Ghost of Culture

24 True Nature Of The System

And before I did anything stupid or similar, I check out the Quest Book that is available.

Good thing that it isn't a physical book because that would suck so much. It is just an interface for me to interact with the awesome power of my mind or just my plain old ghostly hands, whichever I prefer and comfortable with.

I use my hands because they have lost much of their meanings in the last few days.

Their job has been taken over by a gullible teenage daughter of mine.

My daughter is just better at pumping out my baby batter than my hands. And it is a lot more enjoyable too with her hot and wet mouth. Hah!

Just half an hour to go before I will have Mary suck out another creamy load from my cock and balls.

It is basically her afterschool job now. I mean outside of school job.

I did fuck her face in the morning and give her a steamy cosmetic.

I wonder how she do with the mission I sort of give her?

Getting those lovely teenagers to kneel in front of me as I blast their innocent faces with my hot loads is just too awesome to pass.

I think I am having a ghostly boner.

Damn it. Concentrate, Ghostly. Concentrate!

Study now. Sexy time later.

There is quite a bit of information to read through in the Quest Book, and while I am doing that, I guess Richard can continues ogling at that bitch, Jessica. All while setting up an account for her son.

Yes. That guy sitting next to her is her son.

How did I know that without possessing either of them and absorbing their memories?

'Is this fucker checking out my mum?'

Her son questions in his mind. I can see his thoughts as well as his mother's thoughts.

They are within the bubbles hovering above their head.

Richard is unable to see them, unfortunately. If he did, he would stop paying attention to the slut of a mother and more to the job at hand.

Jessica is setting an account for her son, who is entering college next year.

It is like a college fund, I guess. Must be nice since I never had one.

Anyway. The mumble jumble financial stuff really has nothing to do with me.

While I do have Richard's experience and expertise in the area thanks to my possession of him, I have no love for the profession like him.

It is merely a mean to an end for me.

And yes, I do realize that without putting any points into my Wisdom, I will gradually become jack of all trades the more people I possess.

So, diversity for the win?

Maybe I just possess some lucky well-hung black dude with a huge cock to bitch-slap Jessica with?

I am sure she would totally love that, considering she hasn't changed at all since high school.

Jessica still wearing the same slutty clothing as usual.

And once you go black, you aren't going back.


I mean Hah!

Honestly, I prefer that it is my actual original body sticking it to her.

It would be so much more sweeter when she knows someone she disses and bullies back in high school is railing her ass and pussy before in front of her son and husband.

But unfortunately, my original body is just a skeleton now.

And while it is hilarious to walk around as a skeleton, scaring the shit out of everyone, it won't actually get any girl to jump my bones. I mean normal girl.

There are just some crazy people out there in the world who would love to bone a skeleton.

Someone like Albedo for example.

Aright. Enough with the skull jokes.

But I really need to find a permanent meat bag of my own. Maybe I will take a trip to a morgue to find someone young and rich.

Someone like a young master?


I mean booboobooboobs!

Actually, that would be awesome. Really awesome!

I will totally be a younger master, fucking all those pearly-white and jaded skin bitches. Hah!

The System rings out in my mind.


[New Mission Available (Rebirth of a Wild Young Master). A young master has just been unjustly killed for showing off his prideful arrogance to someone blessed with a cheat. It is up to you to balance the sheet and show his killer the error of his ways. Claims everything that belongs to the Reincarnated MC and you will be greatly rewarded. This mission can be taken as many times as you like.]

[Error. Mission (Rebirth of a Wild Young Master) cannot be taken until certain conditions are met. You are not allowed to leave this universe.]

Did the System just give me a new quest? Yes. It did!

There are now two quests available in the Quest book.

Never Too Late for Sweet Revenge and Rebirth of a Wild Young Master.

Why though? Is it because I want to possess a young master that exists within those Chinese books?

It didn't feel like a coincidence.

I think I need to full test this.

But how? Thinking about wanting to bang someone didn't seem to work or I would have a bunch of missions in regard to my daughter.

Hey System. Can I assign my own quests or missions?

[This information requires your remaining SP.]

Fine. Take my only SP left. It isn't doing anything sitting there anyway.

So, can I assign my own quests or missions like that guy in Hollywood Delight?

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[No. Quests and Missions are always given to you by others.]

Wait. What? Others? Who? I thought they are given by you since you're the System.

[You have insufficient SP to pay for this information. Please earn more SP.]

Ah fuck! Alright. Fine. I will figure out this myself.

But after about 5 minutes, I have nothing.

That said, I do know that it has something to do with my desire. Maybe lust.

The Greater Maker is the Primordial Sin of Lust after all.

And I do get rewarded for spreading my culture to the world.

I will definitely do that since the world are full of hot and sexy people, especially movie stars.

[New Mission Available (The Making of a Star). The sky is truly full of stars. It is time for them to truly shine and descend upon the world. Help them find their true calling in the world and great happiness for serving a far greater cause. Make sure they give back what the people have given them so much and you will be greatly rewarded. This mission can be taken as many times for the sky is full of stars.]

What the fuck?

Alright. I will do that since it is already on my list of things to do, but seriously, who the hell is watching me? It is not you guys, is it?

Let me have a test.

I want to fucking bang Hermione Granger and make her squeal like a little slut she is in front of all her friends at Hogwarts.

[Error. You are only allowed to have 3 missions available. Complete them before any new mission can be added to your list. Increasing your level will also allows you to take on more missions.]

Awesome. This is fucking awesome.

I should complete one of the missions as soon as possible. I

I check the first mission (Never Too Late for Sweet Revenge) since it seems like the easiest to do, considering that Jessica and her asshole of a son is already here.

Yes. Her son is an asshole. He is just like one those guys who beat me up and left me for dead. I couldn't point them out since I was jumped and blindfolded on my way home.

But I recognize their voice. Derrick is one of them. He was Jessica's cock toy. Brian is another. That ass kicks me in the balls. I swear it is him.

Anyway, from the description, the mission requires me to teach Jessica her real place in the world.

That is on her knees with her huge racks out while choking on my cock.

I will certainly have her do that, especially when she is still pretty hot even for a mummy. Just kidding, she is fucking hot. A sort of mummy that her son loves to fuck.

It is pretty obvious from his thought bubble.

And is it too devious to make him fuck his mum for real?

It can't be more devious than having Richard fucks his daughter.

Hey. If I don't make them, who will?


And besides, doing something that twisted will give me a lot more bonus points. The more points that earn during the mission, the greater the rewards at the completion.

The system has told me so.

It is part of the achievements.

[Each quest has its own rewards. The greater the points you earned, the greater the rewards. You have a full 24hrs to complete the mission and gather as much points as possible. It is possible to extend the time limit by using the points available.]

And since the System doesn't actually give me the mission, I am sure those guys in Zenith would really love, um, for me to make her son and husband eats my spunk out of her well-pounded pussy.

[New Achievement (It is Called Cleaning Mummy Out) has been added to mission (Never Too Late for Sweet Revenge). Please refer to the mission in the Quest Book for more information.]

[New Achievement (Take One to Know One) has been added to the mission (Never Too Late for Sweet Revenge). Please refer to the mission in the Quest Book for more information.]

[New Achievement (Revenge of the Nerds) has been added to the mission (Never Too Late for Sweet Revenge). Please refer to the mission in the Quest Book for more information.]

[Error. Maximum of three custom achievements are allowed per mission. Please complete more mission for more custom achievement slots.]

Hah! I knew it. If fucking knew it.


[Warning. Custom achievements are compulsory. Failing custom achievements, you will be penalized the rewarded amount. For example, the achievement (Take One to Know One) for mission (Never Too Late for Sweet Revenge) will reward you 200SP but will penalize you for 200SP if you fail to accomplish it.]

Oh. Fuck me.

Wait. What did the System say about Take One to Know One?

What does it actually require me to do?

I immediate check the Quest Book.

Oh. Fuck me sideways!

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