Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 168: Discussion With Palace Mistress Gao Ming Of Emerald Sea Palace

As Wang Li settled under the blossoming tree with beautiful flowers, a tranquil haven amidst the bustling camp, he couldn't help but notice the curious glances darting his way. Feminine forms, clad in vibrantly colored robes that accentuated their graceful movements, kept flitting past, throwing him fleeting, but undeniably curious gazes.

It wasn't unusual for him to attract attention, but here, the intrigue felt amplified. After all, an honorary elder of the Jade Lotus Palace, an all-female sect with a strict no-men-allowed policy, was a fascinating anomaly. Whispers swirled around him like the gentle spring breeze –

"Who is he?"

"How did a man become an elder of the Jade Lotus Palace?"

"He must be incredibly powerful!"

The curiosity soon blossomed into action. A group of Emerald Sea Palace disciples, their faces adorned with youthful vibrancy and mischievous smiles, approached him. Their leader, a young woman with eyes like pools of molten gold, stopped before him, her voice brimming with barely suppressed excitement.

"Greetings, esteemed Elder Wang," she began, bowing politely. "My name is Chu Chuyan, and these are my fellow disciples. We couldn't help but notice you here. You see, it's rather unheard of for a man to be an honorary elder of the Jade Lotus Palace."

Wang Li chuckled, finding their wide-eyed wonder endearing. "Greetings, beautiful Chu Chuyan and fellow disciples," he replied, bowing in return. "Indeed, it is an unusual situation. But allow me to assure you, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan saw fit to bestow this honor upon me due to my actions, not my gender."

A chorus of gasps and hushed whispers filled the air. Chu Chuyan's eyes widened further. "Actions? But what kind of actions could possibly warrant such an honor from the Palace Mistress herself?"

Wang Li simply smiled enigmatically. He wasn't about to reveal the full extent of his involvement, especially not to a group of curious disciples. "Let's just say, our paths crossed during a recent encounter, and I may have been of some assistance."

His veiled explanation only fueled their curiosity. However, before they could delve deeper, another question bubbled to the surface.

"Are you truly the Patriarch of the Wang Family?" Another disciple, a girl with eyes the color of the summer sky, piped up. "We've heard rumors about the Three Peaks Alliance, of which the Wang Family is a part, alongside the Xia Family and the Song Family."

Wang Li's smile widened. "Indeed I am," he confirmed. "The Three Peaks Alliance strives for peace and prosperity within the surrounding territories."

"And at such a young age!" a third disciple exclaimed, her voice tinged with awe. "Managing an entire family, leading such a powerful alliance, how do you do it all?"

Wang Li shrugged nonchalantly. "It requires a strong spirit and the unwavering support of those around me. Besides, facing challenges is part of the thrill of cultivation, wouldn't you agree?"

Their faces lit up with a mixture of admiration and a tinge of self-consciousness. Cultivation, while a path of immense power, also demanded immense responsibility. Here was a young man not only leading a powerful family, but also holding a position of respect in a renowned all-female sect. He seemed like a living legend in their eyes.

Meanwhile, the male cultivators of both sects, previously unnoticed by Wang Li, were watching with a mixture of envy and frustration. Here he was, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women, a situation any man would envy. They couldn't help but mutter amongst themselves, their voices laced with bitterness.

"He's got all the luck!" one grumbled.

"How unfair, a young man getting to talk to all those beauties."

"And he's the Patriarch of a powerful family on top of that!"

However, their jealousy was ultimately powerless. After all, Wang Li had earned his position. He wasn't just some random man; he was a cultivator of exceptional talent and a man of action. The situation simply highlighted the stark contrast between blind jealousy and true admiration.

As the conversation with the Emerald Sea Palace disciples continued, Wang Li found himself enjoying their lively company. He answered their questions with patience and a hint of amusement, sharing tales of his adventures and experiences, albeit in a carefully curated version that wouldn't reveal any sensitive information.

The girls, in turn, regaled him with stories of their sect and the unique cultivation methods practiced within the Emerald Sea Palace.

The afternoon sun dipped lower in the horizon, casting long shadows across the camp. Just as Wang Li was about to inquire about the progress of Palace Mistress Gao Ming's deliberation, a figure emerged from the opulent pavilion where he had met the leader. A hush fell over the gathered crowd as a young woman with an air of quiet authority approached them.

This young woman announced, "Elder Wang, Palace Mistress Gao Ming requests your presence."

A collective gasp rippled through the group as the young woman, her name tag identifying her as Elder Yu Mei, turned and began walking back towards the pavilion. Wang Li rose with a polite smile, thanking the gathered disciples for their delightful company. Their wide-eyed gazes followed him as he followed Elder Yu Mei's graceful stride.

The walk back was a serene affair, the setting sun painting the sky in hues of orange and gold. Elder Yu Mei led him past meticulously maintained gardens overflowing with vibrant flora and shimmering ponds reflecting the breathtaking sunset. Finally, they arrived before the ornately decorated pavilion.

Wang Li took a deep breath, straightening his robes, before pushing open the silken curtains and entering.

The interior was dimly lit, with only the warm glow of an incense burner illuminating the space.

Palace Mistress Gao Ming sat perched on a cushioned platform, her back straight and radiating an aura of quiet authority.

Unlike the serene beauty he'd initially encountered, a sharper edge now gleamed in her golden eyes, framed by cascading waves of long, purple hair.

Her attire remained luxurious, a flowing gown of amethyst silk that accentuated her slender figure.

An air of hidden power clung to her, making her presence undeniably captivating.

Wang Li bowed respectfully. "Greetings again, Palace Mistress Gao Ming. Thank you for receiving me."

Her lips curved into a slight smile. "Please, Elder Wang, rise. I trust you found our Emerald Sea Palace to your liking?"

"Indeed," he replied, stepping back to his full height. "The beauty and serenity of your camp are truly awe-inspiring."

Wang Li then cuts to the chase. "I am eager to hear your response to Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's proposal, Palace Mistress."

Palace Mistress Gao Ming leaned back in her chair, her gaze thoughtful. "Before I answer," she began, "allow me to inquire about the current state of the Jade Lotus Palace. Your arrival and that letter paint a picture of a sect embroiled in recent battles. Are your disciples and elders well-rested and fit to fight?"

The concern in her voice was genuine. To have already battled against two devil sects, the Iron Hammer Sect and the White Bone Sect, was no small feat. These were notorious names within the desolate world, known for their brutal tactics and formidable leaders.

"Rest assured, Palace Mistress," Wang Li replied with confidence. "Both disciples and elders, including Palace Mistress Jiu Lan herself, have recovered fully from their recent encounters. They are more than prepared to face any upcoming conflicts."

Palace Mistress Gao Ming raised an eyebrow, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. While she knew the Jade Lotus Palace was the strongest among the righteous sects, she hadn't anticipated such swift recovery after such formidable battles. It spoke volumes of the Jade Lotus Palace's strength and resilience.

A moment of silence stretched between them, then she spoke again, a hint of determination hardening her voice. "I, Palace Mistress Gao Ming, and my elders are willing to accept Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's request for an alliance. We stand united against the threats posed by the Shadow Blade Sect and the Blood Chain Sect."

A satisfied smile spread across Wang Li's face. This was a significant step forward, a crucial piece of the puzzle falling into place.

"However," she continued, her voice laced with a hint of apprehension, "I am worried about the potential strain this might put on our relationship with the Azure Peak Sect. What compensation would the Jade Lotus Palace offer to alleviate their loss?"

Wang Li chuckled softly. "Palace Mistress, forming an alliance is entirely your choice. Palace Mistress Jiu Lan merely offered an opportunity for cooperation, not an ultimatum. Ultimately, the decision rests with you."

He leaned forward, his tone turning serious. "The Shadow Blade Sect and the Blood Chain Sect are notorious for their cruelty. We need to be prepared for anything. The combined strength of the Jade Lotus Palace sect and the Emerald Sea Palace sect will offer a far greater defense compared to your current alliance with the Azure Peak Sect."

Palace Mistress Gao Ming pondered his words, a thoughtful crease forming between her brows. Then, a small smile played on her lips. "Elder Wang, your suggestion is sound. However, there's another issue. Abandoning our male disciples entirely is not a decision I take lightly."

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