Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 96: Amazing Sabre!

Chapter 96: Amazing Sabre!



A huge tiger roared when it saw Ayaan, sprinting towards him excitedly. 

Ayaan looked at the tiger and the first thing which came in his mind was running. However, he was smart enough to think that it wasn't possible. At this moment, he didn't have an ounce of magic energy, he would never succeed in escaping this tiger. Therefore, the only option was to fight!


The tiger lunged at him with its mouth wide open, trying to take down its prey in a single attack. However, Ayaan used his one and only weapon sabre to block the attack of the tiger.

Though the attack of the beast wasn't weak, he had been smashed a few meters away due to the aftereffect of the hit. 

Immediately, Ayaan could feel the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, though before it could come out of his mouth, he gulped it down. Nonetheless, a few drops of the blood still could be seen at the corner of his mouth.

However, Ayaan wasn't disheartened by the attack; in contrast, he was pleasantly surprised. Previously, he didn't have any magic energy in his body and had no confidence to fight the beast. He thought he would die in a single blow if he were to fight the great mage. 

But he didn't expect that the sabre would be able to block the attack of the tiger. Although he was slightly injured by its incursion, it wasn't a serious injury. 

"This sabre is amazing!" Looking at the sabre, an excited expression emerged on his face and lost confidence started to return.


The beast roared furiously when it saw that its attack had failed, it couldn't believe that an insignificant ant without any magic energy could block its assault, driving the beast into an even more frenzied state.

Looking at the nearing beast in a maddened state, Ayaan again tried to block the assault of the beast, like before. Although he succeeded in blocking the strike, his injuries became worse.

"Fuck, this can't go on! I have to think of something, or else, I would die here!" he shouted in his head, but then, he saw another beast from the corner of his eyes, it was a bear. With a slow pace, it was nearing towards him.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, without wasting any time, he dashed towards the bear. 


When the tiger saw Ayaan was trying to escape, it roared infuriated. At this moment, however, it also saw the bear walking towards them gradually. The tiger's lips curled into a mocking smile as if sneering at the stupidity of this human.

The bear had been looking at their fight for a long time, but when it saw that Ayaan was sprinting towards it, the beast couldn't stop itself. Its mouth dripped with saliva.

After arriving near the beast, Ayaan couldn't help but shiver when he saw the mouth of the bear dripping with the saliva. The bear looked at Ayaan as if he was a sweet candy and the last one remaining in this world at that. 


The bear roared and arrived in front of Ayaan in a single leap.

"Fuck! Why are you coming after me? Go and kill that tiger!"


The attack landed on his sabre, smashing his weak body on the ground with a thud sound.


"Fuck! Why the hell my luck is this bad!? Any protagonist in those novels on earth tried this method successfully! Why am I this unlucky!?" Ayaan screamed and his eyes became red.


"Fuck you! Why aren't you going after that stupid tiger? You aren't a tiger so you can't be his mate, can you? Or this place became so secular that the species doesn't matter?"


At this moment, a roar came from behind him, looking in that direction, he saw the tiger walking towards him leisurely with its mouth curled in a weird angle.

"Damn you, trying to mock me, I am going to skin you alive. You damn adulterous couple!"

However, inside his head he was thinking something else, 'Are they really partners?"

After looking at the dashing, handsome and cool tiger with a muscular body, he turned to look at the barbaric bear whose mouth was still dripping with saliva, giving it an ugly look. Ayaan could only discard the idea of them being a partner.

"Then why the hell are they coming at me together, instead of fighting each other? Don't people say that the beasts are very territorial"

Suddenly, Ayaan stopped in between, realising something, "Leafwhisk!"


At the other place in the tower, Leafwhisk sneezed lightly. The curled her lips into a pleasant smile, saying "Looks like someone is remembering me."

In front of her, the three ladies were practising their weapons. Looking at them, she started instructing them.

"Rebecca your body is too loose Noor your movements are too rough before controlling your weapon you need to control your body..."


"I am going to dissect you in hundreds of pieces, you bastards!" At the fourth level of the tower, Ayaan shouted at the two beasts indignantly.

His body was covered in blood and brushes, though, the wounds weren't life-threatening, he could still feel excruciating pain.

At this time, without waiting for the beasts to attack, Ayaan dashed towards the tiger.

"Die!" he shouted at the beasts and swung his sabre towards its head, trying to separate from its body. However, the tiger dodged the attack without breaking even a sweat.

Nonetheless, Ayaan didn't stop after a single strike, he continued again and again, but to no avail. Only then Ayaan realised that these beasts were playing with him. He knew that Leafwhisk had given them an order to work together, but he didn't know if these beasts would kill him or not.


At this time, however, Ayaan was able to hit the beast on its back, blood started to gush out of the wound, painting the beast's back red with blood.


Immediately, the beast drove into a maddened state, lunging at Ayaan with full strength.


No matter how trained the beast was, it wouldn't hesitate to bite even its master at the time of life-threatening danger. Therefore, when it was wounded it was driven into a frenzied state, its eyes turned red, the only thing which was present at this moment was kill!

The bear as well moved with its mouth wide open. At this time, Ayaan's expression turned grave, he knew that it must be Leafwhisk who asked these beasts to work together to beat him but it doesn't look as if she said anything about not killing him this is bad!

However, he didn't have any idea how to deal with them; therefore, he could only face them head-on. Although it was dangerous, he knew that running won't help him anyway, if he was to run into another beast and it also joined in the fun, he would surely die.

But Ayaan was still surprised by the power of the sabre, he didn't have any magic energy, he was almost like an ordinary man at this moment, but he could still fight with two great mages.

Previously, he was just swinging his sabre without any pattern, so now, he decided to attack according to the moves he saw in the scroll.

Immediately, he assaulted the bear with a vertical strike, directing it on the bear's head. The bear easily dodged the strike Ayaan wasn't disheartened by it he immediately swung the sabre horizontal. The beast didn't expect the attack this fast, so he was caught unprepared. 

However, the beast was way above Ayaan, at the last moment when the sabre was about to cut its stomach open, the beast took a step back, avoiding the strike by an inch.

Before he could continue his attack on the bear, he felt the incredible danger behind his back, without looking back, Ayaan thrust his sword. Alas, the sabre missed and the claw of the beast landed on his chest.


The blood gushed out of his chest, wounding him severely. However, he didn't have any time to lament on his injury because he could feel another attack coming in his way from behind.

Ayaan's face turned grave, he didn't have time to dodge the attack, and the last miss made his heart wave a little. Nonetheless, he didn't have any time any more, so he closed his eyes and again swung his sabre behind his back without looking.



Suddenly, the agonized wail resounded, a warm fluid landed on Ayaan's face. Feeling the warm liquid over his face, Ayaan opened his eyes immediately. 

He saw the bear was wailing over the ground and its two front legs were missing. Only then, he realised that he severed the front legs of the bear unknowingly. The bear couldn't even stand, this was the right time to critical strike. 

However, Ayaan didn't kill the bear immediately because there was one more enemy standing behind his back. He turned around swiftly and looked at the tiger which was now standing a few metres away, looking at the bear in disbelief. The bear was even stronger than in strength but it couldn't take the strike from this weak human sabre.

Though the tiger was weak in strength, it was very agile. It could easily dodge Ayaan's attacks, that was the reason why Ayaan missed his previous strike. Even in the air, the tiger could change its positions.

Ayaan looked at the beast, murmuring, "This tiger is tough to deal with, though, its attacks aren't as dangerous as the bear, it is more agile, so it will make it hard for me to hit the target."

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