Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 16: Call Me...

Kyle was reluctant but he ded up acting as a chauffeur for Mrs. Jones, the fact that they had conversed earlier that day would make things a lot less awkward.

Mrs Jones was giv his number by her husband which meant that she now had access to him and didn't need to go through her husband.

This made it a lot easier for her to tell Kyle wh to come get her ev though he had a date to prepare for that night.

He could spare a few hours to help out with this favour and hope that this doesn't become a habit.

The call came in, it was well into the eving but considering he was going to spd the night with Calista, the later they wt on the date, the better.

It gives her less opportunity to go back home as Kyle could use the late card and convince her to spd the night there.

However, now wasn't time to think about that, Kyle headed to pick up Mrs Jones.

Wh his car parked outside, he drew stares from people a but this was to be expected.

Fortunately for Kyle, he didn't have to wait long; she was outside a few seconds after he arrived.

This at least told him she wasn't taking his time for granted as she rushed to the car.

Kyle noticed that she smelled differt but that was only because she had just showered a few minutes prior so the sct of the soap used still lingered in the air. He also noticed she was out of her gym clothes and worse something a lot more casual.

She noticed the black skirt hanging just above her knees with a sleeveless top that was exposed just ough to reveal the top of her cleavage.

It would make sse to want to give these parts some breathing space after a thorough workout.

As soon as he sat on the passger seat, her thighs doubled in size and Kyle couldn't help but steal a peek.

"I'm so thankful for this. In a day, you have done me two very big favours! I won't forget this anytime soon," Mrs. Jones thanked him.

At least she had manners, Kyle couldn't be mad for long because she was so nice about it.

"You make it sound like I performed op heart surgery," Kyle responded, brushing off what he had done as something mial.

However, the cost of petrol was over the roof right now and him driving her that far would use a fair amount.

Kyle didn't want to grow attached to the family because he knew everything could change in the blink of an eye.

He didn't know if the system was indefinite or had a limited span and what if the system suddly disappeared? Would he lose everything in his bank account?

All of this was a possibility and Kyle hoped he wouldn't have to try to outsmart whatever this thing was.

He drove with one hand on the steering, easily swerving left and right like he had be driving the momt he came out of the womb. She was impressed by the way he handled the car.

"You definitely know how to handle her," Mrs. Jones commted, her eyes lingering a bit too long at veins popping from his forearms.

"What can I say, I have my way," Kyle said without thinking too much about his response, she was a married woman so there was no reason to be cautious considering the relationship he had with her husband.

Mrs. Jones smirked but this was an act that wt unnoticed by Kyle as he kept his atttion on the road.

The car ride there was relatively peaceful, Mrs. Jones was in charge of the radio and Kyle noticed her preferce for music was Hip-hop.

She sang along to almost every song, ev songs that Kyle had never heard before but she had an amazing voice to boot.

He couldn't dy that but he also knew that he had to keep his mouth shut due to wanting to keep professional.

"Come on Kyle! Sing with me," Mrs. Jones exclaimed as the tempo in her voice increased, effortlessly hitting notes Kyle didn't ev know was possible.

"Damn… I wouldn't want to steal the spotlight from you," Kyle gave a cheeky response prompting Mrs. Jones to giggle.

"I'd like to see you try," Mrs. Jones edged him on and Kyle took a deep breath.

If anyone knew better, they would think he was about to give a Grammy-level performance.

The momt Kyle oped his mouth, Mrs Jones wished she lost her ability to hear because his voice was not only horrdous but the notes he was hitting shouldn't ev exist.

It sounded like a night terror scream that would awake ev the dead from the grave.

Kyle didn't know what came over him, he wouldn't have done any of this before, and he would ev ridicule the idea of doing such an absurd thing.

But with money, all his problems were gone so he became a lot more carefree but Mrs. Jones couldn't contain her laughter.

She laughed her ass out but Kyle noticed something about her, she laughed almost as good as her voice. She laughed until her eyes were all teary.

"See? I told you I will steal your thunder, Mrs. Jones…" Kyle joked but Mrs. Jones couldn't ev verbalise a response as she continued to laugh ev though it was deescalated.

"Y-You sure did… And please call me Aiysha," She finally introduced herself and wished to be addressed by her name further confirming that this was leaving the formal territory.

Something that Kyle had tried to avoid but not well ough ev though there was nothing wrong with this in hindsight, Kyle knew how easily boundaries could be crossed.

"We are here!" Aiysha said and Kyle heaved a sigh of relief, the place was a lot further than he thought as it had eat up a few hours of his day.

"I will be waiting here," Kyle said but Aiysha just stared at him.

"Get out the car and escort me, be a gtleman…" This was all she said but her eyes looked right at him as a little smirk creased her thick, perky lips. Kyle couldn't say no.


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