-up message:

[Initializing Forging and enhancement process. This will take approximately one hour or more. Please be patient.]

Seojun watched as the items disappeared.Seojun muttered to himself, "Looks like it's going to take a while. I should do something instead of just sitting around." He stood up and began a series of exercises to keep himself active. As he worked through his routine, a notification popped up:

[Combat Skills Enhanced]

Martial Arts Mastery:

Skill Progress: Your extensive training and physical exercise have resulted in a significant boost to your Martial Arts skills. This includes enhancements to your speed, precision, and overall combat effectiveness. Your movements are now more fluid and your strikes more impactful, allowing for greater control and efficiency in battle.

Curious, Seojun headed outside, his mind clear and focused. He spotted a massive rock in the distance and decided to test his abilities. He assumed a fighting stance and threw a powerful punch at the rock. It shattered into pieces, sending debris flying.

Seojun examined his handiwork and murmured, "This Bone Crusher skill is really helpful. I wonder how it will fare against the Abyss Calamity."

At that moment, a new notification appeared

[Bone Crusher Skill Level Up.]

Seojun was sifting through his inventory when he heard a sudden explosion. He quickly raised his arms to shield himself from the flying rocks. As the debris settled, he looked up and saw Huno standing in front of him, wagging its tail with a proud expression.

"Wow, did you do that?" Seojun asked, astonished.

Huno barked proudly, then did a little circle, his tail wagging energetically. Seojun chuckled and said, "Do it again!"

Huno barked once more, and Seojun watched as the three-headed Cerberus shrank down to its normal size, resembling an ordinary dog. Huno trotted off to find another rock, ready to demonstrate its abilities.

Huno concentrated and activated his new skill, Cerberus Claw. A fierce, glowing aura enveloped Huno's claws as he lunged at the rock, tearing it apart with ease. The rock disintegrated under the powerful attack.

Seojun clapped in approval, and Huno bounded back to him, tail wagging. Seojun knelt down and petted Huno, appreciating the display of skill.

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