Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 33: Welcome To My Home.

Kyle did a quick clean-up of his room, he knew what inviting her over here would do but that wasn't a concern because he could easily buy a place.

Heck, he could relocate to another country tirely.

However, he didn't think he would need to do something that drastic, Kyle knew that he needed a piece of ass and Calista served that purpose and she did it well.

Kyle sat back and waited for her, downing two cups of water to hydrate himself for the exercise that was about to take place ev though he knew he had to pretd to give a shit about her acting.

He couldn't dismiss it or he risked destroying the affection he had built up, he couldn't risk it so what was pretding for a couple of minutes?

His phone rang and he thought this was Calista as she was the only one he was expecting but to his surprise, he saw it was an unknown number,

Kyle was hesitant to pick up the phone but he did regardless however, he didn't speak first.

[[Hello?]] The voice said at the other d, Kyle recognized this voice as he had heard it a couple of minutes ago.

"Hello? Who is this?" Kyle feigned ignorance as he wanted her to introduce herself.

[[It is Ella, I'm surprised you didn't recognize my voice considering we spoke for a couple of hours,]] Ella said from the other d but Kyle knew he couldn't stay on the phone as long as he was expecting Calista.

"Ha! You did make an impression but I'm a busy man," Kyle quickly downplayed her importance as this would subconsciously let her know she was one of many faces that Kyle experices daily.

[[I can see that…]] Ella said as an awkward pause followed like she was mustering the courage to deliver her next train of thought, Kyle waited patitly.

[[We didn't get a chance to finish our conversation and…!]] Ella was cut off mid-stce.

"Does Jane know you're calling me?" This was all Kyle asked and the silce that followed gave him his answer.

"What did you call me for?" Kyle asked.

[[I wanted us to continue our discussion. You see, I'm in a band and I could use all the help I can get,]] Ella confessed, she was shameless wh it came to her musical career because she knew at this rate, she would crash before she could ev begin.

"I don't think that's a conversation to have over the phone so how about we schedule this for another time?" Kyle informed her. He had to keep it professional because he didn't know how Jane would feel and couldn't do anything to mess up the affection meter.

[[That would be great! What time would work for you?]] Ella asked but this was wh Kyle realized he needed a place to receive clits.

He was the owner of an agcy so there was no doubt he would be having meetings but it would be inappropriate to bring them into his home or places other than an office as it might show a lack of professionalism.

Kyle realized what the building he had bought could be transformed into.

"I will let you know," This was all he said right before ding the phone call shortly after.

He knew he would have to pick up Calista from outside the building as she wouldn't know how to get to his place due to the multiple apartmts in this same building.

And th it came, the phone call he was waiting for came in and Kyle picked up after letting it ring once or twice.

Calista was downstairs, she came right away telling Kyle that she wanted to see him just as much but her affection bar was still where it was.

Kyle walked out of his room, walking past Aiysha's apartmt but the car she drove in drew everyone's atttion.

Kyle knew this kind of thing would happ but he wasn't worried because if the car was stol, he would just buy another one.

Kyle waved the momt their eyes met and Calista's face quickly creased into a smile.

"Kyle!" She exclaimed, running into his outstretched arms.

Kyle lifted her off the g and skinned her a before her feet touched the g once again.

" I missed you," Kyle said with a smile.

" I don't blame you for that," Calista said smugly but Kyle didn't mind this arrogance because she was going to lose it all soon ough.

But staring through the window from their apartmt was Aiysha and to her, it now made sse why Kyle could suddly afford the lifestyle he was living.

It was because he had a sugar mommy or in this case, a rich girlfrid.

She thought he was single and didn't know how to react to this news but it shouldn't be any of her business, should it?

Kyle could feel someone staring at him, his aux sse so to speak as he looked right at Aiysha through the window to which she responded by quickly shutting the blinds.

But not quick ough as Kyle had spotted, it would have made a lot more sse for her to simply smile and save but she acted like she was doing something she shouldn't be doing.

Luckily, Kyle didn't think too much about this and redirected his focus on the lady before him.

"We should head in," Kyle informed her.

He expected Calista to make a face of disgust because he was living in a place that in no way spoke about his wealth in any capacity.

But this was a man who was working as a cashier, if anything, this was the most logical place for him to be living considering the kind of person he was.

"Alright!" Calista responded, holding onto his arm firmly like a girl smitt by her man did in the movies.

"Hm… Did something happ?" Kyle thought to himself, there was something differt about her but he was probably overthinking it.

Yeah, that was probably it. N

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