I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 29: A Feast on the Body

"Hmm... let's take him back and observe for a while. It's not every day we get a fellow practitioner here. I want to see what this kid is all about."

Charles ultimately decided not to kill him. It wasn't out of any sse of mercy or bevolce. That Heart of the Overlord wasn't of much use to him anyway. What good would a goblin's bronze Heart of the Overlord do for him? Collecting these things for fun?

The two female slaves wer't surprised. Their master wasn't a bloodthirsty man, just someone with a pchant for humiliating his female slaves.

However, they've be PUA into joying it.

Since the decision on what to do with that guy was made, everyone put him out of their minds and focused on having lunch.

As for how this lunch was going to be...

In the training room, Catherine, completely naked and covered in serving dishes, said with a bitter expression, "Master, Medusa has be snickering for a long time. How about this..."

"You make her strip too. I'll hold the main course, and she can hold the side dishes. How about you joy your meal off the both of us?"

The human body feast, a depraved way of dining, and this detestable master was using it to humiliate her!

Medusa smirked at the suggestion. She th gtly scraped Catherine's pubic hair with a steel fork, speaking in a sinister tone, "Master, I think this area is quite unsightly. Why don't we clean it up for her? It would look much nicer and feel more comfortable, wouldn't it?"

As she spoke, Catherine glared at Medusa in anger, causing Charles to burst into laughter.

However, he declined Medusa's proposal. A female slave without her distinctive traits would be no differt from a mindless flesh toy.

What he wanted was the ultimate female slave who could be wild in bed and capable on her own off it.

In the d, Medusa was successfully dragged into it by Catherine, her naturally hairless state symbolizing something deeper.

People always vy what others have that they don't, ev body hair.

Meanwhile, in another room...

Megan Takeshi had wok up, looking a in terror at the sce in front of him. "Ah!"

He saw Little Gre leisurely spitting vom because its Majesty had said that only through diligt practice could the vom improve more quickly.

And now, it seemed to be working?

Hearing the dwarf's loud exclamation, Little Gre accidtally spilled a bit of vom, which landed right on the dwarf's crotch.


The terrifying corrosive vom immediately ate through several layers of steel, almost scaring Megan Takeshi to death as he had just wok up.

He stared blankly as his pants were corroded away, revealing his small pis underneath.

Or rather... it was precisely because it was so small that it wasn't corroded by Little Gre's vom.

In the d, small had its advantages.

If it had be Charles with his ever-growing beast, it probably wouldn't have be hidd at all.

Little Gre's macing face showed a surprisingly human-like look of confusion. It spat out its mouthparts, looking a bit embarrassed.

Before leaving, Her Majesty the Que and the Overlord had instructed it not to harm the weak food in front of it, but that little mistake almost killed the guy with vom.

But since the guy was awake now, it was time to call for its Que.

As for facing the Overlord, it still felt a bit intimidated.

Always felt he was hard to get along with.


In the training room, the two beautiful female bodies slowly cleaned up the food on themselves.

Suddly, Catherine said to Charles, "Master, the Overlord who was unconscious has wok up, and it seems Little Gre made another mistake and scared him quite a bit."

Charles, who had just finished the human body feast, was slightly tak aback, th said with a frustrated look, "Why do I feel like Little Gre always likes to stick a you? One of these days, I'm going to check if it's male or female. If it's male, I'll chop him up first!"

Listing to the possessivess in her master's voice, Catherine blushed and said with a hint of exasperation, "Don't worry, Master. I know you despise your wom being tainted by male elemts. That's why my first directive as a Zerg was to sure all born Zerg are programmed with female ges."

Ev though this precaution might seem unnecessary, implemting it gave Catherine a sse of peace.

Within Zerg territory, only one Overlord needed to be male. The Zerg Ques and Zerg heroes were merely female slaves chos at the Overlord's whim.

Charles nodded in satisfaction, thinking Catherine had done a thorough job.

"Alright, let's go and meet this newly awaked Overlord." Charles said. His eyes, however, revealed depth rather than anticipation.

Since crossing into this world, the notion of strangers trusting each other seemed lost. His first instinct was that the other person wasn't good.

It was that simple and straightforward.

Hearing this, the two wom hesitated, th smiled wryly as they noticed the marks on their bodies. They quickly took a bath, and afterward, the three of them headed to the Zerg holding area to see who this person was.

The holding area was quite far from the training room, so they used insect wings to quickly reach Little Gre's room. Seeing the dwarf nearly scared out of his wits, Charles said calmly, "Alright, frid, you're out of danger now. Can you tell us where you're from?"

Charles's demeanor now was differt from wh he was with his two female slaves. He radiated a cold, awe-inspiring presce, like a god among mortals, making Megan Takeshi tremble and unable to speak.


I asked where you're from, and this is the response I get?

Charles's patice wore thin. "If you don't speak up, I'll come back tomorrow!"

Megan Takeshi still didn't dare to speak, only mumbling something while trembling on the g.

Charles frowned. Why was this guy acting like he'd se a ghost? Was he that terrifying?

Through the bloodline modification of the Zerg Overlord, he'd become the epitome of his race in both appearance and physique.

Could this guy have some kind of reverse aesthetic preferce?

Perhaps ssing her master's confusion, Medusa respectfully said, "Master, I believe this might be due to the biological instinctive fear caused by your Overlord bloodline and Tier 4 suppression."

"Let me help you remove it."

As a former Tier 7 powerhouse, dispelling such pressure was not difficult as long as the other party agreed.

Soon, the invisible pressure a Charles dissipated, and Megan Takeshi finally managed to gather ough courage to speak.

But wh he looked at Catherine again, his face twitched with fear.

Seeing this, Catherine could only look pitifully at Medusa.

Medusa smiled faintly and used her magic to seal her own pressure.

Finally, they could communicate. Megan Takeshi was on the verge of collapse.

He cried out, "Why are you bullying me like this? Wouldn't it be better to just d me quickly?"

Charles frowned slightly. So, he's from Sakura Nation. He had some disdain for people from that country.

Not for any particular reason, just the fact that in his previous life, he was oft bullied, mostly by people from that nation, which left Charles with a negative impression of Megan Takeshi.

He said calmly, "Don't worry. We were merely showcasing our power. The Contint of Overlord is so dangerous that we must exercise caution."

"I hear you're from Sakura Nation. You must be one of the Overlords who came to Sere Forest. What's your number?"

Hearing the question, Megan Takeshi felt a bit offded.

If it were another race, he might have continued to grovel. But since they were both Overlords...

He wasn't afraid at all!

Just as he was about to retort, Medusa's Eye of Lust took control, and he mumbled, dazed, "Master, I am an Overlord from Sakura Nation, number 4388."

So it was true. Charles glanced at Medusa, knowing she was behind it but didn't blame her.

Now that he knew where Megan Takeshi was from, Charles lost interest and was about to kill this unknown tity.

At that momt, Megan Takeshi sneaked a glance at Catherine's fair, long legs, a lecherous smile appearing on his face.

Unfortunately for him, the three of them caught him in the act!

Charles's face darked. This guy had the audacity to look at Catherine with such a perverted gaze?

This hit Charles's reverse scale!

After all, what he despised most was others coveting what was his!

He coldly said, "Catherine, bring me some worms. Perhaps... they can have a feast!"

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