Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 1 - Prologue

Aa-n, no. Ki, Kizuna-kun, that place, nn-

The girl twisted her body in order to escape from the hand of the man called Kizuna,

Her long black hair shook smoothly.

My, my bad! Himekawa, you dont like it there then.

Kizuna pulled his hand back in panic.

So which area that makes you feel good, when touched?

The girl, Himekawa Hayurus face turned red in a flash.

Th, the, there is no way I can tell you that! So-so-so-something like thaaAnn-

Ayway, it seems this place makes you feel good.

Saying that, Hida Kizuna crawled his hand on Himekawas thigh.

It was a wide room with size of twenty tatami mats.

In the center of the dimly lighted room, there was a bed that was so pure white it looked dazzling.

On top of that bed, a male and female around the age of a high-schooler was embracing each other.

Kizuna was wearing something like a training wear that fitted tightly on his body.

With short sleeves upper wear and a spat that reached his knee, the wear that he wore had the upper and bottom separated, faint muscle could be seen from his exposed stomach.

He couldnt be called as muscular, but just from seeing one could understand that his body was fairly trained.

As for Himegawa too, she was wearing a wear that fit tight on her similar with Kizuna, but the impression on her was quite different. The fabric was thin, and the cut at her crotch was also extremely risqu in the style of swimming race swimsuit, it seemed like a leotard appearance.

On top of that wear she was wearing a coat that was like a shrine maiden clothes, but it had been already completely worn out of shape.

Those clothes that hid her body half-heartedly made her looked excessively erotic.

Her chest was bared and the line of her smooth breasts peeked out. They were a little small, but looking at them would make ones heart throb.

That figure looking at him in that appearance with upturned eyes was nothing but lascivious.

No matter how much time passed, it still makes me so nervous. Was what he thought.


When Kizuna scooped up Himekawas hair, it made Himekawas body trembling.

Himekawa, youare really sensitive arent you?

Is, is that so? I, I amaau

He stroked her face and like that his hand stroked down to her hair. With his index finger, from her back until her waist, his finger pressed on her body and slide down.

Aa-, a, anu

She knitted her eyebrows and endured the pleasure.

I wonder how does your back feel?

I, its ticklish.

Ticklish? How strangedidnt you say before that it feels good?

Kizuna pondered with a troubled face.

Yo, you are wrong! By no means something like that is-!

Himekawa shook her head and denied.

It doesnt feels good or anything, in, in the first place I dont do this because it feels good! This is mission, so it cant be helhyaun!

Kizunas hand slid through her back in reverse from below to above.

Himekawa, any time now

At that moment, *zushin* the room shook.

Vibration like a local earthquake assaulted the room. Kizuna worriedly looked around the room.

This is badwe have to finish this quick.

Isnt it fine? I think there is no need to be concerned though.

Himekawa answered calmly. As if to wait for something, she looked up at Kizuna fixedly.

Somehow, those eyes of her looked coquettish.

I, I wonder if thats so?

Kizuna once again reached out his hand to Himekawa.

Aa-! Again-, just where are you touching-, haauun.

Kizuna stroked around Himekawas white thigh. The smooth texture felt good in his hand. Even the soft elastic sensation also felt good.

From the thigh, his hand next reached out to her calf. The slender calf gave a slim and elegant image to her whole leg.

From there Kizunas hand once again traced through her leg, heading to above her knee. His finger continued to advance stroking from the inside of her thigh toward her body.

Mou, how long you are going to touch, dont get carried awaaaa-!

Kizuna crossed over from her thigh to her crotch, he grazed her nether region and advanced his finger tip toward the depression of her navel.


At that time, along with Himekawas gasping voice, a glittering like a star could be seen from Himekawas eyes.

Its here!?

That instant when Kizuna became excited, a large tremor attacked the two of them again.

A dull sound of metal reverberated from the wall.

Wasnt just now really bad?

Kizuna tried to confirm the situation and he was going to go away from the bed.


He was pulled back by an amazing strength.

Geez, arent you still in the middle of replenishing me? Where are you planning to go?

Himekawas condition was clearly different compared from before.

A light of obscenity shined from her eyes.

N, no. Im just going to look at the situation a li

Himekawas hands grabbed Kizunas face and like that she pushed her down on the bed pulling him back.


Kizunas posture was now bending over Himekawa.

Fufu. Its fine you know, about the outsideif we just left it to Aine-san and Yurisia-san, everything will be fine.

Glazed eyes and flushed cheeks. Red particles of light began to came out from her body.

No mistake.

It was the indication of Heart Hybrid(Union Remodeling).

Himekawa bended her body while taking off her upper wear.

Himegawas slim hands embraced Kizunas head with a fierce strength.

Hey? This place of mineit already become like this you knowKizuna-kun too, you cannot hold back anymore right?

Himekawas sweet whisper tickled Kizunas ear.

Then, lets settle this here.

Kizunas eyes shined.

Pink light swam inside his eyes and light particles also began to scatter from his body.

Kizuna who was embraced by Himekawa pushed his face onto Himekawas small breasts.

Even so he could feel enough softness. Himekawas body temperature was warm and he could hear the sound of her heartbeat going faster.

Normally, she didnt want her breast to be touched, but.

Kizuna circled his hand on Himekawas body and turned their body over in reverse.

He slid his fingers on the back of Himekawa who was now on top of him.

And then, he grabbed her butt.


HImekawa leaned back and her long black hair spread open.

His left and right hand were each respectively gently holding the left and right hills.

Regardless of how softly he was holding her, Kizunas fingers were sinking without end into those hills.

His hands were rubbing those two hills sticking on his hands while drawing a circle.

Ya-, yan, iyaaan!

Himekawa shook her head as if to escaped from the pleasure assaulting her body.

As if to give her a finishing blow, Kizuna put more strength to his fingers and grasped Himekawas butt even tighter.


Himekawa raised a coquettish voice and bend her back like a bow.

At the same time, red light surged out from Himekawas body.

And then, pink light particles rose up from Kizunas body.

The lights appearing from their body gradually turned brighter and filled the inside of the room with red and pink radiance.

The two lights mixed and melted into each other.

Matching with that, a change occurred in Kizunas portable terminal that he put aside on the bedside.

Kizuna didnt overlook that and focused on the terminal.

Himekawas parameter that was near zero was restored in one go.

Yosh! Heart Hybrid success! The replenishment is complete with this.

Kizuna made a small guts pose happily.

Himekawa, you are fine already with this right?

Sheeshits over already?

Himekawa looked down with a befuddled face.

Ye, yeahbecause, the replenishment is complete already see? If we dont hurry, Yurisia and Aine are also going to complaint.

Himekawa scowled as if her mood was worsening, then

Sheesh, something like that doesnt matter right-?

She buried her face on Kizunas chest and hugged him tight, as if to not let him go.

Eh? Hime, kawasan?

Himekawa put her hand on Kizunas chest and raised her body.

Kizuka released a deep breath in relieve.

So you understandthats great. Well then, u-!?

Himekawa put her body weight and straddled Kizunas abdomen, then she smiled bewitchingly.

Buu-t, this place, you stillhavent touched them.

She let out a sweet voice and gestured by lifting up her own breasts.

Himekawas body was slender, but when she did that he was made conscious of that existence whether he wanted it or not.

As if inviting him, Himekawa moved her hands.

The two hills wrapped in pilot suits had their shape changed elastically.

Himekawa leaned forward and her long black hair touched Kizunas face.

Here, Kizuna-kun

As if being charmed, Kizunas hand reached out toward the protrusion of the breasts that were drawing gentle line.

{Hey, both of you! Just until when in the world you two are going to stay inside?}

A floating window appeared on the tip of the finger of the reaching out hand.


Kizuna pulled back his hand with amazing speed.

A blonde beautiful girl was reflected inside the window which was floating in the empty air.

{The replenishment is over already right? We are busy here, so I want you two to quickly get out here.}

My, my bad, Yurisia. Well go out immediately.

When Kizuna raised his body, Himekawas body was shaken.

Are you okay? The replenishment is over. Lets get out soon.

Himekawa brushed up the hair clinging to her skin due to sweet and looked at Kizuna languidly.


Get a hold of yourself, Himekawa. Aah, you need some time before you get your sanity back like usual huh.

Kizuna grasped Himekawas shoulders and shook her body really exaggeratedly. Himekawas head was turning round and round.

Nneh? Replenishment, o, ver?

With her eyes still being dazed, her gaze was swimming everywhere.

Her shaky gaze was stopping at the location of Kizunas face, and after she stared fixedly at his face, the focus of Himekawas eyes was gradually turning sharp.


Himegawa opened her eyes wide in a flash and jumped.

After wriggling for a while, she covered her reddening face with both her hands.

Yo, you are wrong! Just now is not me! Tha, that, vulgar act is not me!

Yeah, its okay. Thats because it was Heart Hybrids influence. I understand okay?

Kizuna waved his hand and smiled before getting down from the bed.

D, do you really understand? It was by no means at all that I

Kizuna responded with a wry smile, then he pulled Himekawas hand toward the door.

When he rotated the door knob, a thick sound that couldnt be imagined from the doors outer appearance resounded.

What appeared after the door was opened, was a surface filled with mountains of rubble.

The place was a business city once. However the multistory business buildings there were destroyed altogether, the remaining buildings also couldnt escape from partial destruction or blazing fire.

The smoke welled up from flames and sudden gust were blowing, hitting Kizunas face with hot wind.

The explosive sound and shooting sound reverberating from afar were reverberating until here like echo.

Inside that world which was turned into scorched earth, there was a container that was left standing alone.

That was the room where Kizuna and Himekawa were inside until now, the middle-range mobile-type tactical replenishment room, its nickname was [Love Room]. If there was a request, it was possible to immediately transport the room using a transport helicopter, furthermore, it could also endure attack by magic weapons as a solid private shelter.

And then, the surrounding of the room was currently surrounded by multiple humanoid weapons.

They were mechanized magic weapons [Brigand(Mechanical Infantry)] with the total height of around three meter.

The girl standing on their way turned back from the sound of the container opening.

Ah, you two finally get out-.

Matching with her turning back movement, the girls large breast shook.

A vest was tightened on top of the large breast with her waist largely sticking out. That body was wrapped in a wear like a swimming race swimsuit made from thin fabric.

The word gorgeous was perfectly suited for that body which possessed a glamorous violent modulation coupled with that golden hair and blue eyes.

Yurisia Farandol.

She was the girl which was talking to Kizuna from inside the floating window just now.

Yurisias extravagant body which couldnt be seen from the small window was equipped with beautiful protector and brusque armament.

This was exactly mankinds greatest trump card against the army of the alternate world.

It was the decisive weapons in the battle with alternate world.

Magic armor Heart Hybrid Gear.

This [Cross] of Yurisia was one of those Heart Hybrid Gears.

It was a protector with beautiful material. The sleek surface reflected the surrounding light and gold line of light was running inside it. It had small surface are which made one feel uneasy whether it could really accomplish its role as a protector.

And then, weapons were integrated on the back and around the waist. The large two Units stretching out form the back, the Differential Frames(Offensive Mobile Particle Engine) were dividing the energy they produced for propulsive power and particle cannon. The Units had mobile style where Yurisia could move them freely using her will, leaving no blind spot for her.

And then, the two particle cannons hanging on her waist were the main equipment of Yurisia.

When she drew out the two particle cannon with both her hands,

Shot through!

The particle cannons in both her hands and the Differential Frames on her back spouted out fire.

Bullets of light hit the large crowd of Brigands one after another as if they were being sucked right into the enemy. The bullets swept through the line of fire, mowing down the Brigands and built a wall of explosion.

YES! (TN: She said this in English)

Yurisia smoothly put both her particle cannons back to the holster on her waist as if handling two handguns, then she crossed her arms cockily as if to further emphasized her big breast. Her breast largely bounced following that movement.

Really, when Hayuru entered the Hybrid, you reaally take too long! I wonder-, just how long you two are planning to continue having fun?

Yurisia peeked into Himekawas face with a mean smile.

Himekawa made a flustered expression and,

Wh, whats with, that false accusation! There is no way for this me, to wish for such indecent act, at all!

Himekawa kept talking on and on without pause.

Okay, okay, I understand. Well then, you have been completely replenished with how long you take then, arent you-

Tremor on the ground was intensifying.

Even without getting told by you

A giant shadow made its appearance from the other side of the flame.

That shadow had the total height that could even reach 10 meter, it was a giant. It was called [Blue Head(Blue Knight)] from its blue color and its shape that looked similar with armor, a magic weapon from the alternate world.

Then we are going, [Nelos]!!

Red light was emitted from Himekawas body. The slender body was enveloped in red light, the glittering radiance materialized in the blink of eye, equipping Himekawas body.

The red light changed her silhouette one after another and performed the materialization. As if pushing into Himekawas body, the light clung closely and performed the attachment of the protector similar with Yurisia.

The protector and armaments were formed and red lines of light ran through her whole body.

The Heart Hybrid Gear [Nelos] was completed.

Yurisia had golden line of light running through her, but Himekawa was red. And then the shape of their Heart Hybrid Gears were also largely different.

Nelos was a device that gave the image of sharp bladed tool. And then, an armament that looked similar with Japanese katana was fixed on the waist while eight long and slender mechanical parts were floating on her back. The reflected light that seemed to be dripping wet gave the impression of giant blade.

Go! Blade(Crossbow Drive Sword)!

As if waiting for Himekawas order, the parts on her back flew out. The giant swords [Blades] were heading fast to the Blue Head.

The Blue Head took a stance with a weapon that seemed like a combination of gun and sword and met the attack.

However the Blades drew tricky trajectories and toyed with the Blue Head. The Blue Head couldnt keep up with those movements.

The eight Blades looked like they were flying around as they pleased, but in reality they were taking coordinated movement. That was because they were controlled by Himekawa.


Together with Himekawas voice, the Blades assaulted the enemy all at once.

The Blades pierced through the Blue Heads giant body one after another.

The enemys armor could repel all the weapon of mankind. Mankind didnt have any chance of victory with normal weapon.

However the Heart Hybrid Gears that the girls were equipping was different.

The armor of the Blue Head was torn apart like paper, crushed like styrofoam, the Blades gouged large hole on that body.

That big body of the Blue Head tilted to the side unsteadily and fell to the ground.


Together with Himekawas smile of satisfaction, the defeated Blue Head raised a large explosion.

The splinters from that turned into crystal of light and scattered apart in the air.

The magic weapons of the enemy didnt leave any wreckage when destroyed. The reason for that was still not understood yet.

The both of you are amazing as usual huh. Okay, then I too

The two who caught of Kizunas monologue came flying in panic at Kizunas location.

What are you saying!? Kizuna, you just enter the shelter there(Love Room)!

Thats right! After all the current Kizuna-kun wont even become a considerable fighting strength. Its fine if you just give out instruction from a safe place!

He was overwhelmed by the twos pressure.

I, I got it ok. Thats, my ability cannot compare to the two of you but, even I, can be useful in my own way.

Yurisia flatly spoke toward Kizna who was grumbling unclearly in reluctance.

I earnestly ask you to not come out to the front line! Okay?

I got it. Shit-even though Im the captain.

Because, if you come out to the front line, its worrying for us

Yurisia murmured in a small voice.

Hm? What did you say Yurisia?

No, nothing at all!

At that time, a giant silhouette appeared from the shadow of the building.

It was a force of category-B magic weapons, [Viking(Armed Pirate)].

With their horned helmet and tough muscular form, it reminded one of the image of the ancient Viking and so they were named like that. Their upper body was abnormally large, their arm was thick and long. They had humanoid form, but their proportion was greatly separated from human.


Yes! Himekawa Hayuru, departing!

Both of them raised the output of their thruster and flew away from their previous floating state slightly above the ground.

The enemies were five or six category-B. He guessed that if it were those two then they wouldnt fall behind against such force.

Well, I guess I should follow their words

He was going to use the portable terminal inside the Love Room and tried to draw up the information from the battlefield network.

Thinking that, he was going to go back to the Love Room, in that instant a giant mass descended down from the sky.

Wh, whaatt!

Along with a tremor, Kizunas body floated in the air. The Love Room was fixed with anchor, so the container didnt get blown away, but it was greatly shook up.

A newly appearing magic weapons, an Albatross was descending down behind Kizuna.

It had the atmosphere like a knight wearing armor, but because it was attached with parts that looked like wing and it actually possessed the flying ability, so it was called as [Albatross(The Winged)].

Shit-, it was as if it had been looking for the timing where the other two were gone.

The Albatross raised up a weapon that looked like a combination between gun and sword.

This is bad!?

{Dont move.}

A transmission that was just a sound resounded in his ear.


A girl descended down from the sky.

Her long hair that fluttered in silver color combined with her red eyes. Her skin was extraordinarily white, and even though her body was slender, it was only her breasts that were large.

And then a white Heart Hybrid Gear with blue light running on it.

However, no weapon like in Yurisia or Himekawa could be seen anywhere on her. She was really weaponless.

That girl descended down toward the Albatross without any fear and then she rolled forward in the air with a twirl.

The thruster on her wais spouted fire and put more momentum on the rotation.


The girls right leg stretched out.

At the heel of that leg, there was an eruption outlet that originally was for obtaining propulsion force.

Blue light spread out from there.

Particles surged out with terrific speed before they thinned out and sharpening, transforming into a sword of light.

Using the momentum of the rotation, that heel was swung down with a speed of sound.

The right leg of the girl struck the head of Albatross.

The head part was pierced from receiving tremendous mass.

The armor of the head was smashed and a mechanism from alternate world could be seen inside it. Those mechanisms were also crushed and the head part was cruelly pulverized.

It was a mere heel drop.

That attack possessed the destructive force of an explosive grade and pulverized the magic weapons.

When the girl finished swinging her right leg, the blue light spreading from her heel tore apart the body of the Albatross.

The girl rotated and landed on the ground.

The bisected Albatross raised a great explosion.

And then, the splinters of the exploded armor and mechanism became fragments of light that rained down.

The girl didnt even pay attention that she had defeated the enemy and got closer to Kizuna.

What are you doing staring blankly like that? I wonder if right now you are having a stupid wild delusion, like if there will be a beautiful girl descending down from the sky or something.

It was her usual wicked tongue.

My bad. I let my guard down a little.

Its true you let your guard down, but it has nothing to do with that right? You are weak after all.

Haa, she really said that clearly isnt she, this woman.

Something like Kizunas fighting ability is likethats right, compared from my memory I think you are around the same like Bastet.

Bastet? I have never heard of a magic weapon with that kind of code name. Is that a new type?

He is the neighborhood cat you know?

You are saying, that my fighting strength is just like a cat!?

He didnt understand whether she had wicked tongue, or she was merely looking down on other, or if it was just that her thought circuit which was unusual.

This was the girl which equipped the Heart Hybrid Gear [Zeros], Chidorigafuchi Aine.

Though even for someone like you, there is a way where you can become useful.

Aine grasped the collar of Kizuna and entered inside the Love Room.

Aaa! Aine-san, what are you doing!

Himekawa and Yurisia who had defeated the Viking force were literally flying back to them.

Next is my turn! You are cheating, Aine!

Aine banged shut the door of Love Room right in front of the nose of the two and immediately locked the door.

It seemed the other two was banging the door from outside, but the soundproofing of this room was outstanding. Something like an angry yell wouldnt enter the room.

{Come out -! Kizuna, Aine! Right now!}

Just when he thought that, a floating window appeared in front of his face.

Really, what a noisy outsider they are.

{Who, who do you call outsider! Im really a related party here-!}

{Exactly! Aine-san, you always disturb the order and bothered everyone! Please seriously reflected on yourself! Also, Kizuna-kun! I wont allow something like a shameless act that is not even a mission. The behavior of Kizuna-kun is being managed by this me}

Please have the debauched person shut up.


Aine forcefully ended the transmission and set the receiver to reject any more transmission.

With this the noisy fellows are now gone.

Aine, someone like you is really

Kizuna held his head in his arms.

Aine shook her large breast and approached close to Kizuna.

Kizuna. Do Heart Hybrid with me.

Kizuna confirmed the display of the portable information terminal. However, Aines parameter was still in the safe zone.

Aine, you are still fine right? Rather it was Yurisia thats more?

This is not about replenishment. What I want is the forbidden armament.

Kizuna gulped.

Aine, we should be more careful with that

Aines red eyes were serious.

I understand. But, the enemy is strong. Besides the army marching from now on is most likely the enemys regular army. We cannot keep acting like until now. If we stay like this, we wont be able to overcome this battle. Besides

However, was it really okay to do this?

Kizuna. There is no need for you to worry.

Aines tone of voice became gentle. Aines face was approaching to Kizunas face.


I am me. No matter what happened that will not change. Thats why

Aines lips was going to overlap with Kizunas lips.

Lets do it, the [Climax Hybrid(Climax Remodelling)].

HHG(Heart Hybrid Gear)

Magic armor which was provided with overwhelming power.

If a was installed inside the body, than the user could freely equip this armor.

What was called was the life force energy of the user. However, when that number count decreased then the armor would vanish.

After some time passed, that energy would recover. Furthermore it seemed there was also a way to power up the armor, but this armor was still enveloped in many mysteries.

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