Ghost of Culture

25 Preparation For Penetration

Even so, the rewards for completing these custom achievements are quite generous.

They are more generous than normal achievements that get tabulated by the System after my time is over. I mean my possession time. I still have like 23 hours on the clock to fuck my daughter.

Plenty of time.

But honestly, 500SP for basically eating out her pussy and swallowing any juices after she get creamed from me or anyone else? Hell yeah!

Fuck no.

That is fucking disgusting. I am not about to eat my own cum, at least not for that shitty amount. Give me a billion points and we will talk.

[Error. Maximum of three custom achievements are allowed per mission]

Eh? Wait. I am joking. I am not doing it for any amount of points.

How is that spreading culture!?


Seriously, I am not deviant enough of a ghost to do such a thing. Her son might though, whether he is going to like it or not. This is because the other two customer achievements available basically tell me to bully her son into a submissive son of a bitch.

That is easier said than done because her son is a fucking jock. He could break me in half with little to no effort.

Oh wait. I am still thinking like I am a teenager back when I was still in high school and getting thrashed around by assholes and bitches with dicks up their asses.

I should be thinking like a fucking ghost. A vengeful ghost.

Honestly, I can possess anyone I am damn well pleased, including the steroid-addicted football captain at school to beat the living shit out of anyone.

It is not the meek that shall inherit the earth. It is me! I shall in inherit the earth and all that live on it.


Spooky ghostbuster theme song right here please. Wait. Did I say spooky? I mean awesome. Just too awesome.

Unfortunately, I cannot take on the mission yet since I don't have any SP left to possess anyone, and I am not really in a hurry to do that either.

This is because I know where Jessica and her son live. It wouldn't be too much of a trouble to drop by their house as Richard and fuck the shit up under the guise of talking about their account. I could really do that.

Besides, taking on the mission now would mean I will be waste 23 hours of fun time with my daughter, who is way more lovely than this bitch Jessica.

Wait your turn, bitch. You will be groveling at my feet soon enough. Your son and husband too.


And even after more than 20 years, Jessica is still giving me problems. She holds me up at work since I need to finish setting up the account for her with our firm, preventing me from picking up my lovely daughter on time.

Jessica insists on it, and I don't want her to file a complaint about me. I am trying to get that promotion now that I am starting to use my brain.

By me, I mean Richard, obviously. Those 4 additional points in Intelligence is problem the best gif that he has ever received. It makes him smarter. Well. Not smarter since Intelligence doesn't do that.

The only reason that Jessica is my client much to her displeasure is because the other guys have gone home for the day. It couldn't be help since she drops by the company near closing hours. I was about to head home, but Richard thinks with his dick then, considering Jessica is hot.

"There, you go, Mrs. Stone. Your son now has an account with us. We will compile a report for you by next week, and I will give you advice on what to do from there."

Richard speaks up with a smile. His eyes barely able to remove themselves from the visible part of her huge cleavage.

"It is about time, and I don't think I need your advice on my financial matters. I just need you to make a report for me. Let's go, sweetheart. Mummy have places she needs to be."

Jessica responses and get off the seat. She shakes her body a little to straighten out that tight dress of her before heading out of the door without bother to say goodbye.

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Her son follows her after casting an annoyed glance at me.

'Later dipshit.'

That is on his mind.

Once they are gone, Richard exhales a deep breath before turning off his computer and packing up his things. He wasted half an hour on someone who didn't think anything of him. He is more than certain that once he compiles the financial report for her, she would find a different agent to give her advice.

His report is always highly detailed and easy to read, at least when he has the time to do so. He always prioritizes others before himself, thus leaving his own work in shamble.

Good thing that will not happen anymore.

Richard looks at the pile of paper that Slut gives him before pursing his lips. He then takes it with him to the car, making me facepalm inside the mindscape.

I swear if I don't do anything about that, Richard will actually try to do it at home, wasting value time.

Time that he could be making love to his daughter.

Oh wait. Why am thinking too much about this?

It isn't like I am going to let him work on it when I am balls deep in my daughter. Hah!

I didn't take back control of the body yet since it is still a long drive to the all-girl school to pick up my daughter. The first time around, I waste a lot of time doing pointless shit like driving to work and home when I don't have to.

On the way to pick up Mary, Richard drops by a pharmacist.

At least Richard remembers to pick up some birth control pills since I have made mental note last time I am in control. It is similar to subliminal messages.

Obviously, Richard has no idea why he needs to get birth control pills for Mary, only that he needs to. He didn't think that he would actually fuck her no matter how much he thinks about it. He will totally fuck her on his own will once I am done with him.

"Um I need some pills for, you know."

Richard mumbles at the counter, making me chuckle. He has never done such a thing. In fact, it is kind of a sin to use medication or remedy since he is a Catholic.

Actually, it is more to do with Bitch as a hardcore religious nut.

"You have to be more specific than that, sir. Are you having the flu? Your face is all red and sweaty."

The woman looks puzzling at as well, so I decide to step in. It is good use of my time anyway.

"Ahem. I need some birth control pills for my daughter. She will be having a lot of sex soon, like all the time, and as a father, I don't really want her to get pregnant. What do you recommend? I don't want ones that cause severe side effect. Although, constipation is good."

The woman, whose name is Susan blinks at the change in demeanor. I am a lot more confidence than Richard himself. It is probably because I really don't care about the consequences.

Well. I do care a little bit since I didn't straight out say something like this: "I will be fucking my teenage daughter and dumping a lot of cum into her pussy, and as much as I want her to carry my baby, I think her mother will skin me alive, so give me drugs."

The look on Susan's face would be priceless. It will be the same expression on Richard when the cops drop by the house to have a little chat about Mary. Heh.

Anyway, Susan is a bit confused to why I want one that cause constipation, but that is for me to know and for her to find out, hopefully not. She recommends some effective ones with little chance of side effect.

"Cool. Out of curiosity, is there a drug that cause constipation?"

I question, and she thought I was crazy. There are drugs that relieve constipation, so there obviously one that cause it, but I don't think I can buy such a thing at the pharmacy or chemist.


I guess I will drop by some questionable Chinese or Japanese shops for this or I could read up on what foods cause constipation. The latter is actually less dangerous. Alright. Let's go with that.

After picking up the birth control pills, I return the control to Richard. He immediately heads to the car and check the paper bag containing the stuff we have just brought before sweating profusely.

It takes a moment for him to start the car and continue towards school. When he is there, I take over again to greet my lovely daughter.

She is waiting outside the school gate, and she is not alone. She isn't with her friends since they have already gone home as I am somewhat late.

"No. Leave me alone. I am waiting for my daddy."

Mary calls out as the group of boys are trying to talk to her. The security guard notices it, but he didn't want to interfere due to the fear of being beaten up. These guys have been seen loitering around the school frequently in the past few weeks, trying to pick up girls.

It is probably really easy since they are gullible. I mean the students are the all-girl school.

"Geeze. You Catholic hoes are all the same. Stop being a tightass and give us a kiss. Just a kiss."

One of the boys grabs her by the shoulders and plants a kiss on her face, mashing her lips and cheek.

Rage boiling in me at that moment and I immediately leap out of the car, but before I reach them, my daughter kneed him in the balls, forcing him to his knees. He screams out in pain as his friends quickly back away.

"Hey bastards, what are the hell are you doing with my daughter!?"

I shout and putting up the meanest face I can muster, causing them all to immediately bolted.

To be honest, if a fight broke out, I will get my ass kicked. Yeah. But even so, at least I stand up for my daughter. The old me wouldn't out of fear or some stupid reasons.

But maybe I need to put some more points into Strength just in case. Yeah. I should do that.


My daughter calls out and hugs me tightly. She is scared.

"It's okay, sweetie. Daddy is here. Let's go before they come back."

We both hurry to the car, and I quickly drive away from the school in haste.

I swear that the school need better security guard. That old guy in no way can protect anyone.

"You are not hurt anywhere, are you, sweetie?"

I ask, and my daughter shakes her head as a response.

"No, daddy. I'm not hurt. Um. Daddy, what is a tightass?"

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