How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 174 President 6

174  President 6

"Why are you curious about the president, Riley?"

Alice's golden eyes narrowed, the warm light in them dimming into a darker, more intense hue.

Her voice, usually light and teasing, took on a colder edge that sent a chill through me.

Her words came out colder than I expected.

What's going on?

The sudden shift in Alice's demeanor caught me off guard.

Was asking about President Dorothy a sensitive topic for her?

The way she was staring at me, it didn't feel like this was just a simple matter of curiosity. Something deeper was at play, and I wasn't sure what it was.

Did something happen between her and the president that I didn't know about?

This wasn't part of the scenario as I knew it—at least not in the usual timeline. But in this messed-up version of events, anything could happen.

Even so, the tension between us right now felt strangely personal, almost like her question was a subtle threat.

I gulped, suddenly aware of how delicate this conversation had become.

Normally, Alice would respond to most questions with her usual bubbly personality, especially if it involved some juicy gossip or inside information.

She'd smile, tease, and dive into details, making light of whatever the subject was.

That was the Alice I knew from both the game and real life.

"Oh, the president~?" In the game, she'd usually answer that sort of question with a carefree tone, launching into an easy discussion about Dorothy's reputation and role in the academy. "Sure, I'll tell you all about her!"

But this... this was different. Her mood was off, and I couldn't help but feel like I'd stumbled onto something more serious than I had anticipated.

Trying to mask the rising tension I felt, I chose my words carefully. "I'm just genuinely curious about the ex-president, you see. You know she's running again for the presidency this semester, right? I was just wondering why she'd do something like that, especially with her busy schedule as a senior. They say that understanding someone's past is the best way to understand them, right?"

Alice's eyes remained fixed on me, and for a moment, I wasn't sure how she would respond. The tension between us grew thicker, and I had the distinct feeling that this conversation was veering into territory I wasn't prepared for.

"…So, you're just curious as to why she's running for student council president again?" Alice asked, her voice slightly sharper than before, but still composed.

I nodded, trying to keep things as casual as possible. "Yes."

"Not anything else… like, you know, getting to know her better?"

I could tell there was more behind her words, something layered, as if she was fishing for a specific response.

"Well, in a sense, I am asking to get to know her better as well, but it's more about understanding what made her run again in the first place…"

Alice's golden eyes narrowed. "So, you're not interested in her?"

"You know… romantically…?"

"Why would I be?"

"Hmm…" Alice's expression didn't soften. In fact, my answer seemed to do the opposite, drawing her further into thought.

Her eyes narrowed even more, scanning my face as if searching for a lie I wasn't aware of telling.

But after a few moments, she sighed deeply, and for a brief second, her breath formed a cloud of frost in the winter air.

She seemed to retreat into herself, her shoulders relaxing as she let out a resigned breath.

"I guess this is Junior we're talking about… what did I expect…" Her voice was quiet, almost as if she were talking to herself, a hint of disappointment lacing her words. The change in her demeanor was subtle but noticeable, and it didn't sit well with me.

I raised an eyebrow, trying to catch her eyes again. "Why do I feel like you're insulting me right now, Senior?"

She let out a light chuckle, but there was a sharp edge to it. "Maybe because I am?"

With her light teasing and laughter, the tension I'd felt earlier evaporated, leaving me in the company of the overly joyous Senior I knew all too well.

Despite her earlier disappointment, she didn't seem to let it bother her much, quickly shifting gears with her usual gentle smile and enthusiastic tone.

"Alright~~ since you're oh so curious about the Pres~ RIGHT NOW~! I'll gladly tell you everything I know about her, so listen well, okay?" Her voice was almost sing-song, her teasing pushing the awkwardness away.

"…Yes," I replied, bracing myself.

"But~ it's not going to be for free~ Information is something of value, you know, dear Junior!"

My eyes narrowed slightly. "What do you want?"

Her smile widened, a mischievous glint dancing in her golden eyes, as if she had been waiting for this exact moment.

She moved with a sudden burst of magical energy, her mana swirling with precision as she reached out, pulling the menu from the counter below the restaurant with a flick of her wrist.

Effortlessly, Alice opened the menu to the desserts section, her fingers running across the selections with a level of intent that made my stomach drop.

"I want everything here~" she declared, her voice carrying a menacing edge to it, her expression one of playful menace. The innocent smile plastered across her face was anything but. She was pushing me—hard. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

I blinked in disbelief. "S-Senior, you can't possibly eat all of—"

"I can!" she interrupted, her grin growing wider. "So, what'll it be? Pay up for all the delicious cakes, or leave empty-handed with no info at all?"

I sighed inwardly, knowing full well that arguing with Alice at this point was useless. The glint in her eye meant she had already won, and my wallet was the clear casualty in this battle.

"Looks like my budget's going to take a serious hit this month…" I muttered under my breath, already imagining the holes in my pockets as I reluctantly gave in.

Alice, clearly pleased with her victory, beamed at me like she'd just pulled off the greatest heist in history. "Good! I knew you'd understand, Junior! Now, let's order some cake, and then we can talk all about Dorothy~"


Somehow, Senior Alice had turned my simple request for information into an all-out cake feast, and there was no escape.

This was the Alice I knew—playful, cunning, and always finding a way to make things just a little bit more entertaining.

I knew Alice was being a bit unreasonable right now, demanding a feast of cakes in exchange for information, but considering what I stood to gain, it was a small price to pay.

If I could get even a shred of insight into Dorothy from someone as close to her as Alice, it would be invaluable.

And beyond Dorothy, perhaps I could uncover more details about Oz, the mysterious being she had contracted with during her first year at the academy.

According to the character description in the game, Dorothy had successfully summoned the legendary creature, the Great Wizard Oz, during the academy's familiar summoning class.

The lore surrounding that moment was iconic—a summoning that stunned the entire school.

Oz wasn't just any familiar. His power, wisdom, and mystery made him one of the most powerful entities to ever appear in the academy's history.

For Dorothy, contracting with Oz marked a pivotal turning point in her magical journey and cemented her reputation as an exceptional mage.

If I could learn more about the nature of their bond, I might be able to glean more about Dorothy's motives, especially as she ran for student council president once again.

After all, someone with a familiar as powerful as Oz likely had ambitions beyond what met the eye.

And if Alice could offer me any tidbits about their friendship, about what made Dorothy tick, I could start piecing together a clearer picture of her intentions.

After Alice had gleefully ordered nearly everything from the menu, my wallet was effectively emptied.

The cheerful smile on her face contrasted sharply with the silent despair in mine.

We continued our small talk, though inwardly, I was crying over the significant financial loss I'd just suffered.

Alice, clearly enjoying herself, let out a hearty laugh, playfully toying with me, steering the conversation in all sorts of directions.

She talked about Dorothy, just as I'd hoped, but as I listened, it became evident that most of what she shared was nothing new.

Everything Alice told me about Dorothy and Oz—the legendary familiar Dorothy had contracted—was almost exactly what I already knew from the game.

Alice was teasing me, playing her little mind games, subtly leading me on as if she had more to reveal, but ultimately, there was nothing groundbreaking.

As we neared the end of our conversation, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of disappointment.

My stomach churned with regret, knowing that I had spent a small fortune on cakes and left with little to show for it.

I hadn't gained any valuable insights into Dorothy, Oz, or even Alice herself. If anything, I'd lost far more than I'd gained.

I sat there, staring at the empty plates and drained cups, reflecting on my efforts.

'Yup, throughout all of this, I learned absolutely nothing new….'

'And I even lost most of my money.'

"Hahaha…" I forced a laugh, though the sound felt hollow.

Maybe all this effort to save Dorothy wasn't the right decision after all.

"Why are you suddenly laughing junior~?"

"It's nothing...."


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