Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 1 - Ch 1

Kizuna, the test for today is this program.

A long haired female displayed the content for todays experiment on the monitor.

Kizuna nodded largely after confirming that content.

I got it, okaa-san. Ill work hard too today.

Right, you really are a good child. Do your best.

It was a pure white experiment room where there was nothing. There his mother spent all her time doing experiments day by day.

Those experiments were about the development of a new weapon called Heart Hybrid Gear.

That weapon seemed to make use of another universes technology, a bundle of state of the art technology.

However, Kizuna didnt understand well just what kind of thing it was.

What he understood was that a small thing like a capsule called core was embedded inside his body through an operation. And then, with the power of that core, a cool protector like an armor and a weapon would be equipped on his body.

And then when he used that and did the experiments, his mother would be happy, that was all he understood.

You are the only one in the world who are in possession of Heart Hybrid Gear you know? The result of this experiment will become the key to save the world.

He was proud to be relied on by his mother.

He felt triumphant that he was the only possessor of Heart Hybrid Gear in the world.

He was happy that he was useful to his mother.

He felt a little like a hero.

Like that, on a certain day.

Who is that?

A girl put on a stretcher was carried into the laboratory.

Looks like she is a lost kid. She was discovered in Tokyo recently.


He wondered why was she brought here then? While he was thinking of such thing,

Thats why, its fine for Kizuna to not come here anymore.


That girls aptitude ability for Heart Hybrid Gear is amazingly high. With Kizunas spec, its meaningless to experiment more than this. You are not needed anymore.


Wait, a second.

Good bye, Kizuna. Sayonara.



I, will work even harder!

Thats why!

With a gasp, Hida Kizunas eyes were awakened.

He reflexively looked around him, he was currently inside a train.

It was the linear motor car that moved in the underground between the megafloats. He was nodding off while sitting in it just now.

I was seeing a dream of the past in a long while huh.

He felt worried whether he was also talking in his sleep, but there was no one boarding the train other than him.

For him to see that kind of dream it had been a long time since he went to the academy float, so he wondered if he was nervous.

His image which was reflected in the window was not a kid, but a face of a highschool student. The digital synergy which was located near the door was displaying the map of the Pacific Ocean. On that map there was a red dot moving.

Megafloat(Extra-large Floating Ocean Structure) Japan was in the middle of sailing the Pacific Ocean. Inside the train the air conditioning was working, but recently the Megafloat was nearing the equator, so outside was humidly hot.

The float was a giant city created above the sea.

Tokyo Float, Oosaka Float, etc, each created floats of Japans administrative divisions were joined, becoming a giant structure that was Megafloat Japan.

That largeness, if it was compare with something of the past, it could rival the hugeness of district 23 of Tokyo, but such scale was still small compared to super large countries like America and the like. The largeness of a megafloat represented the national power of that country. Each country was wandering the seas of the world with their respective unique megafloat.

Currently the very megafloat itself was exactly the country for the countries all over the world which lost their territory, that megafloat was all the territory that they had. The crews and residents of the megafloat were all the people of the country which could be confirmed as safe in the current condition.

For the megafloats that sailed the seas throughout the world, things like territorial waters held no meaning.

World map also didnt exist.

Everything began since the day where the world was overturned.

The First Another Universe Conflict

Fifteen years ago, without any omen at all, without any advance notice, it happened out of nowhere.

North America, South America, Russia, China, Australia, South Africa, France, Entrances(Collision Surface) towards the alternate universe were appearing. And then, magic weapons that were a fusion of magic and science appeared from those Entrances.

Now that it had come to this condition, nobody understood which side was the one that started it. But, it was an unmistakable fact that it turned into battle situation. And then the fires of war spread in the blink of an eye.

The Entrances towards the alternate universe were opened only for two weeks, but hundred of cities and fifty million people lost their lives. Mankind was completely powerless against the army of the another universe.

Like that, the first contact with an alternate universe ended in the worst shape.

Moreover, it was a disappointment that they didnt understand anything about the another universe.

They only kept getting attacked by the enemy and their side was unable to attack back. Mankind was still yet to understand the objective of the people of the another universe or even their appearance.

And then, half a year ago.

The Second Another Universe Conflict occurred.

It was a conflict on a scale incomparable with the first one.

Entrances were appearing on each continent and island country, without exception. From there the magic weapons of another universe were surging in with great numbers.

Mankind attempted to resist desperately, but mankinds conventional weapons were powerless in front of the technology of another universe.

The army was ruined in a flash and the world was conquered.

From the experience with the First Another Universe Conflict, each country was building a megafloat as the ark for emergency use and also as the trump card of battle. So to speak, the megafloat was the countrys backup plan. Not to mention the city function, government, economics, etc, the megafloat was equipped with all societal mechanisms, the megafloats were a miniature version of the countries.

Each country that was invaded by another universe abandoned their original territory and became a mobile country wandering above the sea with their megafloat.

However, the people unable to board the megafloat were still left behind in the old territory of the country. Right now the megafloat didnt have any means to know what happened to those people.

Even if they tried to make contact, electromagnetic waves were cut off in the land and they couldnt get any transmission.

When they approached their home country, the magic weapons and fleet of another universe appeared from the Entrance, that was why the megafloat couldnt carelessly get near even if they wanted to confirm their peoples wellbeing.

Even while the people living above the megafloat were living a peaceful life above the safe area that was the sea, they were wishing to once again take back their country, rescue the left behind people, and return home to their city and house.

The linear underground train passed through the Tokyo station.

One wouldnt understand from the underground, but supposedly above the ground there was the station building of Tokyo station that was dismantled from the original Japan and rebuilt here. At the occasion of the construction of each floats, famous buildings from the region of each respective administration divisions were dismantled and rebuilt back on the floats to keep living the characteristic of the regions, schemes to reproduce the scenery and the likes were performed in the construction.

Outside the window suddenly became bright.

His eyes were dazzled by that brightness. He narrowed his eyes and then looked out the window, outside was an endlessly continuing blue sea that glittered from the light of the sun. White clouds floated in the transparent sky, and then the sun of southern country was shining brilliantly.

The linear train ran above the sea crossing over a long bridge.

Ahead of this bridge Kizuna could see the destination where he was going.

Buildings like a protective wall encircled the surrounding. Rapid fire cannons and missiles protruded out toward every direction at 360. The atmosphere was exactly like a fortress.

Tactical Defense Academy Ataraxia.

It was a self-supporting float with a diameter of three kilometers, it was also one of the oldest floats.

Every regions floats were also equipped with unmanned city defense functions, but fundamentally the defense of Megafloat Japan was shouldered by this Ataraxia.

Right after the Another Universe Conflict, this Ataraxia was the foremost line of anti another universe technology, it was a research institution that constantly developed human resources and R&D, other than university, this float was also a joint establishment with high and middle school.

His mother owned a research facility in Ataraxia, so Kizuna was also living in this float when he was small. He was chased out from the research facility seven years ago and was forced to move into Tokyo float. Though it was only for a short time, but he began to live with his big sister there just the two of them.

However his big sister too soon enrolled into Ataraxia. It made Kizuna live alone by himself.

The only ones who could enter Ataraxia were just they who received permission. Kizuna was unable to even approach near Ataraxia.

Every month there was a public advertisement being held for several dozen people to go for a field trip there, but he had never got chosen even once.

He thought that by any chance he might be excluded from the lottery since the beginning, but every month he kept applying.

Although he had sent mail several times to his mother, but he had never received any reply even once.

For a while he also had some exchanges of conversation with his big sister, but it seemed that she was busy and the two of them gradually became estranged.

And then it was yesterday night that his big sister, Hida Reiri, called him by phone after a long time.


Nee-chan!? Its been a long time, you never contacted me at all but what are you doing right now?

{Im busy with my work. Rather than that, I had arranged the procedure for your admission into Ataraxia. Tomorrow, come until the reception at noon. After you take care of the enrollment procedure, report yourself to the command headquarters. You got that?}

Ha? What are you saying so suddenly Nee-san? My grade is not that excellent you know. There is just no way I can go to Ataraxia.

Ataraxia was a place that gathered people in order to turn them into the cornerstone of mankind in various fields. No matter how he thought about it, it was not a place he could go to.

{I have business with your Heart Hybrid Gear.}

Kizunas chest felt a sharp pain.

Ahaha, Nee-san said something really nostalgic but, this thing is not useful you know?

Frankly, he didnt want to activate the thing for a second time.

He didnt want to recall how he was being treated like an unneeded child by his mother.

Moreover, there was also one other reason.

There was a necessity to call out the name of the gear inside oneself in order to activate the Heart Hybrid Gear. That was because it was the activation code.

He didnt want to shout out that name.

When he was a kid he didnt mind it at all, but right now it was a keyword that he didnt want to say overtly.

{Ill be the one to decide whether its useful or not. If you got it, then do as I say. If you are late tomorrow, Ill make public all of your embarrassing secrets. For example, when you were a child you were trying to go to toilet}

I, I got it! I understand!

The linear motor car arrived at the station and Kizuna got down from the train.

Just what is Nee-chan thinking? No, rather than that, why did Nee-chan make that kind of call? If I remember right, I heard that Nee-chans work is some kind of office work though.

By any chance, was she employed in a company related with Ataraxia?

He didnt know what his big sister was thinking, but honestly he was reluctant to do this.

This place was a place where he had an unpleasant memory as a kid, and it was also the same float where his mother was, those facts made Kizunas heart become heavy.

He might encounter his mother. He wanted to meet her, but he also didnt want to meet her.

While still harboring such contradictory feelings, he received the entrance inspection.

The inspection was to restrict people without permission to enter Ataraxia.

The reception was not human, but a three dimensional CG character. A pink haired beautiful girl was talking with a synthetic voice that sounded really close to a human voice.

Confirmation finished. You are Hida Kizuna-san that is arranged to enroll into Tactical Defense Academy Ataraxia today correct? Age is 17 years old, is there no mistake that you will be transferred as a second year high school student?

Uwaa, Im really going to be transferred here!

Ye, yes. There is no mistake.

Welcome to Ataraxia! May luck be with you.

After he passed the inspection and went through the gate, he was met with the grounds of Ataraxia.

Heee I thought its going to feel savage because this place is combined with military facility, but the townscape is really beautiful and stylish instead.

Small type electric automobiles were coming and going through the main street and students and residents were walking through the road. Digital synergies floating in the air were lining up along the sidewalk. Advertisements of products and news and the like were projected on them. These things would supposedly also get used in an emergency for urgent information and evacuation instructions.

At both sides of the sidewalk, shopping malls and cafs, brand shops, etc, various shops were standing in a row. Ataraxia fundamentally had a boarding system where all students live in dormitories, houses were also prepared for the personnel and researcher here. There was also the inspection that was performed every single time someone entered and exited, and so there was a demand for the inside of the float to provide all the necessities for living.

In order to answer that demand, all kinds of shop, medical institution, and various recreational facilities were established inside Ataraxia. Everything in here was built under the hands of first class architects, so the design here became avant-garde and futuristic.

Hee, even chain convenient stores have cool appearances here.

When he got attracted by the coolness and tried to enter, inside the store was flourishing with Ataraxias students. Everyone was talking with their friends while happily choosing lunch or snacks.

I wonder if right now is lunch break? Or the convenient store also doubles as the school canteen?

There was also exciting things like cup ramen or snacks limited for Ataraxia, but he would surely have many chances to buy them in the future.

He had arrived here after much trouble, so maybe he should try looking around at other stores too? His stomach was also a little hungry.

However, whether it was caf, fast food, or gyudon shop, everywhere was packed with people. Furthermore, ninety percent of the customers were wearing Ataraxias uniform. (TN: Gyudon Japanese food that is a rice covered in meat and vegetable.)

How awesome. Its like most of the place is the cafeteria for Ataraxia.

Kizuna thought about the fierce battle for lunch that he would have to go through starting from tomorrow.

And then while he was walking around like that, he became increasingly fond of Ataraxia.

If the facility was the best, then the shop employees were also polite and kind.

The students were also the same, looking at him who was wandering around with casual clothes, they asked him where did he come from, was something troubling him, was he looking for someone, he was being called by many people in concern.

Above all, everyone looked happy.

At the plaza of the shopping mall, there was an amateur band doing a launching concert, at the game center too there were also some guys playing games while holding bento in one hand.

In outline, this place should be a military facility, but in reality this place was really full of freedom.

Wait, this is bad-! I forgot to go to the command headquarters!

Well, if he just walked through the appropriate streets, he would surely find a building that fits the bill, there must also be some guide board around. Even if not, everyone here was kind, so it would be fine if he just asked someone for directions.

Having an idea like that, he began to walk.


Im lost

Ataraxia was wider than he thought, he couldnt find the high school or the command headquarters anywhere. Furthermore, along with the end of the lunch break, there was no more students walking around outside.

Or rather, where is this place?

For some reason he was walking inside a forest.

Why is there a forest and river inside an academy float

Even if he tried to go back, he already didnt understand which direction he should go to go back.

Am I, going to get stranded on my first day going to school and die? Its already past the level of being idiotic like that.

Right when he was thinking that, he walked into an open space further inside the forest.

I did it! I finally returned to the city!

Happiness welled up inside him and he rushed ahead.


When he got out of the forest, he found a sea there.

Kizuna stopped his run so suddenly that his body pitched forward.

The spot where he was at was the brink of the float. It was like a precipice cliff, the wall of the floats hull was continuing until far below.

The hull of the megafloat was gigantic. The height could even reach several dozen meters.

I I almost died.

But, there was something that attracted his attention even more than that.

A large type rapid fire cannon was set at the outer edge.

A girl was standing at the tip of that cannon.

Her back was facing him, her silver hair and her Ataraxia uniform were fluttering from the sea wind.

He was going to call out to her, but he hesitated.

If he called out carelessly, she might fall.

Cold sweat flowed down Kizunas forehead.

This place looked deserted. Shit, what kind of scene Im finding here.

Should he call for help?

Kizuna was going to step back, but he stepped on a branch lying under his feet.

The sound of the branch snapping made that girl turn to him.


Kizunas eyes were stolen by her appearance.

Aah, she is not a human, she must be a CG character like the receptionist. If thats so, then it might be normal for her to stand so calmly in a dangerous place like thatwas what he thought.

He was thinking like that because he couldnt think that someone like her was a living human.

Long silver hair and red eyes.

Delicateness and beauty that was like precisely crafted porcelain, it was a girl that gave the impression of hardness and yet also brittleness. There was no way that this much conveniently beautiful human could exist.

Her height was normal, but her head was a little small compared to her bodys tallness. She had slender proportions to the degree that it made him worry that she would break, but her breasts were so big in imbalance with her body.

Her skin was white and smooth as if it was highlighted and looked shining. Looking at her face from the side, he couldnt think of any other word to describe it other than a perfect beauty. Her red eyes that looked as if they were emitting light themselves were filled with sadness, it was as if her long eyelashes were hiding that sadness. That sorrowful gaze was directed at Kizuna.

Those red eyes were reflecting light in a sparkle.

Was she crying?

But rather than that, a girl with a beauty this transcendent was looking at him. He was monopolizing this girls gaze. Just that fact made him feel as if he was soaring in the sky.

Even the idols that made appearances on TV, if they were compared with the girl in front of his eyes, they were just like normal people.

This girl was like a different living being from somewhere, he could feel that difference in dimension from her.

That girl, was walking to his direction.

Eh? Eehh-? A, a real thing?

She lightly jumped, passing over the bumps, and moved back from the rapid fire cannon to Ataraxia.

Her glossy pink lips were moving.

Who are you?

She talked!

Err, how should I reply? My, my name? Is it fine for me to introduce my name?

The girl knitted her eyebrows and showed a face that was seriously glaring at him.

I wonder if you dont have the intelligence to understand words? This is the first time I saw an animal like this

Just now she said something really mean to him!?

No, I understand your words but Im Hida Kizuna. Since today I attend the high school here. You are, a student here right?

Thats obvious isnt it? If Im not a student then just what do you think I am, I wonder. Someone who purposefully ordered this uniform, slipped into this place of heavy security, and stared at the scenery in this kind of place?

No, you dont need to find fault in me like that (TN: Finding fault here in the raw is written with the kanji of raising foot. Some kind of metaphor in Japan, but in English it means finding fault.)

Finding fault? Just why in the world this me has to take the foot of someone like you? Rather its a different story if you are the one that cries and begs to me, saying, please let me kiss your beautiful foot.

Im not begging like that at all!

What a dishonest man.

What was with this girl? Even though her appearance was the most beautiful and cute he had ever seen, but he couldnt understand her strange thought process at all. Whether she had a bad mouth or a bad personality he didnt know.

I am Chidorigafuchi Aine, a second year. Its fine if you want to worship me.

What Im talking about doesnt get through to you at all! Just how does it take this much just to hear your name.

Rather, you should express your joy that you can hear the name of this me this easily. Now, dance the dance of joy, make this me enjoy the attraction.

This was hopeless. Her visual appearance was the greatest, but it seemed that not getting involved with this girl was for the best. He was thinking of asking her for directions, but like this his mind would be destroyed in return for the directions he asked for.

Ah, well, Ill be going

At that time, a loud siren was resounding.

Wh, what!?

What kind of alarm was this? At the very least, it was certain that it was not the signal for the class starting.

Or else, was this a disaster drill?

Evacuate to the shelter immediately.

Aine spoke to him with a serious expression.

This is the air raid alarm.

Ai air raid, alarm?

Tha, thats impossible. Because, right now we are in the safe area of the Pacific Ocean you know? Those another universe bunch should not have cruising range this far

The army of another universe for some reason couldnt advance outside a certain range from the Entrance. That was why this megafloat was created.

But, this should not be a false alarm. The enemy has appeared, thats a fact.

After saying that, Aine began to strip off her clothes.

Wha, oi! What the hell are you doing!?

After taking off her upper wear and hung it at the nearby tree, this time she unfastened the hook of her skirt. Like that she took off her skirt and hung it at the tree like her upper wear. Wearing a panty with amazing cut, when she turned her back to him, he could see almost half her butt bared naked to him. Furthermore, the fabric was digging into the crevice, so it made him fell into an illusion as if the fabric was not hiding anything.

You are still in a place like this?

Her movements stopped from a little shock.

When he saw that her cheeks were a little red, it seemed that it was not like she was not embarrassed.

Ive told you already to go evacuate havent I? You dullard.

You yourself, just why did you suddenly begin to strip! What are you going to do if somebody sees you!?

The one looking here is only you. This molester.

While saying that, she unfastened the buttons of her white shirt.

Turn away your eyes. If you do that then there will be no problem at all. Im the victim who got peeped at one-sidedly, while you are the pervert who is one-sidedly peeping at me.

You are the pervert who is showing all this to me one-sidedly!

But certainly if he averted his eyes right now then all this would be settled. Though he couldnt comprehend this at all!

If we are going by your reasoning here, then that means exhibitionism is not something obscene you know hey, oi!!

Aine unhesitatingly took off her white shirt.

Kizuna tried to avert her eyes in panic, but his movements stopped in the middle.


What could be seen under the white shirt was not brassiere.

What she was wearing under her uniform was a leotard with surface area that was extremely small.

The center of the leotard was opened, it was as if the clothes were flaunting the valley of the breasts and the navel, exposing them to the open. The cut of the crotch also had a steep angle while her sides were virtually uncovered.

It looked really erotic.

Aines body line became completely obvious without anything hiding it, her large breasts were shaking in jiggles following her motion taking off her clothes.

However, this leotard with high exposure rate was not something for the sake of gymnastics.

Thats a pilot suit?

Even though you are ignorant, but you are widely knowledgeable only in female underwear arent you? The way you are using your head is really troubling.

Thats not underwear in the first place! No wait, it lookx like underwear though!

He was staring fixedly at Aine once again.

There was no mistake, this was a pilot suit.

This girl, could she be


When Aine shouted that, glittering blue lights surged out from her.

You-, you have done Cores Install(Internal Operation)!?

The blue light was turning into the shape of Heart Hybrid Gear.

The created shape of the gear was equipped onto Aine as if digging into her soft body.

Armor modeled after vertebral column ran on her back as if in protection of her spine. And then, the largest thruster appeared on her bottom. This part was responsible for the majority of her propulsion force.

On the other side, the front part of the body had surprisingly few areas which were protected. There was no conspicuous armor from her neck until her thigh. However attack from the front could be confirmed by sight, so evading was easy. Moreover, there was the basic function of Heart Hybrid Gear, the Life Saver(Absolute Territory) system which gave protection to the wearer.

This was a sudden talk, but Life Saver was a powerful barrier equipped on Heart Hybrid Gear.

When the blue light enveloping her four limbs was burst open, standing there was a girl equipped with a gear that combined protector and thruster. There were a lot of thrusters on her whole body, so he could guess that it was a gear with fairly high mobility.

When her silver hair was brushed off smoothly, blue particles danced in the air.

This is Zeros.

Its brilliance was beautiful, blue light was running through the sleek white armor.

It was a simple but really sharp Heart Hybrid Gear.

He thought that this beautiful gear didnt lose to that stunningly beautiful girl possessing silver hair and red eyes.

Heart Hybrid Gear was hiding a power that greatly eclipsed mankinds conventional weapons. It was the ultimate anti-another universe weapon. Behind this technology that displayed an unrealistic performance, there was a rumor that it incorporated the technology of another universe from the enemy.

But, there was one point that bothered him from the Heart Hybrid Gear in front of his eyes.

There was no weapon.

Can I ask you a little? Is there no weapon in that Heart Hybrid Gear?

Her red eyes glared at him.

Please dont say impolite things. Of course it has proper weapons.

What? No wait, perhaps it was an internal type weapon. So even a gear this small had the parts fitted really well.

Its a weapon invisible for an idiot. So you cannot see it. How pitiful.

Rather than calling me an idiot, the one telling that kind of story is the one that sounded like an idiot!

This gear is paying serious attention to its stealth.

A technology that make you unable to see your own weapon is just something completely meaningless!

Aine was crouching down on the ground and then she grasped something like a handle.

What was that? He didnt realize something like that was there at all.

When the handle was twisted, the ground opened quickly, then a metal box appeared from inside it.


Inside the box was firearms lining up in a row.

Aine took one firearm from among them. It was a 89-style pistol.

There was nothing unusual about the gun, it was just the official firearm that the Ground Self-Defense Forces utilized once.

Yo, you you are, using that?

What is it, you have complaints?

No, he was not complaining though.

Heart Hybrid Gear was something that had armor and weapons combined into it. Even his own gear was furnished with a beam cannon although its offensive power was low.

But, Aines gear was not furnished with weapons from the beginning.

You are going to fight with that kind of weapon!? Conventional weapons are ineffective against magic weapons right?

A ring of blue light was floating around Aines waist.

The Heart Hybrid Gear was raising its output. That was the sign of commencing flying.

Its fine already, just escape, you are going to die if you stay here.

Leaving those words behind, Aine faced to the sea and ran, then she flew away from Ataraxia. Blue light stretched out from the thrusters on her waist and feet, flying up Aine to the sky.


Kizuna started running.

Her mouth was bad, but what Chidorigafuchi told me is correct.

My aptitude with Heart Hybrid Gear is low, and to begin with I havent trained for battle with it since I was a child. So that I wont drag her down, I should evacuate to the shelter.


I just cant forget Chidorigafuchi who was standing still alone with tears shining in her red eyes.

Kizuna was walking towards the direction where Aine was heading.

His speed was gradually turning faster, before long he had started to run.

From here he couldnt see well the sky of the city. He had to go to a more open place!

When he ran along the outer edge of Ataraxia, before long he exited the forest and came out into a wide park.


A gigantic object was flying above his head where it almost grazed him. A terrific gale attacked Kizuna.

Giant!? No, that was a magic weapon!?

By crouching on the ground, he somehow endured from being blown away.

That was the magic weapon of another universe! He had seen it before from a photo.

It was a mechanized giant with a total height that surpassed ten meters. Even among the magic weapons which were designed with armor impression, this one had a pair of wings that possessed flying ability, an [Albatross].

No matter how he saw it, it shouldnt be able to fly in the sky based on aviation mechanics, but it was soaring in the sky with mobility that was even higher than an airplane. He didnt understand at all with what kind of technology it was flying in the sky.

The technology of the another universe far surpassed the common sense of mankind.

And then, after that a small shadow was passing through him in an instant.


He chased the back of the figure flying past him with his eye, but the figure was gone already. When he looked up, he could see a white Heart Hybrid Gear ascending high to the sky chasing after Albatross.

Aine pulled the trigger of the type-89 gun in her hand and scattered sparks on Albatross back.

That was a good skill.

If this was a dogfight, then this would be Aines victory.

However, the armor of Albatross repelled those bullets really easily.

On the contrary Albatross stopped still in the sky and directed its bayonet towards Aine while turning its body behind. Normally, a bayonet was a rifle which had a short sword fixed on its tip, but the bayonet of another universe had the shape of sword blade fused with gun grip and trigger as its handle.

When the trigger of that bayonet was pulled, the sword emitted light and a bullet of light was fired heading to Aine.

The speed of the bullet was fast. It was hard to chase it with eyes, but Aine evaded that bullet nimbly. And then she was encircling Albatross and rained bullets from all directions.

But there was no effect.

Aine threw away the magazine that had become empty and inserted a new ammo magazine.

She beautifully evaded the bullet of light that Albatross fired again then she closed the distance in one breath.

And then

She struck.

Wait eeeh-!?

A strong punch hit Albatrosss chin, making that giant body bend backwards greatly.

Eh isnt that attack the most effective compared to all she had done until now?

Aine thrust the muzzle of the type-89 gun into the gap of the raised neck and pulled the trigger. She kept shooting until her ammo ran out, then Aine kicked the Albatross and took some distance.

The kicked Albatross powerlessly began to fall, after a while it exploded largely. Its scattered fragments transformed into fragments of light while raining down to the ground.

Amazing! She really defeated a magic weapon with a normal weapon!

Aine descended down to the ground. Kizuna hurried on to the location where she would land in order to greet her.

Oi, thats amazing just now! You did it! You defeated a magic weapon from another universe!

However, Aine ignored Kizuna, she once again crouched in the corner of the park and twisted a handle of a hatch.

The box that flew out from the opened ground was lined up with firearms.

Wait, this kind of thing is everywhere in the float!?

Of course. We dont know when the enemy will come attacking after all.

This time Aine took out an even bigger gun than the type-89. It was a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. Normally it was not something that a human could use by carrying it by hand, but this one had been forcefully remodeled so it was usable by hand. Just its main part had the total weight of nearly 40 kilo, but Aine lightly lifted it up.

Type-89s firepower is just too weak.

After wrapping ammo belt on her body, she flew up to the sky once more.

Seeing off her figure, Kizuna felt like he had been left behind.

In contrast with Aines action which had no hesitation, Kizuna didnt know what he should do. He was standing still in that place for a while.

Shouldnt I also fight?

No, no, just what kind of impertinent thought you had, me.

With my aptitude for Heart Hybrid Gear, I cannot properly fight the enemy, that was what his mother told him. He had beam cannon, but it was hard to break through the armor of magic weapons, and even if he could fly in the sky, he couldnt fly while carrying something heavy.

{Kizuna, its pointless for human without any talent no matter how hard he works. Talent will shine if it is polished, but if there was nothing to be polished in the first place, then it wont turn into anything.}

The words of his mother were revived in his ear.

His mother was a genius. A person that was like a mass of talent.

His mothers last academic background was as a third year student of elementary school.

At that time she was already publishing numerous reformative papers on the internet. She had tied contracts with several corporations and research institutes as a researcher and mysterious consultants at the same time. Even with her identity unidentified at that time, her existence was like a kind of deity.

The Heart Hybrid Gear was one of the inventions of such a mother.

His big sister was also an abnormally superior person since she was a child. It was overwhelming for him to always be compared with his sister.

But, that big sister herself was always kind to Kizuna.

{Kizuna. The worth of a human is not from the height or depth of their ability. Its a problem of how you live.}

On top of being superior, she was a really good person.

Among such superhuman family, how should this me that is the most average should live?

Kizuna stared at Aine who was fighting in the sky.

Even if he couldnt fight directly, wasnt there still something else he could help with?

To equip his Heart Hybrid Gear, there was a need to yell that, its name.


No, no, no!

Calm down, Hida Kizuna!

Courage was necessary just to shout that name.

Of course, courage was also needed for fighting.

Courage was also needed even for facing his past where he was abandoned by his mother.

And then, it was embarrassing to speak of the code for equipping his gear.

Shit-! Of all things, just why did that mother of mine pick a naming like that!

He absolutely hated that name!

When he was a child he didnt understand its meaning and he yelled that name innocently, but then he knew the meaning of that word at a certain time and he felt greatly wounded

Hm? What?

A small shaking was repeating in the ground.

The tiles covering the park were beginning to open like accordion curtains.

Uwaa-, this is bad-!

Kizuna started to run.

Shit-, so this park is using interception system!

He crossed over the road and hid in the shadow of a building nearby.

From the opened ground, a missile was fired, rising to the sky while trailing flames behind. However, there was no figure of magic weapon where the missile was going.

Just what are they aiming at?

Suddenly the missile exploded in the sky.

He took a deep breath and then looked up to the sky once more.

hm? Thats, whats that?

The sky where he looked up was strangely distorted when he looked carefully.

When he focused his eyes, that distortion was like something rectangle that was slim and long. It was fairly big.

No way was that the battleship of another universe!?

Shivers ran through his back.

It was mainly rumored that the ship from another universe couldnt be discovered by radar searching. If it couldnt be identified by eyesight on top of that, then there would be no way to hit them.

And then from that warship, new magic weapons were descending down.

The second wave of missile was further fired from the park. When he turned back, the wall of the building behind Kizunas back was beginning to open like a shutter.

Oi oi! This thing is also a camouflage!?

Megafloat was constructed with the assumption of fighting the another universe. Due to that, defense systems were incorporated everywhere.

From the defense system that was camouflaged as a building, a large type particle cannon appeared.

Aa, I cannot keep up with this at all!

At the same time with him sprinting away, a tremendous roar resounded from his back.

He felt severe heat at his back, but he somehow managed to not end up dead by being roasted.

He patted his chest while sighing in relief before looking for a place where he could calm down, he continued to run recklessly.

After a while, he arrived at a place where there were many warehouses lining up.

Perhaps there were stray shots hitting this place, but there were many cardboard boxes scattered around haphazardly, the snacks stored inside the boxes were scattered everywhere.

Kizuna put his hand on the wall and tried to put his breathing in order.

Haa, haaa a, anyway, seems like this place is not a dummy warehouse. As expected its not a defense system.

At the other side of the warehouse was immediately the sea. In the end, it seemed that he had run along the edge of Ataraxia.

He could see explosions happening in the sky far away. A red light was drawing a line, flying around in the sky.

Was that Chidorigafuchi Aine?

Suddenly, while he was thinking about such thing, a gigantic hand appeared before his eyes.


That hand which had sea water dripping from it caught hold of Ataraxias edge.

With a pull-up trick, that body showed its figure.

A giant body with horn growing on it was overflowing with sea water, a magic weapon was landing on Ataraxia.

Its total height was ten meters. A category-B magic weapon, [Viking].

Shit-! Now that it had come to this, he wouldnt be able to escape without making some sacrifice. There was nothing to do but equipping his Heart Hybrid Gear.

It was not for fighting, but for escaping.


At that moment, a hole opened in the Vikings body.


Thinking that, he looked for the Heart Hybrid Gear with blue light running on that white body.

However, what entered his eyes was a girl holding a katana charging here.

Go! Blade!

Together with that calling voice, the black haired girl moved the swords floating at the surrounding air. With agile movement, the swords flew in the air and assaulted the Viking. The Viking tried to intercept them, but the blades skewered it like a joke.


The girl took a stance of holding her sword above her head and slashed at the Viking.

The Viking was bisected into two from its head.

The girl landed in front of Kizuna and waved her sword as if assuming a posture.

The Viking raised an explosion as if that gesture was the signal.

The splinters turned into clusters of light in the air.

E, eh?

Was he, saved?

However, when that girl swung her sword, the tip was directed right at Kizunas nose.

What is an ordinary student doing in this kind of place! Furthermore in casual clothing like that!

Eh, who, are you?

You dont know about me? I am Himekawa Hayuru, a public morals committee member of Ataraxia! What year and what group of students are you!?

E, err, Im a transfer student, this is my first day

The girl who introduced herself as Himekawa Hayuru was taken aback before she stared fixedly at Kizunas face.

Then you are the new team member then! Do you have a Heart Hybrid Gear?

Kizuna nodded his head repeatedly.

Then, please fight together with us! Right now is an emergency situation!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thats, even if you suddenly told me! No, rather please dont expect any fighting ability from me!

Himekawa seems to be losing her temper when Kizuna didnt reply, she snapped at Kizuna.

What are you doing! Please hurry! We who possess Heart Hybrid Gear are existences that should become the shield of the people! We have to become the sword of the powerless people!

Himekawa talked passionately, but Kizuna could only feel uneasy.

That was because new magic weapons were descending down to here.

Furthermore, this time their number was many. There was ten category-C Blue Head. Also, there was even a larger group of Brigands coming down here.

Even when looking at that large group of enemies, Himekawa didnt falter at all.

Hmph. Again they come come! You too, lets fight together!

No, thats why, I

Blue Heads raised a tremor in the ground with their landing, they brandished their swords and headed here.

At that time, flashes and sound of shockwaves pierced the sky of the park.

Wind hole was opened in a Blue Heads body, then it exploded greatly.

He thought that it was Himekawa launching her Blade once again, but the Blades were still floating around the back of Himekawa this time.

Hayuru? Can you stop playing around I wonder?

There was one more person in the air, a girl with Heart Hybrid Gear put on her body.

It was a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

So this is what they mean by dynamite body, Kizuna thought.

From her large breasts, to her waists that radically turned slim, and a butt that was stretching as if it were going to explode in a turn.

She was glamorous and gorgeous.

The gaps between her gear were shining, that luminescence which was golden in color also played a part in her gorgeous impression.

And then, the armaments which were fixed on her back and around her hips also showed the powerful fire power at her disposal.

The cannon muzzles that could possibly fired in all directions were moving separately, each of them was establishing a different target.

All of them spouted out fire all at once.


Intense explosive sound rumbled, particle bullets were grazing Kizuna from all directions.

The shockwave from that made his body stagger.

Until the bombarding was over, he didnt feel like he was going to stay alive.

The bombarding was over after a few seconds, the surroundings were wrapped in silence.

When he timidly observed the surroundings, the Blue Heads and Brigands had been wiped out.

A amazing.

It was not just because the firepower was powerful. That was an accurate shooting. It looked like she was firing randomly to all directions, but not to mention himself and Himekawa, there was no damage at all even at the surrounding facility. She was attacking only aiming accurately at the magic weapons.

When the girl softly landed on the ground, she faced Himekawa and continued talking as if there was nothing.

Thats why, its hard doing this alone. Its severe doing this when Hayuru slacks off. (TN: Yurisia had a characteristic way of talking. She often drag off the end of her sentence a little. For example thats whyy slack offf like those, I wonder if I should write it like that here or its better to just write it normally?)

Hearing those words, Hayuru stepped forward with a clink.

Yu, Yurisia-san-! This I is a committee member of public morals! And you called me slacking off!? Thats an offensive insult! Please take your words back right now!

Her face was bright red and she kept talking on and on.

Araa, I wonder if I stepped on a landmine here?

The blonde beautiful girl called Yurisia parried Himekawas fury with a smile.

Rather than that, I wonder who is that boy over there Hayurus boyfriend?


Her face that was already too red became even redder.

I-i-i-I, impossible-! Licentious! Filthy! In the first place even touching a boy is something that is not allowed! We, we are shouldering a lofty goal of

Ok, ok, I understand. Then, lets just clean up the descending down magic weapons. If we dont quickly tidy this up, then not only Ataraxia, even Megafloat Japan as a whole will be sunk down you know?

With a bright smile, she said something terrifying.

Guh I, I understand. Certainly right now is not the time to argue. Lets properly talk about this matter later on!

The Unit at Yurisias back emitted light. The next instant she flew up to the sky. Her figure turned small in the blink of an eye. Himekawa also followed after her.

Kizuna was left completely by himself alone in that place.

{You too, lets fight together!}

He recalled back Himekawas voice.

Even if he was told that, there were things he could do and couldnt do.

Just as his mother told him, he couldnt even stand at the start line if he didnt have the talent in the first place.

When he moved his gaze to the citys direction, Chidorigafuchi flying in the sky drawing blue tracks behind her entered his eyes.

Even I actually want to be like that,

However, Chidorigafuchis condition was strange.

Her movement was dull. Her nimble body movement like before this had disappeared, even the machine gun she held in her hand was hanging down heavily.

What? Just what in the world was going on?

And then finally, her movements stopped.

D, dangerous!

Direct hit.

The enemys cannon hit Aine. Flame explosion spread in the sky like a blooming flower.


Kizuna was dumbfounded.

From inside the flame, the figure of Aine with smoke trailing behind her appeared.

However, power had left her whole body, she was falling to the ground.

O, oi! Thats seriously bad right there!

Kizunas eyes wandered. His gaze roamed the sky, he was desperately looking for the Heart Hybrid Gear of Yurisia and Himekawa.

Save her quickly! Your comrade is in danger!

Even when he yelled so in his heart, there was no signs of those two coming.

What to do?

What to do!

{Kizuna. The worth of a human is not from the height or depth of their ability. Its a problem of how you live.}

His sisters words resounded in his mind.

Thats right isnt it, Nee-chan. If not right here right now, then just when Ill use it!

Kizuna took off his jacket.

He wasnt wearing a pilot suit, that made his affinity with the Heart Hybrid Gear even lower.

Kuh, cant be helped!

In order to make up for the demerit of not wearing pilot suit even for a little, he also took off his T-shirt vigorously. When his upper body became naked, Kizuna took in a large deep breath.


All over his body was wrapped in pink light.

This sensation how many years has it been already.

The pulsation of his heart released particles of light, those particles united and created magic armor that wrapped his body.

Kizuna put on the Heart Hybrid Gear [Eros] on his body.

On the black armor, pink streaks of luminescence were running.

When he concentrated his consciousness, he raised the output of the thruster and beads of light danced from the jet propulsion nozzle.

The sensation was not different at all with what he felt as a child.

Okay-, I can do this!

Kizuna flew to the sky.

With all the speed that he could muster, he headed to Aines falling point.

Aines natural falling continued, it would only take 100 meters more before she crashed.

Make it in time!

The yell of his heart accelerated the Heart Hybrid Gear.

Kizunas arms caught Aines body.

I did it! E, eh?

It was all fine that he caught the body, but he couldnt support Aines weight. That was just how weak the output of Eros was.

U, uwaaa!

He was dropping diagonally and fell on a field that had grass growing.

He embraced Aine to protect her before he slid on the lawn.

After rolling for several tens of meters, he finally stopped.

So somehow, it looks like Im saved.

So I can actually do it when I try.

He soaked in a prideful feeling for a moment. Aine was still breathing, but she looked as if she was in a great pain.

Oi, Chidorgah

Aine was hit by enemy attacks and bore damage.

There was no problem in her Heart Hybrid Gear, but the damage to her pilot suit was great.

In other words, it was torn.

The suits already had great exposure rate in the first place, but it became even more terrible with this damage in addition. Like this he guessed that it could actually put up a challenge against a micro bikini.

Around the collarbone and around the stomach were holes opened from tears of the fabric. Like this, it was nothing more than some sorry patches that hid the breasts and nether region.

*gulp* Kizuna made a noticeable sound from his throat.

N, no. This is not the time to think about perverted thoughts.

He persuaded himself like that, but he still wasnt able to oppose the absolute eroticism of the beautiful girl.

He had seen erotic manga on the internet before, but the presence and pressure of the real thing far surpassed his imagination.

Moreover, this was a girl with transcendental beauty. Trying to resist was an impossible talk from the outset.

He barely mobilized all his remaining reasoning before talking to Aine.

O, oi, Chidorigafuchi. You okay? Get a grip of yourself.

There was luminescence everywhere on her body that was the proof that the Heart Hybrid Gear was operating. However, Aines light looked dim, it looked like the light would go out anytime.

But anyways, she was safe for the time being. However, he better bring her to a hospital as soon as possible

At that time, in front of Kizunas eyes a floating window opened. Projecting monitor window in the air where there was nothing could be done by using Heart Hybrid Gears communication function.

What is it, at this kind of time!

A close-up of a beautiful woman was projected on the window.

{Kizuna. Its me.}

Ne-, Nee-chan!?

The transmission was from his sister, Reiri.

Ne, Nee-chan!? Right now, I got a serious

{Shut up.}


He reflexively swallowed his words.

{I understand your current situation. Listen well to what Im going to say after this. Understand?}

He didnt know what was going on, but for the time being he nodded.

I got it. Then, what should I do?

{First, rub Aines breast.}

Kizuna reflexively held Aines breast.


Uwawawaaa! Wh-, what are you making me do!

He released his hand as if it was repelled away.

{Kizuna, do it more gently. Gently, but slowly put more strength into it, rub and wrap it in your hand.

No, listen! Why do I have to rub the breast of a girl that I just met for the first time!?

{Dont think. Feel.}

Feel what!?

{Aines heart and body. Unless you can do that, you guys will die for real.}

He could see an Albatross landing down on the roof of a nearby building.

If that thing came here, it would be seriously bad.

{Then touch Aines body to make sure if she has wounds or not. Look through every nook and cranny of her body.}

A go, got it. If its something like that then

With trembling fingers, Kizuna touched Aines body.

Shit-, dont get nervous.

Kizuna was sliding his finger tips from her shoulder to her arm while looking at the girls reaction.

The thin glove that reached until her upper arm was torn and had holes opened in it. However, it seemed that she was not injured. The softness of her arm was directly transmitted to his hand.



She was groaning, but it seemed that her consciousness hadnt returned.

{Dont mind, just continue.}

Ah, yes. I got it.

He ascertained other places similarly like that. From her armpit to her side, her waist, and then her thigh, her calf.

Was the body of a girl really this soft?

He thought that because they were the same human, even though they were male and female it was only their shape that was different, but it was like they were made from different raw materials.

{Open up her legs. Enter between, then pay thorough attention to her leg one by one.}

Ri, right.

Before he realized it, Kizuna had already become absorbed in the pleasant feeling of touching Aines body.

Aa n, haa

The girls cheeks were colored red.

Somehow, the feeling of fondling the body of a beautiful girl earnestly was not bad.

Furthermore, in the current situation, he opened her legs and right now he was in a position between those legs where he was holding in his arm her thigh.

Suddenly he could smell a nice aroma like a flower.

He didnt notice it in his fluster, but this was the aroma of a girl.

Her blushing face was truly bewitching.

He unintentionally gulped his saliva.

Sweat flowed down the nape of her neck.

Her breasts largely moved up and down.

And then, the tips of the breast were obviously conspicuous even more than before. It was standing up as if going against the suit, pushing up the fabric from below.

No, no good! My eyes cannot move!

He put all his power to the muscle of his neck and tore away his gaze from the breasts.

Far below her breasts, there was her navel.

The navel itself was not a big deal, but the fact that the shape of the body under the suit was blatantly displayed uplifted his mind mischievously.

Shit-! Even though Ive finally get away from the breasts binding spell! What a body that I cant let my guard down with!

However, ahead from that area was a spot that was even more dangerous.

The triangle zone made up from the body and the thighs. For Kizuna it was an unknown territory.

The pilot suit was digging into that between, shadow and highlight were creating a valley that looked soft.

His head was dizzy from the charm of her body. The throbbing of his heart was strong, becoming faster. The desire welling up from his depths was driving his body mad, as if an unendurable pain was going to explode.

And then, pink radiant light particles were born inside Kizunas eyes.

A painful sounding voice leaked out from Aines lips.

Nn haa an

Aine twisted her body as if she was feeling Kizunas gaze on her.

At that instant, blue particles scattered from Aines body.

This was the light of Heart Hybrid Gear?

Uu n

Aine dimly opened her eyes.

Her expression was entranced, she looked completely defenseless, she was irresistibly lovely.

The moment he saw that, pink particles of light also raised from Kizunas body.

{Right now, Kizuna! Grab her breasts!}

When he returned to his senses in surprise, he moved faithfully following his sisters instruction.

His hand reached out heading towards the magnificent breasts which were drawing beautiful lines.

Just how could this thing possibly draw a line this elegant?

It was exactly like a work that god accomplished.

He wanted to touch this miracle of god.

White, with pink tips blooming on top of the soft hills.

Right now, that summit was conquered.

His eyes met Aines.

Under the silver hair, there were the red eyes.

Those eyes which were even redder than her red blushing cheeks were unfocused inside the widely opened eyelids.



Both of them were wordlessly staring at each other.

Shock, confusion, passion, all of those became one, making the throbbing of the heart unstoppable.

Aines red eyes were moist, shining sparklingly. Her pink glossy lips was slightly opening, sweet breath was leaking from there.

She was truly beautiful and lovely.


~~~~-!! !?

Her red face became even redder to the degree as if one could hear a *puff* sound.

At the same time, the pink particles emitted from Kizunas body and the blue particles produced from Aines body mixed with each other. Belt of light was enveloping the bodies of the two.

{Success! You did well Kizuna!}

The voice of his sister was unusually excited.

Su, success you said!?

The light particles melted into Aines body. Following that, sparkling radiance was appearing inside her red eyes and power filled her eyes.

{This is Heart Hybrid(Union Remodelling).}

Aine raised her upper body. It was like she was still in a dream, her body was wavering unsteadily.

This is what in the world

She spread both her hands and stared mysteriously at the flow of light clinging around her body.

{The mixing of heart and affection. That is exactly Heart Hybrid Gears true ability!}

Aine was looking at Kizuna with heated eyes.

{I see. It seems that the Heart Hybrid makes her sexual desires still in a heightened state Kizuna, try to hit Aines cheek.}

Eh!? Is it okay doing something like that?

{If you dont do something like that, Aine is going to coax you for even more erotic actions you know.}

Just what the hell did that mean? He couldnt understand this at all!

Eei, what the hell, whatever!

Saying that, he hit her cheeks sharply with both his hands as if to restrain her head.

Thereupon, Aines eyes recovered their focus.

At the same time, the thruster on her elbow was gushing out light.

Aines shooting punch buried itself into Kizunas stomach.


He was lightly blown away for twenty meters and crashed into the fields wall.

After taking a glance at Kizuna, Aine put out a floating window and checked the condition of her own gear.

This is what is the meaning of this? The Hybrid Count is rising even though, it should have been used up already.

{Aine. The Albatross heading to your spot is in the middle of descending. You can do it?}

A new window opened up in front of Aines eyes and projected Reiris face.

Even before Reiris words ended, Aine sharply directed her face to the blue sky.

The figure of the magic weapon swinging the bayonet was reflected on her red eyes. It was falling straight down with a speed that was faster than a natural fall should be.

The girl who until just now was in a condition where she had used up her strength stood up gallantly. Her white skin was shining beautifully while her red eyes were radiating luminescence.

Ill do it.

Her eyes where no vitality could be felt before now changed into a gaze that possessed strong will. Several streaks of light flowed on the surface of her gear, she understood that energy was supplied to her whole body.

Aine bent her knee and dropped her body with a jerk.

The next instant, Aines figure disappeared. Shockwave blew through the stadium field.

Buha-! Wha-, what happened?

Kizuna warded off the wind with his hand while looking up to the sky with narrowed eyes.

Like a launched rocket, Aine flew up to the sky. Ahead up there was the magic weapon possessing tremendous mass falling down.

A girl with body height of 160 cm and the magic weapon with height of ten meters clashed.

Aine should be crushed from the extreme difference in mass.

She pulled back her arm largely.


Large amount of light exploded from her elbow thruster.

With a terrific speed, Aines fist was buried into Albatross stomach.

The astounding destructive power smashed the armor into pieces.

Like that the armor warped, broke in, and the back was pierced through.

What the hell, is that?

Kizuna murmured while looking up at the Albatross which had a hole opened in its stomach and was now falling down.

Thats absurd

At the other side of the hole opened in Albatross, there was a girl with silver hair.

Aine was staring at Kizuna.

Albatross body became fragments of light and disintegrated.

Kizuna noticed that the warship of the enemy at the back was changing its direction.

{It seems they are returning. Himekawa, Yurisia, you dont need to pursue. Come back.}

{Aa, geez, thats unfortunate! As expected, a mother ship is tough!}

A new window was opened and it projected Yurisias sulky face.

{It cant be helped. The majority of the enemys magic weapons are beaten, so lets look at this positively.}

The relieved gentle smiling face of Himekawa was projected.

{Rather than that, what about Aine-san?}

Himekawa questioned worriedly.

There is no problem with me.

He could hear her natural voice rather than from the transmission device.

Aine was coming down from the sky and landed in front of Kizuna.

Rather than that

And then she walked closer in front of Kizuna.

What kind of person are you? What in the world did you do to me?

Hee? Why is she asking me a question like thatwait, aahh-!

No matter how it was the instructions of his sister, he had done erotic things like that to her while she was losing consciousness.

This was not a mere outcry about sexual harassment! If he thought carefully, wasnt all of that already a crime!

Cold sweat came out like a waterfall.

No, Im just a normal transfer student no, it seems that today is really busy, should I excuse myself with this

{Wait, Kizuna.}

Reiris window circled and cut in front of the nose of Kizuna who was trying to leave.

{I still have business with you. Aine, take Kizuna and come to the usual place. Himekawa and Yurisia too.}


Aine answered with a dissatisfied voice and caught the nape of Kizunas neck.

Wa, wait!

Its fine already, just come. This is an order so it cant be helped, Ill guide you. Its great isnt it, you have made a good memory to take to the afterlife.

Dont say something ominous! You, where are you planning to take me!?

Kizuna was literally dragged away somewhere.

So, why am I in this kind of place?

Kizuna was made to stand in front of the students of the whole school.

The destination where he was taken away was a large auditorium that could accommodate several thousand people.

He was made to change his clothes that had become scraps into Ataraxias uniform, now he was standing on the stage in a row with Aine and the others.

The seats were filled with all the students of Ataraxia gathering here. Combined with the middle school, the number of the students approached near four thousand people.

Well then, this time the enemys attack has also been splendidly repelled, by the pride of our Ataraxia, the members of the Heart Hybrid Gear team [Amaterasu(Heaven and Earth Goddess)]. Ladies and gentlemen, give them a grand applause!

The inside of the building was wrapped in loud applause that could crack the building.

Well then lets continue, we will have some words from the principal of Ataraxia who is also our commander-in-chief.

Someone was holding the post of the principal and commander concurrently? Just what kind of pers,

The one who appeared from the side of the stage was, a young female.

Her long black hair fluttered while she was walking on the stage. She had a slender face and sharp almond eyes. A military uniform was fitted smartly on her body, it had a tight design that firmly clung to the body line, even the shape of her large breasts could be understood over the clothes, it was truly a sexy figure.

But, the most important thing was,

He knew that face really too well.

Ladies and gentlemen, Hida Reiri.

Ne-! Nee-chan!?

Regarding the emergency situation on this occasion, the accurate actions with calmness of you ladies and gentlemen deserve praise.

Just what in the world, that person is doing in that place!? Quickly, quickly get back!

In panic, Kizuna talked on and on at Himekawa who was standing beside him.

Wa, wait! I dont know the reason for this, but my Nee-chan, she is doing something like that! Im truly sorry! We have to drag her back immediately!

Himekawa frowned her face in wonderment.

Err, I dont understand what you mean. Is there something wrong with the commander giving out words in this general meeting?

Aah, geez, you dont get it at all! Im saying that person there is my Nee-chan!

That seems so.

No, thats whyeh?

Im aware that you are the little brother of the commander.

eh!? She is joking, right?

Putting aside the dumbfounded Kizuna, the meeting was progressing.

Reiri that was supposed to be the older sister of Kizuna spoke to the four thousand people with a dignified behavior.

Well then, I want to introduce a new comrade in this chance. He is a transfer student but, for certain circumstances a Heart Hybrid Gear is residing in his body. Therefore, together with his enrollment, it has been decided that he will also enlist into Amaterasu.

This talk I dont think its possible but, is this talk about me?

Then, Ill introduce him. High school second year first group, Hida Kizuna.

Reiri on top of the stage reached out her hand as if inviting him.

No, that was impossible.

Kizuna made a right-about face and tried to head to the wing of the stage.

The way is not there you know. O-ver-there.

Yurisia stood in his way and pressed at Kizunas chest with her index finger.

Reluctantly he walked towards the center of the stage.

When he climbed on the stage, Reiri was there holding out her hand with a smile. He took that hand and made a handshake, the applause inside the building became even louder.

Kizuna, you did well until here.

Reiri talked to him in a way that was not broadcasted by the mic.

After this, I got a mountain of things I want to ask Nee-chan.

Reiri laughed in a huff and once more stood in front of the mic.

The strategy that I will explain after this will become the most important and the most prioritized strategy. And then, this new team member will shoulder the most important role in that strategy.

The lighting on the stage dropped down a little and an image was projected on a screen.

He wondered if perhaps the data for the strategys outline would be projected on that screen.

The instant the image was projected, it felt like Kizunas breath was going to stop.

The image that was projected was the one taken when Kizuna was looking after Aine.

However, looking from just the image, there was nothing that could be seen except him carefully touching all over the body of the unconscious Aine with thoroughness.

The inside of the auditorium turned noisy.


No way, what is, this

Pe, pervert?

Kizuna timidly looked at the direction of Aine and the others.

Aines face was pale. If this was a manga, than surely the upper half of her face would be shaded off by gradation.

This is baddd, she is angry! She is really angry! She is extremely angry!

Himekawas mouth was half opened, she was looking up at the screen dumbfounded.

As for Yurisia, she was tilting her head as if saying What is this I wonder?

And then, the moment where Kizunas hand was touching Aines breast, the auditorium shook from screams and angry roars.


What the hell, is thisssssssss!

Dont shit with meee! What are you doing to our goddess there!

How envious! Thats just too envious, die!

Even none other than Kizuna himself was also screaming.



Yo, youre wrong! This is a mistake! This is, listen to my explanation!

Aine was unchangingly staring fixedly at the screen.

Himekawas face turned red and she pressed her mouth with her hand, but before long she couldnt hold herself back and murmured with a voice of deep resentment while her shoulders were shaking.

Wha what, is this, picture. This thing, this thing

Err, Himekawa san?

How how, cowardly!

Shout of anger pierced him.

While other people were fighting the enemy, just what in the world were you doing-! Furthermore you did that while the other person was fainting, unbelievable! Impossible! Filthy! Disgusting! Repulsive! Indecent! You coward! Pervert!

And then, similar vilification were mercilessly raining down on him from the audience seating.

Aah, why, why does it become like this!?

You really did it didnt you even though I thought you were just the typical herbivore

Yurisia was making a mean smile at him.

Kizuna grasped the shoulder of Reiri while crying.

Aah! Geez! This is all Nee-chans fault! You have to settle this down somehow!

Reiri held the mic and declared.


With that thundering voice, silence returned to the auditorium.

Listen well! This is not a joke or game or anything. This is a fully-fledged strategy. Until now even when Heart Hybrid Gear consumed their energy, there is no other method to replenish that energy except by slowly waiting for natural recovery. However, after a long time of research, we finally obtained the answer for this! That is by a man and a woman possessing Heart Hybrid Gear to join their body and heart into one and share their affection and pleasure.

On the screen, the scene where particles of light were overflowing out from the body of Kizuna and Aine was repeated.

By doing this, the energy of the Heart Hybrid Gear is replenished and [Heart Hybrid] becomes possible.

Aine parted her eyes from the screen and stared fixedly at Kizunas person.

Wh, what? Just as I thought she might be really angry. Well, thats just obvious. Aa how should I apologize for this to her?

In the image you can see that the energy of Aines Heart Hybrid Gear ran out, but she succeeded in doing Heart Hybrid with Kizuna. The result is just as you can see.

The scene where Aine destroyed a magic weapon with one attack was replayed.

Certainly, her movement and power were completely different compared to before. That was the true power of Aine. Had her energy been consumed until that much before the Heart Hybrid? Or maybe by doing that right now her battery was already in a state of almost running out again.

Listen well! In order to continue fighting the enemy from another universe, from now on the members of Amaterasu are going to endeavor to replenish their energy and power up themselves!

Reiris index finger was directed at Kizuna as if it would pierce through him.

Do erotic things with this Hida Kizuna here!!

Once again the auditorium was turned into a feverish state of pandemonium.

Himekawa snapped at Reiri.

I, I cannot accept this! If we need to do something like making our heart as one, then it should even be fine to use other methods than this! Just why do we have to use a shameless way like that!?

Listen well Himekawa, love is the strongest emotion that humans possess. And then, sexual desire strongly connects two people. This is the emotion and impulse that are rooted in our instinct as a living being. There is no method more effective and stronger than this.

Kuh-such, such thing

Its also the same for all of you who wish to enlist into Amaterasu. Carve into your hearts that it will be indispensable to perform Heart Hybrid with Kizuna after enlisting into the team!


The shouts of all the students roared inside the auditorium.

Wha, what the hell is thattt! Just how could such thing be possible!?

The agonized screams from the male students were especially loud.

Kizuna couldnt endure it and yelled into the mic.

E, everyone, dont misunderstand! I never had that kind of intention at all! Something like erotic things is not something that can be done with just anyone. Its something that should be done between two people loving each other, its mistaken to force it due to a strategy or whatever!

The angry roars inside the hall began once more, the commotion was pushing back like a wave to him.

If it keeps like this I wont be able to stay here. At best, it will be like lying in a bed of nails, at worst, Ill get killed. If I dont resolve the misunderstanding somehow

At a great timing, the screen was projecting the scene where Kizuna was renewing his determination just before he was going to save Aine.

Great. If they see this scene, then there is no doubt that my feeling of just wanting to save Chidorigafuchi will be conveyed to everyone!

Everyone, see here! This is when I was going to save Chidorigafuchi

And then the Kizuna inside the scream stripped naked his upper body and yelled gallantly.

This bastardddd! Aint you really eager there huhhhhhh!


Unbelievable! Beast!

Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!

Merciless vilification were thrown at Kizuna on the stage. It was a barrage of words.

Kizuna was burned out into pure white.

Its over my school life.

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