Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 20: Wang Xiangyi's Power

The air crackled with tension as Wang Xiangyi faced off against the two formidable Nascent Soul Realm experts. Her heart pounded with adrenaline as she prepared to unleash her full combat prowess against her powerful adversaries.

With a steely gaze, Wang Xiangyi focused her energy, channeling the power of her metal attribute Nascent Soul to enhance her martial techniques.

As the first Nascent Soul Realm expert lunged forward, she met his attack head-on, her movements swift and precise as she countered with a barrage of metal-infused strikes.

The first Nascent Soul Realm expert, known as Shen Long, wielded a fearsome blade imbued with the power of thunder. With each swing, arcs of lightning crackled through the air, adding a deadly edge to his already formidable attacks.

"Take this, Steel Thunder Slash!" Shen Long roared, his blade slicing through the air with incredible speed as he aimed to strike down Wang Xiangyi.

But Wang Xiangyi was ready for him. With a deft movement, she dodged his attack, countering with a swift kick to his midsection. The force of her blow sent Shen Long staggering backward, his grip on his blade faltering for a moment.

As Shen Long recovered, his companion, Bai Hu, launched his own assault, summoning a fierce gust of wind to buffet Wang Xiangyi from all sides.

Bai Hu's mastery over the air element allowed him to control the battlefield with ease, his attacks relentless and unpredictable.

But Wang Xiangyi refused to back down.

With a determined grit, she summoned a powerful defensive barrier around herself, deflecting Bai Hu's onslaught with ease. Her metal attribute Nascent Soul imbued her with unparalleled resilience, allowing her to withstand even the fiercest of attacks.

Meanwhile, Wang Li and Xia Qingwu sprang into action, their eyes locked on their target—Bai Hu.

With coordinated precision, they launched a series of diversionary tactics, drawing Bai Hu's attention away from Wang Xiangyi and onto themselves.

"Hey, over here!" Wang Li called out, his voice ringing out across the battlefield as he taunted Bai Hu, his movements agile and evasive as he danced around the powerful cultivator.

Xia Qingwu joined in the fray, her own martial techniques complementing Wang Li's as they worked together to keep Bai Hu occupied.

With each feint and strike, they sought to distract Bai Hu and ease the burden on Wang Xiangyi as she battled against Shen Long.

As the battle raged on, Xia Qingwu couldn't help but notice something peculiar. Despite their ferocity in combat, both Shen Long and Bai Hu seemed to actively avoid harming her.

It was as if they were intentionally holding back against her, their attacks calculated to incapacitate rather than kill.

Curiosity piqued, Xia Qingwu seized the opportunity to exploit their reluctance, using her agile movements to distract Bai Hu and create openings for Wang Xiangyi and Wang Li to strike.

With each well-timed maneuver, she eased the pressure on her companions, allowing them to focus their efforts on defeating their powerful adversaries.

Back in the heart of the battle, Wang Xiangyi continued to hold her own against Shen Long, her metal-infused strikes battering against his defenses with relentless force. With each clash of their weapons, sparks flew, illuminating the battlefield with bursts of brilliant light.

But Shen Long was no ordinary opponent. With a fierce roar, he unleashed his most devastating technique yet—Thunderclap Fury.

Bolts of lightning cascaded from his blade, striking the ground with explosive force as he sought to overwhelm Wang Xiangyi with sheer power.

Yet Wang Xiangyi refused to falter.

Drawing upon her inner strength, she summoned a powerful counterattack, channeling the energy of her metal attribute Nascent Soul into a devastating strike of her own—Steel Tempest Slash.

With a mighty swing of her blade, she unleashed a whirlwind of metal energy, slicing through Shen Long's defenses with unparalleled precision. The force of her attack sent him reeling backward, his grip on his blade faltering as he struggled to regain his footing.

Sensing an opportunity, Wang Xiangyi pressed her advantage, launching a relentless assault against her wounded opponent. With each strike, she pushed Shen Long further and further back, her determination unwavering as she fought to emerge victorious against her formidable foe.

Meanwhile, Wang Li and Xia Qingwu continued to pester Bai Hu, their diversionary tactics keeping him on the defensive as they wanted Wang Xiangyi to keep focusing on Shen Long.

With each feint and strike, they tested Bai Hu's defenses, searching for weaknesses to exploit in their relentless pursuit of victory.

As the battle reached its climax, Wang Xiangyi unleashed her final, devastating technique—Metallic Fury.

With a fierce cry, she channeled the full power of her metal attribute Nascent Soul into a single, devastating strike, unleashing a torrent of metal energy that engulfed Shen Long in a maelstrom of destruction.

With a final, thunderous crash, Shen Long fell to the ground, defeated at last by Wang Xiangyi's indomitable strength.

As the dust settled from Wang Xiangyi's intense battle with Shen Long, her chest heaved with exhaustion as she surveyed the aftermath of the skirmish. Her metal-infused strikes had left Shen Long battered and defeated, but her victory was overshadowed by the sight of Wang Li and Xia Qingwu, both gravely injured from their own battle against Bai Hu.

"Li! Qingwu!" Wang Xiangyi cried out, her voice laced with panic as she rushed to their side, her heart pounding with fear at the sight of their injuries.

Bai Hu, seeing an opportunity, seized his chance to strike. With a roar, he unleashed a powerful blast of wind, aiming to finish off his wounded adversaries once and for all.

But Wang Xiangyi refused to let them fall. With a fierce cry, she summoned the full force of her metal attribute Nascent Soul, channeling its power into a devastating counterattack.

"Metallic Cyclone Fury!" she roared, her voice echoing with the fury of a tempest as she unleashed a whirlwind of razor-sharp metal energy upon Bai Hu.

The air crackled with electricity as the metallic cyclone tore through the battlefield, shredding everything in its path with unstoppable force. Bai Hu's eyes widened in shock as he found himself engulfed in the swirling vortex of destruction, his defenses crumbling beneath the onslaught of Wang Xiangyi's relentless assault.

With a final, thunderous crash, the metallic cyclone dissipated, leaving behind a scene of devastation. Bai Hu lay battered and broken on the ground, his body barely able to withstand the ferocity of Wang Xiangyi's attack.

But Wang Xiangyi knew there was no time to waste. With a determined grit, she rushed to Wang Li and Xia Qingwu's side, her heart pounding with fear for their safety.

"Wang Li! Xia Qingwu!" she cried, her voice choked with emotion as she checked their injuries. Despite their wounds, both of them remained conscious, their eyes filled with gratitude as they looked up at her.

"We... we're okay," Xia Qingwu managed to gasp, her voice weak but determined. "Thanks to you, Xiangyi."

Wang Li nodded in agreement, his expression grim but resolute. "We'll... we'll get through this together," he vowed, his voice filled with determination.

With a sense of urgency, Wang Xiangyi quickly administered first aid to their injuries, using her healing talismans to stem the bleeding and mend their broken bones.

Despite her exhaustion, she refused to rest until she knew they were safe.

"Li, Qingwu, hold on," Wang Xiangyi murmured softly as she applied healing talismans to their injuries, her hands moving with practiced efficiency despite her exhaustion. "We'll get through this together."

Meanwhile, in the hidden tunnel, the tension was palpable as the eleven Core Formation cultivators emerged, their eyes widening in shock at the sight of their fallen leaders, Shen Long and Bai Hu.

"Well, would you look at that," one of the cultivators muttered under his breath, his gaze flickering between the defeated figures on the ground and Wang Xiangyi's formidable presence. "Looks like we missed all the fun."

Wang Xiangyi's gaze hardened as she turned her attention to the newcomers, her eyes flashing with determination. "You want to fight me now?" she challenged, her voice tinged with steel as she dared them to make a move.

The eleven cultivators exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the overwhelming power radiating from Wang Xiangyi's Nascent Soul cultivation. They knew that facing her head-on would be a futile endeavor, with little hope of victory.

"Uh, actually, we were just here to, uh, collect our leaders' bodies," one of them stammered nervously, his voice faltering under Wang Xiangyi's intense gaze. "We'll, uh, be on our way now..."

Wang Xiangyi's expression softened slightly as she considered their request, her instincts telling her that their intentions were genuine. "Fine," she conceded, nodding in agreement. "But first, tell me who ordered this assassination."

The cultivators hesitated, exchanging wary glances as they weighed their options. Finally, one of them spoke up, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "We don't know," he admitted reluctantly. "Only the higher-ups at headquarters have that information."

With a resigned sigh, Wang Xiangyi nodded, understanding that their knowledge was limited. "Very well," she said, gesturing for them to proceed. "Take your leaders' bodies and leave."

As the cultivators hurried to retrieve Shen Long and Bai Hu's bodies, Wang Xiangyi watched them go with a sense of relief, grateful that the conflict had been resolved without further battle.

This was because if they had fought now, Wang Xiangyi would have lost as she had already exhausted all of her spiritual energy.

Turning back to Wang Li and Xia Qingwu, Wang Xiangyi offered them a reassuring smile, her heart filled with gratitude for their unwavering support. "We made it through," she said softly, her voice filled with relief.

Once the cultivators had departed, Xia Qingwu spoke up, her voice trembling with emotion. "I think I know who might have sent them after us. It's... it's my mother, Xia Bingling."

Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi exchanged concerned glances, their minds racing with the implications of Xia Qingwu's words. "We'll deal with that later," Wang Li said firmly, his voice tinged with determination. "For now, let's focus on getting out of here in one piece."

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