Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 21: Xia Qingwu Leaves

Since Xia Qingwu and Wang Li were injured, they couldn't fly on their own and needed to be carried on a Flying Boat.

Xia Qingwu rummaged through her storage bag, her fingers searching for the familiar shape of the Flying Boat talisman. With a swift motion, she activated the talisman, summoning forth a sleek vessel to carry them on their journey.

Wang Xiangyi took the reins of the Flying Boat, her hands steady as she guided it through the clouds.

Xia Qingwu and Wang Li lay on the floor of the boat, their injuries evident as they rested.

Wang Li's concern for Xia Qingwu deepened as he observed her injuries. With a gentle touch, he pulled her closer to him, a protective instinct rising within him.

Xia Qingwu, lost in her thoughts, was taken aback as she felt Wang Li's lips against hers. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as she surrendered to the sensation of his warm embrace.

"Li..." she murmured softly.

Time seemed to stand still as Xia Qingwu melted into the warmth of the intimate embrace, her senses overwhelmed by the rush of emotions coursing through her. In that moment, everything else faded away, leaving only the sensation of Wang Li's lips against hers.

Unbeknownst to Xia Qingwu, Wang Li's actions held a deeper purpose beyond mere affection. With a focused mind, he tapped into the Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability, channeling the flow of energy between their bodies. As their lips met, he guided the exchange of Yin and Yang energies, using the intimate connection to accelerate their healing process.

"Are you feeling any better, Qingwu?" Wang Li asked softly, breaking the silence that enveloped them.

Xia Qingwu nodded, a faint smile gracing her lips. "Yes, thanks to you."

Wang Li returned her smile, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and gratitude. "We'll be alright," he assured her, his voice filled with determination.

As the Flying Boat carried them away from the danger of the Evergreen Pine Forest, Wang Li continued to exchange healing kisses with Xia Qingwu, channeling Yin-Yang energies to mend their injuries and restore their vitality. Each kiss served as a conduit for their mutual healing, drawing upon the deep connection between them to accelerate their recovery.

While Wang Li and Xia Qingwu were engrossed in their intimate exchanges, Wang Xiangyi observed from a distance, her heart heavy with jealousy and longing. She couldn't help but wish for the same affectionate gestures from her dear cousin Li, but she knew better than to act on her desires, especially with Xia Qingwu present.

Each kiss Wang Li bestowed upon Xia Qingwu ignited a pang of envy within Wang Xiangyi. She couldn't shake the feeling of longing that gnawed at her heart, wishing for her own moment of intimacy with her beloved cousin Li. Yet, she resigned herself to the sidelines, concealing her emotions behind a mask of stoicism.

Inwardly, Wang Xiangyi chastised herself for her lack of injuries, lamenting the missed opportunity to share in the affectionate exchanges between Wang Li and Xia Qingwu. If only she had been wounded, she thought ruefully, perhaps her dear cousin Li would have found a reason to share such tender moments with her as well.

Eventually, as the effects of their healing kisses took hold, Wang Li and Xia Qingwu's injuries began to fade, leaving them both feeling rejuvenated and revitalized. With their recovery complete, the trio decided to stow away the Flying Boat and continue their journey on their trusty Flying Swords.

Descending upon a quiet mortal town, they blended into the crowd, donning simple attire to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Finding respite in a local tea house, they settled in for a moment of relaxation, savoring the tranquility of their surroundings.

As they sipped their tea and nibbled on bread, Wang Li broached the topic that weighed heavily on his mind, turning to Xia Qingwu with a questioning gaze. "Qingwu, why do you suspect that your mother, Madam Xia Bingling, was behind the attack on us?"

Xia Qingwu paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts before responding. "There are a few reasons," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "Firstly, my mother was the only one who knew about our meeting in the Jade Bamboo Forest. She even suggested it herself.

Secondly, those cultivators were clearly under strict orders not to harm me, indicating that their employer had specific instructions regarding my safety. And knowing my mother, she's the only one who would impose such conditions."

Wang Li nodded thoughtfully, his brows knit in contemplation as he mulled over Xia Qingwu's words. "It's certainly plausible," he acknowledged, his tone serious. "But why would your mother want to harm us?"

Xia Qingwu sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "I think it's because of Ye Fan," she explained, her words tinged with bitterness. "Mother seems to hold him in high regard, despite everything. Even when I tried to warn her about his true nature, she brushed it off."

Wang Li's expression hardened as he pieced together the puzzle. "I understand now," he murmured, a thoughtful look crossing his features. "Your mother probably thinks we're biased against Ye Fan, and she might not trust your judgment because you heard about him from us."

Xia Qingwu's heart sank at the realization that her mother doubted her. It hurt to think that her own words held so little weight in her mother's eyes.

But as Wang Li reached out to gently caress her cheek, a wave of reassurance washed over her. "Don't worry," he murmured softly. "I understand your mother's perspective, and I don't hold it against her."

Grateful for his understanding, Xia Qingwu offered him a small smile, her worries momentarily eased.

Meanwhile, Wang Xiangyi's brows furrowed in displeasure at Wang Li's forgiving stance. She couldn't shake the feeling of frustration that simmered within her.

How could Wang Li be so quick to forgive Xia Qingwu's mother of this ambush where they had nearly lost their lives? It seemed naive to her.

Speaking up with a hint of frustration in her voice, Wang Xiangyi questioned their next course of action. "What do we do now?" she demanded, her tone tinged with urgency. "Madam Xia Bingling will soon realize that her attempt to eliminate us failed. There's a chance she'll send another group after us. How do we handle this?"

Wang Li's lips curved into a confident smile as he considered her question. "Simple," he replied, his tone casual yet assured. "Qingwu, you'll return to the Xia Manor and inform your mother about the ambush. Act as though you had no idea it was organized by her. This way, we can anticipate her next move and stay one step ahead of her."

Xia Qingwu nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. "I'll do it," she affirmed, her resolve firm. "I won't let her catch us off guard again."

As Xia Qingwu finished her tea, she glanced out of the window, determination shining in her eyes. "I should head back to the Xia Manor now and get this plan in motion," she declared, rising from her seat.

Wang Xiangyi nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Be careful, Qingwu," she urged, her voice tinged with concern.

With a reassuring smile, Xia Qingwu stepped out of the tea house and onto her Flying Sword, soaring into the sky with purpose.

Once Xia Qingwu was out of sight, Wang Xiangyi wasted no time. She grabbed Wang Li's hand and led him swiftly to a nearby inn, determination gleaming in her eyes.

Booking a room with practiced ease, Wang Xiangyi led Wang Li inside, her heart pounding with anticipation.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Wang Xiangyi wasted no time.

Once they reached the privacy of their chamber, Wang Xiangyi wasted no time shedding her clothes, revealing her enticing curves and ample bosom.

Wang Li's gaze lingered on her figure, momentarily taken aback by her boldness, yet unable to resist the allure of her naked form.

With a silent understanding passing between them, Wang Li swiftly followed suit, stripping down to his bare skin. As they stood facing each other, desire smoldering in their eyes, Wang Xiangyi's voice broke the charged silence.

"I've been holding back in front of Qingwu for so long," she murmured, her tone husky with longing. "Now, I want you to reward me for my patience."

Without a word, Wang Xiangyi closed the distance between them, her body pressed against his in a heated embrace. Their lips met in a fierce kiss, a collision of desire and longing that left them both breathless and wanting more.

Wang Li's touch was possessive, his hands tracing the contours of Wang Xiangyi's body with a hunger that bordered on desperation. He dominated her, his movements aggressive and commanding as he claimed her as his own.

Wang Xiangyi surrendered herself to him completely, her moans of pleasure mingling with his as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment.

As they tumbled onto the bed, their bodies entwined in a tangle of limbs and desire, Wang Li's primal instincts took over. With a growl of need, he positioned himself between Wang Xiangyi's thighs, his cock throbbing with anticipation.

With a gasp of pleasure, Wang Xiangyi arched her back, her eyes glazed with desire as Wang Li entered her, filling her completely with his hardness. Their bodies moved in perfect sync, a symphony of passion and lust that echoed through the room.

Wang Li pounded into Wang Xiangyi with a relentless intensity, his movements rough and dominating. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure crashing over them, driving them both to the brink of ecstasy again and again.

With each round, their passion only grew fiercer, their cries of pleasure mingling with the sounds of their bodies moving in perfect harmony. From evening till midnight, they lost themselves in each other, their desires fueling an insatiable hunger that could not be quenched.

After their intense lovemaking session, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi lay entwined in each other's arms, their bodies still humming with the echoes of their passion.

The room was filled with the soft sounds of their breathing as they basked in the afterglow of their ecstasy.

Wang Li pressed a gentle kiss to Wang Xiangyi's forehead, his fingers tracing lazy circles along her skin. "That was really fun," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine delight.

Wang Xiangyi smiled up at him, her eyes shining with contentment. "You are really turning me into a lewd woman, cousin," she teased, her fingers playing with the tousled strands of his hair.

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