I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 16: Chapter No.16 New Function Unlocked

The author here, I noticed a problem in this novel that, I am getting views daily but readers are just reading and leaving.

I wanted to take a moment to address this. As a writer, one of the most fulfilling aspects of creating a novel is engaging with the readers. Your feedback, comments, and suggestions are not just appreciated; they are essential to the growth and improvement of the story.

Seeing that many of you are reading but not interacting makes me feel disconnected from you, my audience. Writing can be a solitary endeavor, and knowing that my work resonates with you, and hearing your thoughts and ideas, helps to keep me motivated and inspired.

I want to create a community where we can discuss the plot, characters, and themes together. Your insights can lead to new directions in the story, and your support can make this journey more rewarding for both of us.

So, I encourage you to leave a comment, share your thoughts, or ask questions. Whether it's praise, constructive criticism, or simply sharing your favorite moments, every interaction counts. Let's make this a collaborative experience where we can all contribute to the evolution of the narrative.

Thank you for your understanding and for being a part of this journey. I look forward to hearing from you!


[Soul King's POV]

I watched as the unconscious form of Samael Ashwood lay before me, his breathing shallow and labored. The kid had spirit, I'll give him that. He'd put up a decent fight, but he was still leagues away from truly understanding the power he wielded.

But there was potential—a glimmer of something that reminded me of my own rise to power.

I turned away from him, the darkness of his soul space swirling around me like a living entity. "You have much to learn, Samael Ashwood," I murmured, my voice echoing through the void. "But perhaps, in time, you will become a worthy successor."

With a flick of my wrist, I summoned a portal that glowed with an eerie light. "Rest now, mortal," I said, glancing back at his still form. "For when you awaken, your true journey will begin. And remember, I will be watching."

The portal enveloped me, and I vanished from his soul space, leaving Samael alone in the darkness.


[Samael Ashwood's POV]

My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself lying on the cold, hard ground. My body ached all over, and my mind was a haze of confusion and exhaustion. Slowly, I pushed myself up, wincing at the pain that shot through me with every movement.


With droopy eyes due to the lingering fatigue, I scanned my surroundings. A luxurious bed was in the middle of the room, ornate tapestries hanging from the walls, and a soft glow emanating from intricate lamps scattered around. The opulence of my quarters was in stark contrast to the darkness and chaos of my soul space.

Memories of the recent encounter flooded back—Erebus, Merlin, and the malevolent Soul King. The overwhelming power, the battle, and the cryptic warnings all replayed in my mind. I felt a heavy weight settle on my chest as I tried to process everything.

My body felt as if it had been through a meat grinder, every muscle and joint screaming in protest as I moved. I pushed through the pain, forcing myself to sit up on the edge of the luxurious bed. My mind, still foggy from the ordeal, struggled to reconcile the ornate surroundings with the dark, chaotic encounter in my soul space.

[Ding! New Function Unlocked: Titles]

The sudden notification snapped me out of my daze, and I blinked in surprise. "Titles?" I murmured, my voice hoarse and barely audible.

[Congratulations host for acquiring the title: First Mage's Heir]

[Congratulations host for acquiring the title: First Warlock's Heir]

[Congratulations host for acquiring the title: Soul King's Successor]

The messages flashed before my eyes, each one sending a shiver down my spine. "Titles?" I repeated, the words sinking in slowly. "What does that mean?"


[Name: First Mage's Heir]

[Type: Title]

[Description: This title signifies your inheritance of the essence of the legendary mage Merlin, granting you access to his vast knowledge and magical abilities.]

[Passive Effects:

• Increased proficiency in magical studies and spellcasting.

• Enhanced mana regeneration and control.

• Access to exclusive spells and incantations.]

[Name: First Warlock's Heir]

[Type: Title]

[Description: This title signifies your inheritance of the physique and combat prowess of the legendary warlock Erebus, granting you access to his unparalleled martial skills and physical abilities.]

[Passive Effects:

• Enhanced physical strength, agility, and endurance.

• Increased mastery of both magic and martial combat.

• Resistance to magical and physical attacks.]

[Name: Soul King's Successor (Locked)]

[Type: Title]

[Description: This title signifies your potential as the successor to the legendary Soul King, granting you access to his formidable powers and authority over the forces of darkness.]

[Passive Effects:

• Affinity with dark and destructive energies.

• Ability to command and control shadowy entities.

• Increased resistance to mental and spiritual attacks.

• ???

• ???

• ???]

The messages continued to scroll before me, each one revealing a new aspect of my newfound titles. It was both exhilarating and overwhelming, the weight of the legacy I now carried settling heavily on my shoulders.

"First Mage's Heir... First Warlock's Heir... Soul King's Successor," I whispered, the words tasting foreign on my lips. "First two I can understand but the last one..."

"How the heck did I become the successor to the Soul King?" I mused aloud, my thoughts swirling with confusion and disbelief. "And what does it mean to have access to his powers and authority?"

As I pondered these questions, a sense of unease settled over me. The Soul King was no ordinary being—he was a force of darkness and destruction, a being of immense power and cruelty. The thought of inheriting his legacy filled me with both dread and curiosity.

[Ding! A Quest]

[Name: Cure The Protagonist's Sister]

[Objective: Find a cure for the mysterious illness afflicting the protagonist's sister before it's too late.

[Reward: ???]

Oh Shit!

I promised the protagonist to cure his sister, today at sunset but my gaze went to the ongoing quest-

[Name: Rescue Family]

[Objective: Locate and rescue your mother and sister from the Outsiders.]

[Rewards: 2500 Destiny Points, New Affinity Unlocked (Nature), ???]

[Failure Consequence: Death of Alice]

The weight of my responsibilities crashed down on me like a tidal wave. I had made promises that I couldn't afford to break, and time was running out.

"I need to find a cure for the protagonist's sister," I muttered to myself, the urgency of the situation spurring me into action. "But I can't ignore the mission to rescue my family either."

With a deep breath, I pushed myself off the bed, ignoring the protests of my weary muscles. I couldn't afford to rest now—I had a mission to fulfill, and lives depended on it.

But as I took a step forward, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over me, causing the room to spin. My vision blurred, and I stumbled, barely managing to catch myself before I fell.

The exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks, threatening to drag me back into unconsciousness. But I couldn't give in—not now, not when so much was at stake.

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to focus, drawing upon the reserves of strength and determination within me. With each step, the fog in my mind began to clear, and the dizziness slowly subsided.

"I can't afford to falter," I reminded myself, my voice a whisper in the dimly lit room. "Not when lives are on the line."




"Did you find that kid yet," A rough voice echoed through the dimly lit chamber, its tone tinged with impatience.

"Not yet, boss," another voice replied, its tone nervous. "But we've got our best men searching every corner of the city. We'll find him soon enough."

The first voice growled in frustration, the sound reverberating through the room like a distant thunderstorm. "I want that brat found, and I want him found now," he snapped. "If he falls into the wrong hands, it could mean the end of everything we've worked for."

There was a tense silence as the gravity of the situation hung in the air like a heavy fog. The stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

"We won't let you down, boss," the second voice promised, its tone filled with determination. "We'll track down the kid and bring him back, no matter what it takes."

"Good," the first voice replied, its tone dark and foreboding. "Because if you don't, there will be hell to pay."

"Y-yes boss," the second voice stammered, a hint of fear creeping into his words. "We'll find him, I swear it."

"Anyways, How are you guys treating that kid's mother and sister?" a third voice chimed in, its tone smooth and oily. "I trust you're not being too... rough with them."

There was a nervous shuffling from the other two voices, followed by a hesitant reply. "N-no, boss," the second voice stuttered. "We're keeping them locked up like you ordered, but we haven't laid a hand on them, I swear."

"Hmm," the first voice hummed thoughtfully. "Good. Because if anything happens to them, you'll answer to me personally."

"B-Boss, Our contractor lord Ashwood is asking for that's kid mother to be handed over to him."

A chilling silence filled the room, broken only by the sound of heavy breathing. The gravity of their employer's threat hung over them like a dark cloud, each of them acutely aware of the consequences of failure.

"We'll make sure they're taken care of, boss," the second voice assured, his voice trembling with fear. "No harm will come to them, I swear it."

"See that it doesn't," the first voice growled, his tone leaving no room for argument. "And as for the kid's mother, tell Lord Ashwood that she'll be delivered to him within four days. We can't afford to risk his wrath."

There was a murmur of agreement from the other voices, followed by the sound of footsteps retreating into the darkness. Alone once more, the first voice sighed heavily, the weight of their task bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket.




[To Be Continued]


Sorry for the short chapter, The next one will be longer.

Thanks For Reading.

Peace Out✌️

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