Goddess Wives x Eternal Dungeon

Chapter 157: Chapter 34: First Contact With Birdmen!

After spending time with Haruka, it was like my entire body had been reborn... sometimes I would get lethargic in the past, and it would be fixed when interacting with Elizabeth, so maybe this is just the same thing but with stagnant Yoma?

Not sure, my hand stroked the bare buttocks of Haruka, who slept beside me, now a complete mess along with the room.

Eternia looked angry, and the others went to the dungeon... Let's not waste any more time.

Leaning back, I took a few of the spare adventuring tunic and pants. Since I began to earn so much money, I would buy a few each time I went to the store since they were high quality and great underclothes.

"Haru. I am going to the dungeon, so please take care of the house and rest well."

"Mmmm...." Her little grunt as she watched me with half-dead eyes was the best, stroking her cheeks again as I teleported into the dungeon in a great moon.

Through the twisting blue portal that connected the dungeon with Earth, I appeared in the familiar place with the smell of sweaty adventurers and monster flesh being cooked in the local cafe... taking a breath, I began walking towards the central store, seeing if there were any cool items and if Celestia was here.

Sadly, the items were horrible, and there was no sign of Celestia. Instead, there was a muscular beastman behind the counter; he glanced towards me lazily, "Kid, Celestia ain't here today, so don't bother waiting; she will be back tomorrow."

Interestingly, the man was a cat-type beast... and for some reason, he felt like the fat cat from previous levels... I wanted to go to lower levels to see if he was still in the miniature form...

But Elena and Ayr came out from my shadows, or rather from the hotel, with refreshed faces when I arrived and hid inside them... Elena was changed, so erotic and sensual, but her eyes never left my body... even when Ayr spoke to her, she was looking at my face.

Ayr noticed my curious gaze... and pouted. "Hmph... the brute who fucks his innocent summon but ignores the woman who wishes to become his mate!" Elena just chuckled and slithered closer to me with her lamia lower body.

She wrapped around me and kissed my cheek before sinking into my shadow again. "I guess we are going to fight?" Ayr questioned me seriously, but Elena's words were seductive, "Yes, Master~ let us fight monsters and hunt treasure! Then ravage me in the hotel again; I enjoyed how you expanded my soft lamia pussy and filled me to the brim!"

Ignoring the lewd lamia, I shrugged and walked towards the planet teleportation device, taking out three gold to pay the travel fee as I selected the planet Nelas... however, before I touched the button, Ayr stopped me...

"Master, I should go first; Nelas is dangerous for humans right now... I can at least avoid any attacks if they are waiting." Ayr spoke seriously... Elena poked her head from my shadow and nodded, "Master, Ayr is correct... I can protect you, but Nelas is filled with angelic knights who may attack humans due to recent events."

It seemed information had travelled quickly due to the fleeing royalty and people of Neras, but I didn't want to put Ayr in danger, so I gently stroked her silky black fur and smiled, "Don't worry about it... I will go first. If something happened to either of you, I don't know if I could take it."

I activated the teleport... Ayr shouted my name, but it was too late as the device activated... Elena sighed, "Master is so stubborn; it is both good and bad." Ayr growled, annoyed I ignored her... but her tail was wagging, and her lips curled into a smile as the purple portals began to swallow us whole.

Teleporting to Nelas... I appeared in the familiar docking area... there were many injured men and women, some in armour and others wearing common clothing, but the moment I arrived, there was a sudden commotion.

"I heard the kinds remains hung from outside the palace!"

"No... they are holding him hostage, so the princesses all come and become their prisoners."

"These dirty bastards... killed my best friend, Keith."

A male with four wings and holding a spear was acting arrogantly; his body was encased in a golden light as he shouted down to the people who were wounded, "You disgusting beasts and impure creatures dare to beg me for aid!? Forgiveness? Why should the divine angels of the lord help such pathetic existences!?"

His words angered me... walking forward, Elena whispered to me, "Master, be careful... these angels are strong... they are using holy mana; it is not effective on you, but Ayr and I might die if attacked directly."

I understood her warning... "both of you are forbidden from leaving my shadow. That's an order." I continued approaching the arrogant bastard, who saw me coming, his eyes glowing brightly before pointing his spear at me, "Human, leave Guha!?"

There was no need for mercy; I had listened to the crying voices of Lumina and Flora... seeing how devastated they were, it was obvious that those girls planned to make a resistance of many adventurers to fight...

I am not suited to group battles. Thus, I would kill as many angels as possible while they gather...

To make a path for them to reach the castle.

So, I thrust my hand through the chest of the winged male, and its skin was thin and weak, nothing so special about it as my hand grasped his heart. The face of the bastard looked amusing, writing in agony and looking at me with a mixture of anger and pure terror before I crushed his heart, getting silver blood all over my hand. "Hmmm...

silver blood is kind of nasty looking," I muttered as more angels approached rapidly.

"Filthy human... you dare kill Brother Michael!?" Their voices sounded arrogant... Elena whispered to me, "Master, those are stronger angels. Their wings are more pristine and sharper, weaker than the high-tier angels, but their bodies are far tougher; they seem to specialise in physical damage and holy magic."

I nodded lightly... charging forwards, dodging the spears and swords before punching the faces of two angels; their bodies shattered like glass, bleeding silver blood as their bones crunched and snapped like twigs.

I grasped one of them, his body squirming on the ground. Honestly, there wasn't much anger in my heart, apart from the fact they upset my beloved woman, and there was no serious damage... but I wanted to torture them for some reason, as I stepped on his back and tore out his wings...

"M-Monster....!" A birdman shouted... before fleeing.

"Quick... call for mistress Qeldia!" Another shouted before fleeing...

Qeldia...? Who was that? I thought angels worked for God or some similar nonsense. However, Elena informed me, "Master... Qeldia is the female commander of these angels... from the whispers of people around, she seems to be the one who chose to hunt your two lovers this way...

torturing the duke and king. I doubt she's a good apple.

"It's a shame there are no orcs here... Or I could feed them some aphrodisiacs and toss her broken body to them... shame."

Elena giggled playfully, but I rolled my eyes... tossing the angel corpse into my shadow before walking towards the centre of town... many birdmen were attacking the humans, hobbits and elves who were desperately running around, some injured and others gathering weapons and supplies while trying to escape...

"Why did they attack the innocent?" I wondered.

Elena explained calmly, "Master, angels view anyone different or impure as lesser beings; they believe the God they serve is the supreme existence... and humans are the most sinful race in this galaxy, so they hate humans and races related to them...

Even though humans are weak compared to other races... they believe God has chosen humans as his champions, so they fear them and wish to eradicate them... It is hypocritical logic, but angels are very arrogant beings."

Honestly, angels sounded annoying... but they were strong enemies... Elena informed me that celestial and holy magic would damage my body greatly, especially if I were struck directly... So, I decided to avoid attacks and destroy the enemy physically instead of allowing them to use magic.

It worked at first... slaughtering these peons and guys with one pair of wings was easy, but the fight began to change as if the angels had contacted each other about my existence... staying in the air and launching their spears of brilliant light at me, while others used wind magic to push me back...

One angel flew towards me, screaming; however, I twisted my hip, sending a vicious kick towards his crotch...

Elena chuckled playfully, "Master, kicking their cocks works well, hahaha." Before his entire body split apart in a bloody mess from his crotch... it was quite amusing, but then a loud female voice sounded from the void.... and a presence that seemed powerful vibrated close by.

"Who dares kill angels under my command!?"

I turned to see a female with six wings... her skin white like snow, with hair that flowed like clouds... however, there was a strange aura to her body, making my yoma surge violently as Elena hissed angrily, "Master... this bitch is using high-level celestial magic... I suggest avoiding direct contact or escaping."

It seems Elena recognised the danger of this angel... and from the appearance, she was Qeldia, the leader of these angels, her sword of bright light glowed as she charged towards me... dodging to the side, I grabbed the wings of a random angel and used them as a shield from her blade.

"You useless trash!" She growled, letting her blade slice the female angel in half to slash my shoulder... a woman who cared nothing for her troops if it killed the enemy!

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