Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 6: System's Quirks

Kyle couldn't believe his ears but before he could turn a to see her, she brushed past him and waltzed into the agcy like she owned the place.

Kyle couldn't believe his eyes, there was no way that the stars were aligning this quickly because what were the chances of this happing at this exact momt?

At that momt, Kyle could feel nothing but disgust but he realized that if that evt never happed he would never have awaked whatever this was as there was no way he was going to ever spd $,000 on any lady wh he could barely ev pay rt.

That would be absurd but he had that luxury right now, Kyle was tempted to call out to her to see her face but he owned the agcy.

So whatever she came here to do would ultimately become his business, he realized that he needed to get new clothes because he did look like a peasant.

"Calista…" Kyle muttered under his breath as a smile creased his face on his way to his car.

He needed to do more research to see just what kind of movies she had be in.

He also needed to do more research on the movie industry as this could be his gateway into Hollywood and allow him to mingle with all A-list celebrities.

Kyle smiled at the thought but this might be a fantasy right now but in the future, it would most certainly become a reality.

He could become the richest man in the world with this power in the space of a day if he played his cards right but Kyle knew something like this would raise suspicion.

The last thing he needed was the governmt coming to ask questions because the bank he had was in their system so he had to be extra careful.

Kyle got into his car and took a deep breath, he recalled how big Isabella's breasts were and how she was able to carry them a daily. The fact that he could remember every single detail he had se only made this a lot more difficult to resist thinking about.

Kyle recalled their interaction and just shook his head, he hoped the impression he left was a good one.

Kyle knew he would have to give Jane a call not because he liked her but rather because she was a means to increase his wealth.

That was all he cared about and the system was set up in a way that he couldn't spd on himself and earn so he was forced to interact with wom ev if he didn't want to.

Kyle was driving but in transit, a car nearly rammed right into him but thanks to his innate mastery of operating vehicles, Kyle reacted just in time by swerving to the left to avoid a head-on collision.

Kyle hit the break to stop himself from hitting a stop sign, he didn't know what the hell happed but that could have be the d of his life right there.

"That was close…" Kyle thought to himself as this incidt gerated some traffic.

Kyle left his car to see if the person that nearly ran into him was alright only to see the car in a ditch somewhere.

People gathered a to make sure they were alright but Kyle waved it off, he was without a scratch but he wasn't sure about the other driver.

Kyle simply needed to see if it was a lady so he could pay for the damages ev though insurance would cover it, that's if they had any, to begin with.

A lady stepped out of the car and she wasn't anything but attractive, she looked worn out and it was clear that she had little to no sleep due to the eye bags hanging on her face.

Kyle could tell this was a young lady but life must be winning against her, he was in a similar situation just a day ago and for the first time in years, he had a proper night's rest.

"Are you okay?" Kyle questioned the woman but she was dazed, she had a little blood dripping from her forehead but it was nothing to worry about.

"OH MY GOD! I AM SO SORRY!" The woman immediately apologized and Kyle expericed something that seemed hard to come by and that was someone taking accountability.

"I SHOULD HAVE WATCHED WHERE I WAS GOING! DO YOU NEED MY INFORMATION?" The lady was rattled, Kyle noticed her hands were trembling and realized that unlike him, she wasn't blessed with the motor mastery he had.

"It is fine, allow me to pay for the damages…" Kyle said and the woman was confused by this considering she was the one that caused the accidt.

She simply burst into tears and Kyle didn't know how to react to this but after a few minutes.

He got her account details and st a sum of $,000 for the little dts and the shattered glass, this was more than ough to cover the costs of these things.

The woman wailed and bawled her eyes out, Kyle knew that she needed this more than he did but there was something strange, there was no notification from his system informing him of money being transferred to his account.

"Lag?" Kyle thought to himself but a Cyan scre popped up in this momt to explain the situation to him.

[The rebate system only applies to wom the user finds attractive.]

Kyle read this and looked back at the woman, he tried to make her appear attractive but the mucus running down her nose quickly made this an impossible task.

"Would I be a dick if I asked her back for the money?" Kyle thought to himself as this was something that he did consider doing.

Once again, Kyle realized he didn't know the quirks of the system and he had just dashed a woman $,000 with no cashback.

This meant he was down to $40,000. He had to find a way to turn this $$40,000 into $400,000 as he couldn't risk going back to zero.

Kyle was glad he didn't give her every pny he had or that would have served as a cruel lesson to learn more about his system.

He got back into his car but he didn't go home, Kyle was on the hunt for beautiful wom and they were everywhere he looked.

However, he had to find just the right one as he parked his car by the sidewalk, it got a little atttion due to its vintage exterior but nothing lingering.

"Should I have spok to Calista?" Kyle thought to himself, he flipped through his phone and quickly searched for his bank transaction history which he found.

He searched for the account number the $,000 was deposited in and had a thought, what if he transferred the $40,000 into her bank account?

This was sure to not only get her atttion but multiply his wealth, it worked the first time so there was no reason why it shouldn't work the second.

This meant that Kyle found her attractive and Kyle for some reason knew he had to have her wrapped a his fingers.

This was his opportunity to get some sort of payback and he did just that, Kyle transferred the $40,000 to Calista's bank account with a memo.

"Here's my number, XXX-XXX-XXX." attached to it and like clockwork, the system responded.

It took nothing less than a minute before a Cyan scre appeared to inform him that this was successful.


[Spt $40,000. X Critical Hit. Earned $400,000! The money has be transferred to account XXX-XXX-XXX!]

[Spt at least $40,000 on a beautiful lady!]

[Harem Members: /]

[Name: Jane, Age: 3, Affection 5%]

[Name: Calista, Age , Affection: 5%]

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