Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 5: JPD New Owner!

Kyle arrived at his new agcy and it was a lot bigger than he thought, it had an intricate design that exuded elegance with top-class infrastructure.

It stood out compared to the buildings a it but this was one of the more expsive parts of California.

Kyle realized only after he arrived that he should have bought something fancy to wear as first impressions mattered.

The clothes he wore wer't a reflection of his status, anyone would mistake him for an average bum.

Kyle exited the car and Carly was already waiting outside to welcome him.

Wh Kyle left the car, Carly was surprised that he looked like the average American.

He didn't stand out but this only made her mistake this as humbless and not the fact that he was indeed a bum only a few hours ago.

"Good day sir, I have come to personally welcome you to the JPD," Carly greeted with a smile but Kyle was surprised that this was a guine smile.

She was truly glad to see him prompting him to wonder why but this was an insignificant detail.

"Thank you…" Kyle said, pausing abruptly as he looked at her name tag.

"Carly, are you the CEO of this agcy?" Kyle questioned but this only made Carly blush at the thought of him thinking she could hold that position not knowing that Kyle had no idea how a CEO should look.

"I'm afraid not, sir. She has be expecting you," Carly responded as she led the way.

"Alright," Kyle responded, he didn't know what else to say as he was still shocked this was happing.

Kyle tered the building and the fragrance that invaded his nostrils st him into a trance.

"This place is so fucking fancy!" Kyle thought to himself as he was led to an office at the d of a corridor.

"Miss Isabella will see you now," Carly said but she emphasized the Miss as if subtly telling Kyle she was single. However, Kyle wasn't paying ough atttion to pick up on this.

Kyle made his way into the room and to his surprise, there sat a woman in a uniform top with a black shirt just above her knee, exposing a little bit of her thighs in the process with long socks and high heels.

But the thing that got Kyle's atttion was how her shirt was barely able to keep those weapons of mass destruction intact without the buttons popping off.

Kyle gulped as he stepped inside the room, there was a transpart table separating them but that was an interesting choice.

She got up the momt Kyle tered, he was officially her boss and what he did to the agcy was up to him however this was her momt to show him her vision.

"Mr. Kyle! So nice to meet you, I'm Isabella!" Isabella greeted, stretching her hand for a handshake.

She was confidt no doubt but this didn't scare Kyle, he has met wom like her at his various jobs and they all had one thing in common, they were stuck-up bitches.

And Kyle knew she was no differt from them, the only reason she was like this was due to his position and it wasn't a reflection of who she was.

*Isabella, that's a great name but I would like for us to get down to business," Kyle knew he had to make a strong first impression.

"O-Of course, please sit," Isabella stammered, she didn't know why but just as Kyle knew how important a first impression was, so did Isabella.

"You don't need to be so nervous, I'm not the grim reaper or anything," Kyle made a silly joke, trying his best to break the evidt tsion in the air.

Isabella was embarrassed that he noticed that, ev if Kyle didn't have the skill granted by the system, he would still have spotted this without a doubt.

"I'm sorry, sir," Isabella quickly apologized. Kyle thought she was a powerful woman wh he walked in here but she was awfully submissive right now.

"I have to ask, why the transpart table?" Kyle couldn't hold his curiosity as it was a bizarre choice, to say the least.

"Our motto is transparcy so this is a literal demonstration that we hide nothing," Isabella responded, she knew how corny this sounded but it was a clever marketing strategy.

"Ah, that is clever! Now that is how you get the clit!" Kyle was a little more excited than he should have be and Isabella blushed as she didn't expect this reaction from him.

If anything, she expected him to point out how corny it was but upon closer examination, this man was a her age if not younger.

She kept her mouth shut as he carefully examined the documt before him, thanks to the ability he had gott from his system, he could remember everything he read almost to a fault ev though he didn't quite understand what it was exactly he was reading.

"You know what Isabella? How about I leave the technical issues to you, keep running it how you have be running and if you need anything, give me a call," Kyle couraged her and this was the best case scario considering this allowed her to retain control over the agcy.

Kyle snuck a peak at her chest once again wh she was putting away the documts before averting his gaze.

"Things those big should have their gravitational pull…" Kyle thought to himself.

[JPD Agcy Status Change: Congratulations, you just tered the top ,000 promising talt recruitmt agcy!]

"Well, not bad I guess," Kyle thought to himself while exiting the building.

He stood and stared at the sign, wondering if he should change the name to something that speaks more to him as he didn't ev know what the acronym JPD was derived from.

"Move it!" A voice barked at him from behind but Kyle recognized this voice without ev turning a.

" Calista?" Kyle muttered under his breath.

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