How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 173: President 5

Chapter 173: President 5

"Cheshire, help me out here, will you?" Alice's voice rang out, filled with a rare mix of urgency and desperation.

Inside a certain room at the towering heights of Killian Hall-the dormitory reserved for the top students of the academy-a chaotic scene was unfolding.

The room, usually neat and orderly, was now in a state of disarray.

Clothes were strewn about, shoes discarded haphazardly, and a certain pink-haired lady, normally composed and graceful, was in the midst of what could only be described as a fashion crisis.

Alice, her face a whirlwind of emotions-excitement, regret, worry, and a strange blend of happiness tinged with uncertainty-was frantically trying on one outfit after another.

Each piece of clothing was met with a quick evaluation before being tossed aside in favor of the next, as she searched for something that felt just right.

Her usually bright and sparkling pink hair, now slightly disheveled from the hurried pace of her wardrobe changes, framed a face that was flushed with nervous energy.

She moved with a speed that was almost frantic, her hands trembling slightly as she fumbled with buttons, zippers, and ribbons.

This was not the composed and confident Alice Holloway that everyone knew.

Her familiar, Cheshire, floated nearby with his head hovering in the air, his expression a mix of amusement and mild concern.

"This is why I told her to gain some experience two years ago," Cheshire mused aloud, his voice carrying a teasing tone.

"Now look at her, acting all nervous like this~" He couldn't help but shake his head slightly, watching his master with a fond yet exasperated gaze.

In his eyes, Alice had always been the eccentric genius, a mature and self-assured woman who faced every challenge with poise.

But now, she seemed like nothing more than a young girl, unsure and flustered, as if preparing for her very first date.

Standing beside him, Sanya, Alice's personal maid, quietly observed the scene with a similar sense of concern.

Her arms were full, struggling to hold the towering pile of clothes that Alice had cast aside in her search for the perfect outfit.

Sanya nodded in agreement with Cheshire's remark, her eyes soft with understanding. It was rare to see her mistress in such a state, and the sight tugged at her heartstrings. "I've never seen the young miss act like this," Sanya mused, her voice soft as she watched Alice fret over her clothing choices, a rare sight that stirred a mix of emotions within her.

"Well, this is her first date~," Cheshire replied, floating lazily in the air with a grin that hinted at both amusement and pride.

Sanya's eyes widened slightly at his words. "So, you mean the young miss finally found someone she's interested in?"

"Yes~," Cheshire purred, a playful note in his voice. "And he's quite the lovely and strong person too."

"Is it that person, perhaps?" Sanya asked, her mind immediately going to the one individual she had seen Alice interact with differently from others, the one who had recently occupied much of Alice's thoughts and attention.

"Yes~," Cheshire confirmed, his smile widening as if sharing in a delightful secret.

Sanya couldn't help but smile herself, though it was tinged with a hint of emotion. "How lovely... So the young miss has finally opened up her heart, huh?" She sniffled slightly, her eyes glistening as she spoke.

For years now, she had been serving Alice, watching over her as she navigated through life with a unique blend of brilliance and eccentricity.

But despite Alice's many qualities, Sanya had always worried about whether she would ever find someone who could truly understand and connect with her.

Alice was no ordinary woman.

Her mind was sharp, her talents unmatched, and her personality often left others either in awe or bewilderment.

It was a rare thing for someone to capture her interest, let alone her heart.

Yet, it seemed that time had finally come, and while Sanya was overjoyed, she also felt a twinge of concern for the young man who had managed to win Alice's affection.

Loving someone like Alice would undoubtedly be an adventure, one filled with challenges and surprises at every turn.

"Hey, you two! Is this good? Or is this one better... No, maybe this?" Alice's voice cut through Sanya's thoughts, bringing her back to the present.

Alice stood in the middle of the room, holding up different outfits in front of the mirror, her frustration evident as she tried to make a decision.

"Ahh~! I can't think of anything!"

Sanya and Cheshire exchanged a knowing glance.

There was something endearing about seeing Alice, the usually confident and composed witch, so flustered and uncertain.

It was a side of her that few ever got to see, a side that made her seem more human, more vulnerable.

Seeing Alice all worked up like this actually excited Cheshire to his very core.

After all, this whole spectacle was rather amusing for the mischievous familiar.

The usually composed and eccentric master of his, Alice, was finally done waiting and watching.

Now, she was making her move, seizing the opportunity that had presented itself.

Cheshire, ever the observer of human emotions, knew that the invitation Riley had extended

to them last time was more about something else-likely a serious discussion or a request for help-rather than a romantic date.

Riley's demeanor had been serious, lacking any of the flirtatious undertones that usually accompanied a date proposal.

But Cheshire mused that his master didn't need to understand that particular fact.

Let her believe whatever she wished, as it would only make things more interesting.

'My dear master you're too naïve for your own good-'

Their relationship had been progressing in fits and starts, often derailed by the chaos of academy life and the magnetic charm that Riley seemed to unintentionally wield over most


Alice, despite her charm and unique qualities, was lagging behind in terms of her standing in

Riley's life.

Cheshire had noticed this, and it didn't sit well with him. Something needed to change.

Who cared if this wasn't technically a date?

All Cheshire had to do was make it one.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

He could see it now: Alice, in her beautifully selected outfit, her confidence growing by the minute, walking side by side with Riley talking to him till time goes by, who might be too

dense to realize what was happening.

It was the perfect opportunity to tilt the scales in Alice's favor.

Cheshire didn't know Riley's exact intentions for this sudden meeting, nor did he particularly


What mattered was that he had a chance to help his master move up in Riley's heart.

With a sly grin, Cheshire resolved to do everything in his power to ensure that this evening would be remembered by Alice as something special.

Whether or not Riley had planned it as a date didn't matter; by the end of it, Cheshire would make sure Alice and Riley saw it that way.

"Alice, since this is your first date and all, why don't you go all out?" Cheshire suggested, his eyes gleaming with amusement, barely able to contain the laughter bubbling up inside him. "All out?" Alice repeated, blinking in confusion. She wasn't exactly sure what Cheshire meant, but the mischievous glint in his eyes made her nervous. "Yes~"Cheshire purred, his grin widening as he turned to Sanya, who was busy neatly organizing the scattered clothes that Alice had flung around in her frantic state.

It only took a moment of eye contact for Sanya to understand Cheshire's intent, and she nodded with a determined smile.

"I'll make sure to highlight your womanly charms, young miss!" Sanya declared, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Without missing a beat, she reached for the most beautiful dress she could find-a deep white dress that shimmered like the under the bright sky-and swiftly moved to undress Alice from the blue dress she was wearing.

"S-Sanya, w-wait!" Alice stammered, her cheeks flushing as she tried to protest, but Sanya

was having none of it.

The maid had waited too long for this moment, the opportunity to finally showcase her master's hidden beauty that was often overshadowed by the practical, baggy mage outfits Alice typically wore.

Sanya's hands worked with expert precision, her excitement palpable as she envisioned the

final result.

Alice, usually more concerned with her magical studies and responsibilities, had never truly

paid attention to her own appearance.

But Sanya knew better.

Beneath those oversized robes and the slightly disheveled hair was a beauty that could easily

make any man's heart skip a beat.

And today, she was going to make sure Alice's charms were fully on display.

With each layer of clothing removed, Sanya's determination grew stronger. She carefully selected accessories that would accentuate Alice's natural features-delicate earrings that caught the light, a silver necklace that rested just above her collarbone, and a

pair of elegant heels that added just the right amount of height.

The deep white shirt combined with the white dress hugged Alice's figure perfectly, highlighting her curves without being too revealing.

The material flowed gracefully, giving her an almost ethereal appearance.

"Sanya, are you sure this isn't too much?" Alice asked hesitantly, glancing at herself in the


The reflection staring back at her was almost unrecognizable.

The Alice she saw was no longer just a mage or a student-she was a woman ready to embrace

the world, confident and poised.

"Not at all, young miss," Sanya replied with a satisfied smile. "This is exactly how you should

look on your first date. You deserve to shine."

Cheshire floated beside Alice, his grin wide as he admired the transformation. "Perfect Now, no one will be able to take their eyes off you, especially not Riley."

Alice's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Riley's name, and she felt a mix of excitement

and nervousness.


Alice was determined to make this outing with Riley perfect.

As she soared through the cold winter air, her excitement grew with every passing moment

that brought her closer to the café where Riley had invited her.

Her heart raced, a mix of anticipation and nervousness filling her thoughts.

'Junior was rather bold that day~'

The memory played on repeat in her mind-Riley's sudden, unexpected boldness. The way he

had grabbed her arm, so gentle yet firm, and the intensity in his eyes as he looked at her.

It wasn't just a casual invitation; it felt charged with something deeper, something earnest

and serious.

It had been so long since they'd had a proper conversation, especially after the tension with

the other girls around him.

But now, she had the chance, and she wasn't about to let it slip away.

Her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions-excitement, hope, and just a touch of anxiety.

Alice was never one to be easily swayed by emotions, but this was different.

This was Riley.

This was the junior who had managed to stir something within her that she hadn't felt in a

long time.

The cold air nipped at her skin, but it was nothing compared to the warmth bubbling up inside


Riley was someone Alice knew held a special place in her life, someone destined to be


He wasn't just another person in her world; he was meant to be its savior, the one she was

supposed to trust implicitly.

According to the prophecy, Riley possessed the "Heart of Pink," a symbol that resonated deeply with the path laid out for Alice by the White Queen.

The Queen had told her that those who held pink in their essence was the one she should be

with, the one who was supposed to belong to her.

Yet, her feelings for Riley were far from straightforward. Her thoughts and emotions were

tangled in a web of uncertainty.

Was the pull she felt toward him genuine, or was it merely a product of the prophecy and the

expectations placed upon her?

Was this attachment real, or just a result of her ongoing curiosity and the influence of those

who had guided her?

One thing, however, was crystal clear: the idea of her fated person being taken by another

didn't sit well with her.

There was a possessiveness that stirred within her whenever she thought of Riley with

someone else, a feeling she couldn't easily dismiss. 'Riley is... important to me... and this is my chance!'

This was her opportunity, not just to confirm his place in her life, but to see who Riley truly

was and what role he would play in her future.

The connection between them was more than just a prophecy; it was something she needed to explore, to understand fully.

"Junior~!" she called out, her voice light but filled with emotion.

Finally arriving at the café, Alice's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of Riley seated on

the balcony.

His blue eyes shimmered in the winter light, and his golden hair, touched by the sun's rays, made him look more striking than ever.

It was as if the world around them dimmed, leaving only the two of them in that moment.

Her breath hitched slightly as she took in the sight of him-so composed, so effortlessly handsome.

"It's very rare for you to suddenly call me out like this, junior-,"

"Ah yes, sorry for suddenly taking up your precious time like this, Senior," Riley said, his

voice filled with sincerity.

"It's fine-" Alice replied, though her tone wavered slightly as she hurriedly took her seat.

As she settled in, a wave of warmth spread through her body, intensifying with each passing second.

It wasn't just the cold winter air that had her feeling flushed-Riley's intense gaze was the

real culprit.

She could feel his eyes on her, and it made her heart race in a way she hadn't anticipated.

Her ears turned red, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Riley wasn't doing anything inappropriate; in fact, the way he looked at her was almost...

endearing. But even still, it was nerve-wracking to be stared at like this.

'Did Cheshire's suggestion work?'

Alice wondered as her eyes briefly darted down to her dress.

Sanya and Cheshire had insisted that no man would be able to ignore her in this outfit.

'Maybe it's working?'

A small smile almost crept onto her face, despite her best efforts to maintain a composed


She liked the feeling of being looked at by him... there was something about his gaze that felt

warm, almost loving, though she couldn't quite put her finger on why it made her feel this


Even so, it was a bit too much for her maiden-like heart to handle. "Junior... Please stop staring!" she finally blurted out, her voice a mix of shyness and gentle

admonishment. "Ah, yes, please forgive my rudeness," Riley quickly responded, snapping out of his trance.

"I-it's fine to look, just not too much! Okay?" Alice stammered, her eyes flicking away from him for a moment, unable to fully meet his gaze.

Her heart was pounding, and she couldn't shake the strange mix of emotions swirling within her—excitement, nervousness, and something deeper that she was still trying to understand. This was her first ever date, and Alice could still hear Cheshire's voice echoing in her mind,

advising her to take things slow and appreciate the moments.

He had told her to make small talk, to keep the conversation flowing, and to prolong their time together. But as she sat there, across from Riley, her mind raced with panic. 'I don't know what to say!' Alice thought frantically, her heart pounding. 'What am I supposed to do here?'

Her confidence had come mostly from the belief that Cheshire would be there to guide her through the entire date.

But that "damned familiar," as she now mentally referred to him, had abandoned her at the

last second.

He'd made up some excuse about how Riley wasn't too fond of his presence-true, but given

their contract, Cheshire could have at least sent her a telepathic message or some advice to

help her out. Instead, she was left to fend for herself.

'I need to come up with something~!'

Her thoughts swirled in desperation. The silence between them was growing, and Alice feared

that awkwardness would take root if she didn't say something soon.

She opened her mouth, ready to spew some random nonsense just to break the tension, but

before she could, Riley's voice cut through the quiet.

"Senior, you look strikingly beautiful today," Riley said, his tone sincere and admiring. Alice's heart skipped a beat. 'W-why is he suddenly complimenting me?' she wondered, her

cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink. She quickly looked away, trying to hide her flustered

expression. Compliments and praise were a normal part of her life-after all, she was used to people admiring her beauty and talents. But this time, something about Riley's words felt... different. They struck a chord deep within

her, making her feel vulnerable in a way she wasn't used to. "I-Is that so? Hee- c-complimenting your senior like this won't get you any bonus points

from me, you know?" Alice replied, her voice wavering slightly as she tried to regain her composure.

Riley's chuckle, though brief, helped to ease the tension, allowing Alice to regain some composure.

She knew she couldn't afford to let her nerves get the better of her; if she did, the awkwardness might resurface, making the situation even more difficult to handle. "S-so why did you suddenly ask me out like this, Junior? I-I'll have you know my schedule is

very busy, you know~" Alice tried to sound casual, but the slight tremor in her voice betrayed

her excitement and nervousness.

Riley's expression turned serious, his deep blue eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that

made her heart race.

The pinkish hue she always sensed within him seemed to swirl around, filling the air between

them with a mixture of warmth and tension.

She could feel the weight of his gaze, as if he was seeing right through her, and it only

heightened her anticipation.

"Well, I had something I wished to discuss with you, Senior," Riley began, his tone steady but

with an undercurrent of something that made Alice's pulse quicken even more.


Could it be about their relationship? Had Cheshire been right all along about Riley's interest

in her? The thought made her excitement bubble up, almost too much to contain.

"Yes... and maybe ask you for a little favor," he added, his words piquing her curiosity even


"I don't know what sort of favor Junior is asking of me, but as your wonderful Senior, I'll

gladly fulfill it to the best of my abilities!" Alice declared, eager to please, her heart thumping

in her chest.

But then Riley's next words hit her like a splash of cold water.

"Can you please tell me everything you know about President Dorothy, Senior?"

Alice's breath caught in her throat.

'D-Dorothy... why is he talking about another woman right now?'

This was supposed to be their date......

'Why ask about the president so suddenly?'

'Is he...... interested in her?'

The excitement that had been building up inside her suddenly shifted to confusion and a

touch of disappointment.

Her Golden eyes darkened... as he scanned Riley's essence once more....

"Why are you curious about the president Riley?"

Unknown to her, the words that came out of her mouth felt like a threat, Riley had never

experienced before.

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