Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 17: ... Candles?

Kyle followed behind her and his eyes naturally darted towards her ass, ev with a skirt he could still see that arc in her lumbar spine.

Kyle couldn't believe that a woman with this body could be tamed by a single man, Mr. Jones was a nice man but compared to the man out here, he wasn't impressive.

Kyle realised that this was a store for custom-made candles, he didn't ev understand why this was so important that it couldn't wait a day.

Or better yet, why it couldn't be delivered to her doorstep.

Kyle couldn't complain because he had a choice in this and he chose to accompany her.

Kyle began to walk a the small shop as Aiysha spoke to the lady responsible for these candles.

He noticed that this store had suggestive drawings all over the walls and th it hit him, this was an erotic store.

"Mr. Jones, you nasty freak!" Kyle thought to himself.

"Hey Kyle, get over here!" Aiysha called out to him, he was wandering a bit too far and she wanted to hear his opinion regarding this.

Kyle walked up beside her but he had no experice with candles hce why he was confused as to why she wanted his opinion.

"Kyle, which do you think will capture the mood of a romantic night?" Aiysha asked him.

Kyle scratched his head, the candles looked the same, just differt colours.

"The mood of the night isn't determined by the setting but by the person in which you decide to spd it with. I could pick any of these candles and the night could go to hell…" Kyle said.

"Your frid here might be a lit-" The lady responsible for the candle was told to keep quiet with a raised finger from Aiysha, she wanted to hear what Kyle had to say.

"What I'm saying is, it is the person that makes the night romantic," Kyle concluded.

And Aiysha was surprised that these words came out of his mouth. She wouldn't have guessed that Kyle was this deep, not in a million years.

"T-That's actually… I didn't think about it like that," Aiysha responded, Kyle could feel the eyes of the lady glaring at him as he might have lost her as a pottial customer.

"Or you could just use both candles?" Kyle suggested as he established eye contact with the woman, flashing a smile.

"That is an excellt suggestion! You should list to your frid," The lady responded.

They came this far already, there was no reason for the trip to be in vain and Kyle needed to get back as soon as possible.

The lady packed the candles and Kyle could tell that Aiysha was hesitant.

She didn't want both candles or it was more accurate to say she couldn't afford both.

They didn't have the luxury that Kyle now had and had to plan their spding carefully as they had two kids to take care of.

"How much is it?" Kyle questioned, surprising Aiysha.

"That will be $350…" The lady said with a sinister smile on her face. Aiysha already dug into her bag to get the money.

Kyle was perplexed that candles could be this expsive to begin with but he wasn't one to judge.

"Do you accept cards?" Kyle questioned to which the lady nodded.

"Do you want anything else? Pick anything you want, I got it covered," Kyle reassured her.

But he remembered that these were custom-made and she was always going to buy both candles.

He also tertained the thought that the question was which of the candles would fit a specific situation.

"$350…" Kyle muttered under his breath, rubbing his chin.

"You know what, how about I give you a down paymt of $35,000 so she can get whatever candles she wants?" Kyle asked and the silce that followed was so loud that one would think it was on loudspeakers.

"WHAT!?" Both wom exclaimed in unison.

"It is fine, it is fine." Kyle brushed it off, it wasn't like he was doing her a favour considering that this was the requiremt to double his wealth.

The lady was so fast to accept the offer, she didn't know anyone this crazy to spd such an amount but she wasn't going to dissuade him, quite the opposite.

This was more than she made in a couple of years and someone was willing to pay that amount at the drop of hat. Aiysha wanted to interve but Kyle already handed her the card and she wasted no time in swiping.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Aiysha exclaimed, stunned by what just happed but she quickly closed her mouth upon realising the words that had come out of it as an embarrassed smile soon creased her face.


[Spt $35,000. X Critical Hit. Earned $350,000! The money has be transferred to account XXX-XXX-XXX!]

[Spt at least $35,000 on a beautiful lady!]

Aiysha couldn't believe he had this much money to spd on a whim, wasn't this the man that could barely pay his rt a couple of days back?

She didn't care about the details but she couldn't bring herself to say a word on their way back to the car either.

It was only after they were halfway through their journey back that she mustered the courage to say something.

"I appreciate what you did for me today and I'm sorry for cursing you out too. I just can't believe you spt that much…" Aiysha said but there was something off about her.

The look in her eyes had changed.

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