I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 8: Demonic Wolves

After gaining more LP, he could not tell whether this was his daily limit or not.

"System guide, those incubus really have this much sperm?" he asked.

[ I cannot answer that. ]

He sighed in disappointmt. The gods really trying their best to challge him, ar't they? Oh well, he just has to find any books about incubus, if there is one.

For now, he should search for better monsters, maybe animals this time. After all, something like wolves and bears would be far stronger than slimes and maybe goblins.


It did not take long before he found his target, a small wolf pack, numbering about 4 in strgth.

"This should be ough," he summoned his Demon Love Slime and gave them a mtal order. Quickly, the slime sured the wolves, but the creatures did not detect them.

As they got closer, the slime bounced quickly, easily covering a large distance, to the surprise of the wolves. As they try to put some distance betwe them and the slime, the slime easily negates the differce, by jumping on top of the wolves.

The wolves try to shake off the monsters but the slime is too sticky to be removed. The slimes began to jump and piled on the wolves. While one slime will not make a differce, is a differt story.

He quickly heads towards the overwhelmed wolves and subdues them, repeating the process until all the wolves submit to him.

"Looks like there is a major boon in this operation," he smiled. He had se the slime combat ability and while it suck, the slimes are an excellt capture tool, their weak attack allowed them to capture other creatures without causing serious harm.

Though he did lose 6 slimes, it is a sacrifice he had to make anyway, it just happed sooner.

"Now, follow me,"


Currtly, one of the wolves is inside the Transmutation Magic Circle. He looked at it carefully before taking out the Demon Essce he got.

He put the Demon Essce with the wolf.

< Infusing Normal Wolf with Lesser Demon Essce. Mana Point requires MP. Chances of success: 90% Proceed with the transformation.

Yes/No >

He watched as the wolf writhed in pain, dark demonic cloud tering the animal as it tried to run away but was stopped, restrained by the magic circle.

It takes longer than the slime but that is what he expects. After all, the slime is smaller and weaker than the wolf.

Soon, the transformation is finished and the new monster comes out.

< Normal Wolf + Lesser Demon Essce = Demonic Wolf; Save the recipe?

Yes/No >

< Demonic Wolf - Created from a Normal Wolf infused with Demon Essce. Possessed greater attributes compared to normal wolves. A far superior specims and can ev likely win against a human soldier.

Possessed Skill Demonic Transformation. Demonic Transformation makes the user stronger for a brief momt, allowing it to surpass its limit for a short time. Demons and demonic variant creatures can do such a thing.

Race: Demonic Wolf

Strgth: D

Speed: C

Agility: C

Intelligce: D

Stamina: B

Skill - Demonic Transformation >

"Looks like this will be the main force while the slime will be used to capture anything else. I will keep this bunch of slime but after this, I will only use Demon Essce wh I transform them," he said to himself.

He th takes a closer at the transformed wolf itself. The wolf's coat changed from gray to black, with a marking on its head. It was also a lot bigger than it used to be, almost twice as large as the other wolves, who cowered in fear as they strode toward them.

He smiled, feeling the might and power of the demonified wolf. He looked at the other wolves and his smile became wider.

"Let's get the other demonized as well,"


He managed to get 3 wolves to transform into Demon Wolf. Unfortunately, one failed the mutation, dying in the process.

"Can't have everything go right," he muttered as he petted the wolves.

"Let's see how strong you truly are,"


He was able to find a goblin camp in a short walk. He had noticed some of the goblin's camps but had avoided them so far, as there was no use for him to seek them. He has mostly be collecting slimes so there is no reason to deal with goblins, as his only force might be decimated by a large ough group of goblins.

However, with the Demon Wolves added, he believed he could reduce the casualties to . Not to mtion, he also plans to join the fight as well, though maybe he should see how his Demon Wolves fared against regular goblins.

Climbing on a tree for the best view, he th gave orders to his wolves and slimes.

'Wolves, circle the camp and make them scared. Howl and force them to come out. Slime, her close but tries not to be detected by the goblins. Wh they get close ough, overwhelm them and subdue them,'

The wolves begin their attack, circling the camp and howling, causing the goblins to growl in return, but with him having knowledge of animals, he took a veterinary course as well, and he could tell they were panicking.

Smiling fidishly, he th orders his wolves to skirmish the goblins, jumping into the camp and causing terror to spread among their ranks.

The assault caused some of the goblins to scatter, though some braver ones tried to impale his wolves. However, with their agility and speed greater than regular wolves, they managed to escape without a single scratch.

With the goblins' atttion solely focused on the more threating wolves, it is now the slime's turn to shine.

The little creatures had be closing in on the goblins as they tried to drive away the Demon Wolves. This will be a costly mistake on their part, with the paymt being their lives.

One of the goblins closes in on a Demon Wolf but a Demon Love Slime jumps on its back, causing it to crash down. A normal slime attack usually felt like being hit by a sack of water. A Demon Love Slime hit like a sack filled with bricks.

The goblin that was tackled broke its spine, dying instantly. The other slimes also begin tackling the goblins, some killing with the first strike, others crippling the gre creatures and allowing the wolves to deal the finishing blow.

As he watched the spectacle, he lamted that he did not have any knowledge of fighting except for punching and kicking. He will have to rectify the fact soon.

"System guide, those monsters provide SP?" he asked.

[ Yes. While monsters are usually created from mana, their creation granted them both flesh and soul, so they will not disappear like regular mana constructs, such as a familiar. ]

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