I Own EVERY Class in This World: Life Set to HELL Mode!

Chapter 142: Defeat of The Corrupted Ghoul

[1 minute before 'Extermination Team' arrives…]

Stark avoided the Corrupted Ghoul's attack by using [Invincible Dodge] then quickly sent the charged up [Aura Smash] toward its face.

His anger had allowed him to control it, and so it was much more powerful than before.


The giant crimson fist, as big as the monster's head, collided with the Corrupted Ghoul's face with incredible force.

The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shattering the ground beneath them and creating a deafening explosion that echoed throughout the rift.


The ghoul's face was obviously massively injured, and it was yet again roaring, not even its 'Death Form' protecting it from the domination aura as it completely bypassed it.

And once the mist cleared… Stark was able to read the damage output.

"-102832!" this was the first time he managed to do over 100000 points of damage, and it almost felt emotional.

Yet he knew he couldn't just stand there.

[Enemy Stunned]

The Corrupted Ghoul, even in its 'Death Form', even with all its strength, power, and resistance, couldn't move its body when it was stunned by something as powerful as that crimson fist.

Of course, it was still resisting, but the only thing it achieved in the end was the ability to move its mouth and eyes, other than that… it was an open target, just waiting for Stark to kill it.

[30 seconds before 'Extermination Team' arrives!]

Stark didn't want to waste time anymore either, after all… such a thing wouldn't work against the ghoul twice, meaning that it was all or nothing now.


Stark used the ghoul's arms again to climb up, but that's not all he did…


While climbing up, he repeatedly punched the arm of the ghoul using his now powerful aura.

It didn't seem like much, but when you realize that Stark was punching so fast at least a dozen punch were going each second…

Then it becomes quite powerful.

"-3736! -3725! -3827! -3691!"

And slowly…


The 'Death Form' aura armor that had formed around the ghoul was slowly cracking and dissipating after each of Stark's punches.

It was almost… as if HIS aura, which was much more powerful than the monster's, was completely annihilating it, showing it who truly was stronger.

"SONIC ROAR!" the ghoul didn't want to stand there doing anything as it could sense that this human, no matter how low his level was, was bad news.

Seeing the cracks forming in its Death Form, the Corrupted Ghoul let out a deafening Sonic Roar, causing the very air to tremble and Stark to feel pressure building up in his ears.

But he was not deterred, with determination blazing in his eyes, he continued his assault on the ghoul's arm, each punch landing with precision and power.

'Sonic Roar' is an attack used to confuse and scare enemies, as well as causing a bit of damage if it perfectly.

And yet… Stark endured it easily, he didn't even look bothered by it, making the ghoul's roar grew louder, but it didn't help.

As the Death Form began to weaken further under the relentless barrage of Stark's aura-enhanced punches, the ghoul's desperation became palpable.

[20 seconds before 'Extermination Team' arrives!]

It was too late… Stark had already reached its head.

"DOUBLE ASSAULT!" and so at that very moment, he activated his legendary skill, doubling each of his stats for 10 seconds.

And in less than a fraction of a second afterward… the only thing the ghoul's pupils could see was Stark's powerful crimson fist aimed at its eye.



"GROOOAORHZ~" it looked to be in pain, and frantically roared, moving its head to launch the human away.

But this time, Stark held on.

And he immediately aimed for the second eye.



The ghoul's head was still the part where the 'Death Form' was mostly activated, which was why the damage was so low.

And yet… the ghoul had lost its vision, unable to see anything, unable to know when the human will hit next.

[Corrupted Ghoul HP: 50871/300000]

[15 seconds before 'Extermination Team' arrives!]

Stark focused all of his aura into this final punch, and after 4 seconds, which was the remaining time for his [Double Assault]…

He punched the ghoul's face right in the middle, making it stumble back as it began falling backward.

"-49372!" but this wasn't enough to kill it.

And so now that it was allowed to move its body again, the first thing it did was smile and lick its mouth while activating [Corrupted Regeneration].

If it could regenerate its life, then it could retrieve its vision, and end the human as he didn't have any more tricks up his sleeves.

The Corrupted Ghoul was also on the verge of retrieving its balance, as stumbling wasn't enough to make it fall completely.

But as if divine intervention occurred…

['Double Impact' activated!]

It seemed the ghoul's plan was foiled, as a crimson shadow of Stark appeared and punched it again in the same spot with the same intensity.

"89372!" it had lost its [Death Form] by now, so the damage was much higher.

And that final push was also enough to make it fall and completely ruin its plan to balance itself back.


The ghoul's head cracked open like an egg when hitting the ground, oozing black goo and bones splintering.

And on the other hand, Stark triumphantly stood above its lifeless corpse, panting from the adrenaline rush as he had managed to defeat that enemy.

['Extermination Team' has arrived!]

Coming out of the purple portal appeared four classifiers, each a neutral expression on their faces and armed with their weapons, ready to eliminate the threat.

And yet… when they looked around… they saw that the beast was already dead, and on top of it was… another human.

'…?' all of them were confused, they were sure everyone should have evacuated, so why…

No… this wasn't the true question they needed to ask… HOW did this kid defeat that event mini-boss?!

Why was he just standing there, looking at the monster? And what the hell was that aura…?

On the other hand, Stark was maniacally smiling, he had somehow managed to defeat his first level 100 boss, so of course he would want to celebrate.

[You have defeated 'The Corrupted Ghoul'!]

[Gaining 1,927,834 Experience!]

'HOLY SHIT!' Stark almost wanted to jump in joy, he hadn't noticed that the extermination team was looking at him yet since he was kind of exhausted.

And when he turned his gaze… he saw four classifiers looking at him, their gazes showing that they were cautious of him.

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