I Became the Demon King of Lust

Chapter 107: Called in (2)

Since they were all looking at me with expectant looks, I started telling them the story of what had happed.

Wh I was done, they were looking at me with knitted brows.

But at the same time, I could see that Bing Lan, the purple haired woman, and the sharp dressed woman were looking at me with looks of disdain…

It was only the red haired man who looked at me with sympathy.

I didn't want your sympathy, I just wanted to get out of this situation!

Of course, I would never say that out loud and just waited to see how they would react.

After a long silce, the purple haired woman said, "Well, it seems like it was just a matter of circumstance. They were caught up in something that they didn't intd to be caught up in."

There was a trace of disdain in her voice.

The red haired man th said, "Yes, it seems like he was just caught up in this matter…"

There was sympathy in his voice.

But through all of this, Bing Lan never said a word as she just narrowed her eyes to look at me.

After a long silce, she finally said, "Can you go out for a second, I want to talk to him alone for a bit."

They were all surprised to hear this, but the purple haired woman and the red haired man started to leave with a nod.

It was only the sharp dressed woman who hesitated a bit before leaving.

It looked like there was something that she wanted to say before leaving, but she still left after oping and closing her mouth a few times.

Once it was just the two of us in the office, Bing Lan looked at me and asked, "Is there anything else that you have to say?"

I was surprised by her suddly asking this question before revealing a confused look.

As far as I could remember, there wasn't anything that I had deliberately hidd from her during my story. I should have described everything properly, so there shouldn't have be a single discrepancy.

Seeing that I wasn't saying a single thing, Bing Lan picked up the pieces of papers that the sharp dressed woman had giv to her earlier and placed them in front of me.

She didn't say anything as if she was waiting for me to read them first.

I slowly picked these up and looked them over, revealing a shocked look wh I read what was writt.

It was about the finances of the club, as well as who the owner was…including a certain investor who had some shares in the club.

An investor named Lin Fan.

I couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat wh I read this.

It turned out that she had already known everything and she was just waiting for me to confess…

It was no wonder the sharp dressed woman had looked at me so coldly the tire time.

I oped my mouth to explain, but all I could say was, "I…this…"

Bing Lan shook her head before raising her hand and saying, "Stop."

I closed my mouth and just waited for her to speak.

She narrowed her eyes to look at me before saying, "Did you really think that a powerful guild like Elemtia wouldn't be able to get such basic information?"

I secretly gave a bitter laugh.

I didn't think that, it was just I never thought that they would check it this thoroughly.

This should have be considered a small matter for them, so they should have just checked the basic facts instead of checking everything. But I had underestimated how professional Elemtia's investigation departmt was.

But I had no choice in this matter.

I had to leave a paper trail just to make sure that it wasn't strange that I had part ownership of this club.

If I didn't…people might ev suspect me of doing something to Sasha and that was the last thing that I wanted since I had actually done something to her…

Now I had be caught by the tail by the very tail that I had left, I really couldn't say anything.

Seeing that I wasn't saying a thing, Bing Lan said, "Since you're a part owner of this club, can you really tell me that you had no ulterior motives for going there?"

I oped my mouth for a few seconds before suddly giving a sigh and saying, "I admit that I had ulterior motives. Do what you want with me. Fire me if you wish."

I knew that it was over, so I could only wait and see how she would punish me.

Bing Lan raised a brow before saying, "Fire you? Why would I do that?"

I also raised a brow as I looked back at her.

She had a guinely surprised look, so it didn't seem like she was kidding.

But I had gone against the interests of the guild like this?

Wasn't it normal to fire me after something like this?

After a momt of silce, I slowly asked, "Are you not firing me? I hurt the interest of the guild with this plan, so isn't it normal to cut me off?"

Bing Lan shook her head before saying, "This is nothing more than a small matter. If you really think that something as small as this could hurt Elemtia, th you're looking down on Elemtia too much. It's just a simple PR issue that we can easily handle."

After a pause, she added, "Though…there is the problem of how to handle that club of yours."

I gave an awkward chuckle hearing this.

Bing Lan tapped her fingers on the table a bit before narrowing her eyes to look at me.

Wh she did so, I could feel a strong chill running down my spine.

Looking at me with this glare, she asked with a smile, "So tell me, wh did you op up a place like this? I want to hear the tire story."

Though her lips was smiling, her eyes…wer't.

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