I Regenerate 10,000 Times Faster

Chapter 225: Die! Die!! Die!!!

"This is the feeling! This is what I have truly wanted. Hahahaha!"

Her eyes immediately burst into blazing flames as an intse overwhelming aura of a true god exploded from her.

Although her body didn't seem to have increase but her strgth exploded to the maximum.


A blazing flame took the shape of a large blade, slashing directly into Tyrion's chest as blood splattered, causing a deep large wound in his chest.

Before Tyrion could react, a massive blazing crimson dragon shot outwards, towering the skies with its gigantic body as it appeared before the still recovering Divine Geral's body and immediately coiled a the Divine Geral!

With a 'boom' sound, the dragon broke through serval air barriers, appearing more than t thousand meters into the skies, grabbing the Divine Gerals head by its maws, it instantly dropped down to the g like a meteor, slamming the Divine geral's body into a mountain peak like a sledge hammer.

The mountain instantly collapsed into itself, shattering as though it was tirely made up of glass as the Divine geral was slammed through the tirety of the mountain.



Seraph walked out of the void as she smiled brilliantly at the destruction.

However, in the blink of an eye, massive amount of rocks shot out of the collapsed mountain with speed ev exceeding that of a speeding rocket.

The air resistance rubbed greatly against the body if the rocks, igniting them as them shot at Seraph like meteors.



She smirked and th slapped her palm forwards repeatedly, the momt these rocks touched her hands, they exploded to magma, flying in all directions as they scattered everywhere.

"Bam!" "Bam!" "Bam!" "Bam!"

As though it was nothing, she shattered the meteors to magma and in the next second, she suddly spread her hands wide and spoke.

"Ancit Crimson Dragon Codex: Divine Flaming Blade!"

A massive fifty meter blazing blade made out of pure crimson flames erupted out of the void.

With a roar she kicked outward and the tire blade vanished, only to appear at the collapsed mountain where the Divine geral was in.


The blade instantly passed through the Divine geral's skull, and in that instant, the Divine geral paused as a thin slanted line made from blood appeared on the skull of the Divine geral.

In the next second, half his head suddly slid to the side like a mountain whose peak had be slashed.

However, before half the head could fall to the g, it suddly slid back in place as though in reverse!

"Oh? You gained the trait of your host uhn?"

Although surprised, she didn't seemed at all serious but seemed as though she was joying the battle instead.

Suddly, the body of the divine geral changed as his body turned strangely dark.

Scales appeared all over his skin as devil QI started erupting from its very pores, wriggling as they formed several faces of tortures souls.

In the blink of an eye, the divine geral grew ev further, becoming a twty tall beast. An extremely terrifying and powerful waves of ergy rippled from him and ev the suring space a him distorted as dust, stones and magma floated a him.


Before she could react, the Divine geral appeared before her with an uncanny speed that tore apart the fabric of space.

In the blink of an eye, he grabbed her by the skull, his feet cracking the g of a kilometer radius as he used her body to sweep the g, slamming through several mountains, and several kilometers radius, ding up at a city as he twisted his waist and flung her into a huge skyscraper.

Seraph's body crashed into. Tempered glass wall, breaking through it as she collided into various office equipmt and th three ordinary humans, their bodies instantly exploded to blood paste as she collided into them before finally regaining her footing, her body dragging backwards several meters before stopping at the other side of the skyscraper.

"What the hell!?"

"Fuck me sideways!!!"


Horrified screams the humans prest at the office of the skyscraper as they witnessed the horrific, gut wrching sce.

However, Seraph eyes burned intsely with an overwhelming flames that scorched everything within a meter radius to ashes.

Ev the office workers who were more than twty meters away from her had their lungs parched as the water in their bodies instantly dried up, with them falling down to the g.

Seraph glanced at these terrified peopled and her expression turned cold. She didn't care less for the ordinary humans. No, this battle was simply too thrilling to care for ordinary muggle humans nor to have the urge to protect them.

After all, she was teg Dean of a Demonic college.

Moreover, If they can't ev protect themselves, th what's the use of their petty lives? Isn't it better for them to die off now, rather than later since they do not have a single purpose in staying alive?

Before Seraph could think much about it, the uppermost floors started trembling as though it was about to collapse.

Seraph let loose a another chuckle as the divine geral ripped through the top floor, blasting a heavy punch directly at her skull.

Instantly, the tire skyscraper shook as twty five floors below shattered to smitterrs.


"Somebody help!!"

"We are going to die!!!"

Seraph instantly vanished from her previous position, appearing right before the Divine geral like a ghost.

Her hands like a specter as she gtly laid her palm on his chest. With a smirk, she suddly whispered

"Ancit Crimson Dragon Codex: Divine Flaming Blade, Thousand Cuts!"

"BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" "BANG!" ...

An explosive wave of ergy erupted as thousands of flaming blades appeared above Seraph's palm as they slashed directly at Tyrion's abdom, forming a blazing net as they cut him apart.

His body was instantly st flying as he crashed into ts of buildings including skyscrapers and flying vehicles in his path, reducing them to rubble as the person on them instantly died without ev knowing what hit them as they deformed together with the metal of the vehicle, being blasted to smitheres.

By the time the kinetic ergy faded, the Divine geral's body had traveled a distance of teeth kilometer radius, to the edge of the very city.

He tried to stand but his body slammed into the g as his flesh bones and muscles had be reduced to meat paste, leaving just a few bones in its body

Right now, he was like a mummy with no flesh, sinew and just few bones left which had also be sliced and diced.

"Uhn? That's odd."

Seraph frowned and raised her red painted nails to her face and glanced at it. The rebounding force wasn't what she had expected.

Stomping her feet at the collapsing skyscraper, the force instantly transmitted through the building's frame, depth of the foundation of the skyscraper as it dug ev deeper into the g, stabilizing it and prevting it from tilting over and destabilizing further.

She crossed the distance of a thousand meters and appeared before the divine geral.

The air wave blasted apart due to her speed and sudd halt as she tilted her head and looked down at the collapsed figure of the divine geral.

"There's something wrong with this Sacred Treasure."

Just as she said that, the divine geral struggled to stand up, slashing it's bony Claws at Seraph.

She easily sidestep, dodging the blow as she glanced at the geral with curiosity.

This was the first time she pondered just where and how Tyrion had managed to Purchase such a unique divine Sacred treasure.

She had no idea how much wealth Tyrion possess and how he had almost used up more than half of it to purchase this item as a last resort.

The divine geral slashed again.


The g shattered as his Claws slammed hard into the g.


A flaming fire ball slammed into the geral's bony structure, blasting him backwards. However, he wasn't a able to cross a stance of twty meters wh Seraph appeared behind the Divine geral, releasing a hot flaming kick at its skull, directly shattering it with a loud 'crunch'.

The geral's body was blasted into a nearby building, as dust rose up into the skies, covering the tirety of the building as it collapsed to the g.

Suddly the divine geral dost out a mouthful of blood as it stood up. In the blink of an eye, its body suddly regerated and th its height increased drastically from twty meters to fifty meters in the blink of a eye!

Before anyone could react, draconic scales appeared all a its body, covering his tire body along with the devil QI!

A twty meters wide pair of wings erupted from behind its back as an overwhelming amount of strgth suddly rippled from within the Divine geral: Sakora's body.




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