I Regenerate 10,000 Times Faster

Chapter 226: Apocalyptic Destruction!!

"What the hell!?"

"Fuck me sideways!!!"


Horrified screams the humans present at the office of the skyscraper as they witnessed the horrific, gut wrenching scene!

However, Seraph eyes burned intensely with an overwhelming flames that scorched everything within a meter radius to ashes. Her eyes were no longer that of just pupils, but they literally spat out blazing fires!

Even the office workers who were more than twenty meters away from her had their lungs parched as the water in their bodies instantly dried up, with them falling down to the ground.

Seraph glanced at these terrified peopled and her expression turned cold. She didn't care less for the ordinary humans. No, this battle was simply too thrilling to care for ordinary muggle humans nor to have the urge to protect them.

After all, she was teg Dean of a Demonic college.

Moreover, If they can't even protect themselves, then what's the use of their petty lives? Isn't it better for them to die off now, rather than later since they do not have a single purpose in staying alive?

Before Seraph could think much about it, the uppermost floors started trembling as though it was about to collapse.

Seraph let loose a another chuckle as the divine general ripped through the top floor, blasting a heavy punch directly at her skull.

Instantly, the entire skyscraper shook as twenty five floors below shattered to smitterrens.


"Somebody help!!"

"We are going to die!!!"

Seraph instantly vanished from her previous position, appearing right before the Divine general like a ghost.

Her hands like a specter as she gently laid her palm on his chest. With a smirk, she suddenly whispered

"Ancient Crimson Dragon Codex: Divine Flaming Blade, Thousand Cuts!"

"BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" ...

An explosive wave of energy erupted as thousands of flaming blades appeared above Seraph's palm as they slashed directly at Tyrion's abdomen, forming a blazing net as they cut him apart.

His body was instantly sent flying as he crashed into tens of buildings including skyscrapers and flying vehicles in his path, reducing them to rubble as the person on them instantly died without even knowing what hit them as they deformed together with the metal of the vehicle, being blasted to smithereens.

By the time the kinetic energy faded, the Divine general's body had traveled a distance of teeth kilometer radius, to the edge of the very city.

He tried to stand but his body slammed into the ground as his flesh bones and muscles had been reduced to meat paste, leaving just a few bones in its body

Right now, he was like a mummy with no flesh, sinew and just few bones left which had also been sliced and diced.

"Uhn? That's odd."

Seraph frowned and raised her red painted nails to her face and glanced at it. The rebounding force wasn't what she had expected.

Stomping her feet at the collapsing skyscraper, the force instantly transmitted through the building's frame, depth of the foundation of the skyscraper as it dug even deeper into the ground, stabilizing it and preventing it from tilting over and destabilizing further.

She crossed the distance of a thousand meters and appeared before the divine general.

The air wave blasted apart due to her speed and sudden halt as she tilted her head and looked down at the collapsed figure of the divine general.

"There's something wrong with this Sacred Treasure."

Just as she said that, the divine general struggled to stand up, slashing it's bony Claws at Seraph.

She easily sidestep, dodging the blow as she glanced at the general with curiosity.

This was the first time she pondered just where and how Tyrion had managed to Purchase such a unique divine Sacred treasure.

She had no idea how much wealth Tyrion possess and how he had almost used up more than half of it to purchase this item as a last resort.

The divine general slashed again.


The ground shattered as his Claws slammed hard into the ground.


A flaming fire ball slammed into the general's bony structure, blasting him backwards with immense force.

However, his body was a

unable to cross a distance of twenty meters when Seraph appeared behind the Divine general.

Her leg raised upward and the ground dust as well as debris around her floated as she upper kicked him, her foot leaving a scorching hot flaming scar in midair, directly shattering it with a loud 'crunch'.

The general's body was instantly blasted into a nearby clothing store, tearing a hole through the entire store as his body ripped through it..

As dust rose up into the skies, covering the entirety of the building as it collapsed to the ground.

The divine general laid there like a dead corpse, unable to move a single inch as he black blood spewed to the ground of the store with debris laying on top of him.

Suddenly the divine general spat out a mouthful of dark blood.

There was another deep divine bell that rung as it managed to stand on its feet after several struggles.

Seraph's face suddenly knitted. Whole she hadn't taken this fight really serious, her attacks were enough to kill most True FiendGod.

And despite being just a sacred treasure, Tyrion was still just an ordinary Super soldier.

Most sacred treasure are only one time use object. But when used, even an entire city would be razed to the ground.

Their fights had destroyed several mountains and had turned an entire jungle to an apocalyptic scenery.

The power of the Divine general should have faded by now as most treasures only lasted for a few seconds.

But not only did the Divine general show any signs of fading, he seemed to be getting stronger after each take down.

Just as she thought about this, the Divine general's twenty meters wide body started to release massive streams of heat and dark lightning started to crackle around him.

All of a sudden, the lightning increased as thick streaks of dark lightning crackled from its pores, striking at the ground and reducing that spot to magma die to its astonishing temperature.

In the blink of an eye, its minced up

suddenly regenerated and then its height increased drastically from twenty meters to a fifty meters in the blink of a eye!

Before anyone could react, draconic scales appeared all around its body, covering his entire body along with the devil QI!

A 40 meters wide pair of wings erupted from behind its back as an overwhelming amount of strength suddenly rippled from within the Divine general: Sakona's body.

An ancient wave of energy enveloped the entire city as the primordial bloodline of a dragon reduced the civilians heart to pore fear.




The divine general claws as long as swords and as sharp as blade crackled with intense dark lightning while his left claw blazed with an overwhelming dark head as it immediately slashed at Seraph.

"Wanna go again!?"

Large flaming blades appeared around her, slashing directly into the Divine general's body into a X-shape cut, but it could barely scratch his scales as he appeared before Seraph.

With reaction speed barely enough, she managed to dodge the claw attack by a hair's breadth.


The ground shattered into a specified fragment of gigantic square shaped cubes, like tilted ground as they flew in outwards in all directions.

The ground which Seraph was on also fragmented as she rode on the cubed shaped debris, flying backward to the sky of the city like a missile on cocaine!

The Divine general's wings flapped as it took off after her with speed surpassing mach-10!

Dark lightning crackled around him as devil QI moved with an insane ferocity, appearing behind the cube fragment in just a single flap.


The cube shattered to smitterreens and even it's dust wasn't able to escape as it was reduced to pure magma dust, spreading down into the city and skyscrapers below them.

However, Seraph wasn't actually there, as appeared 2 kilometers away into another segment of the city, rapidly flying through the skies as she fled.

The divine general was like a lingering ghost. His speed surpassing anything ever seen, he turned into a blazing being filled with intense hatred, wrath and massive killing intent that no human could ever withstand.

It pursued after her like a manaic. Blasting through several buildings and reducing them to magma with his devil QI and divine black thunder.

His wings were like a teleportation device, teleporting him with insane speed before the Dean.

However, the Dean always manages to escape, riding in a massive oil ring thing rope, she swung forward at insane speed.

In the blink of an eye, the oil thingy collapsed to smitterreens, reducing to just pure fragments of magma, debris and rubble.

It was almost impossible for anything he touched to be the same after passing through them, they would immediately be reduced to magma, ashes and iron.

Always dodging the blows when he came to close to her. It was as though if she was touched by his Claws, she would be done in by it and didn't dare to let it be close to her at all.

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