I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 30: The Cruelest Punishment

Catherine ssed that disgusting gaze and, with a cold expression, used her Que's Blade to gouge out both of Megan Takeshi's eyes, th viciously stomped on the eyeballs, crushing them underfoot!


Megan Takeshi screamed in agony. He had merely admired the beauty for a momt and ded up losing his eyes.

"You... aargh, you are so cruel!" Megan Takeshi cried out in pain.

The three of them remained indiffert.

"Hmph, filthy scum." Catherine coldly rebuked.

Medusa, seeing this person defile her master's property, also had an dless murderous intt in her eyes.

In the next momt, a cold smile appeared on her lips.

Worms... indeed a fitting punishmt~

Seeing that his command had not be executed and that this wretched slave ev wanted to personally torture Megan Takeshi to death, Charles's eyes flashed with a cold light. "Catherine, did you not hear what your master said?"

"I told you to bring me some worms!"

Catherine shivered all over, remembering how, before descding to the Contint of Overlord, her master had spok to her in that same merciless tone....

At that time, she had almost died in the training room!

So, she dared not be reckless anymore and hurried outside to fetch some worms.

Worms, there was no more torturous Zerg than these.

Other Zergs would either bite off the neck in one go or simply tear the body apart, causing pain only for a brief momt.

But worms were differt. These creatures had very low destructive power. They were originally special units used for constructing buildings, with mouths full of saw-like teeth designed to make digging easier.

What if all these terrifying worms were unleashed on Megan Takeshi, allowing them to gnaw at him freely?

His screams would surely be the perfect symphony...

Perhaps realizing that the Overlord before him intded to execute him without question, Megan Takeshi, driv by desperation, shouted, "You're also a human Overlord! It's bad ough that you let your subordinates act so viciously, but now you want to sd worms to kill me?"

"Let me tell you, I am under the command of the top Overlord from Sakura Nation in Sere Forest. Ar't you afraid that Sakura Nation will seek revge on you?"

"Wh our elite Overlord from Sakura Nation finds you, they'll make you wish you were dead!"

For this wretch before him, Charles coldly used his Overlord power to sever Megan Takeshi's tongue.

Megan Takeshi fainted from the immse pain.

Charles sneered contemptuously, "Fuck Sakura Nation. Ev if you brought your whole family, they'd still be slaughtered!"

He remembered that in his previous life, wh he was a Tier 6 Serpt Overlord, he had a feud with a Sakura Nation Overlord.

Their units were not vastly differt, and their high-d combat power was relatively equal. But once the actual fight started, he discovered that these Sakura Nation dwarfs were a bunch of weaklings who relied on shouting slogans rather than actual combat prowess.

Charles had used his superior strategic skills to dismantle their formation bit by bit, th unleashed his frzied Dark Serpts to utterly destroy their territory.

At that momt, his parchmt suddly trembled.

Charles was slightly tak aback, recognizing it as a message notification. After checking the sder, he turned to Medusa and said coolly, "Medusa, throw this idiot outside and coat him with the worms' favorite sauce."

"I doubt ev those omnivorous worms can't stand the stch of this dog's piss!"

Medusa was momtarily stunned, th looked disdainfully at the still urinating Megan Takeshi and responded seriously, "Yes!"


In the room, Charles, still feeling a bit irritated, slowly oped the parchmt.

[Eve: Hey, I just st over half of the resources we've mined from our Elv Forest. Are you happy, my dear fiancé?]

Looking at the system warehouse filled with premium elv minerals, life trees, and life fruits, Charles couldn't help but smile. These were treasures almost impossible to come by in the Sere Forest. Elves, indeed, were extravagant!

He thought to himself.

These resources were ough to produce ev more Zerg warriors. His initial investmt had definitely paid off.

Wh combining the nutrition gains from monster hunts, the trade cter revue from dropped items, the mineral resources collected by worker bees, and the subsequt returns from investing in various Overlords, the growth rate of his Zerg army could reach an unprecedted level.

Ev the smallest of these returns—just half of Eve's mining yield—was worth dozs if not hundreds of times more than what an average Overlord could mine.

All these factors combined meant Charles didn't have to lift a finger. Resources accumulated on their own. With ough passive income, he could happily indulge in debauchery with his two foolish female slaves, right?

And after dealing with Megan Takeshi, there would likely be more trouble ahead.

He planned to use the Zerg warriors, fueled by these resources, to ruthlessly crush any invading emies.

Perhaps to expedite the growth of his revue channels, Charles st some surplus elv resources back to Eve, urging her to develop quickly.

[Charles: Of course, I'm very happy, dear Eve.]

[Charles: These are some additional resources for your developmt. I believe these elv resources should be ough to quickly elevate your strgth and that of your minions to mid-tier level three.]

[Charles: That's all I have for now—not because I'm stingy, but because there really isn't more. Elv treasure chests are notoriously hard to come by!]

Elves were a late-game, high-farming pottial minion race. The further along they got, the better they were at accumulating resources. This made elv items extremely difficult to farm.

[Eve: Got it, Daddy. Understood, Daddy!]

[Eve: I almost feel like you're spoiling me, ev though my family is supposed to be richer than yours.]

[Eve: I wonder if we'll ever get a chance to return to reality. Two days before we tered the Contint of Overlord, I heard your parts' plane crashed. I wanted to visit you, but it seems like that's impossible now...]

Charles's pupils constricted slightly, as if he was recalling something unpleasant, causing his expression to dark considerably.

Returning was definitely possible; there was no doubt about that.

Otherwise, how would he avge his parts?

As Eve mtioned, two days before tering the Contint of Overlord, his parts' plane countered mechanical failure while flying to Sakura Nation. Everyone on board died.

The newspapers reported it as an accidt, but Charles had received an eerie farewell letter from his parts before the incidt. The letter was filled with final words, making it hard not to suspect that someone orchestrated the crash from behind the sces.

Probably for this reason, during his coming-of-age ceremony, old Peter chose to buy a beautiful female slave from the black market instead of selecting one from the regular market.

He was providing his young master with an outlet for his anger and fear!

Now reborn, Charles had the ability to uncover the truth and give his parts the justice they deserved.

He wondered if old Peter would have the chance to return to his side in this life. After all, in the previous life, he never came back.

This might be the most lamtable aspect of Charles's past and prest lives.

Wh it came to wom, Catherine and Medusa were 0% loyal to him.

But among m, his only loyal follower was the old butler, Peter.

[Charles: Don't worry, we'll have a chance to go back. As for my parts' situation, there are still many doubts. I will investigate everything thoroughly.]

[Charles: By the way, it seems like you're quite far from me. It'll be quite costly to get to you.]

Using the Overseer's vision, he saw that the nearest place with an Elv Forest was the cter of Sere Forest, while he was in the far south. It was quite a distance.

[Eve: Oh, come on, do you have another badass unit? How about naming a price so your fiancée can have a taste?]

[Eve: Daddy~ please~]

It was clear that this que was going to great lgths for the Overseer.

Hmm, it seemed Eve was becoming more and more shameless...

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