Goddess Wives x Eternal Dungeon

Chapter 158: Chapter 35: The Old Gods Are Coming Back...

The wound rapidly healed on my shoulder with a strange black aura and energy pulling my flesh back together. When the angels saw it, they quivered in fear momentarily, while the stronger ones looked even more ferocious.

"You monster!"

Qeldia looked frustrated as she swung her right wing, trying to slice my face with the sharp claws on the tip.

Twisting my hips, I stepped forward and grabbed her from behind, enjoying the feeling of an angel's ass; she suddenly began to tremble when my hand slid along her body, making it easier to have a chat with her.

"So... why are you attacking, in reality?"

"Get.... off me... you beast! Gah....help me.....master!" Her voice sounded weak, feminine, and nothing like the woman who slaughtered people just a moment ago; however, nobody came to help her and I began to enjoy teasing the angel more.

I had zero interest in her, but anything to make these fuckers cry and feel disgusting was fine to me right now after seeing all the dead...

"Hmmm... Angels attacking a planet that doesn't fight back and killing innocents... honestly, it sounds strange to me... so tell me the truth... or I'll rape you in front of everyone, and if you resist, I'll cut your breasts off, slowly with my sword."

"eeeeee!?" The so-called commander squealed as she felt my lower body against her ass; there was never an intention for me to do anything; after all, I have many lovely women, but a threat was enough to break this prideful angel the moment she spoke. I would stab through her chest and kill the rest of the flying birdmen in this place.

"Guh.... fine... Our god sent us here to prepare the planet Nelas for the arrival of our God... He plans to descend and create a paradise of purity... We angels are his servants, and he asked us to kill all impure beings or humans that inhabit this planet so that his holy paradise can flourish!!"

Elena whispered to me, "Master... this sounds fishy... Gods do not descend on planets anymore... also, Angels aren't so simpleminded; she must be hiding something or lying."

Well, of course, my dear Elena, this woman isn't even scared... the way she's moving her hips is to entice me into doing the act I threatened. It seems that angels are deadlier than they seem... I pondered while taking a blade from a fallen angel and stabbing it through her right thigh before kicking her into a stone wall.

Qeldia crashed into the stone with a loud bang... her beautiful face contorted in pain as her white dress was stained with silver blood and dirt.

Angels landed nearby; however, Elena and Ayr rose from my shadows and blocked the attacks before vanishing as I ordered the next moment while I walked forward and lifted the angel by her throat; the look of arrogance and seduction in her eyes vanished as her wings flapped, trying to escape... Like a bird with a broken wing, no longer selling her weak side, she kicked, screamed and punched out.

However, I pulled out the sword from her leg, causing her to scream in agony; however, I stabbed it through her stomach, causing another shrill screech of pain.

"I think I will torture you... angels are known for hating impurity, but what about a filthy orc child? Maybe a goblin or a mere human?" I grinned sadistically... Qeldia trembled before shouting, "You dare threaten an angel of God! You Beast!! Do your worst; I will endure until the Lord descends and erases your soul!

Filthy human scum!!"

Honestly, I wanted to laugh... "In the first place, do you see me as human even now?" My sharp fangs shimmered in the light as I tore at her throat, pulling flesh and her nasty blood, before spitting it onto the floor with a disgusted look, "Ah... this blood is nasty.."

Qeldia looked shocked... Elena and Ayr stood behind me as I tossed the angel into a building... walking towards it slowly, I picked up a nearby half-dead male angel, who was injured and begging for my forgiveness, dragging him towards the terrified angel, who finally realised her life was in danger and began to plead and beg for me to release her...

"P-please... don't harm me! I will submit and do anything... even serve you as your slave!!"

However, I simply dropped the male angel near Qeldia...

"Violate her, and I will let you live." My voice was cold and ruthless; Qeldia looked horrified... trembling as her eyes watched the male angel climb on top of her and rip away her dress before beginning to get excited by her in front of many adventurers and birdmen who were watching from afar...

"No...Stop...! Ezekial!!" Qeldia pleaded as the male seemed to ignore her, slapping her face as he mounted her.

"What are you saying? Qeldia is always acting too prim and proper, rejecting our advances and claiming to be pure for the lord when we all know you're fucking all the high-tier angels to stay in that role!" Ezekial mocked Qeldia as she cried...

I leaned against the door frame, watching as the male angel was about to violate Qeldia... her screams became quieter as she pleaded for help me with her eyes. It was a strange feeling that even the angels who claimed to be holy and special were just as disgusting as humans...

Stepping forward, I never intended to let something like this happen, my hand holding Qeldia's sword sliced the male in half.... his silver blood bathed the half-naked body of Qeldia, who trembled, whimpered and continuously said: "It's not true... like a broken record."

Something isn't right...

This thought in the back of my mind repeatedly screamed, how could the ones responsible for the brutal attack on this planet... be so weak-willed?

Why did it feel these were just the pawns, and the real enemy was already gone, hiding in the dark or preparing their text attack...

However, I had no choice but to continue forward; otherwise, Lumia and Flora would suffer more... stepping forward, I grabbed Qeldia's wings, ripping them from her back, causing her to shriek in agony as she sobbed and begged, on her hands and knees...

"Don't take my wings... please... Argh... I beg you... I'll be your bitch... your slave....

anything... my wings are everything.... without them, how can I find salvation or survive!!!"

Qeldia pleaded... Elena chuckled playfully, "Master, angels rely on their wings; it is the source of their power; without them, they lose almost all strength... Also, this bitch is lying through her teeth, so I suggest cutting more limbs."

Elena became so violent after becoming a true siren when she lost her virginity, but he wasn't doing this as some kind of torture... the whispers from both his divine blood and the yoma blood from the abyss said those wings were the cause...

They were strange... something was wrong... destroy them!

And until this moment, those two bloodlines were constantly fighting; suddenly, they both worked together and turned against a common thing. I couldn't ignore that!

One by one, I began to tear off her six wings... each time I removed one, there was a strange feeling... Like it was connected to a huge cable in the sky... before ripping the wing apart, I felt something watching me, observing me and becoming angered by my actions... "Ah... Qeldia might have truly been this guy's favourite..

did I just make him a cuckold somehow...?"

I asked because the feelings that started to transmit as I pulled each wing out were jealousy, frustration, anger, hatred and enjoyment... honestly, I didn't understand if this god liked watching Qeldia raped and tortured or if he enjoyed my actions...

Finally, the last wing came out, and I tossed it to the ground as Qeldia collapsed... Her body was trembling, and her back stopped bleeding silver... but there was blue blood... it was rather beautiful, like sapphire blue.

The angels attacking had long since fled... and it seemed the way to crush them was their leaders or commanders.

"Ayr, can you clean her up and take her to mine and Flora's second castle dungeon, tying her up, but don't let anyone else touch her or abuse her? Especially males, it seems that triggers an adverse reaction..."

That existence didn't seem to mind me torturing her... but the moment that angel touched her, there was a sensation of danger on the back of my neck... that being was messed up in the head.

Looking around, I saw the ruins of a beautiful world... so short a time, and the angels had crushed this world so easily... I didn't understand how they did it... before the girls started to arrive, only to find most of the action over...

"Elena, can you sing a song to calm and soothe the souls of those people over there, the ones injured and filled with pain from losing loved ones? Thank you." Elena nodded; her figure seemed to vanish as I began to walk towards Lumia and Flora, who hugged me tightly... Haruka and Elizabeth also arrived with worried faces...

Lumia and Flora were pale... hugging me tightly as they cried... Lumia finally spoke, "Rai... thank you for destroying those angels... my father is hanging outside the castle, but they won't let us enter..."

"Mmmm?" I looked to the front gates and realised some angels remained inside the throne... but they were like Qeldia, commander class or higher... It seemed that existence left them as a messenger to contact someone... Probably me, right?"

Flora was trembling... Lumia hugged her tightly... I walked forward and lifted Flora into my arms; however, Lumia hugged my other arm. Her eyes were so fragile... like blue glass ready to break. I carried them both to the gates...

I hoped that maybe their fathers were not dead but... alive.

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