I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 17: Chapter No.17 Chastity (1)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

"So mean to say, that I should search around the perimeters of the estate for clues about your family's kidnapping. While you are going to do what?" Liliana was staring at me, hands on her hips, her eyes blazing with both frustration and concern.

I managed a weak smile. "I have to cure my friend's sister today only otherwise, she might die," I explained, trying to keep my voice steady despite the exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm me. "But I need you to find any leads on my family. Every second counts, and we can't afford to miss any opportunities."

Liliana's expression softened slightly, though her frustration was still evident. "Alright, Samael. But don't push yourself too hard. You're no good to anyone if you collapse."

"I'll be careful," I promised, though even as I said the words, I wasn't entirely sure I believed them. "We need to cover as much ground as possible. If you find anything, contact me immediately."

"Wait, Wear this," I said while putting in hand in my pocket while actually retrieving the sun protection ring inside my pocket from the inventory to avoid being suspicious. The ring, a simple yet elegant piece of silver adorned with a small gem, was imbued with powerful protective magic. I handed it to Liliana, who raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Where did you get this? Even in Nocturna continent of vampires and werewolves does not have many of these rings, and they are scarce and valuable," Liliana remarked, inspecting the ring with a mix of awe and skepticism.

I hesitated for a moment, considering my response. "It's a long story, but trust me, it will protect you from any harm, especially from the sun," I explained, sidestepping the full truth of its origin. "Wear it, and you'll be able to move freely without worrying about your usual vulnerabilities."

Liliana studied the ring for a moment before slipping it onto her finger. "Thank you, Samael," she said, her tone softening further. "I'll be careful. And you—don't overdo it."

I nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude for her support. "I promise. Now, let's get to work."

As Liliana headed out to search for clues about my family's whereabouts, I turned my attention back to the immediate crisis: Curing Ethan's sister.

So let's consider the Mana Weaver herb, which can temporarily alleviate her Mana Poisoning. But for a permanent cure, I need to take her vital mana which will cleanse her body of the poison completely.

But for that, I have to take her chastity, and that's not something I can just do without her consent.


Why is it so difficult?

To hell with it! I will ask for her forgiveness or take responsibility later.

With a determined set to my jaw, I made my way to the abandoned church on the outskirts of town where I told him to come with his sister. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the deserted streets as I hurried towards my destination. Every second felt like an eternity, the weight of responsibility bearing down on me with each step.

As I approached the crumbling facade of the church, I saw Ethan waiting anxiously outside, his expression a mix of hope and fear. His sister, Lily, was slumped against him, her face pale and drawn, her breathing shallow and labored.

"Samael, you came," Ethan exclaimed, relief evident in his voice as he spotted me approaching. "Please, you have to help her. She's getting worse."

I nodded, my heart clenching at the sight of Lily's frail form. "I'll do everything I can," I promised, my voice firm and resolute. "But I need your cooperation, Ethan. I need you to trust me, no matter what happens."

"First of all, you have to leave us, Ethan," I said gently, gesturing for him to step back. "I need to focus, and having you so close might interfere with my magic."

Reluctantly, Ethan nodded, his grip on his sister loosening as he took a few steps back. "Just... please save her," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

"I'll do my best," I assured him, offering him a reassuring smile before turning my attention to Lily.

Approaching her slowly, I knelt down beside her, taking in her pale, sweat-soaked face. She looked so fragile, so vulnerable, and my heart ached at the sight of her suffering.

"Lily," I said softly, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from her forehead. "I'm going to help you, but I need you to trust me, okay?"

Lily's eyelids fluttered open, revealing dull, glassy eyes that seemed to look right through me. "Samael?" she murmured, her voice weak and raspy. "Is that... really you?"

"Y-Yes, It's me, Samael." I tried to smile but couldn't.

"Samael... you can save me?" Her voice strained and weak, making me more guilty.

"I... Yes, but please listen to me first. There are two solutions and you have to choose one, One is temporary while the other is more permanent," I explained gently, trying to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. "The temporary solution involves using a herb called Mana Weaver. It can alleviate your symptoms temporarily, but it won't cure the underlying cause of your illness.

However, it will buy us some time until we can find a more permanent solution."

Lily's eyes flickered with a glimmer of hope at the mention of a potential remedy. "And the permanent solution?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

My throat tightened as I grappled with the weight of her question, knowing that my next words would be excruciating. "The permanent solution," I began, my voice faltering under the gravity of the situation, "involves a ritual that requires... taking your vital mana.

It's a deeply complex and ancient practice, a sacrifice necessary to cleanse your body completely of the poison that threatens your life."

As I spoke, Lily's brow furrowed in confusion, but soon her eyes widened with comprehension as the full implication of my words sunk in. "You mean... you have to..." Her voice trailed off, unable to articulate the thought that now loomed between us.

"I'm sorry, Lily," I whispered, my heart wrenched by the pain and fear reflected in her gaze. "I know this is an unbearable request, but it's the only way to ensure your survival."

A heavy silence hung between us as Lily grappled with the enormity of the choice presented to her. Her eyes remained locked with mine for an agonizing stretch of time as she navigated the indescribable turmoil within her.

"You know... since childhood, I was in love with you. I... wanted to tell you much sooner but this happened..." Each word she spoke was imbued with affection and vulnerability, her love and trust shining through her fragile countenance.

"I... I didn't know what to say," I murmured, my mind reeling from the unexpected confession. This revelation added an even heavier weight to the decision at hand. My heart pounded as I wrestled with the gravity of the situation, knowing that the choice I made now would change everything.

Lily's eyes, though tired, held a glimmer of determination. "If it's the only way to live, Samael... I trust you. Do what you have to."

My throat tightened as I nodded, the burden of her trust and the enormity of my task pressing down on me. "Alright, Lily. I'll need you to relax and trust me completely. This won't be easy, but I'll do everything in my power to make it as painless as possible."

She gave a weak nod, her eyes never leaving mine. "I trust you."

"Ethan, Go back I will escort her back to your home once the ritual is complete. I need to concentrate without any distractions," I instructed, my voice firm as I turned to address Ethan, who stood a few paces away, his expression a mix of concern and confusion.

"But Samael, I want to stay with Lily. I can't just leave her here," Ethan protested, his voice tinged with anxiety.

I shook my head, my resolve unwavering. "Ethan, I understand your concern, but this is something I must do alone. Trust me, I'll take care of her."

Reluctantly, Ethan nodded, though the worry etched into his features remained. "Please, Samael, save her," he pleaded one last time before turning to leave, his footsteps echoing against the worn cobblestones as he disappeared into the fading light.

Turning my attention back to Lily, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the daunting task ahead. "Are you ready, Lily?" I asked softly, reaching out to gently grasp her hand in mine.

She nodded, her grip tightening around mine. "I trust you, Samael," she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I will be back," I stood up and went further inside the church searching for an empty room.

As I searched the abandoned church for a suitable space, my mind raced with the weight of the task before me. The air inside was thick with dust, and the dim light filtering through the cracked stained-glass windows lent an eerie atmosphere to the dilapidated surroundings.

Finally, I found a secluded chamber tucked away behind a crumbling altar, its walls adorned with faded frescoes depicting scenes of ancient rites and rituals. It seemed like a fitting setting for the solemn task that lay ahead.

Then I took out a mattress from the inventory and placed it in the middle while using slight magic to clear the dust around the room. With a flick of my wrist, I summoned a soft glow to illuminate the space, casting a warm, comforting light that banished the shadows from the corners.

"Lily, come with me," I beckoned gently, offering her a reassuring smile as I gestured toward the makeshift sanctuary I had prepared.

With a hesitant nod, Lily rose unsteadily to her feet, leaning heavily on my arm for support as I guided her toward the waiting mattress. Every movement seemed to sap her strength, and my heart ached at the sight of her frail form.

Carefully, I helped her settle onto the mattress, arranging her limbs in a comfortable position as she reclined against the worn fabric. Her breathing was shallow and labored, each breath a struggle against the poison that ravaged her body.




[To Be Continued]


Thanks For Reading.

Peace Out✌️

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