Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 34: There, There...

Kyle took her to his apartmt and his credit, the place didn't look like she had expected.

The team that had worked here did a marvelous job in giving it not only a new look but an apartmt fit for a bachelor. Kyle was glad he took the steps to make this place more comfortable, he had the money so there was no reason for him to live like he was struggling.

Calista was impressed, she expected something dect but there was no way that the things inside this place didn't cost a bit.

If anything, it was far more elegant than the apartmt she lived in so she had quite low standards for things like this.

She was confused about Kyle and why he chose to live such a life, to begin with.

Why did he pick her wh he could clearly have any girl he wants to have especially in a city where gorgeous wom are looking for the next man to suck dry. Not to mtion that she got him fired from his job and had no qualms about taking his last pny.

Calista sat on the couch, wondering if he was some masochist, only a masochist would do what he was doing.

"Are you okay?" Kyle questioned upon noticing her space out momtarily, he sat right in front of her so he could look at her.

"I'm fine, I just can't believe someone as rich as you is living in such a place," Calista was honest about her thoughts regarding his living conditions.

"What can I say, I'm a man of simple taste…" Kyle responded, his eyes darting to her exposed thighs.

" Simple, huh?" Calista repeated with a smirk.

" I do sometimes have a more 'expsive' taste…" Kyle teased, already applying pressure to get the desired outcome he wished for.

"Is that so, tell me more about it?" Calista indulged him but this was wh Kyle knew he had to show her he was differt, he had a role to play and he couldn't let his libido mess it up.

"Absolutely but only after you tell me about this audition…" Kyle responded and could tell that Calista was guinely surprised as he intded the situation to play out.

"I don't want to bore you with the details," Calista tried her best to downplay it.

"As long as it comes out from those pretty lips of yours, I don't think you could ever bore me," Kyle was clever in the way he mixed sweet words to let them lower their guard without invalidating the importance of the conversation.

Kyle knew that as long as he kept the conversation focused on her, he wouldn't have to speak about himself. Wom loved talking about themselves and not just wom, but people in geral.

"I wt to an audition earlier today and you wouldn't guess who was there? IT WAS LUCAS ROSSINI!" She exclaimed excitedly, she couldn't help but smile like a variant of Joker who just escaped the asylum.

"Lucas Rossini!? Wow, that is amazing," Kyle responded, trying his best to match her ergy but a brief silce sued.

"Yeah, I have no idea who that is," Kyle responded as he comically shook his head.

Calista had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud.

"I auditioned and I knew that the other two ladies didn't like my performance but Rossini looked impressed! I think I might have a shot at this!" Calista was giddy but Kyle instantly knew what was going on.

He might not know who Rossini was but he knew he was a man and if she wt there dressed the way she currtly was, there was no way a man wouldn't have lustful thoughts.

Kyle knew at that momt that the only reason the man looked impressed was because he was picturing her naked.

She had on a short skirt that revealed most of her thighs with high socks. She must have gone home to change from the dress she had on during their date because this wasn't what he remembered her wearing earlier that day.

The top she had on was unbuttoned a couple of steps down to reveal her bust but Kyle wasn't going to be the one to give her a reality check.

"I am certain you will get the role. You are nowhere where you could be and I know as long as you stay dedicated, you will reach those heights," Kyle said only for Calista to giggle.

"What's funny?" Kyle questioned.

"You sound like an old man…" Calista muttered before that giggle escalated into full-on laughter.

"That's what I get for trying," Kyle said, playfully shaking his head in disbelief.

"C'mon! Don't be like that," Calista tried to bring herself to stop laughing but Kyle's reaction only further proved her statemt.

"You're still laughing for fuck's sake!" Kyle barked and Calista almost lost it, his reaction was fuelling the situation ev though she knew he was just messing with her.

But this was the perfect way for Kyle to create a trusting aura, she was slowly beginning to see him as more than an ATM but as a pottial frid, ev partner.

This showed that whatever Kyle was doing was working but it was time to get down to the main evt.

"How about you show me how good an actress you are?" Kyle said suggestively, leaning back in his chair.

"Give me a role and find out," Calista said, her voice matching his and Kyle knew that the back-and-forth was a good introduction to the main evt.

If he had gone right to it, it wouldn't have be exciting ev if Calista would have be down for it.

He didn't just need her body, he already had that, he needed her heart as that was the only way to max out her affection.

"How about you get on your knees and crawl to me while I decide?" Kyle demanded as a perverted smile creased her face.

"Whatever you say, papi,"

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