Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 174: Wang Li Breaks Through To The Soul Integration Realm

As the sun began to set, Wang Li spt the remainder of the day with Liu Xue. Her beautiful face lit up with joy as she introduced him to many of her junior sisters. Each one was as beautiful as Liu Xue, their youthful ergy and elegance captivating Wang Li.

"Wang Li, this is Fg Lianhua," Liu Xue introduced, gesturing to a tall, slder girl with delicate features.

"A pleasure to meet you, Fg Lianhua," Wang Li said, his voice smooth and charming.

Fg Lianhua blushed, her eyes bright with admiration. "The pleasure is mine, Elder Wang."

"And this is Xian Yu," Liu Xue continued, indicating a girl with a mischievous smile and sparkling eyes.

"Greetings, Xian Yu," Wang Li said, bowing slightly.

Xian Yu giggled, her cheeks tinged with pink. "I've heard so much about you, Elder Wang."

"And this is Lian Xing," Liu Xue added, presting a sere young woman with a calm demeanor and graceful poise.

"Lian Xing," Wang Li acknowledged with a nod. "It's an honor."

Lian Xing's eyes softed. "The honor is mine, Elder Wang."

Wang Li joyed his time with these junior sisters, subtly flirting with each one. Their reactions varied from shy giggles to bold glances, each of them delighted to be interacting with him. After all, Wang Li wasn't just an amazing healer or the honorary elder of the Jade Lotus Palace sect; he was also the Patriarch of the Wang Family.

His reputation as one of the youngest patriarchs rebuilding his family after its near destruction added to his allure.

As the eving approached, Wang Li excused himself and left the camp. He walked until he was a sufficit distance away, th stopped and looked up at the sky. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the landscape. He finally let go of the restraint on his cultivation, allowing his spiritual ergy to overflow in the tire area.

Immediately, dark clouds began to gather in the sky, swirling ominously. The air crackled with ergy, and Wang Li knew what was coming. His rect counter with Palace Mistress Jiu Lan had allowed him to absorb her vast virgin Yin Energy, facilitating his breakthrough from the peak of the Nasct Soul Realm to the Soul Integration Realm.

The dark clouds continued to amass, growing thicker and more turbult. This was the herald of Wang Li's Heavly Tribulation. Back at the camp, both Palace Mistress Jiu Lan of the Jade Lotus Palace sect and Palace Mistress Gao Ming of the Emerald Sea Palace sect ssed the powerful ergy. They exchanged worried glances, wondering which expert was going through this terrifying Heavly Tribulation.

"Who could it be?" Jiu Lan murmured, her brow furrowed in concern.

Gao Ming shook her head. "I don't know, but we must find out."

The dark clouds began to pulse with light, and suddly, a bolt of lightning struck down, the first of many trials. This was no ordinary tribulation; it was a mythical grade tribulation, known as the Divine Elemtal Tribulation. It tested not only Wang Li's body but also his willpower and spirit, with elemts of lightning, fire, water, earth, and wind.

Wang Li braced himself as the first bolt of lightning hit him. Pain seared through his body, but he gritted his teeth and dured. He knew that absorbing the power of this tribulation would strgth his physique tremdously. Each strike of lightning coursed through his veins, burning with an intsity that would have destroyed a lesser cultivator.

The next wave of the tribulation brought fire. Flames roared a him, scorching his skin and muscles. Wang Li focused his mind, drawing the ergy into himself, feeling his body grow stronger with each agonizing second. The fire was followed by a deluge of water, crashing down on him like a tidal wave.

He struggled to breathe, his lungs filling with water, but he pushed through, absorbing the water elemt into his core.

The earth elemt came next, the g shaking and splitting beath him. Stones and debris pelted his body, bruising and cutting him, but he stood firm, drawing strgth from the very earth that sought to break him. Finally, the wind howled, sharp and cutting, slicing through his skin like blades.

Wang Li's body was pushed to its limits, but he continued to absorb the elemtal ergy, feeling his physique grow stronger with each trial.

Back at the camp, Jiu Lan, Gao Ming, and many other beautiful elders from both the Jade Lotus Palace and the Emerald Sea Palace sects rushed to the site of the tribulation. Liu Xue, too, arrived with her master, her heart pounding with worry and pride.

As they reached the site, they saw Wang Li standing amidst the elemtal chaos, during the mythical grade Heavly Tribulation.

"It's Wang Li!" Jiu Lan gasped, her eyes wide with shock. Her face tighted with concern. Despite her newly submissive relationship with Wang Li, she couldn't dy the significance of this momt. If he succeeded, he would ascd to a level of cultivation equal to her own, rdering her powerless to resist him.

"He's breaking through to the Soul Integration Realm," Gao Ming said, her voice filled with awe. "At his age… it's incredible."

Liu Xue's eyes were fixed on Wang Li, a mixture of fear and pride in her gaze. "He'll succeed," she whispered, more to herself than anyone else. "He has to."

As the tribulation continued, Wang Li felt his body reach its limit. But he pushed beyond, drawing on every ounce of strgth and willpower he had. The elemtal forces battered him, each wave more intse than the last. Yet, with each trial, he absorbed more ergy, his body growing stronger and more resilit.

The final wave of the tribulation was the most intse. The elemts combined, creating a storm of unparalleled ferocity. Lightning, fire, water, earth, and wind all assaulted Wang Li at once. He roared in pain and defiance, his spirit burning with determination. He would not be defeated. He would rise above this challge and claim his rightful place in the Soul Integration Realm.

With a final, desperate effort, Wang Li absorbed the combined elemtal ergy. His body felt like it was being torn apart, but he held on, drawing the power into himself. The storm raged a him, but slowly, it began to subside. The dark clouds dispersed, the elemts calmed, and the air grew still.

Wang Li stood in the aftermath, his body trembling but whole. He had done it. He had dured the Divine Elemtal Tribulation and emerged stronger than ever. As the onlookers watched in awe, Wang Li felt a surge of power within him. He had brok through to the Soul Integration Realm, his pottial now truly limitless.

Jiu Lan approached him, her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and admiration. "You did it," she said softly. "You really did it."

Wang Li nodded, a weary smile on his face. "Yes, I did. And now, I'm stronger than ever."

Liu Xue rushed to his side, her eyes shining with pride and love. "Li, you're incredible!"

He took her hand, squeezing it gtly. "Thank you, Xue'er. I couldn't have done it without your support."

As the others gathered a, congratulating him on his achievemt, Wang Li felt a deep sse of satisfaction. He had not only survived the Heavly Tribulation but had also grown stronger, ready to face whatever challges lay ahead.

As Wang Li was led back to the combined camp, he could feel the eyes of the many beauties on him, each gaze filled with admiration and respect. The air was thick with excitemt and celebration as the news of his advancemt spread like wildfire. The tire combined camp, where the female members of the Emerald Sea Palace sect and the Jade Lotus Palace sect resided, was lit up with joy.

"Welcome back, Elder Wang!" several disciples greeted him, their voices filled with thusiasm.

"Thank you," Wang Li replied, his smile warm as he acknowledged their greetings.

Wang Li could see the reason for such a celebration. The Jade Lotus Palace sect, known for its exclusively female members, and the Emerald Sea Palace sect's female disciples and elders had gathered here, creating a sea of beauties.

As Wang Li made his way through the camp, he couldn't help but joy the sight of so many beautiful faces. The celebration was in full swing, with tables lad with food and drink. The disciples had already begun to celebrate, their laughter and chatter filling the air.

"To Elder Wang's breakthrough!" a voice called out, and a cheer rose from the crowd.

"To Elder Wang!" the disciples echoed, raising their cups in unison.

Wang Li raised his own cup, acknowledging their cheers with a nod before taking a sip. The alcohol was strong, warming him from the inside out. He watched as the disciples began to sing songs, their voices melodious and sweet.

"Let the dancing begin!" someone shouted, and a group of disciples took to the stage, their movemts graceful and fluid as they danced to the rhythm of the music.

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