I Became the Demon King of Lust

Chapter 106: Called in (1)

As expected, I was called into headquarters the next morning.

This was in the form of the same limo from before waiting for me in front of my apartmt with the same handsome middle aged driver as before.

He ev came up to my apartmt and almost knocked the door down getting me out of bed.

Wh we came down, I could see Mrs Li standing over there with dazzling eyes and something in her hands. It was almost like looking at a young girl in love, though she was actually already in her late forties and had childr that were almost as old as me…

It really was something else to see…

But we quickly got into the limo and headed off to the headquarters.

It was clear by the look on the face of the handsome middle aged driver that this wasn't just a courtesy call.

With the look on his face, it was almost as if I was being escorted to an execution.

I couldn't help leaning in and asking, "How bad is it?"

The handsome middle aged driver didn't say anything about this and just shook his head with a sigh before saying, "The guild master is waiting for you."

I was surprised to hear this.

I never thought that ev Bing Lan would be involved in this matter…

It could be se how serious Elemtia was taking this…and that was a bad sign.

Would I be kicked out in just a few days of joining?

There was more that I wanted to ask, but it didn't seem like he would say anything, so we just spt the rest of the ride in silce.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at headquarters.

As I came out of the limo, I heard him saying behind me, "Good luck."

I was about to turn with a bitter smile on my face, but there was no time as he suddly started driving off. I was only able to see the fumes that came out of the car as he drove off.

With the same bitter smile, I started heading into the building.

Wh I walked into the lobby, I found that there was someone that was waiting for me.

As for how I knew that they were waiting for me…it was because they came right up to me as soon as I tered the building.

This person was a sharp dressed woman who was clearly a very capable secretary of some kind.

Wh she came over, her eyes swept over me as if she was judging me before she said, "Please follow me, the guild master is waiting for you."

She didn't ev wait for a response from me as she had already turned to head to the elevator.

With a bitter smile on my face, I followed her to that elevator.

Wh the other people that were heading to the elevator saw this sharp dressed woman heading over, they all stopped and wt in a differt direction.

Those that knew naturally wt away without hesitation. Those that didn't were stopped by those that knew and pulled in a differt direction.

Seeing that I was following her, I could feel the looks of pity that came in my direction.

Feeling all of these gazes on me, I could only reveal a bitter smile.

It seemed that this sharp dressed woman had quite the reputation in our guild…though it most likely wouldn't be 'our' guild for long.

She didn't press any buttons wh she tered the elevator, but rather she took out a keycard. She tapped that keycard on the scanner by the elevator buttons and the elevator started moving on its own.

It seemed that they were pulling out all the stops today…that just made me feel more anxious as I was worried about what would be coming.

Wh the elevator stopped, it oped up in what seemed to be an office.

This office was luxuriously decorated, clearly being an office for someone important.

Sitting at the desk in the office was Bing Lan, but there were also two others with her. These two were people that I didn't recognize at all, but I could feel the pressure that came from them.

It was clear that they were powerful Awakers and high ranking members of the guild.

After seeing me come in with the sharp looking woman, Bing Lan waved her hand at us.

The sharp looking woman wt over to Bing Lan's side while I just stood there in a daze at first. In the d, I walked over and sat down in front of the desk that she was pointing at.

The sharp looking woman put down a packet of papers that she had be holding the tire time on the table before moving to stand on the side of the room.

After she arrived in her spot, there was a silce that settled in the room as no one said a thing.

But I could feel that the three in front of me were just staring at me, as if they were checking me out. So all I could do was keep my head down and try to stay out of trouble.

Though in the first place…I was called here because I was in trouble.

After a long silce, Bing Lan finally said, "You understand what you've be called in for, right?"

I looked up at them and observed their expressions before giving a slow nod.

Seeing this, the one on the right, the man with the fiery red hair said, "He knows and he still didn't stop them. This is clearly an unwillingness to do his duties and a lack of responsibility. There's nothing to discuss at all, we should just sack him."

I trembled wh I heard this, but there was someone else that spoke first.

It was the purple haired woman on the left that said, "Wait, don't be hasty. Let's hear his side of the story first."

Bing Lan gave a nod in response before looking at me to say, "Well, let's hear it."

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