I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 7: System Store

"What do you mean the LP raise up?!" Alros asked in shock. After all, he had be resigned for his list point to remain at zero for as long as he remained inside the forest. Or at least until he found a settlemt.

[ That is what I mean Master. Please check the system space status. ]

He did just that and was greeted with an increase in his LP.

< System Space

Space Limit: 50/0

Mana Point: 300/000

Soul Point:

Lust Point: 0 >

"How- wait, is this because I masturbate?" he asked, which is the only thing that he did before the LP rose.

[ It might be Master. Th again, it makes a certain amount of sse. After all, it is Lust Point, not Sex Point. ]

He could not help but agree with the system guide. "Alright, can I access the system shop or whatever it is now?" he asked the more important question right now.

[ Yes. Just think system shop and it will appear. ]

"Looks like this is it huh," Alros exclaimed as he looked at the system shops.

There are several sections, from mediums to equipmt, and there are ev monster lairs.

"System guide, how do I use monster lairs?" he questioned.

[ Monster lairs allow you to put the monsters you have in a suitable vironmt inside the system space. Having a monster lair is beficial as it makes the monster live in the monster lair instead of system space.

Meaning, the number of inhabitants inside the system space to be reduced. ]

"In other words, not only does it make the monsters comfortable, but it also takes some burd off the system space in terms of space limit," he concluded.

[ Correct Master. Also, monster lairs allow the monsters to breed, for those that can be bred anyway. So Master did not have to hunt monsters all over again if something happed to Master's monsters.

Not to mtion, the monster lairs also reduce the time for the monster to grow and reproduce, so Master did not have to worry about speed. Master can ev use MP to make the monster grow faster without much adverse effect.

However, the amount of monsters will still be limited by the space limit of the monster lair. If it reaches the limit, there will be no new monsters born until a previous one dies. ]

Alros nodded, taking in all the information.

He th scrolled the monster lairs before finding the one he had be looking for. And immediately have a seizure, or close to one.

< Slime Monster Lair (Small) - A monster lair for slimes of all kinds. They may be weak, but ough of them and ev an expericed fighter will be overwhelmed.

Space Limit: 0

Cost: 00 LP >

"Damn, it is expsive," Alros exclaimed, and for just a rise in 0 slimes.

[ Of course. Space is one of the most important resources in the system space. So, something that will help increase the space limit will be expsive, Master. ]

"Make sse."

[ There is also the limit of the monster lair. At the momt, Master can only add 5 more monster lairs before Master needs to expd to procure more monster lairs. And that is for Small Lair.

For the bigger one maybe only or ev before Master could not buy anything else. ]

"So, the gods don't want me to abuse the system by buying monster lairs and not expding the system space. Th again, the system space only needs more MP so I don't need to worry about it," he said out loud.

[ Yeah, about that Master. ]

"... I need LP for the expansion, don't I?" he was not sure what is more dead, his eyes, or his spirit at the momt.

[ It seems MP is only for the first expansion. The rest, Master will need LP. ]

"Huh, at least the first expansion is somewhat easy. But for now, let's see if there is anything interesting in the equipmt section,"

As he changed to the equipmt tab, his eyes fell on the first thing. Not just because of its price, but because of its function.

< Low-Grade Extraction Magic Circle - Allows the user to extract differt materials from an object. For example, if the user wants to extract a Fire Medium out of an infused Fire and Earth Medium, the user can do so.

Require Mana Point to function. The Mana Point amount depds on the extracted objects and how difficult it is to extract the materials.

Cost: 50 LP >

"Isn't this too cheap, system guide?" he asked, because, for something like this, it is just too cheap.

[ I think it makes sse Master. After all, where can you find a medium with multiple affinities? Those td to be impure and the extracted medium will be of low or high quality depding on its purity. ]

"Yeah, but the medium I have will help a lot," he said before buying the Extraction Magic Circle, and some bowls and knives as well.

< Bowl x 0 - A simple bowl for everyday use.

Cost: LP >

< Knife - A simple knife for everyday use.

Cost: LP >

"This should be ough," he exclaimed. Currtly, there are bowls filled with blood, his blood to be more specific. This is his limit wh he is a human. He did not want to overdo it in case he suffered from anemia, or was just dizzy.

Being vulnerable in a forest would be dangerous and so, he decided to play it safe ev with his better body.

< Extracting - There is Demon Essce + Lust Essce inside the material. Extract the two materials.

Cost: 50 MP

Yes/No >

As he thought yes, another blinding light appeared. Thankfully he had be prepared with the previous experice and so was not that blinded by the light.

Soon, the light disappears and two solid cubes, one oozing with demonic ergy and another oozing with lust appear.

< Lesser Demon Essce - The lowest grade demon essce. Can turn weak beings into a demonic variant. >

< Low-Grade Lust Essce - The lowest grade of Lust Essce. Unknown how it will affect other beings aside from making them ooze aphrodisiac. >

"At least one thing will be useful." he consoled himself. "Though-" he eyed the slime with a thoughtful look.

"This may be helpful wh we find a settlemt. But for now, let's rest up. Oh, and one more thing, system guide."

[ Yes Master. ]

"Please reveal yourself," he ordered.

The bright light seemed to be reluctant but it th removed the light, allowing him to see the might as well be a naked fairy.

His dick once again wt erect at the sight.

[ Master. Are you using me to gain LP by masturbating my true appearance? ]

"Yes, he said shamelessly. "Or do you want me to try and finger all over you to see if your masturbating can work as well," he threated the fairy.

[... I will be the service of Master. Ev if it's to make Master horny. ]

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