Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 32: Audition.

Calista already had an audition to prepare for, this agcy had done in hours what her previous one couldn't do in months showing the sheer differce in quality betwe them both.

She drove in her new car and everyone looked on in awe as they all assumed she was a high-profile person who would help her chance at getting featured but in reality, Calista knew that she might not have the talt to secure the role so she had to sell the illusion of power.

But she had nothing to lose by trying, she was attded to first or rather, she was one of the few people that had tak time to look her best so naturally she was treated differtly from those that didn't especially with the car she drove in with.

This movie wasn't the one that would put her on the red carpet as it was a low-budget movie that wouldn't ev make its way to cinemas but Calista knew it would look good on her résumé.

She needed to build a portfolio that made people take her seriously, she hadn't told Kyle about her audition or any of her plans regarding the future.

But she found herself feeling anxious, her heart was pounding as she knew that this was the first step in building her career.

"Miss Wave…?" A man with a clipboard walked into the room. She didn't ev wait up to five minutes compared to the hours that others made.

Because of Isabella's influce, her clits were treated as top priority.

Calista walked into the room and there was a camera and three people seated behind a table.

Two wom and one man but she instantly recognized the man as one of the more famous producers in the industry ev though he has be involved in a few controversies.

She was giv a script as she sat in front of a camera and they watched her through a monitor.

Calista wondered why they did this wh they could watch her in person but this was because they wanted to see how she looked behind the camera.

"... And action!" The man said as she was giv. A script to read from, Calista had to deliver the lines while conveying varying emotions.

She had the looks no doubt but her talt was lacking for the role.

The two wom wer't impressed but the man gazed upon her lustfully.

This person was Lucas Rossini and he was one of the major powers in making this movie so his say and decision outweighed that of the two wom beside him.

"That will be all Miss Calista, we will get back to you," The brunette lady seated to his left said but Rossini couldn't help it.

Calista dressed well for the part and this included subtly showing off her assets like she wanted to weaponize her sexual appeal and it worked.

She left the room and while the wom were deliberating, Rossini said firmly.

"I have found my Rachel," Rossini said bluntly, taking both wom by surprise as they still had a week to figure out the casts.

This was hasty but they knew what kind of man Rossini was so they had little to nothing to say.

They had other roles to fill but also knew that Rossini would most likely change his mind should another beauty step in but there was something about Calista that made her stand out.


Calista stepped out of the room and the weight off her shoulder lifted, her heart felt calm and the adraline rush boosted her mood.

She wanted to tell someone about this news and the only person she had on her phone who she could tell such a piece of news was Kyle.

But she didn't know how to approach this as she wanted to separate these two things.

She knew she couldn't make Kyle a part of her life or it would blur the line she was trying to create.

"Fuck it!" Calista muttered to herself as she picked up her phone to call Kyle but to her surprise, her phone rang at that exact momt.

The caller ID was Kyle and she immediately composed herself as she couldn't sound too desperate or excited.

"Hi Kyle, are you alright?" Calista began the phone call and after a little small talk, she spilled the beans.

"I have good news! I don't know if you know this but I wt for an audition today and think I might have gott the part!" Calista involuntarily exclaimed.

She couldn't hold back anymore and didn't ev know wh the words left her mouth.

[[Oh shit! Congratulations! This calls for a celebration!]] Kyle responded but this was just an excuse to get Calista in a room to satisfy his carnal urges.

He didn't care about a thing she told him as Kyle was the reason her application ev got accepted in the first place.

Calista was getting flashbacks of that night and looked forward to recreating that momt once again.

"You know what? How about I come to your place," Calista suggested. She wanted to take that step because if she knew where Kyle lived, it would be harder for him to disappear from her.

Ev though in reality, Kyle could simply just relocate.

"You know what? Come over," Kyle gave her the go ahead, surprising her.

She expected him to say no but him saying yes took her off guard.

Before long, the conversation came to an d as Kyle ed her the address.

Calista hopped in her car and immediately drove to Kyle with only one thing on her mind.


Kyle ded the call and was relieved that she was coming, that was all he cared about.

She wasn't that great an actress, Kyle could tell by the movies she had acted in.

"There's no way she's getting that role," Kyle muttered to himself with a mocking smile.

He didn't care about Calista but Jane was a differt case, Kyle liked her innocce because she was his to corrupt.

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