Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 175: The Sexy Dance Of Celebration For Wang Li In Camp Of Beauties

Wang Li found a seat of honor, flanked by Palace Mistress Jiu Lan on his right and Palace Mistress Gao Ming on his left. Both wom had a regal bearing, their beauty hanced by the light of the celebration. They, too, had cups of alcohol in their hands, their cheeks flushed with the warmth of the drink.

"Congratulations on your advancemt, Wang Li," Jiu Lan said, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of pride and affection.

"Thank you, Mistress Jiu Lan," Wang Li replied, his gaze lingering on her for a momt.

"We're fortunate to have you," Gao Ming added, her voice soft but sincere. "Your strgth brings us hope and security."

Wang Li nodded, acknowledging her words. "It is my honor to support both the Jade Lotus Palace sect and the Emerald Sea Palace sect."

The music grew louder, and the dancers moved more ergetically. Liu Xue took to the stage, her movemts sultry and ticing. She danced with a confidce and grace that captivated Wang Li, her eyes meeting his as she swayed to the rhythm. The fact that the audice consisted only of female beauties from the two sects embolded her to dance seductively, showcasing her allure.

"Your disciple is quite talted," Gao Ming remarked, her eyes twinkling with amusemt.

"She certainly is," Jiu Lan agreed, a proud smile playing on her lips.

Wang Li couldn't take his eyes off Liu Xue, her performance mesmerizing him. She moved with such fluidity and ssuality that it was impossible to look away. He felt a swell of pride and desire as he watched her, appreciating the way she showcased her beauty and talt for him.

As the night wore on, the celebration continued with more songs and dances. The disciples laughed and chatted, their spirits high. Wang Li joyed every momt, his heart light and his mind at ease. He knew that his breakthrough had brought a sse of security and optimism to the camp, and that was worth celebrating.

Sitting betwe Jiu Lan and Gao Ming, Wang Li felt a sse of belonging. He had earned his place among them, not just as an honorary elder but as an equal. The two Palace Mistresses treated him with respect and affection, their bond strgthed by the trust they placed in him.

"The Blood Chain Sect and the Shadow Blade Sect will think twice before attacking us now," Gao Ming said, her tone confidt.

"Indeed," Jiu Lan agreed. "With Wang Li at our side, we are stronger than ever."

Wang Li smiled, raising his cup once more. "To our united strgth," he toasted.

"To our strgth," Jiu Lan and Gao Ming echoed, clinking their cups with his.

As the celebration continued, Wang Li felt a deep sse of satisfaction. He had not only advanced in his cultivation but also solidified his place within these powerful sects. The night was filled with laughter, music, and the warmth of camaraderie. The disciples, elders, and Palace Mistresses all reveled in the momt, their spirits high.

As the celebration began to wind down, Wang Li felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Liu Xue, her eyes shining with happiness and a hint of mischief.

"Care for a private dance, Elder Wang?" she asked, her voice playful.

Wang Li chuckled, rising from his seat. "How could I refuse?"

He followed Liu Xue to a quieter part of the camp, where she began to dance for him once more, her movemts slow and seductive. Wang Li watched her, his heart swelling with affection and desire. He knew that this momt was just the beginning of many more to come.

As the night turned to dawn, Wang Li and Liu Xue returned to the main camp. The celebration had left everyone in high spirits, and the future looked brighter than ever.

After Liu Xue and Wang Li returned to the camp, they headed towards their respective tts to rest for the night. Liu Xue, tired from the celebrations and her private dance, intded to sleep peacefully. However, Wang Li had other plans. Once he was sure Liu Xue was out of sight, he stealthily made his way to Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's tt.

Inside her tt, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan lay on her bed, her eyes closed as she tried to rest after the long and evtful day. The rustle of the tt flap startled her, and she oped her eyes, surprised to see Wang Li standing there with a depraved expression on his face.

"Wang Li, what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice a mix of shock and curiosity.

Without a word, Wang Li pounced on her, his hands tearing apart her clothes with a ravous hunger. Palace Mistress Jiu Lan gasped as her garmts were ripped away, leaving her exposed beath him. His eyes roamed her body, filled with a desire that made her heart race.

"Wang Li, this is...!" she started to protest, but her words were cut off as he captured her lips in a fierce kiss, silcing her. His hands roamed her body, fondling her large breasts with a roughness that st shivers down her spine.

"Jiu Lan," he whispered against her skin, his voice low and filled with lust. "If it wer't for your sexy body, I wouldn't have brok through to the Soul Integration Realm."

His words st a shock through her, and she moaned loudly as he bit down on her breast, his teeth grazing her ssitive skin. The pleasure was overwhelming, and she couldn't suppress the sounds of her ecstasy.

"Wang Li, please..." she moaned, her body arching into his touch. "Not so rough..."

But Wang Li was reltless. He picked her up, his strong arms lifting her effortlessly as he positioned her on the bed. With a swift thrust, he tered her, and Palace Mistress Jiu Lan cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure. He began to move inside her with a ferocity that left her breathless, each thrust sding waves of intse pleasure coursing through her body.

"You're mine, Jiu Lan," he growled, his lips brushing against her ear as he spoke. "I will use your body to its fullest."

She could only moan in response, her mind overwhelmed by the ssations. She had never expericed such immse pleasure before, and it felt as though she was losing herself to the ecstasy. Wang Li continued to thrust into her, his pace unrelting as he took her in every position imaginable.

Throughout the night, Wang Li showed no mercy. He used her body aggressively, pushing her to the brink of her durance. Each time they climaxed, it was more intse than the last, leaving them both panting and covered in sweat. Nearly fifte s passed, each one more passionate and wilder than the one before.

The tt was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking, their moans and cries echoing in the stillness of the night.

By dawn, they finally stopped, exhausted but satisfied. Wang Li held Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's sexy body close to him, his hands gtly stroking her skin as they lay together. Jiu Lan, though worn out, felt a strange sse of fulfillmt. She had never imagined that she would submit to Wang Li in such a way, but the pleasure he brought her was undiable.

As the first light of dawn filtered into the tt, Wang Li whispered in her ear, "You were incredible, Jiu Lan. I could do this with you forever."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan let out a soft sigh, her body still trembling from the night's activities. "Wang Li... I can't believe this happed," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

"It's only the beginning," he replied, his lips brushing against her forehead. "Rest now. You deserve it."

With that, they both drifted into a deep sleep, their bodies twined.

Wang Li and Palace Mistress Jiu Lan woke up after a few hours, their bodies intertwined. They cleansed themselves using their spiritual ergy, refreshing their bodies and clearing away the fatigue of the night. Once they were dressed, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan looked at Wang Li with curiosity.

"Wang Li, now that you've advanced to the Soul Integration Realm, I'm curious—what form has your Nasct Soul tak?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with interest. "As you know, the transformation is crucial for controlling one's elemtal attributes."

Wang Li smiled at her inquisitivess. "My Nasct Soul has transformed into a Yin-Yang symbol, but with a twist. Half of it is a dragon, and the other half is a phoix."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's eyes wided in shock. "A dragon and a phoix? Both divine spirits in one body?" She was astounded, recalling the legds. "It's said that individuals with the Dragon Spirit possess unparalleled strgth, and those with the Phoix Spirit have supreme control over fire and rebirth. To have both... It's unheard of!"

Wang Li nodded. "It hances my balance of Yin and Yang, making my control over spiritual ergy more precise and pott. I feel as though I can manipulate the elemts with ease."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan shook her head in amazemt. "The pottial you possess is truly extraordinary, Wang Li."

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