I Own EVERY Class in This World: Life Set to HELL Mode!

Chapter 141: The Level 100 Ghoul's Death Form

"CORRUPTED REGENERATION, DEATH FORM," as the sparkle in the sky of the [Heaven's Wrath] reached its speak, announcing that the beam would be coming down soon to end the ghoul, it suddenly activated two skills.

Dark energy enveloped the Corrupted Ghoul, swirling around it like a malevolent storm.

Stark's eyes widened with realization as he saw the monster's wounds begin to close before his very eyes.


"+250000!" the ghoul's face regenerated, and it got back its destroyed eye, plus a major part of its HP.



But as the beam descended… the purple and dark energy storm that envelop the ghoul completely, creating some sort of thick liquid-like armor around its figure, its edges moving like waves.

'…' and so the ghoul just stood there, taking the hit of the [Heaven's Wrath] beam.

"-0! -0! 0! -0!" it received no damage.

That was the ghoul's ultimate skill: "Death Form".

'Huh…' Stark's eyes widened as he saw the ghoul which was supposed to die suddenly regenerate most of its life and also survived his most powerful attack without taking a single point of damage.

And once the beam and its effects faded, the Corrupted Ghoul stood before Stark, its purple aura pulsating with renewed vigor.

It let out a low, menacing growl, its eyes fixated on Stark with a newfound intensity. The ground beneath them cracked from the sheer pressure emanating from the ghoul's darkened form.

And so for the first time since his appearance in this world… Stark took a step back against a monster.

Of course, he absolutely refused to leave before he either eliminated that beast, or the extermination team came, but… that thing was horrifying.

Its skin and figure darkened, the purple/black surrounding it completely, much like when Stark got angry and his crimson aura enveloped him too.

It was flapping its wings, its deep purple pupils staring at his souls, and its mouth opened wide, not saliva coming out, but a purple liquid that looked like poison.

[Skill: Death Form]

[Description: allows the ghoul to use insane protection but also boost all its abilities to their maximum potential.]

[Note: It is trying to avenge all its companions from the corruption and wrath of the 'Godless Demon'…]

But [Death Form] wasn't all that it changed… since when Stark checked the ghoul again…

[The Corrupted Ghoul, Level 100]

Its level went up by 15, meaning that such a thing didn't have its place in this rift at all.

Maybe… even the extermination team that would be sent here didn't stand a chance either, as people probably believed this monster could only be level 80-90 at best…

Stark could feel the oppressive aura emanating from the ghoul, making his breaths come out in short, tense gasps.

He had no clones, he already drank potions for strength and speed, so they're useless, he already used up [Heaven's Wrath] too…

And so that meant… all he had left were the 10 seconds of [Double Assault], they were his last chance.

"VENOMOUS SPIT," the ghoul spat out a stream of purple venom that flew towards Stark with deadly accuracy.

Stark barely managed to dodge it, feeling the intense heat as the venom landed on the ground beside him, sizzling on impact.

The Corrupted Ghoul's movements were unnaturally quick and precise, the Death Form enhancing its speed and agility to levels far beyond Stark's expectations.

'That thing could probably take on Sierra by himself, and her arrows…!' upon saying the word arrow, he suddenly remembered about his [Crystal Stun Potions].

He didn't think they would work against such a giant opponent, but who knows…


He didn't really have the time to think about it that giant ghoul, now more terrifying than before because of its aura, advanced toward Stark.

"NIGHTMARE GAZE," its eyes glinted with purple aura, some sort of vortex appearing in them.

And the moment Stark looked at them… he knew he was fucked.

[You have been stunned!]

He couldn't move his body anymore, his limbs frozen in place as the ghoul's dark magic took hold of him.

It was just like Judicator's [Divine Blindness], although this one was much more deadly as blindness could still mean you can do things, but being stunned was bad, REALLY BAD.

The world around him seemed to warp and distort, shadows dancing menacingly at the edges of his vision.

"SHADOW WINGS," the ghoul took advantage of that to suddenly flap its wings.

The shadowy wings seemed to drain the light from the air, casting a pitch-black veil around him, and just as expected, the ghoul began to fly little by little, its figure growing smaller in the distance as it ascended higher into the air.

Stark tried to shake off the effects of the stun, his mind racing for a way to counteract the ghoul's newfound abilities.

But… after only a few seconds… he heard IT…

"GROOOAORRR~" the ghoul roared, then began to dive toward Stark with incredible speed, its shadow wings trailing behind it like a cloak of darkness.

"FUCK…" Stark tried as hard as he could to move away.

The Ghoul was spinning in the air as well was rushing at the boy, and so it almost made it seem like a sharp spiral of purple aura was heading toward him.

"MOVEEEEEE!!!!" he shouted to his body.

But it was too late.


The land received immense damage because of the sheer power of the attack.

And once the ghoul got up and looked back, smiling as it knew that the human was dead now… it still saw Stark standing, his face full of blood.

He had survived somehow.

[The 'Purgatory Shadow' took the hit in your place]

That ring had saved him from being killed, otherwise he would have gotten 100000 points of damage.

"…" Stark looked down at the ground, he didn't even look at the ghoul as it took more steps toward him, the sound getting closer as he just stood there.

But from another perspective… if you ever looked at Stark's face from below… you could see that he was mad.

Really mad.

Much like the Corrupted Ghoul, his face was slowly being enveloped by his crimson aura, while his eyes and mouth were replaced a white one.

"AURA SMASH… MERGE…" he slowly breathed in and out as he activated this skill and began focusing his attack.

He closed his eyes to focus, only able to hear and sense the ghoul to pinpoint where it was: he wouldn't have another chance now.


Stark wasn't stressed, his entire mind was calm and serene.


The crimson aura around his right hand was growing more and more, and this time… he didn't even hold his wrist with his left one: he was that confident.


He was somehow able to perfectly control the flow of his aura now, not needing time to focus more or to hold his wrist to not make it explode, which made the aura of the fist even more powerful.


And so right as the [Corrupted Ghoul] reached Stark and raised its arm…

"SHADOW STRIKE!" it struck down at the boy, its poisonous and sharp claws glowing dark purple.

But as the ghoul's attack began to descend, Stark opened his eyes, both shining beautifully.

"INVINCIBLE DODGE," he passed right through the attack, and with a spin… "AURA SMASH…!"

He sent the magnificent crimson fist, the fruit of all his efforts until now, toward the giant ghoul.

This was the final showdown against his first level 100 monster.

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